The Lethbridge Herald's site is down again...seems to be having intermittent trouble the mean-time, until they have their site up again, here is the text for my initial letter & then my response to the University of Lethbridge Chemistry Professor's hit-piece:
Vaccine Infowar In Alberta, Canada
Hits Mainstream Press
The following Letter To The Editor by a resident of Manti, appeared in the Lethbridge Herald November 14th, 2009. The Lethbridge Herald is a daily newspaper that is distributed to all the towns in Southern Alberta, including Cardston -- as well as in the City of Lethbridge.
Parents Need To Be Informed About Vaccine Content
Recently, I was disturbed to read a report, written by Rene Leiva, MD, entitled, “A Brief History of Human Diploid Cell Strains”. The report was copywrited in 2006 by the The National Catholic Bioethics Center; and appeared in the journal, The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, autumn, 2006.
The paper is a seven-page-report that documents how for 35-plus years now, aborted, human fetal tissue has been an integral component in many of our current day vaccines.
In fact an examination of the CDC’s own website, under the vaccine ingredient section, discloses Human Diploid Cells (aborted human fetal tissue) as an ingredient…along with a host of substances known to be highly toxic to the human body, such as formaldehyde, formalin, ammonium, aluminum…and many others.
Recently, I was also disturbed to read a report, written by a very well known, respected investigative journalist…who also happens to have a law degree (“Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity”, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. …very carefully sourced…and published in both Rolling Stone and Salon). The report cited transcripts obtained through the Freedom of Information Act – about a secret meeting that took place in June of 2000, at an isolated location; a retreat center called the Simpsonwood Conference Center, in Norcross Georgia. The meeting was convened by government officials of the CDC (Center For Disease Control); and included representatives of every major manufacturer, within the multi-billion-dollar vaccine industry.
Those transcripts of the meeting, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act reveal something very disturbing: The topic of discussion was about how they knew the vaccines were harming millions of children…and steps they should take to keep that information from the public.
Sadly, it seems to me – information disclosed to the public about vaccinations is more often than not, information that has been carefully screened and sculpted by those who stand to profit, often to the tune of billions of dollars – by perpetuating certain public beliefs.
It is my belief that parents and grandparents should exercise their right to inform themselves through sources independent from those that stand to profit by their choices – so that they might truly make informed decisions.
For documentation of the above facts and to learn more, Google the phrase,
Infowars: They Want To Inject My Kid With What?
Dave Conrad
Manti, Utah
(formerly of Warner, Alberta) ... 14455/150/
Subsequent to the appearance of that letter, a letter of refutation was printed in the Lethbridge Herald, which was authored by Dr. Peter W. Dibble, Professor of Chemistry, University of Lethbridge.
See the following link for Professor Dibble's letter: ... 17609/150/
Here follows, the Manti resident's response:
Ingesting Is Different Than Injecting
In his November 20th letter, Professor Dibble demonstrates that a PHD in chemistry does not necessarily translate to a sound understanding of neurophysiology.
His refutation of my November 14th letter makes the authoritative sounding statement that he would have to eat half a kilogram of aluminum phosphate, in order for it to kill him.
That statement is akin to the sound bite which Big Pharma has put out to quell concerns regarding mercury in vaccines – which is, “For heaven’s sake, you get more mercury from eating a tuna fish sandwich, than you do from a vaccine.”
In the real world of physiology, however – there is a profound difference between ingesting a substance, wherein most of it passes through the digestive tract and is eliminated from your system – and having that same substance injected directly into the body, bypassing the digestive system, having direct access into the blood stream via capillary uptake, and access to neurological tissue in the brain through penetration of the blood-brain barrier.
The professor attempts to minimize the other primary sources of documentation cited, which includes testimony from several credible medical doctors, scientists and others, by referring only to the Rolling Stone/Salon article – which I concur, certainly is not a scientific/medical publication.
In reality however, the significance of the Rolling Stone/Salon article authored by Robert F Kennedy Jr., is this: those are enormous publications read by millions of people around the globe; and they understand full well the implications of a potential multi-billion dollar slander/libel law suit. They also understand that no slander/libel can be found if the material is indeed true, and can be proven to be true in a court of law. With that in mind, they proceeded (in that article) with publishing material extremely damning to one of the most powerful industries in the world – the multi-billion-dollar vaccine industry. The article cites irrefutable proof (transcripts obtained through the Freedom of Information Act) that a secret meeting occurred between the CDC and the Vaccine Industry; and that the purpose of the meeting was that they KNEW that vaccines were causing irreparable harm to millions of children around the world…and what they could do to keep that information from the public.
Again for documentation of the above facts, and many others…Google the phrase,
Infowars: They Want To Inject My Kid With What?
Dave Conrad
Manti, Utah
(Formerly of Warner, Alberta) ... 20485/150/