The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Original_Intent »

Reluctant Watchman wrote: May 14th, 2024, 4:26 am This new video series has been fun to kick off. I've spent the last week diving into the doctrine and gospel principles of the Book of Mormon and comparing them to the teachings of the LDS church.
Good job.
I have taken a little Sabbatical on my own video projects, I don't have a corpus of essays to work from like you do :). I am thinking that may be my next project to just write. You've done some impressive work and I enjoy your videos a lot.

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Original_Intent wrote: May 14th, 2024, 7:23 am Good job.
I have taken a little Sabbatical on my own video projects, I don't have a corpus of essays to work from like you do :). I am thinking that may be my next project to just write. You've done some impressive work and I enjoy your videos a lot.
Thanks. I honestly wish I could have these types of in-depth gospel conversations with many in my family, but people have to be hungry or have a desire, or have questions before any of this will matter. When you've been conditioned your entire life to follow a certain path, it's really hard to take the road less traveled.

Good luck with your future musings and writings!

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

And here's part 2:

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Here's a wonderful quote I found as part of my research for Part 3 of the BoM vs. the LDS church. Point #8 of my essay focuses on how we receive a testimony and what has become of the LDS testimony meetings:

“If a lie is only printed often enough, it becomes a quasi-truth, and if such a truth is repeated often enough, it becomes an article of belief, a dogma, and men will die for it.” —The Crown of Life, by George Gissing, 1869

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Here's Part 3 in my BoM vs. LDS series. In this one I focus on how repentance is tied to caring for the poor as well as how a testimony is received:

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Part 4 in my BoM series. This one covers secret combinations and herbs for healing. It's longer than the others, but I mean, come on, we're talking about conspiracies in this one. 🙂

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Question. I had two people comment on the audio of my last video. Is it really that bad? I know it sounds kind of muffled, but part of that is my God-given scratchy voice. Or maybe something weird is happening with the audio when I import it and tweak the levels. Or it's the mic. Just curious.

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Original_Intent »

Reluctant Watchman wrote: May 22nd, 2024, 5:15 am Question. I had two people comment on the audio of my last video. Is it really that bad? I know it sounds kind of muffled, but part of that is my God-given scratchy voice. Or maybe something weird is happening with the audio when I import it and tweak the levels. Or it's the mic. Just curious.
I didn't notice a problem.
On a side note, I directed a comment to you in my thread on being authentic. Some interesting thoughts (to me, anyways) after watching that video and then your Part 4 video. viewtopic.php?t=75130

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Original_Intent wrote: May 22nd, 2024, 5:24 am
Reluctant Watchman wrote: May 22nd, 2024, 5:15 am Question. I had two people comment on the audio of my last video. Is it really that bad? I know it sounds kind of muffled, but part of that is my God-given scratchy voice. Or maybe something weird is happening with the audio when I import it and tweak the levels. Or it's the mic. Just curious.
I didn't notice a problem.
On a side note, I directed a comment to you in my thread on being authentic. Some interesting thoughts (to me, anyways) after watching that video and then your Part 4 video. viewtopic.php?t=75130

I'll add that video to my watchlist today btw.

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Original_Intent »

Reluctant Watchman wrote: May 22nd, 2024, 5:49 am
Original_Intent wrote: May 22nd, 2024, 5:24 am
Reluctant Watchman wrote: May 22nd, 2024, 5:15 am Question. I had two people comment on the audio of my last video. Is it really that bad? I know it sounds kind of muffled, but part of that is my God-given scratchy voice. Or maybe something weird is happening with the audio when I import it and tweak the levels. Or it's the mic. Just curious.
I didn't notice a problem.
On a side note, I directed a comment to you in my thread on being authentic. Some interesting thoughts (to me, anyways) after watching that video and then your Part 4 video. viewtopic.php?t=75130

I'll add that video to my watchlist today btw.
You may not be that interested in the "psychobabble" content of that video. The thing I thought you might find interesting is applying the ideas of persona and shadow to organizations i.e. The LDS church.

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

I was cleaning up my email and found this fun one. I'll add it here since it relates specifically to my BoM vs LDS video series. I thought you might enjoy it:
I read some of your info on the Church of Jesus Christ vs the Book of Mormon. You may not agree with what the President of the church says but when you through the same pride that was the downfall of the Nephites decide you will go your own way you only damage yourself and your family. The leaders are not perfect but our lord Jesus Christ has set President Nelson as his spokesman. When you attack him you are coming out in open rebellion against the savior. And you know better. I know without any doubt that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is led by men of God. I have met many personally and the spirit has confirmed their divine calling to me on countless occasions. Remember what the angel told Alma. Stop trying to destroy the church of God. Good luck brother I would mind sitting down to talk although I will skip the beer.
I believe he meant to say, "I wouldn't mind sitting down..." toward the end there. I'm actually more of a chocolate milk man myself, although I end my essays with the disclaimer noting mild barley drinks.

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Shawn Henry
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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Shawn Henry »

Coming soon! Doug will shortly release his most anticipated video!

The Book of Mormon vs. The Nemhemah Record.

Fans will love seeing the long list of discrepancies between the two. Will you also choose the latter over the former as he has?

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Shawn Henry wrote: May 22nd, 2024, 1:42 pm Coming soon! Doug will shortly release his most anticipated video!

The Book of Mormon vs. The Nemhemah Record.

Fans will love seeing the long list of discrepancies between the two. Will you also choose the latter over the former as he has?
LOL. I actually do have a video concept on that. FYI, they aren't discrepancies, just subtle clarifications. The story of Corianton and Alma is one of my favorites... yet also kind of heartbreaking.

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

I find geographic data to be interesting. If you are not aware, you can find all kinds of information about YT videos and demographics. Like, you could geek out on them for a long time. One data point I found interesting is the audience age of those watching my videos.

Ages 45+ make up almost 84% of my audience and it has me wondering why. Is it because the younger generations don't care about religious topics? Is it because the older generations have more experience in the church and can see the changes over time with a better lens? I was actually kind of surprised to see that my largest audience is in the 65+ category. Maybe they just have more time on their hands. I also found it interesting that my gender split is 62% male to 38% female.

(This data was collected from 10,359 views. Oh, and the city w/ the most views... SLC, Utah)
YT-demographics.jpg (39.97 KiB) Viewed 4621 times

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Here's Part 5 in my BoM vs LDS series. In this episode, I focus on Nephi and Moroni's prophecies about false teachers, false doctrine, and fine sanctuaries in relation to the poor as well as the importance of freedom, agency, and choice.

Oh, and I decided to use my main camera (vs the smaller portable camera I was using) and I upgraded to a studio mic for audio. It sounds much better than previous videos. :)

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Episode #30: Racism, Blood Atonement, and Blood Oaths. All of these topics have a common thread. The Book of Mormon should have been the light that helped the saints overcome many of the false beliefs that entered into the church, some of them still remaining in the church to this day:

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by RosyPosy »

Please upload to Rumble

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by HereWeGo »

Reluctant Watchman wrote: May 23rd, 2024, 1:29 pm Ages 45+ make up almost 84% of my audience and it has me wondering why. Is it because the younger generations don't care about religious topics? Is it because the older generations have more experience in the church and can see the changes over time with a better lens? I was actually kind of surprised to see that my largest audience is in the 65+ category. Maybe they just have more time on their hands. I also found it interesting that my gender split is 62% male to 38% female.

(This data was collected from 10,359 views. Oh, and the city w/ the most views... SLC, Utah)
My thoughts:
* 65+ do have more time on their hands
* 65+ have seen more changes in the church over their lifetime than those much younger
* The younger a person is, the more likely they are to have left the church and not be interested
* The younger people don't have time to do much else than make it to church on Sunday. While there, they
are wrestling with their children to keep them quiet and under control.
* Critical thinking develops more as a person ages
* Men are known for their knowledge and women are known for their wisdom. Women make good wise
choices and men can contribute to those wise choices from their thirst for knowledge.

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

In this episode, I explore the Book of Mormon teachings on wine for the sacrament and the covenants associated with baptism, how meetings are to be led by the Spirit, and who truly is a prophet.

I’d love to know what your experiences have been as you partake of the sacrament and the commitment you have made to take Christ’s name upon you. I’d also love to hear your thoughts on who a prophet is and how the Lord calls them.

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

I had the chance to sit down with the Key of David podcast crew (pretty awesome guys btw). I'll post the video interviews here:
FYI, they like to break up the videos into smaller segments and will most likely release a full video toward the end.

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

I've had a little break this Summer, but took some time today to record episode #32. This one focuses on the priesthood, callings, the fullness of the gospel, and what is taught about the "kingdom of God" and how church teachings and culture compare against all of these.

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Here's episode #33. Who do you think Isaiah is speaking of in chapter 56:9-12?

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

I started this channel to share my thoughts with family and friends and I'm grateful for all those who have reached out with words of encouragement. I just passed the 500 subscriber mark... which is cool, I guess. The only reason I care about the increase of subs is my hope that more people are asking questions and approaching God with their thoughts and prayers.

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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by RosyPosy »

Reluctant Watchman wrote: July 24th, 2024, 8:44 am I started this channel to share my thoughts with family and friends and I'm grateful for all those who have reached out with words of encouragement. I just passed the 500 subscriber mark... which is cool, I guess. The only reason I care about the increase of subs is my hope that more people are asking questions and approaching God with their thoughts and prayers.
I'm enjoying it too. But please post on Rumble.

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Reluctant Watchman
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Re: The Reluctant Watchman YouTube Channel

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

RosyPosy wrote: July 24th, 2024, 9:01 am
Reluctant Watchman wrote: July 24th, 2024, 8:44 am I started this channel to share my thoughts with family and friends and I'm grateful for all those who have reached out with words of encouragement. I just passed the 500 subscriber mark... which is cool, I guess. The only reason I care about the increase of subs is my hope that more people are asking questions and approaching God with their thoughts and prayers.
I'm enjoying it too. But please post on Rumble.
I may consider it, but it essentially doubles the amount of time in uploading, tagging, selecting all of the video options, and a whole list of other things that come with trying to maintain two platforms. I'll try a few and see how that works out. Thanks!

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