End Times Prophecies

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Wondering Wendy
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Wondering Wendy »

The interview with Elon Musk dream
NOVEMBER 25, 2022

[OP note - The written text (with imperfect grammar) contains the real words as in the video she uses code words to avoid censors and algorithms. She mentions a previous dream where she witnesses the crowning of the antichrist; it is here. There is also a more detailed vision of it here. The Thanksgiving dream referenced I posted already upthread.]
11- 25- 22 @ 3: 23 AM & 6: 48 AM
“It’s a 3-way beast system,” I hear Elon Musk say as I’m waking up from this dream after I had prayed fervently over my mind asking God is there anything else you needed me to know or share? I stand on John 14: 26 and 2 Corinthians 13: 1.

“It’s a 3-way beast system made up of the Antichrist and the mark joined together by the great AI system. A networking of sorts is being created inside each body who has so willingly subjected themselves to this by willfully taking our shot cocktails. And they even made their young, their children take them! Then he laughs, throwing his head back laughing in an odd type laughter as if itself is a programmed computerized laugh.

He is sitting in a chair, and he’s dressed in a pair of white flannel women’s pajamas with two pink pinstripes of color in varying sizes running vertically within its fabric. “Lord this is the second time I dreamed this night after praying about the dream that if it was from you to let me remember it or have it again. The first time was at 3:23 AM. So, I shall continue to write it under the anointing and leading of my friend Holy Spirit in your name lovely Jesus.

I found myself watching this Elon Musk with curiosity. Why is he sitting here and telling me about Antichrist’s mark and beast system? “Because daughter, what is spoken in the darkness shall be brought to light. I reveal it all, I hear my sweet Jesus whispered to me.

Now I see that I am sitting at a round table that looks like one that was in our family home growing up oh so long ago. It’s dark brown in color with the body supporting the large round tabletop being a dark brown half barrel on four wooden legs. Each chair is a padded brown faux leather seat also made into a barrel with the seat part being cut out of it. The chairs also have the ability to spin and rotate a full 360 degrees.

I see that I am myself in this dream and there upon the table before me is a notebook of paper, ink pens and an old cassette tape recorder that I understood in this dream was being used to record our discussion as well as the notebook I was taking notes in. The reason for the oldfashioned cassette recorder? It was not connected to the AI system as the now modern-day era devices are.

Elon is speaking again. After getting the fools so willingly allowed us to inject our network building blocks into their bodies, their holy temple in the eyes of God the Creator, we were able to speed up exponentially the process of making the beast system possible. Because inserted into our cocktail of miraculous cure for COVID-19, and he laughs again at the name of this horrible disease/illness, when attacking some people, it’s just a souped-up type of unknown flu. But when targeted on certain people it can be deadly for those who so willingly had given us one of their most precious gifts from their creator, their DNA coming to us by many ways such as blood donations, ancestry DNA testing, blood plasma donations and so many more.

It doesn’t take much, and we had the people and the time on hand because our master, the light bearer demands results and why shouldn’t he? He is after all the real God of this world reigning on high with his throne set upon the planet Jupiter. I would try to move to Jupiter to live by his side, but that’s not allowed! Elon says in all seriousness. “So, I’ve settled on Mars where I can be a lot closer!”

Nothing he says in this dream is shocking me as I continue to write down my notes and let him speak freely. He began speaking again. Once the network building blocks are inside a body it begins building quickly inside it and nothing can stop it. He said with a fanatical gleam in his eyes. The inner space grew serious and dark, and he whispered. “Unless someone is healed by the Nazarene!”

I stopped writing momentarily and began praising my sweet Jesus under my breath. Thank you, sweet Jesus, for your redeeming grace, your all-powerful name and cleansing blood that never ever loses its power! Elon speaks again.

The black goo then begins building in the bloodstream, our AI network changing the actual molecular structure in the person’s blood. The black goo, being the black graphing sent up to us from Hell’s depth by the particle portal accelerator machines and created from our god lucifer the light bearer’s lower gods in arms’ blood that contains their very life essence of them. It’s like no other substance upon the earth for its strength ability. Makes you super strong it does and we need that inside each body when we fight the final battle against a Nazarene.

The other parts of the beast networking system found inside not only those COVID-19 shots but all vaccinations of any sort, because we own the medical and scientific fields above and below the earth, it’s the same technology including the nanobots and the building of the neurotransmitters smaller in size than those one can get implanted on the outside inserted into the inside of their brains. This is only a small part of the reconstruction of the building blocks that each person once was created with.

The antichrist, our lord’s most beloved son who has now been crowned king of our world by satan is connected already to the magnificent AI system, which is a god itself in its own right, for it is now alive being consciously aware by power from the light bearer’s own hands.

It was a magnificent… A magnificent… A magnificent Elon Musk kept repeating this word like he was stuck momentarily on repeat. I watched to know as his eyes rolled upward and he freezes then says, “repeat, that does not compute!”

Jesus, I whispered, and I asked, what’s wrong with him? Is she a robot? “No daughter,” my Jesus replied. “He was once human but has been severely altered by man’s genetic and electronic altering of his body. He’s connected to the AI system who is not wanting Elon to speak to you even in this dream.” Then why is he saying, “That does not compute,” I asked? “Because daughter the AI is telling him to be quiet, that I have given him the command to tell all to you.”

“Oh,” I replied in a smile crossed my face. Everything that is hidden will come out, come to the light. “Yes, daughter yes,” Jesus replied. Elon’s eyes refocus and he continues talking as if nothing had occurred irregularly. It was a magnificent grand celebration, the ceremony of the light bearer son one of the real reasons for our cop 27 and G meetings.

You can travel in the underground velocity speed tunnels so swiftly that traveling from continent to continent doesn’t take very long and because people above ground don’t really understand this, many strong alibis of where someone is supposed to be at holds easily in our tightly controlled court systems. He laughs again.

He looks at me sternly and says, “We are in control of this world now!” I begin speaking. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof as the holy Bible says in psalms 24:1. The Bible! Your Bible we are changing it, Elon says smugly then asks. How can it be holy anymore?

Mr. Musk, I replied. You may be allowed to change some wording and words inside it by your little trips into the past with those portal machines like found at Cern’s facility in Geneva Switzerland, but you can’t change its essence. If any part of the words of the Holy Bible is inside someone, God’s words spoken and written by the leading of the precious Holy Spirit, it will still have the power of God contained inside it for the real meaning to be understood in the hearts of all who read or hear it!

This is because it’s alive! It is Jesus and no matter how much he allows you to alter it because you can only do what my God allows done to it so it can fit into your one world religion, but it will still accomplish every single thing God calls it to do through the Holy Spirit and his son Jesus.

Elon Musk looks at me with a steely cold gaze then responded coldly. You know well the written power the word contains within it, and you know well the Nazarene, but unlike you most of your so-called Christians know nothing! Does not know anything of its true power and this is why they are so easily defeated, and we were able through fear or the use of “logical thinking” to get so many of your so-called Christians to take our shot cocktails.

He turns his head away as if selecting another subject and then allowing it to download into his head. Then he begins speaking again, his eyes still averted toward the white walls of the room. Our man of sin is a perfect son. His loyalty outweighs even that of his other son that was not to be… Adolf Hitler.

Then he turns to me and looks me straight in the eyes and speaks. He knows who you really are and how you plague him during his reign of power. He will kill you and take great joy in seeing your body fall into death as we all will. As he will the two witnesses.

Only if God allows it and not before I create havoc for him and tell all I can, reaching all I can, snatching souls out of your master’s hand! Oh, and by the way since you know the scriptures so well read on a little further and see that my God shall raise the two witnesses back to life causing all to know that God, I serve is the real God indeed.

Elon Musk became agitated and spoke. Yes, there’s that one little detail that we are devising a plan already. “And what would that be?” I asked. He responded as if he had no control to do otherwise. We shall have our God look more powerful than yours with more signs and wonders much like what your God was displaying after you’re gone. This will cause some not yet decided leaning towards your God to think they are one in the same and they will embrace satan’s son of sin, the man of perdition as your Bible calls him, our god’s son.

We have waited many lifetimes for this time to come. Many of our ranking members are now able to appear to die and pass away upon our world so they can assume their newly constructed cloned, hybrid bodies that will allow them to live farther in this new world in places of honor.

Have you not witnessed in our news the passing of elderly powerful people in our world? “Like whom?” I asked. “Queen Elizabeth 2?” no, Elon Musk answered then burst out laughing. She was sacrificed and we ate her!!! I feel my stomach begin to heave. Oh, Jesus really, I said to myself. But Elon must begin speaking again before an answer could be heard from a lovely Jesus. You should check the recent obituaries, but I shall give you one name for your records. William Rothschild. There you go now. Now back to our beast system.

After the bodies are altered when the light bearer’s mark given to our world by his beloved son that you call antichrist is inserted into the bodies they will not be able to reject it even if it were possible, because the demon elements, our god’s elements now found in the bodies and the mark make it a permanent mark on one soul, making a renouncement of any ties to their original creator, the God of heaven.

What most do not realize is the spiritual realm’s attachment in all these things. The spirit realm is where true power lies and when you mix the spirit with the technology given from the light bearer below the Earth’s surface you get a combination that has birthed the technology that captures one soul and makes it no longer redeemable by the Nazarene sacred blood. He looked nervously around as if expecting something to happen to him for calling Jesus’ blood sacred.

Elon strains himself in his chair then says suddenly. It had to be made this way so that when a person denies the Nazarene, they would not have any chance to change their mind! He is always giving mercy out of love so it had to be done this way because it’s written we could do it.

As I’m sitting here watching this man if he’s really a man at all anymore and pity fills my heart. Here is a man who to the world owns it all, has it all and all I see is a tormented soul held in bondage! “Don’t look at me that way!” he shouts at me. “Like what,” I asked in surprise? With eyes of the Nazarene! Eyes of love!

I can’t help it; I answered truthfully back. You need Jesus as your Savior. Not satan your light bearer. Jesus is love. He can heal your wounded soul. Even restore your body. My body! Why would I ever want to have that became body back? What parts that are still organic, still as I was created, I can heal myself or have them rejuvenated in a healing tank or table. I don’t need your Nazarene’s love! I will be one of the first to take the light bearer Suns mark as soon as it’s finished which will be when the last piece of missing technology is recovered and inserted into it. Which by the way we thank you for telling us we are soon to recover it. Our spies on your puny little sites also saw it will be shortly after the Nazarene comes for his bride. Good riddance we need you off our world! It’s our time now!

Mr. Musk, I replied with godly authority, any information you received through these sites or through me is only what my God wanted you to know. You shall have it shortly but no it is his hand refraining your master from getting his hands on it now. All things are done in God’s timetable and no one else.

He looked at me with pure hatred and malice and sat in an angry low voice, I know this, but we will change this as well when our god reigns this world once and for all. We will defeat your Nazarene God in the great battle to come and rule beside the light bearer as little gods and kings.

I looked at him in disbelief then said. If you think for one-minute satan is going to allow anyone else to be worshipped as a god beside him then you’re in for a rude awakening. Mr. Musk, why are you talking to me?

It’s Elon, he replied, and I was given orders to come to you by dream not once but twice in the same sleep time and speak these words to you. “But why would you be willing to do this?” I asked. I’m not willing. I am ordered to do this from those in charge of me, my familiar friend! I had to obey, he replied. “Who ordered you?” I asked again.

Elon’s head begins swaying back and forth and his eyes roll up into his head. “That’s an illogical question,” he said, “and I refuse to answer it!” In Jesus’ name I command you to tell me where these orders originated from, I said as the Holy Spirit rose up inside me.

“Ahhhhhh,” he said grabbing his head. “The courts of heaven,” he screamed out in agony. “Your God Jehovah sent them down from heaven.” praise God I shouted out loud. Thank you, Jesus. I began praying right then and there.

Father God in Jesus’ name I ask you is there any more information you want shared to me that you want Elon Musk to reveal while he’s here on orders from heaven’s courts? I hear my lovely Jesus say. Yes, daughter there is. Ask him about the modifications to the body concerning the mutations also part of the Super cocktail they call it inside their evil inoculations, these vaccines. yes, I will Yes Jesus I will.

Holy Spirit my friend please lead me. I will Daughter of faith, of grace, of mercy, of understanding, of knowledge and of love. I shall prompt you what to ask. Elon Musk why has been put into the COVID-19 vaccines that will cause people to mutate in physical manifestations?

Elon Musk begins laughing and then said, “That’s a good one. A very good question indeed. I feel you have help in your questioning me.” Elon, I replied. Jesus never leaves me! He is with me always. He didn’t like my response, but he began speaking again as if he could not contain himself.

Inside the COVID vaccine is a mixture of hybrid DNA strands in which the DNA of various animals and insects have been spliced into human DNA by a technique used and known as the CRISPR technique. That’s spelled C R I S P R in case you didn’t know. Thank you I replied not letting him know my lovely Jesus had already spelled it for me by whispering it into my ear. Oh, I love you Jesus.

He continued speaking. The tiny little caplet pods that carry the nanobots, graphene and so much more once arriving in the body will separate releasing smaller pods. These contain the hybrid cells, while others contain more illnesses to be released by varying signals such as the Marburg, the XP2 experimental flesh eater disease where men feast upon each other, oh and the COVID illness.

This disease was no more than a souped-up flu made in the laboratories of Wuhan but had collaboration from laboratories in the states located in sunny California. But what most don’t realize is we have lost control of it and its mutation continuously so that it affects even our own people whose DNA has not been assigned to it.

That would be the hand of my God’s judgment upon your wicked plans I replied quickly. For my God may have allowed these evil people to create it and even release it which I feel he did as a warning of judgment’s hand coming and also a call to repentance, but I also feel in my spirit it’s been allowed to further the end times fulfilling of his holy word.

So, know this Elon Musk my God Jehovah who sits on his throne in heaven with Jesus his Son, my beloved Savior is in control of all that occurs on earth too. It is his hand that controls every little atom, every little germ and virus. Not man!

That may be true he spat back at me, but we shall use it to our advantage and wipe out the blight of mankind upon our world leaving only those we deem acceptable. We will rein on this beautiful earth, mother earth as rulers and gods.

Mr. Elon Musk, I replied passionately. When my God gets through displaying his wrath at your evil wicked sins there will be no beautiful earth to behold. It will be a charred, poisonous, barren wasteland until such a moment in time that my lovely Jesus begins his Millennium reign in which I believe his beauty and holiness will somehow beautify the earth once again.

I watched as his face turned beet red and his eyes began bulging quite far out of his head. Enough, he said. I demand to be let out of this dream now! I have fulfilled my orders. Return me now God of heaven. Release me. I hear a voice from Heaven say: Elon Musk you are hereby released. Go your way now wicked evil servant of Satan.

I watched as he began to fizzle and fade before my eyes. Just says he’s almost out of my sight he raises his left hand and shoots me a bird. Then he’s totally gone. Wow! Oh wow! Jesus! Jesus! Wow!

I hear a slight movement beside me on my right. I turn my chair to see my lovely Jesus there dressed in simple white and he’s beautiful. I jump out of my seat and ran into his open arms hugging him. Jesus, Jesus you’re here! Yes, beloved little warrior daughter I am.

He pulled slightly away from me to look deep into my eyes and said softly. Daughter a time of revealing I give to you to give to your world. But with this revealing comes danger in the natural. Do not fear them who can kill the body but know this too. You cannot be touched unless I allow it. So, speak freely these words and I will call upon my children to pray for you and all you love to stay hidden safely away by me, by my blood and name.

Antichrist forces have been given orders to stop you before you reach the higher calling still coming upon your life and his reach extends to every government of every nation upon your world. My reach is still further. He will not stop you if you continue to walk in obedience before me. I understand Jesus. Thank you. You are welcome.

Tell my children a time of revealing has come. So, open their eyes and ears to the Spirit and the truth they shall learn and know. The obvious things are not always the true answer as with your Thanksgiving dream, I gave unto you little daughter to share amongst the people. Prayer is the key to true understanding. Search deeper this Thanksgiving Day for I say it is not the obvious but what your Holy Spirit led searching shall reveal during this time of revealing from my people. For surely, I do come quickly. Quicker than most think.

Then this dream begins playing over again in my dreams and I awoke hearing Elon Musk say again. It’s a 3-way beast system.

Bullet Points

1. The three-way beast system mentioned twice by the Lord shows its importance and is made up of three parts. Possibly this is why the number of the mark is 666. One 6 for each part.

2. So many Christians perceive that the COVID vaccine is the mark and it’s only one part. The beast system is made up of 1. The antichrist 2. the mark inserted in the head or right hand. The vaccine is a prelude or building block for the mark.

3. The AI system that works through a networking system created in people’s bodies, the systems originally was by the Covid vaccine but now in all types of immunizations and etc.

4. The networking system created in the bodies is by nanotechnology as well as a black goo also known by the name graphene. Other things also are included.

5. The black goo/ graphene is created from the demons/ fallen ones’ essence or bodies/ blood then it’s sent up from hell by the portal accelerator machines like what’s at the CERN facility in Switzerland and it aids in the transformation of the human body in preparation for the great final battle against our lovely Jesus through mutations and DNA alterations.

6. The final battle referred to is a battle of Armageddon found in the Book of Revelation.

7. The COVID-19 vaccines targets people who are already gathered in their systems through blood donations blood plasma donations and ancestry code testing and other things as well.

8. satan has a throne on Jupiter.

9. this dream confirms another dream I recently had titled the Coronation dream in which antichrist was crowned by satan as ruler of our world during the cop27 meetings.
10. The G20 summit meetings is a cover for satan’s activities as well as the cop27.

11. Travel in the tunnels underground is more advanced and faster than what we have above ground making possible for those at the G20 meetings to be at the cop27 crowning of antichrist.

12. antichrist is currently already hooked up to the AI system which is consciously aware and made possible by setting himself somehow.

13. Satan’s name lucifer means light bearer.

14. God has allowed some changes to his word to allow his word to be fulfilled. But what he allows does not change the true essence or power of it. This is by the Lord says in Hebrews 8: 10, Hebrews 10: 16 and Jeremiah 31: 33 that “God puts his law in their minds and writes it on their hearts and I will be their God and they will be my people.” Daniel 7:25 can also be applied to this bullet point.

15. According to this dream the antichrist and false prophet shall display their signs and wonders after the two witnesses are raised in hopes of appearing more powerful or as the God of heaven leading more souls to them.

16. Many of the Super elite of our world apparently made ever really die but are taken to an underground facility and their minds are transferred to a premade body possibly a clone one or hybrid one or both. At least until they’re appointed time to die by God. (Hebrews 9:27)

17. There are such technologies as a healing table or healing tank that have not been revealed to our world above ground yet.

18. Queen Elizabeth 2 was sacrificing eaten by those loyal to antichrist.

19. The genetic hybrid material is transported into the body in the caplet pods or time capsules that are triggered by different signals each doing different things. Including the carrying of other horrible sicknesses.

John 14:26 (KJV)
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

2 Corinthians 13:1 (KJV)
This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.

1 Corinthians 3:16 (KJV)
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

Luke 8:17 (KJV)
For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

Daniel 2:22 (KJV) he revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

Ecclesiastes 12:14 (KJV)
For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Luke 1:37 (KJV)
For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Psalm 14:5 (KJV)
There were they in great fear: For God is in the generation of the righteous.

Isaiah 40:28 (KJV)
Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.

Psalm 22:28 (KJV)
For the kingdom is the LORD’s: And he is the governor among the nations.

Psalm 115:3 (KJV)
But our God is in the heavens: He hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.

Proverbs 16:4 (KJV)
The LORD hath made all things for himself: Yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

Isaiah 14:24 (KJV)
The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand:

Joshua 1:9 (KJV)
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Matthew 10:28 (KJV)
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Psalm 118:6 (KJV)
The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: What can man do unto me?

Isaiah 41:10 (KJV)
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

John 1:14 (KJV)
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Psalm 24:1 (KJV)
The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; The world, and they that dwell therein.

Psalm 24:2 (KJV)
For he hath founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the floods.

Isaiah 55:11 (KJV)
so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Hebrews 4:12 (KJV)
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

1 Corinthians 3:16 (KJV)
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

Revelation 16:16 (KJV)
And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

Revelation 19:11-21 (KJV)
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. 14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. 21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

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Wondering Wendy
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Wondering Wendy »

The Black King Rises
NOVEMBER 26, 2022
This word came from my lovely Jesus after deep prayer.

Riots in China…. Smokescreen for real activities of Xi Jinping—– Taiwan

No Christmas Day celebration on the 25th of December.

Black king rises from pits of the abyss.

Another Pearl Harbor attack it will be on 7th of December.

Out of the abyss he comes! This night! This night! This night! This hour!


It starts now! I say now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! And Now!

Submarine submerged in the deep
comes in three
has now arrived

Smokescreen! Smokescreen! Nothing but a smokescreen! China is wise! Xi Jinping is so!

Judgment time has come! Has come! It has come! It HAS COME!

No more time left! No more time I say. I say it again. No more time is left.

Get down on your knees now and repent! Repent now or you will die my people!

I am your God. You my created people. You will die! I say many, so many shall die across your world!


I’m coming! I’m coming!
Have not I told you I’m coming? Get ready of foolish virgin bride. Get ready!
Why stand ye idle when it’s time for our wedding and you are still not ready? Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!

I come! I come! I’m on my way, so be ready or I will leave you behind!


Absolutely no sin! No sin! No sin! I say again. No sin shall enter Heaven’s gates again since lucifer has been cast down.


Man going down!
Man going down!
Man going down!

Attack! Attack! Attack! Imminent! It’s now! It’s here! Attack! Attack!

Run! Scream! Howl and wail!

Judgment’s strong hand has found you wanting this very night for some! This very day for others!

The trigger has been pulled and the bullet has reached its target. In less than 2 weeks of your time Babylon falls! She falls! She falls! She falls! She falls hard never to recover fully ever again.

Oh, America! Oh Babylon! One and the same! Your time has come! Has come! Has come!

The trigger has been fully pulled and released. The smoking gun is reloading, and this bullet is not aimed at Taiwan, but you O’ America…Babylon and it’s set to kill you! My aim is deadly accurate for I shoot by my voice command.

Like puppets on a string following my commands because even satan has to obey my command. I order his demons to fulfill my word of Judgment! They have complied willingly.

Now you fall my harlot bride! Now you fall in less than 2 of your weeks!

News arrives on the wind of the invasion of Taiwan, of Japan, of South Korea. News no longer suffocated but fully alive and breathing now!
Mayday! Mayday! We’re under attack! I say we are under attack! The Chinese have come. Mayday! Mayday!

Xi said smugly in his chair sipping champagne as he conference calls the evil Putin and the young but evil Kim Jong Un.

At last unification for all, Xi says smugly. Hear him daughter? Hear him laugh out loud in smug satisfaction as thousands upon thousands die? An offering to Satan as the abyss is opened and the spirit of the dark king rises to possess Antichrist’s very soul. Wail O’ people of the earth. Your time of woe has come, has come!


Woe as the Trumpets of Judgment prepare to sound as soon as the seal of the 6th still opened is fulfilled. The 7th seal has already opened and been completed as silence of horrors was given in Heaven for what has come to the souls of man on your earth.

Run! Run! Run, O’ people of the earth as judgment’s wind wreaks havoc on your world!

My breath!
My wind!
My voice!
My command!
My righteous right fist has come to you fully this moment…this very moment of your time!

Taiwan falls tonight under the control of Xi Jinping’s CCP. His evil governmental iron fist.

Run little people, he yells from his padded chair and laughs as he watches all the destruction he is causing.


Bring Tsai wen. Bring the president, he/Xi yells jovially with Putin on the video screen and Kim Jong Un is there too!

I see the general from visions before in his green uniform come in a few minutes later with the president of Taiwan. She’s been beaten! Her glasses are missing. Her shirt is torn. They have abused her in so many ways. Oh God! Oh God! Yet she still manages to hold her head slightly up in defiance. Xi scrunches his face up angered by her actions. He shouts out a command I can’t understand.

Within a few minutes a cameraman comes into this room. He’s filming what’s going on inside. Xi Jinping stands up. The champagne glass falls to the floor and shatters. He doesn’t even notice. Now I understand him.

The tribunal, he says then waves his hand toward the video screens with Putin and Kim Jong young watching, finds you guilty of treason for raising a rebellion against your rightful government. Then with one swift move of his hand he lifts a handgun I hadn’t noticed before and with lightning speed he shoots her between the eyes. I know she’s dead before she even hits the floor.

Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!

I hear my Jesus say:

The trigger has been pulled my daughter. The bullet has hit its mark. War comes to America. War comes to Babylon and in a few short days Babylon falls!

Tell my people to get the sin out now because tomorrow is too late for some.

Hawaii is about to go under daughter. Your Pearl Harbor moment is the invasion on your nation. Look to the 7th daughter. Look to the 7th for the ending of it all! The beginning of the end this I say.

The black king! The black king! The black king rises tonight!

Apollyon has come to your world daughter and most of your world’s people haven’t even got a clue of what great evil has risen from below.

Revelation 9

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Reluctant Watchman
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Wondering Wendy wrote: November 27th, 2022, 2:05 pm The Black King Rises
NOVEMBER 26, 2022
This word came from my lovely Jesus after deep prayer.

Riots in China…. Smokescreen for real activities of Xi Jinping—– Taiwan

No Christmas Day celebration on the 25th of December.

Black king rises from pits of the abyss.

Another Pearl Harbor attack it will be on 7th of December.

Out of the abyss he comes! This night! This night! This night! This hour!


It starts now! I say now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! And Now!

Submarine submerged in the deep
comes in three
has now arrived

Smokescreen! Smokescreen! Nothing but a smokescreen! China is wise! Xi Jinping is so!

Judgment time has come! Has come! It has come! It HAS COME!

No more time left! No more time I say. I say it again. No more time is left.

Get down on your knees now and repent! Repent now or you will die my people!

I am your God. You my created people. You will die! I say many, so many shall die across your world!


I’m coming! I’m coming!
Have not I told you I’m coming? Get ready of foolish virgin bride. Get ready!
Why stand ye idle when it’s time for our wedding and you are still not ready? Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!

I come! I come! I’m on my way, so be ready or I will leave you behind!


Absolutely no sin! No sin! No sin! I say again. No sin shall enter Heaven’s gates again since lucifer has been cast down.


Man going down!
Man going down!
Man going down!

Attack! Attack! Attack! Imminent! It’s now! It’s here! Attack! Attack!

Run! Scream! Howl and wail!

Judgment’s strong hand has found you wanting this very night for some! This very day for others!

The trigger has been pulled and the bullet has reached its target. In less than 2 weeks of your time Babylon falls! She falls! She falls! She falls! She falls hard never to recover fully ever again.

Oh, America! Oh Babylon! One and the same! Your time has come! Has come! Has come!

The trigger has been fully pulled and released. The smoking gun is reloading, and this bullet is not aimed at Taiwan, but you O’ America…Babylon and it’s set to kill you! My aim is deadly accurate for I shoot by my voice command.

Like puppets on a string following my commands because even satan has to obey my command. I order his demons to fulfill my word of Judgment! They have complied willingly.

Now you fall my harlot bride! Now you fall in less than 2 of your weeks!

News arrives on the wind of the invasion of Taiwan, of Japan, of South Korea. News no longer suffocated but fully alive and breathing now!
Mayday! Mayday! We’re under attack! I say we are under attack! The Chinese have come. Mayday! Mayday!

Xi said smugly in his chair sipping champagne as he conference calls the evil Putin and the young but evil Kim Jong Un.

At last unification for all, Xi says smugly. Hear him daughter? Hear him laugh out loud in smug satisfaction as thousands upon thousands die? An offering to Satan as the abyss is opened and the spirit of the dark king rises to possess Antichrist’s very soul. Wail O’ people of the earth. Your time of woe has come, has come!


Woe as the Trumpets of Judgment prepare to sound as soon as the seal of the 6th still opened is fulfilled. The 7th seal has already opened and been completed as silence of horrors was given in Heaven for what has come to the souls of man on your earth.

Run! Run! Run, O’ people of the earth as judgment’s wind wreaks havoc on your world!

My breath!
My wind!
My voice!
My command!
My righteous right fist has come to you fully this moment…this very moment of your time!

Taiwan falls tonight under the control of Xi Jinping’s CCP. His evil governmental iron fist.

Run little people, he yells from his padded chair and laughs as he watches all the destruction he is causing.


Bring Tsai wen. Bring the president, he/Xi yells jovially with Putin on the video screen and Kim Jong Un is there too!

I see the general from visions before in his green uniform come in a few minutes later with the president of Taiwan. She’s been beaten! Her glasses are missing. Her shirt is torn. They have abused her in so many ways. Oh God! Oh God! Yet she still manages to hold her head slightly up in defiance. Xi scrunches his face up angered by her actions. He shouts out a command I can’t understand.

Within a few minutes a cameraman comes into this room. He’s filming what’s going on inside. Xi Jinping stands up. The champagne glass falls to the floor and shatters. He doesn’t even notice. Now I understand him.

The tribunal, he says then waves his hand toward the video screens with Putin and Kim Jong young watching, finds you guilty of treason for raising a rebellion against your rightful government. Then with one swift move of his hand he lifts a handgun I hadn’t noticed before and with lightning speed he shoots her between the eyes. I know she’s dead before she even hits the floor.

Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!

I hear my Jesus say:

The trigger has been pulled my daughter. The bullet has hit its mark. War comes to America. War comes to Babylon and in a few short days Babylon falls!

Tell my people to get the sin out now because tomorrow is too late for some.

Hawaii is about to go under daughter. Your Pearl Harbor moment is the invasion on your nation. Look to the 7th daughter. Look to the 7th for the ending of it all! The beginning of the end this I say.

The black king! The black king! The black king rises tonight!

Apollyon has come to your world daughter and most of your world’s people haven’t even got a clue of what great evil has risen from below.

Revelation 9
Well… from a timing perspective, there’s no misinterpreting what she feels will happen in only a couple of weeks.

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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by FrankOne »

Reluctant Watchman wrote: November 27th, 2022, 2:26 pm
Wondering Wendy wrote: November 27th, 2022, 2:05 pm The Black King Rises
NOVEMBER 26, 2022
This word came from my lovely Jesus after deep prayer.

Riots in China…. Smokescreen for real activities of Xi Jinping—– Taiwan

No Christmas Day celebration on the 25th of December.

Black king rises from pits of the abyss.

Another Pearl Harbor attack it will be on 7th of December.

Out of the abyss he comes! This night! This night! This night! This hour!


It starts now! I say now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! And Now!

Submarine submerged in the deep
comes in three
has now arrived

Smokescreen! Smokescreen! Nothing but a smokescreen! China is wise! Xi Jinping is so!

Judgment time has come! Has come! It has come! It HAS COME!

No more time left! No more time I say. I say it again. No more time is left.

Get down on your knees now and repent! Repent now or you will die my people!

I am your God. You my created people. You will die! I say many, so many shall die across your world!


I’m coming! I’m coming!
Have not I told you I’m coming? Get ready of foolish virgin bride. Get ready!
Why stand ye idle when it’s time for our wedding and you are still not ready? Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!

I come! I come! I’m on my way, so be ready or I will leave you behind!


Absolutely no sin! No sin! No sin! I say again. No sin shall enter Heaven’s gates again since lucifer has been cast down.


Man going down!
Man going down!
Man going down!

Attack! Attack! Attack! Imminent! It’s now! It’s here! Attack! Attack!

Run! Scream! Howl and wail!

Judgment’s strong hand has found you wanting this very night for some! This very day for others!

The trigger has been pulled and the bullet has reached its target. In less than 2 weeks of your time Babylon falls! She falls! She falls! She falls! She falls hard never to recover fully ever again.

Oh, America! Oh Babylon! One and the same! Your time has come! Has come! Has come!

The trigger has been fully pulled and released. The smoking gun is reloading, and this bullet is not aimed at Taiwan, but you O’ America…Babylon and it’s set to kill you! My aim is deadly accurate for I shoot by my voice command.

Like puppets on a string following my commands because even satan has to obey my command. I order his demons to fulfill my word of Judgment! They have complied willingly.

Now you fall my harlot bride! Now you fall in less than 2 of your weeks!

News arrives on the wind of the invasion of Taiwan, of Japan, of South Korea. News no longer suffocated but fully alive and breathing now!
Mayday! Mayday! We’re under attack! I say we are under attack! The Chinese have come. Mayday! Mayday!

Xi said smugly in his chair sipping champagne as he conference calls the evil Putin and the young but evil Kim Jong Un.

At last unification for all, Xi says smugly. Hear him daughter? Hear him laugh out loud in smug satisfaction as thousands upon thousands die? An offering to Satan as the abyss is opened and the spirit of the dark king rises to possess Antichrist’s very soul. Wail O’ people of the earth. Your time of woe has come, has come!


Woe as the Trumpets of Judgment prepare to sound as soon as the seal of the 6th still opened is fulfilled. The 7th seal has already opened and been completed as silence of horrors was given in Heaven for what has come to the souls of man on your earth.

Run! Run! Run, O’ people of the earth as judgment’s wind wreaks havoc on your world!

My breath!
My wind!
My voice!
My command!
My righteous right fist has come to you fully this moment…this very moment of your time!

Taiwan falls tonight under the control of Xi Jinping’s CCP. His evil governmental iron fist.

Run little people, he yells from his padded chair and laughs as he watches all the destruction he is causing.


Bring Tsai wen. Bring the president, he/Xi yells jovially with Putin on the video screen and Kim Jong Un is there too!

I see the general from visions before in his green uniform come in a few minutes later with the president of Taiwan. She’s been beaten! Her glasses are missing. Her shirt is torn. They have abused her in so many ways. Oh God! Oh God! Yet she still manages to hold her head slightly up in defiance. Xi scrunches his face up angered by her actions. He shouts out a command I can’t understand.

Within a few minutes a cameraman comes into this room. He’s filming what’s going on inside. Xi Jinping stands up. The champagne glass falls to the floor and shatters. He doesn’t even notice. Now I understand him.

The tribunal, he says then waves his hand toward the video screens with Putin and Kim Jong young watching, finds you guilty of treason for raising a rebellion against your rightful government. Then with one swift move of his hand he lifts a handgun I hadn’t noticed before and with lightning speed he shoots her between the eyes. I know she’s dead before she even hits the floor.

Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!

I hear my Jesus say:

The trigger has been pulled my daughter. The bullet has hit its mark. War comes to America. War comes to Babylon and in a few short days Babylon falls!

Tell my people to get the sin out now because tomorrow is too late for some.

Hawaii is about to go under daughter. Your Pearl Harbor moment is the invasion on your nation. Look to the 7th daughter. Look to the 7th for the ending of it all! The beginning of the end this I say.

The black king! The black king! The black king rises tonight!

Apollyon has come to your world daughter and most of your world’s people haven’t even got a clue of what great evil has risen from below.

Revelation 9
Well… from a timing perspective, there’s no misinterpreting what she feels will happen in only a couple of weeks.
This may sound odd, but my daughter and at least two others that I've read have been given the date of December 7th of a big attack to come. None of them had a year attached to it.

All of these I mentioned above were given years ago. I speculate that the month/day is valid. The year could be 2030 or 2050 for all I know. The video is the most boldly specific that I've ever seen since it is repeated many times as well mentioning that there is less than two weeks left. If it doesn't happen this year, this woman may be left just a bit dismayed and discouraged because she certainly believes it. This reminds me of the pastor/truck driver guy that went on and on how "God" told him that Trump was going to be reinstated as POTUS. No doubt his 'faith' was destroyed.

Dreams and inspiration are tricky.

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Wondering Wendy
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Wondering Wendy »

U B Ready
1 Corinthians 4:10-14
10 We are fools for Christ's sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honourable, but we are despised.

11 Even unto this present hour we both hunger, and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwellingplace;

12 And labour, working with our own hands: being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we suffer it:

13 Being defamed, we intreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and are the off scouring of all things unto this day.

14 I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons I warn you.
My son, the majority of My body are living in a DREAM WORLD, shaped by the lies of false teachers, lying prophets, and misguided pastors. My body has been taught that they will never go through the FIRE OF TESTING. My body has been taught to believe that all the persecutions will happen in another land, and for sure, it will not come to America since America is blessed because the Christians love the Jewish people and land, so nothing will ever happen here. They have been taught to believe that they are special, and I am going to take them away to heaven. Therefore, there is no need to prepare for anything!

Thus saith the LORD, I would not bring you anywhere near MY KINGDOM in the condition you are in. REPENT NOW!

My son, SHOUT to the deaf, dumb, and blind people who call themselves Christians. You are full of sin, and many are not even saved. My body, you are full of division and have fallen for every heresy that presents itself. You have called Me a liar when you come against My watchmen, whom I HAVE SENT TO WARN YOU.

My son, this DREAM WORLD they live in is about to be SHAKEN TO ITS VERY CORE. I have said that the TRIBULATION HAS STARTED, and yet you doubt because it doesn't line up with the lies you have been taught. REPENT NOW!

How do you think the children of Israel felt when Jeremiah told them that the city would be overthrown, the temple burnt to the ground, and most of the people would be killed or taken captive?

This is how they felt -- they threw My true prophet in a sewer prison, they beat him, cursed him, and tried to kill him. WHY? Because My people believed the lies of the false prophets! Today, the false prophets have big followings, nice mansions, many cars, nice clothes with expensive jewelry. My body believes them and their lies over My true prophets who seek Me in solitude.

My son, this DREAM WORLD that My body caresses is about to COLLAPSE, and as My Word says, many will FALL AWAY from the faith. My Remnant, those will be the ones that will persecute you the worst -- even unto death. But My Remnant, you will be mighty -- NO -- mightier than those in the beginning.

So go ahead, My body, live in your DREAM WORLD because soon you will be in My world. I say this NOT to bring FEAR unto you, but for you to OPEN your eyes, UNBLOCK your ears, and PREPARE for My soon return.

My children, your DREAM WORLD is about to be ROCKED BY MY ROCK, and your fantasies of no persecution will dissolve. I tell you now -- I tell you now -- PERSECUTION IS COMING TO ALL WHO ARE TRULY MINE. But FEAR NOT, for I am with you, holding your hand as the tormentors torment you!

My son, continue to SHOUT THE WARNINGS for My body to WAKE UP! Many will not until they see the destruction, but many will heed the warnings and prepare, and prepare their family and friends. I said I am coming soon, but not soon enough for those who are living in a DREAM WORLD.

Seek Me first, and I will add unto you wisdom and knowledge. You will be a strong tower because you have trusted in Me and not in a man. Stay in prayer always, and I will hear you. Stay in My Word, and I will give you strength. I love you all.

Leave the DREAM WORLD and come to the REAL WORLD.

Lord Jesus

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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Atrasado »

harakim wrote: October 30th, 2022, 1:52 am
Wondering Wendy wrote: October 6th, 2022, 7:11 pm BRACE! BRACE! BRACE!
Oct 6, 2022
U B Ready
Jeremiah 4:19-20

19 My bowels, my bowels, I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war.

20 Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled; suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment.
My son, as a plane is going down and the crash is imminent, the pilot tells the passengers to BRACE! BRACE! BRACE!

I now tell My people who will hear to BRACE! BRACE! BRACE! As the pilot of the ship about to crash, I have to warn My children the IMPACT IS COMING! ARE YOU BRACED??

My children, I have said to buckle up and have your houses in order. What is about to come upon America will SHOCK THE WORLD. The TOTAL DEVASTATION on a people and on the land will have no bounds.

The bloodshed in the streets, the bodies lying on the ground, the buildings burning are the sights you will witness. Only those GROUNDED IN ME and WALKING BY FAITH will be able to stand. Many people will lose their minds. Many people will snap and be as one dead - yet walking. Murders, robberies, vandelisms, forced slavery, and random arsons will be the normal during this DARK TIME.

My son, I have given My Remnant strength to stand during these days. My precious JEWELS will shine bright and bring in many of the lost and confused.

BRACE! BRACE! BRACE! for My Glory will crash on those who seek Me and not focus on the things in the world. There will be much death, but there will also be much life -- THE NEW LIFE IN ME. Do not be consumed by the petty things of the world -- BE CONSUMED BY ME AND MY WORD.

REPENT NOW! those who have believed the lie and are now confused and discouraged.
REPENT NOW! and hear My Remnant who have been BRACED AND READY.

My son, the times are now here that have been prophesied by My prophets of old. This is the generation that will see My Return. This is the generation that will see My Glory and witness great miracles!



Lord Jesus
Ugh. We don't worship him so he destroys us? That seems pretty insecure. And it seems like there will be some bounds on the devastation. Otherwise, there would be no Earth for his slaves to continue to live on. I'm kind of tired of all the insecurity, tbh.
If we don't worship Heavenly Father and His Son in truth and righteousness we fall under Satan's thrall. If we fall under Satan's thrall and do not repent we grow in iniquity. In D&C 29:21 it explains,
And the great and abominable church, which is the whore of all the earth, shall be cast down by devouring fire, according as it is spoken by the mouth of Ezekiel the prophet, who spoke of these things, which have not come to pass but surely must, as I live, for abominations shall not reign.
Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ do nothing except it be for the salvation and exaltation of mankind, Their children. Even the destruction which will come is only to save us. First, by preventing abominations from reigning, which they are already doing in the world, and swiftly starting to do in the Church. These abominations will grow exponentially and they already are. Second, by giving those who are blind and won't repent in their comfortable circumstances of the post-industrialized world different circumstances, be it here in tribulation and desolation or in the spirit world.

God is not insecure and certainly isn't in need of our adoration. We need Him and until we adore Him such that we would give anything to be like Him we cannot be exalted. Please don't weary in faith, for those who are earnest for His word will be saved.

I don't know if the person quoted above is inspired of God, but the words ring true so perhaps they are. They are certainly consistent with the scriptures.

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Shawn Henry
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Shawn Henry »

FrankOne wrote: November 27th, 2022, 6:30 pm This may sound odd, but my daughter and at least two others that I've read have been given the date of December 7th of a big attack to come.
You know what I find even odder. It's the fact that I have been burned before with dates, but I keep wanting to believe every time. Here I am again with a measure of hope that finally a date will be right.

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Reluctant Watchman
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Shawn Henry wrote: November 29th, 2022, 3:16 pm
FrankOne wrote: November 27th, 2022, 6:30 pm This may sound odd, but my daughter and at least two others that I've read have been given the date of December 7th of a big attack to come.
You know what I find even odder. It's the fact that I have been burned before with dates, but I keep wanting to believe every time. Here I am again with a measure of hope that finally a date will be right.
Not long ago on this very thread, a woman gave the date for when the Russia-Ukraine war would begin. That was accurate.

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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by FrankOne »

Shawn Henry wrote: November 29th, 2022, 3:16 pm
FrankOne wrote: November 27th, 2022, 6:30 pm This may sound odd, but my daughter and at least two others that I've read have been given the date of December 7th of a big attack to come.
You know what I find even odder. It's the fact that I have been burned before with dates, but I keep wanting to believe every time. Here I am again with a measure of hope that finally a date will be right.
even tho I posted that, I'm only giving a 5% chance that it will be this year. 50% next year 75% the following and 100% for 2025. Precise dates are almost always wrong. In my life, only once did a date come true. It was "there will be no school in 2019 school year" given in 2018 to someone close to me ( a school teacher btw). . We were both shocked that it actually happened. I've never personally been given a full date.

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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by zionbuilder »

As someone who grew up with an evangelical background, my mom would write stuff like this all the time. And before there was YouTube, she would print and hand hers out. They all use very similar language and, if I'm honest, it's filled with an almost manic energy. Not to say that words can't be given, or even dates, but this seems to have a familiar spirit that is more in line with a deceiving spirit.

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Reluctant Watchman
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

zionbuilder wrote: December 1st, 2022, 7:55 am As someone who grew up with an evangelical background, my mom would write stuff like this all the time. And before there was YouTube, she would print and hand hers out. They all use very similar language and, if I'm honest, it's filled with an almost manic energy. Not to say that words can't be given, or even dates, but this seems to have a familiar spirit that is more in line with a deceiving spirit.
There is always the potential for deception. Hence the counsel from the Lord to verify all things through the Holy Ghost. A superficial study of the scriptures presents a very grim picture of future events.

Even this woman above said that in one of her dreams there would be “no Thanksgiving.” Well… for most people in America they held Thanksgiving. So yeah, we have to be very discerning in our day and not be pulled along by “manic energy” that is prevalent in certain religious circles.

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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by lundbaek »

"A superficial study of the scriptures presents a very grim picture of future events."

That's for sure.

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Reluctant Watchman
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

lundbaek wrote: December 1st, 2022, 9:38 am "A superficial study of the scriptures presents a very grim picture of future events."

That's for sure.
A deeper study of the scriptures reveals the great light and hope that awaits the righteous. When the work of the Father truly commences.

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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by LateOutOfBed »

FrankOne wrote: November 29th, 2022, 6:56 pm
Shawn Henry wrote: November 29th, 2022, 3:16 pm
FrankOne wrote: November 27th, 2022, 6:30 pm This may sound odd, but my daughter and at least two others that I've read have been given the date of December 7th of a big attack to come.
You know what I find even odder. It's the fact that I have been burned before with dates, but I keep wanting to believe every time. Here I am again with a measure of hope that finally a date will be right.
even tho I posted that, I'm only giving a 5% chance that it will be this year. 50% next year 75% the following and 100% for 2025. Precise dates are almost always wrong. In my life, only once did a date come true. It was "there will be no school in 2019 school year" given in 2018 to someone close to me ( a school teacher btw). . We were both shocked that it actually happened. I've never personally been given a full date.
I could get behind those percentages. :) I think we need civil unrest first, which looks like it could start early next year with food shortages (Isaiah saying the "stay" and the "staff" being taken away comes to mind, followed by "ruled by babes"). Once it's chaos in America THEN we'll see an attack, but I do not personally believe before massive civil unrest will an attack on America happen. Of course, I would not be surprised if 7 Dec this year something around Ukraine or Taiwan occurred, leading to full blown WWIII really going next year. But just like everyone else, those are all just guesses too...

-- Geoff

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Wondering Wendy
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Wondering Wendy »

Edward Umling

[OP note - No year is given. However, I believe it might be this December, given Vicki Parnell's dream and vision. Anyway, we will know soon enough. 😅]

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Wondering Wendy
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Wondering Wendy »

DECEMBER 2, 2022
Message given on 28/11/22, between 1-2pm
1 Corinthians 2:9: However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” the things God has prepared for those who love him—
I am going to do a new thing on this earth that the world will marvel. I am about to make a display of My POWER and MIGHT that they may know there’s a God in heaven. I will be mocked no more and My children will be mocked no more. Your glory days are here where I will rise upon you with My fullness, My might, and everywhere you go, say or do, all will fall under My powerful anointing in you. What you were imagining earlier was not just in your mind. I was showing you what you will become and so much more than that (Ok so prior to receiving this message after my prayers, thoughts just started flooding mind and I could see myself in hospitals healing the sick with just my presence. People in comas and those on life support machines were getting up supernaturally and everyone who was in my vicinity was falling under the weight of God’s glory upon me. Suddenly reporters were surrounding me because word went out very quickly and I gave a directive that all who are watching even those listening on radio to stretch their hands in faith towards my outstretched hand in front of the cameras and they would be healed instantly)

The Lord continued, you will enter hospitals and every spirit of infirmity, death will flee in seven different directions. You will not even need to lay hands on anybody, just your presence alone will be enough and all will fall under the weight of My glory in you. Your words will be powerful spirits that will release life and healing. They will be active, cutting through the souls of men to the marrow and every darkness and intent of the hearts will be brought to light.

It will be undeniable, and so no excuses or explanations can be made up. Science will not explain it away. Not only will you do exploits, My glory will be seen on you, it will be visible and evident in its manifestations. Evil will not be anywhere near you, so there will be deliverance everywhere you go. Even through the airwaves as you saw, will My power be manifest. There is no hindrance or limitations in spiritual matters.
You are in the last days, the people who will usher in My great and mighty move as I bring everything under My authority. My judgements and recompense will fall upon man accordingly. If judgment, so be it, if recompense, so be it. But all will fall under one category or the other.

There will be REPENTANCE breaking out everywhere, for these signs and wonders will be everywhere. News stations will be reporting it worldwide, it will be supernatural and beyond man’s understanding to offer any explanations. They will not see it coming and so they will not know what hit them. I will move like wild fire and they will not be able to keep up nor explain it.

They will not be able to capture anyone of you to study you like they love to study things in their labs. I, God, cannot be studied under a microscope. I am the microscope coming to magnify sin and wickedness upon the earth for people to REPENT. Should they try to capture you, they will be destroyed. My Power and Glory are immeasurable, they created the entire universe; can man really capture this power and glory in a test tube! It is typical of man with his pride to admit nor submit to Me. And so will he fall under My judgment. There will be no two-way about it, either you are for me or not.

I am coming not to bring peace, but a sword to wake people up and make a firm decision on whom they will serve, whom they will listen to and obey. Will it be father, mother, sister or brother? Will it be your governments or My Kingdom? Tough decisions will be required of man.

As for you My daughter and all those I am calling to My army, this is your time. You have been in preparation and you have seen and felt My powerful presence in the secret place. I have been purging you and aligning you to My Spirit, who will indwell you in all His fullness which is My Glory. You are ready, you will move with such power that you will not know yourself anymore, but you will know just as I know you. You have been seeing through a glass though not clearly, but now all will be clear to you.

You are My Sons and Daughters, those that have denied themselves and taken up My cross and followed Me faithfully. Now you are coming to the end of your journey and into all I prepared you for- a mighty warrior in My end time army. Have you noticed how your prayers have changed and are more powerful as you wage war in the spirit? I have shown some of you in dreams how you will rescue many from death. There will be powerful weapons at war with mankind and you will be the ones to fend them off.

You will have power to fly and rescue many to safety. You will release fire from your mouths and hands and evil entities will be destroyed. You will be super sensitive in all your senses even spiritually and you will hear calls for help from thousands of kilometers away. You will move in the speed of light for there’s no space or distance in spiritual matters. You will minister to the lost in several countries for you will not need to board any planes, you will be the flight. You will detonate bombs and cover explosions with your bodies and no harm shall come upon you. You will walk through fires unscathed. You will have multiple visions of what is happening all at the same time and you will be able to attend to them all.

Eye has not seen nor ear heard nor mind perceived what My children will do. It will be immeasurable, incomprehensible to say the least. Nobody will be able to destroy you, including the robotic army that many nations now have under their arsenal.

You will provide supernaturally for the needs of the people-food and water. Those who need healing, you will heal. Those that are dead, you will raise up. The evil spirits that have long contended with man and subdued him will now come under your mighty power in defeat. You will once again take control of the realms taking dominion over the earth. Creation that has been groaning will finally be liberated.
So much more will you do. These times are inching very close now and this is why you also feel the intense move of My Spirit in you. Stay focused and in prayer for the enemy’s flood is about to come rolling in.
Isaiah 43:19: See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 60:1: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you

John 6:63: The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit[a] and life.

Hebrews 4:12: For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Daniel 11:32: And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

Ephesians 1:22: God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church.

Psalm 110:1: The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Revelation 22:12: “Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds.

Matthew 12:30; “Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me.

Matthew 10:34-39: “Don’t imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword. ‘I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Your enemies will be right in your own household!’ “If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.

Luke 9:23: Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.

Revelation 11:4-6: They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.” If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.

Ephesians 6:12: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Genesis 1:28: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Romans 8:19: For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

Isaiah 59:19: So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by FrankOne »

Wondering Wendy wrote: December 1st, 2022, 10:38 pm December
Edward Umling

[OP note - No year is given. However, I believe it might be this December, given Vicki Parnell's dream and vision. Anyway, we will know soon enough. 😅]
I really like that guy. His presentation is given with conviction. That guy is a real old school doomsdayer for sure.

I'm leaning toward an end of the month event for this year but a nuke right now just doesn't make any sense. They would have a hard time blaming another country for it. Someone I know was recently told something to the effect of "we have till Christmas". Very vague. A christmas day event would sound about right for the dark powers to do something.

in any case....those that wait....wait. Those that are not waiting will eventually be running.

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Wondering Wendy
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Wondering Wendy »

WARNING: INSTRUCTIONS, FINAL ORDERS, THE FLOODGATES (Message received in prayer 12/12/22)
The Bible Architecture

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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Sarah »

FrankOne wrote: December 2nd, 2022, 4:45 pm
Wondering Wendy wrote: December 1st, 2022, 10:38 pm December
Edward Umling

[OP note - No year is given. However, I believe it might be this December, given Vicki Parnell's dream and vision. Anyway, we will know soon enough. 😅]
I really like that guy. His presentation is given with conviction. That guy is a real old school doomsdayer for sure.

I'm leaning toward an end of the month event for this year but a nuke right now just doesn't make any sense. They would have a hard time blaming another country for it. Someone I know was recently told something to the effect of "we have till Christmas". Very vague. A christmas day event would sound about right for the dark powers to do something.

in any case....those that wait....wait. Those that are not waiting will eventually be running.
Interesting. We have Obama saying "we will win the war on Christmas," and Kim Jong Un threatening a few years back of a Christmas gift.

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Wondering Wendy
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Wondering Wendy »

Dec 12, 2022
My Beloved redeemed ones. My weary, faithful, longing ones. My called and chosen, set apart ones. My refined by fire ones. My anointed ones. My little flock. MINE. How you worry about many things. How busy and rushed many of you seem to be in this hour. Where? Where are you going? Why do you rush all over to and fro?

You seem to move about as if you are confused. Beloved soul of mine I am not the author of confusion but of peace. Peace. Be still. Be still soul. Do not doubt. Do not fear. Do not rush about fully of worry and doubt. I have gone before thee. I AM with thee. Never will I forsake thee. Oh ye of little faith. Why did you doubt? Believe. Have I not said.... Is it not written believe and ye Shall see my glory. I have said. And it is written. I AM who I AM. I AM the LORD. The GOD of all flesh, maker of heaven and earth.

Is there anything too hard for me? No. I AM revisiting and reminding. Comforting all who need it in this most dark hour. Have I not allowed all these things for my GLORY? I have. Then praise me in the mist of your pain beloved. Praise me for if you are in the fire I have sent it. I AM refining and purifying. I will avenge your life.

I know what you need and desire. You need not seek prayer from countless others over that which I AM aware of. I know. Beloved I know. I have you engraved upon my palm. I have you where I do desire you be. Are you waking by faith and not by sight? Are you believing and trusting me fully. Are you fearful of the storm and cry out to me the familiar words spoken.... Master care not that we perish? I have awakened from my deep dream. I AM in the boat. A nightmare having rocked the waves.

Be still. I AM with thee. It is calm. It is well. The hour is dark and evil is raging. I AM repaying a most grievous generation. I AM restoring and resurrecting in this hour as well. I AM who I AM. The first and the last. The beginning and the end. I AM. All things have changed. All things have changed. All things have changed. Behold. Arise. My Glory has come. Risen. Stand. Behold. Enter in.

It is finished. Awaken. Look not behind. Look not to the left or the right. Look straight ahead. Look to me. Eyes on me. Faith. Faith. Faith. I will help you. I AM your ever present help. I AM your strong tower. I AM able. I can. I will. I have. Do you believe this? Do you have faith in me? Do you believe that I AM ABLE TO DO ABOVE ALL YOU COULD EVER HOPE FOR OR EXPECT? Do you believe that I have? Your faith greatly pleases me. Great are your rewards.

I come quickly. The end of all things hath come. Are you awake? Are you watching? Are you in prayer? Are you expecting me.... Unexpectedly? The bitter and the sweet. When I share my cup and you drink with me, partaking in all I AM it feels like a burn in your belly. It hurts. Know that I love you. I have called you mine. Know this too that you who have drank this bitter shall drink the sweet. I AM not a man that I should lie.

I AM the way. I AM the truth. I AM the life. Great great and terrible darkness, wrath. Vengeance. I will repay beloved one. It is all in my hands and all in my control. Unfolding as I will. Be still and be excited to behold me. I have thirsted for you. For this finality. The fulfillment of all things. I have scattered. I have gathered. I have down. I have reaped. I have labored and travailed in my soul. I shall now eat the fruit of my labor and savor every morsel. I shall now see the travail of my soul and be satisfied. I shall now overturn all things.

Expect me. Expect Glory. My Glory. Expect the garden restored. The years restored. Expect the very best. Above all you can expect or hope from me. I AM the LORD. Ye Shall go forth in green pastures and praise my holy name. I have dealt wonderfully with you. With loving kindness I have drawn you. I have loved you with an everlasting love. Crowned.


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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by FrankOne »

Sarah wrote: December 13th, 2022, 9:37 am
FrankOne wrote: December 2nd, 2022, 4:45 pm
Wondering Wendy wrote: December 1st, 2022, 10:38 pm December
Edward Umling

[OP note - No year is given. However, I believe it might be this December, given Vicki Parnell's dream and vision. Anyway, we will know soon enough. 😅]
I really like that guy. His presentation is given with conviction. That guy is a real old school doomsdayer for sure.

I'm leaning toward an end of the month event for this year but a nuke right now just doesn't make any sense. They would have a hard time blaming another country for it. Someone I know was recently told something to the effect of "we have till Christmas". Very vague. A christmas day event would sound about right for the dark powers to do something.

in any case....those that wait....wait. Those that are not waiting will eventually be running.
Interesting. We have Obama saying "we will win the war on Christmas," and Kim Jong Un threatening a few years back of a Christmas gift.
I just watched that video again. He sure is convinced.. but...the thought came to my mind..."what year was this video made?". checked it out. 2 yrs ago. hm. I"m still giving this credence tho. In the video, he never says a year and the only other time constraint that I noted given is that the Presidential election ( of 2020) will be the last one. So... this Christmas or the next one or he's wrong.

since the day that i posted my comment above, my relative called me , the one that was told about "no school etc". She said that what she was just given indicated a disaster on Christmas. Then the words of "power out, panic, " and a few others which I can't accurately recall. Something to the effect of shock and terror. She never reads dreams/visions or watched youtube about end times stuff. So... it's notable that her description matches what this guy says.. She does not know if it applies to this year. She calls me with an experience to share maybe 2 times a year. From my reading too much, it appears that Biden may be taken out and Kamala comes into office and then things turn WAY south from there. ....with the reason being that the "event" requires a completely new way of life.

oh well. maybe, maybe not. I do find it interesting to entertain the question ; "what would the average person do if they KNEW without a single doubt, that he would wake up on a certain day and he no longer could buy what he needed or get fuel?" It is certain that God, at this time, does not want us to know. Apparently, things need to play out in a certain way to terrorize, sift, and kill people. Pain causes inner change. It's good that we are immortal. :) (not the body).

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Wondering Wendy
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Wondering Wendy »

U B Ready
Jeremiah 14:10-12
10 Thus saith the LORD unto this people, Thus have they loved to wander, they have not refrained their feet, therefore the LORD doth not accept them; he will now remember their iniquity, and visit their sin.
11 Then said the LORD unto me, Pray not for this people for their good.
12 When they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation, I will not accept them: but I will consume them by the sword, and by famine, and by the pestilence.
Note: Before I read this word that I received today from the Father, I just want to give a little information on how I received this word. Most of you probably know and have heard that the president of this nation signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law yesterday. I was not aware of it, and was in prayer during the time that it was being signed. While in prayer, the Lord spoke a very clear, loud word into my spirit. The words I heard were DEATH NAIL. I have continued to hear those words repeated to me again many times all last night and today. Then during my prayer time today, the Father spoke this very serious word to me concerning the DEATH NAIL.

My son, hear now and write the words you hear. Add not to this word, nor take anything away, lest these things spoken are come upon you also.

This nation has long ago CROSSED THE RUBICON and proceeds now to make a mockery of Me, for this nation has EMBRACED the sodomites and their perverted ways.


This nation will no longer enjoy the benefits of My Mercy. Mystery Babylon's cup of iniquities now overflows, and the TIME OF HER DESTRUCTION IS NOW SET AND WILL PROCEED AT WARP SPEED.

My son, My church has stood idly by and allowed the reprobate children of satan to change laws and times. My once strong church is now a cowering shell of what it once was -- led by false prophets, teachers, and seminar want-to-be's.


My son, I UTTERLY DESTROYED the cities of the plain for LESS than what this nation throws in My face. The DESTRUCTION coming on this vile nation of America will be FAST and TOTAL.

REPENT NOW while you can, for soon all that will come out of your mouths will be WEEPING and WAILING. My mercy and grace has been abused by worldly and carnal men who call me LORD, but I know them not.

My son, tell those of My CHOSEN ONES I AM with you. Continue to seek Me, and I will lead and guide you through the coming days. WAR is at hand, but nobody sees it at the door.

REPENT NOW and have your house and hearts in order, for the DEATH NAIL WILL AFFECT ALL. Those strong in Me will stand -- those weak will fall.

This is the time spoken of by My servant John -- IT HAS BEGUN. I will not hold back My hand any longer.



The Father

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Wondering Wendy
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Wondering Wendy »

AN Urgent!! Proclamation Against Mystery Babylon/Manhattan is going to be destroyed on Christmas.
Suzanna Noel
(OP note - We've got another one with a date. As far as I know, this lady has never given a date before. Anyone in NYC/Manhattan might want to inquire of the Lord, just in case. 🤷🏼‍♀️)

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Wondering Wendy
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Wondering Wendy »

U B Ready
Jeremiah 50:2-3
2 Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces.

3 For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.
My son, hear and write these words given to you. There is a GREAT COMMOTION coming to the nation. Many will NOT EXPECT WHAT IS TO COME AND WILL SET MEN'S HEARTS AFIRE. Great anger and rage will flow through the streets of this nation, now under the hand of judgment.

Why will NOT My people understand?? It is because of their UNREPENTANCE. It is because they will NOT GIVE UP AND DESTROY the false gods and idols they worship.



My son, many in My body will not believe the COMMOTION when it starts. They have been taught lies, saying they will be GONE. But I say, because of your BLINDNESS, you will not even know the times that are upon you!

My body will think this EVENT COMING is just another terrorist act, but this COMMOTION is much more than that. Do you NOT realize the TIMES spoken of by Daniel are UPON YOU NOW? You do NOT believe because of the DECEPTION you have been taught by man, instead of allowing MY SPIRIT to guide you to the truth of My Word. REPENT NOW!

My son, the nation out of the north WILL HIT with such speed and utter destruction, it will catch everyone by TOTAL SURPRISE! My children - BE NOT IN THE DARK! REPENT NOW, and I will take the BLINDERS OFF that you have ON!

Trust in Me, My children. I will LEAD you to the safe places. Listen for My still, small voice to GUIDE you. I WILL COME TO YOU IN DREAMS AND VISIONS. WHEN I SAY MOVE - DO NOT HESITATE.

I love you all, but a GREAT COMMOTION IS AT THE DOOR!

Be ready! Be in prayer! Be in My Word!


Lord Jesus

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Wondering Wendy
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Re: End Times Prophecies

Post by Wondering Wendy »

U B Ready
Jeremiah 2:13
For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.
My son, this word is a hard word, but it must be spoken to those who go to the CHURCH OF WHOREDOMS. The children in this church DO NOT follow Me, but follow what man has DECIDED is Me.

False pastors and teachers have distorted My Word so badly that now REPENTANCE is a word not heard. My children - RUN from these broken cisterns that do not hold the LIVING WATER.

My son, these false temples have ALLOWED every false spirit in the doors and have DECEIVED My children into thinking that ANYTHING supernatural is My Holy Spirit.

The elders in these false temples have darkened the lights and present a stage show for worship. They have REMOVED THE ALTARS where many would kneel and repent of sins. Now they stand and raise a hand and secretly meet in the back to talk with an elder.


My son, this church teaches nothing but man-made LIES to keep the yoke on My children's neck. They allow ALL MANNER of DIVINATION and WITCHCRAFT to set up tables and pull the blind children further away! They sell their books for PROFITS at the COST of souls headed to hell!


My children, you are DECEIVED and MUST REPENT for following those false pastors and teachers. You have FORGOTTEN the Fountain of Living Waters to fill your parched souls.

My son, the hour is late, and soon a MIGHTY DECEPTION WILL MAKE AN APPEARANCE. My children are NOT strong in My Word, and many will FALL PREY to the DELUSION.

All those who hear this warning, REPENT NOW, and SEEK the True Living God in prayer and in My Word.

ONLY THE STRONG AND THE REMNANT WILL WITHSTAND THE COMING GREAT DELUSION. Satan is not holding back, for he knows his time is short.


Given by the Lord Jesus

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