US Constitution a Gospel Principle

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US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by lundbaek »

The U.S. Constitution as a Gospel Principle for Latter-day Saints

In the April 1935 General Conference, President J. Reuben Clark said, To me...that statement of the Lord, I have established the Constitution of this land, puts the Constitution of the United States in the position in which it would be if it were written in this book of Doctrine and Covenants itself. This makes the Constitution the word of the Lord to us. That it was given, not by oral utterance, but by the operation of His mind and spirit upon the minds of men, inspiring them to the working out of this great document of human government, does not alter its authority.

Two years earlier, according to research and a speech by Dr. W. Cleon Skousen, and with his reference to This is J. Reuben Clark: The Public Years by Frank Fox, and This is J. Reuben Clark: The Church Years by Michael Quinn, J. Reuben Clark had been called by President Heber J. Grant to serve in the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. According to Dr. Skousen, ... J. Reuben Clark was very disturbed that he would be called to the First Presidency of the Church. He found himself telling Bishops and Stake Presidents how to run their Stakes and their Wards.

J. Reuben Clark said to President Grant, Don't you make these choices by inspiration? President Grant said, Yes, we do.
J. Reuben Clark said, I can understand why a lawyer of international prominence and so forth, like myself, may add to the prestige of the Church. But I don't know what I am doing here. I am doing things that I never was trained to do. I'm instructing people. I feel very inadequate. Well, according to the story that I was told, President Grant said, That's not why you were chosen as a counselor.
Well, why was I chosen?
You were chosen because the Constitution of the United States is in jeopardy. The Church needs to be aroused, the country needs to be aroused, and we've got to start training our people to defend that Constitution before it's shredded and lost.
Oh, really?
You are the best Constitutionalist in the Church.
All of the sudden you hear him quoting his 1923 speech in Conference. You see, we were a Democratic state, 62 percent Democrats. They began to call that {Clark¹s talks] Republican politics in Conference. Oh, he got the Dickens By the time I got here to Utah, sometime later [1951], J. Reuben Clark was one of the most unpopular people in this state.

But why should Latter-day Saints even concern themselves with the U.S. Constitution now [2008], in a time when the General Authorities of the Church hardly say anything more about it. Do Latter-day Saints no longer have any responsibility to befriend the constitutional law of the land? Are we free to promote and support government actions, programs and legislation that the Constitution does not authorize, and thus prohibits? (According to the 10th Amendment, The powers not designated to the United States by the Constitution, not prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. )

So just what is the responsibility of Latter-day Saints regarding the U.S. Constitution in these days? Since the U.S. Constitution was ratified and accepted as the cornerstone of the government of the United States, perhaps we need to ask if Latter-day Saints have any responsibility regarding government. Yes, there is such a responsibility, and it is stated in the Doctrine and Covenants. D&C 134: 1 tells us that God holds men accountable for their acts in relation to government, both in making laws and administering them. That verse alone should advise us that God definitely has an interest in our shaping of and administration of government. And therefore it would be wise for Latter-day Saints to determine as best we can just how we should shape and administer government. In fact, a few people have expressed their frustration at trying to decide whom to vote for in the November 2008 election as President and Vice-president of the United States. My reply has been, and continues to be, for openers, to read and ponder the words of three other scriptures in the Doctrine and Covenants.

D&C 101: 77-80 informs us that the Lord established the Constitution of the United States by the hands of wise men whom He raised up for that very purpose. In fact, almost all of the latter-day prophets, as well as many latter-day apostles, have declared that the Constitution was created thru the inspiration of the Lord. They have stressed the vital importance of defending, upholding and adhering to the Constitution. There exist recordings of many prophetic testimonies bearing solemn witness of this truth. They testify that there is no way around this responsibility if Latter-day Saints wish to remain a free people.

D&C 98: 4-10 (with emphasis on Verse 6) advises us that Latter-day Saints are to befriend the constitutional law of the United States. In trying to come up with a good explanation of what the Lord meant by befriending the Constitution, I found the following statement by President Ezra Taft Benson, spoken in the October 1987 General Conference. How then can we best befriend the Constitution in this critical hour and secure the blessings of liberty and ensure the protection and guidance of our Father in Heaven?
First and foremost, we must be righteous... Two great American Christian civilizations - the Jaredites and the Nephites - were swept off this land because they did not serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ. (Ether 2: 12) What will become of our civilization?
Second, we must learn the principles of the Constitution in the tradition of the Founding Fathers. Have we read the Federalist Papers? Are we reading the Constitution and pondering it? Are we aware of its principles? Are we abiding by these principles and teaching them to others? Could we defend the Constitution? Can we recognize when a law is constitutionally unsound? Do we know what the prophets have said about the Constitution and the threats to it?
Third, we must become involved in civic affairs to see that we are properly represented....
Fourth, we must make our influence felt by our vote, our letters, our teaching, and our advice. We must become accurately informed and then let others know how we feel....
We, the blessed beneficiaries of the Constitution, face difficult days in America, a land which is choice above all other lands . (Ether 2: 10) May God give us the faith and the courage exhibited by those patriots who pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor...

D&C 109: 54, spoken in prayer by the Prophet Joseph Smith at the dedication of the temple at Kirtland, Ohio in 1836, state that the Constitution of our land be established forever. We take liberties with that statement at our peril. There are many, even in the Church, who consider the Constitution out of date, meant for an earlier time when things were different, etc. They ignore the evidence that the Constitution’s role goes beyond providing a free nation in which the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Church could be restored, and that it will become the governing system for the entire world during the Millennium. That evidence includes the statement by Melvin J. Ballard in the October 1918 General Conference that ...God’s word shall not fail when He predicted that the instrument known as the Constitution of the United States, the Spirit of Liberty established here by a few weak colonists, was His order of things for the government of men, and it should roll forth to fill the whole earth.

At this point it might be well to consider practical reasons why Latter-day Saints should awaken to their responsibility in befriending that law which is the constitutional law of the land.
One very good reason is obedience. A First Presidency Statement of 15 January 1987 advised the following:
We encourage Latter-day Saints throughout the nation to familiarize themselves with the Constitution. They should focus attention on it by reading and studying it. They should ponder the blessings that come through it. They should recommit themselves to its principles and be prepared to defend it and the freedom it provides....
Because some Americans have not kept faith with our Founding Fathers, the Constitution faces severe challenges. Those who do not prize individual freedom are trying to erode its great principles. We believe the Constitution will stand, but it will take the efforts of partiotic and didicated Americans to uphold it.... We, as Latter-day Saints, must be vigilant in doing our part to preserve the Constitution and safeguard the way of life it makes possible.
This bicentennial year affords us renewed opportunities to learn more about this divinely inspired charter of our liberty, to speak in its defense, and to preserve and protect it againts evil or destruction.

One of my favourite statements regarding obedience in befriending the U.S. Constitution was spoken by David O. McKay in the October 1939 General Conference. He said, Next to being one in worshiping God, there is nothing in this world upon which this Church should be more united than in upholding and defending the Constitution of the United States.

Another important reason for reading and studying the U.S. Constitution and preparing to defend it and the freedom it provides is that the Lord told the Prophet Joseph Smith that there would be an attempt to overthrow the country by destroying the Constitution. Joseph Smith predicted that the time would come when the Constitution would hang by a thread, and at that time this people will step forth and save it from the threatened destruction (Journal of Discourses 7:15). And the Lord has warned us thru the ancient Prophet Moroni that Secret combinations are of the devil and result in the destruction of nations--Modern Gentiles are warned against the secret combination which shall seek to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries. (Ether 8: 18-25) President Benson reminded us of this threat in the October 1988 General Conference, when he testified that Secret combinations lusting for power, gain, and glory are flourishing. A secret combination that seeks to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries is increasing its evil influence and control over America and the entire world. He further testified in that speech that the forces of evil increase under Lucifer’s leadership and as the forces of good increase under the leadership of Jesus Christ, there will be growing battles between the two until the final confrontation. As the issues become clearer and more obvious, all mankind will eventually be required to align themselves either for the kingdom of God or for the kingdom of the devil.

So we Latter-day Saints definitely have a job ahead of us. In that regard, Ezra Taft Benson said "For years we have heard of the role the elders could play in saving the Constitution from total destruction. But how can the elders be expected to save it if they have not studied it and are not sure if it is being destroyed or what is destroying it?" (From Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson , Pg. 619-620) President Hinkley on occasion expressed his optimism for the future. It is my opinion that we need to start preparing to make it happen.

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by Darren »

Cleon Skousen prepares us for the upcoming work to save the constitution with these words from "The Majesty of God's Law."
Chapter 23
The Restoration of the Constitution under God's Law

The Founders designed the original Constitution … Since then, a revolution has occurred. … the Constitution has been torn to shreds.


A state could not have an honest system of money based on gold and silver.

A state could not educate its children in universal religious principles as the Founders recommended in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787.

A state could not take over the federal lands which have been retained by the government in violation of Article I, Section 8, clause 17.

No state would be allowed to return to the original taxing structure which made income taxes unconstitutional.

No state could disallow the federal government's program of withholding the amount of taxes from a paycheck before they are actually due.

No state would be allowed to use a number of the penalties outlined in God's law to compel a wrongdoer to provide reparation to his victim for injury and damages.

No state could replace the federal laws relating to:
wilderness areas
minimum wages
child labor
prayers in school
Bible reading in school
the civil rights of AIDS carriers
the price of steel, eliminate the subsidizing of favored enterprises
and a hundred other issues which may have been based on good intentions, but for which there is absolutely no authorization in the Constitution.

These are merely illustrations of the tentacles of usurpation and intrusion by the federal government which have broken the chains of the Constitution and confused or obliterated the division of responsibilities outlined by the Founders.

But This Is Not the End

No matter how snarled things as time goes by, there is a future time -- perhaps much nearer than we think -- when the wheels of this juggernaut will grind to a halt. The Founders believed that up there somewhere there is a dispensation of God's law in America's future. They believed it and I believe it. But what would it be like? That is why this book was written.

It is very apparent that the Founders knew that before God's law could be adopted, there had to be the restoration of Biblical Christianity, the raising up of a virtuous people, and the restoration of the inspired Constitution.

Someday I may write a small book describing how I imagine all of this might come about, but at this point it is sufficient to know that God's law is in America's future and we should be preparing ourselves to live under its principles.

It all begins with understanding the pristine beauty of the original Constitution. Someday it will be completely restored.

God's New Order Will Come After the Cleansing

To appreciate God's new order which is coming, we have to realize that practically everything will be new.

All of the evil which had accumulated under the corruption and abuse of the old Constitution will be gone.

The people will have been cleansed, humbled, and prepared for a virtuous life by having paid the price following an extended epoch of debauchery and rebellion against God.

The leadership of the people will have passed to those who have done their homework and know the requirements of God's law so the people can trust them and cooperate together in setting up the new order predicted by Moses.

The people will be divided by families into tens, fifties, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, etc. At each level they will have selected leaders of the quality described in Deuteronomy 1:13, and who have been approved by those in charge.

The basic community throughout the country will be a hundred families, called a ward. A number of wards will constitute a county and the counties of a designated region will constitute a state.

At every level leaders will be elected after being nominated by an electoral committee of "wise men."

There will be no political campaigns.

There will be no political parties.

There will be no political spoils.

The Restored Constitution and God's New Order

As we have previously mentioned, both Washington and James Madison called the Constitution of the United States a miracle, but of course they were talking about the Constitution they originally designed. To fulfill the marvelous results they expected, the Founders' inspired Constitution will have to be restored as we have attempted to describe it in this chapter.

This, then, brings us back to Moses.

One can only imagine the convulsions in the mind of this great prophet when he came to the end of his association with the Israelites and learned from God that the perfect law -- which would make the Israelites the greatest nation on earth -- would be desecrated, trampled under foot, and they would lose the great blessing God had promised them.

But with his prophetic eye on historical events on the latter days, Moses saw that remnants of the Israelites would gradually gather to a modern Zion and eventually provide the whole world with the perfect law of God just as Moses had received it from Mount Sinai.

But it has been a slow process. First the Founders received the inspired Constitution which was described as a "miracle." Then, as in the case of ancient Israel, that great document was abused, distorted and mutilated, so many aspects of American life became quite reprehensible. In recent decades the nation gradually awakened to find itself very much at risk.

Perhaps it will not be surprising if America has to pass through a period of "cursings" before it can inherit a glorious and magnificent shower of "blessings". Should this be our lot, the people who will be able to expedite those blessings will be those who have done their home work and are prepared to help usher in the new glorious day which Moses envisioned.
And then these isolated quotes to ponder from the same book:
Jefferson was particularly skilful in his knowledge of the law and constitutional principles set forth in the five books of Moses. And as we have previously mentioned, he carefully compared the constitution of the Israelites with the laws of the Anglo-Saxons which were almost identical.
James Madison became known as "the father of the Constitution." It was his goal to somehow weave together in the American Constitution those principles of government practiced by ancient Israel in its divinely inspired republic.
In 1639, the first written Constitution in America was prepared for Connecticut by Rev. Thomas Hooker and his friends. It was based on the first chapter of Deuteronomy. Later, the settlers of Rhode Island copied it for their own constitution.

Around 143 years later, following the Declaration of Independence, these two states were the only ones that had the political structure required for a self-governing commonwealth, and they were the only states that did not have to write new constitutions after the national Constitution was adopted.

For these two states, the principles of God's Law in the first chapter of Deuteronomy proved superior to any precepts used by the other states.

Eventually, most of New England took a leaf from the first chapter of Deuteronomy and organized their communities on the basis of approximately 100 families per unit just as Moses had organized ancient Israel. These units in New England consisting of approximately 100 families were called "wards" -- which in the Bible meant a "watched over" or "guarded" place.

Thomas Jefferson noticed how efficiently these "wards" or townships were working out in New England and therefore advocated the Biblical pattern of community organization for the whole country. Here is what he said:

"These wards [of approximately 100 families each], called townships in New England, are the vital principle of their governments, and have proved themselves the wisest invention ever devised by the wit of man for the perfect exercise of self-government, and for its preservation."
The Founders Knew God's Law Will Someday Rule America

In spite of the failure of the leading Founders to popularize God's law in their day, they knew that someday a righteous generation of Americans would enjoy its blessings. Moses had predicted it and the Founders longed for the day when the promise of that great prophet would become a reality.
When the Constitution Conventional convened in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, nobody knew how it was going to turn out, and today we realize many of its most valuable features have been lost and will have to be restored. In other words, it will not be long before we have to do it all over again.

Today, most of the major elements of the Founders' original constitutional philosophy have been shattered. The Founders' belief in the separation of powers, protecting states rights, and an honest money system, a government of limited powers, no deficit spending, no income taxes, no national debt, no federal welfare, checks and balances, etc. are no longer part of the nation's mainstream political thinking.
Benjamin Franklin injected this note of prophetic insight:
"I agree to this Constitution ... and I believe, further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other."

Samuel Adams, the father of the American Revolution
"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt."

John Adams was equally explicit:
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
The point I am making is, are we getting ready for the post cleansing Constitutional Convention? Do we have any clue as to what will go into that millennial Constitution? I study the principles that Thomas Jefferson only wished he could, because he didn't have the Internet and I do, and I have access to much more of the words of our joint ancestors than he did. So I don't just study the words of Thomas Jefferson, who learned by study out of old dusty books in the Ancient Anglo/Saxon language. I study the words of Christ as he gave them to the lost tribes of Israel, as available on the Internet. What else has a modern Constitutionalist have to do?

Work Together by the Law.
God Bless,

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by lundbaek »

I like to think we in fact are preparing a "remnant" for the post cleansing Constitutional Convention. Finding suitable candidates is the hard part, what with the distractions of "bread and circuses", which I think is part of Satan's plan. Much of my efforts with the JBS, the AZ Constitution Party, and my personal endeavours are focused on just that.

My lead-off post on this thread was inspired by the lack of interest on the part of bishops and stake presidents to Bircher's "The Prophets and the Constitution" presentations. It is intended to show that the US Constitution is a part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that there is no excuse for ignoring it. With the exception of the J. Reuben Clark story as an attention getter, I purposely stuck to Holy Scripture and as few statements by modern apostles and prophets as possible. (I could have inundated them with lots more.) I realize that there are other aspects of the Gospel that currently may be more urgent, even desperate, and I suspect the Constitution and freedom topic may be considred by some church leaders to be a distraction. I'm open to suggestions for improvement.

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by Darren »

lundbaek wrote:I like to think we in fact are preparing a "remnant" for the post cleansing Constitutional Convention. Finding suitable candidates is the hard part, what with the distractions of "bread and circuses", which I think is part of Satan's plan. Much of my efforts with the JBS, the AZ Constitution Party, and my personal endeavours are focused on just that.
I have been working with members of the JBS here in Missouri and in Oregon and with a couple of the national leaders of the JBS. It feels like baby steps at times, a few hangups by a few JBS members about the Constitution being all that there is, as a basis of freedom, but overall these are of the best prepared folks to take us past the cleansing and into the millennium.

Thanks lundbaek,
God Bless,

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by Proud 2b Peculiar »

I have been looking for that book! I just got The Making of America today. I was so thrilled because I already had the curriculum for my kids, but not the textbook.

I need the Majesty of God's law tho.... where did you get yours?

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by John Adams »

Darren wrote:The point I am making is, are we getting ready for the post cleansing Constitutional Convention? Do we have any clue as to what will go into that millennial Constitution?

Sometimes I wonder if anyone has a "clue" but for the most part I think there are some great people around who are thinking about this and will step forward at the appropriate time. I so look forward to that "time" (while still enjoying what I can today).

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by Proud 2b Peculiar »

I am trying to get on the job training right now... I will let you know if it worked LOL jk

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by Robert »

I was thinking about joining a local JBS (60 miles away), but I was told to stay away from them.

They seam like they got good stuff.

Any thoughts? Pros or cons

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by lundbaek »

I am a relatively new member of The John Birch Society, although I have taken The New American magazine for about 10 years, have had a few letters to the editor printed in the magazine, and even hosted a chapter meeting in our home a couple years ago.

The JBS promotes the principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence and codified by the U.S. Constitution. Its goal includes persuading Americans to find and support candidates for public office who will promote the return of government to its proper constitutional levels.

LDS Church leaders have urged members to get involved in restoring and preserving freedom under the United States Constitution by embracing the principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence and codified by the U.S. Constitution. And Church teachings do square with the JBS goals.

I appreciate the JBS for its relatively large membership and its resources and investigative abilities. Its goals are, as far as I can see, the same as the goals of LDSs should be, to promote the principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence and codified by the U.S. Constitution. Its goal, as should be ours, includes persuading Americans to find and support candidates for public office who will promote the return of government to its proper constitutional levels. In decades past, LDS Church leaders have urged members to get involved in restoring and preserving freedom under the United States Constitution. But they can no longer openly do that, I believe, because of a legitimate and warranted fear that to do so would bring the wrath of the modern Gadiantons down upon the Church with devastating effect on its missionary and temple building programs. Also, as Ezra Taft Benson stated, “ Maybe the Lord will never set up a specific Church program for the purpose of saving the Constitution. Perhaps if he did it would split the church asunder, and perhaps He does not want this to happen yet, for not all the wheat and tares are fully ripe.” So I think it remains with us to individually or in groups seek opportunities to enlighten other LDSs to the dangers of the unconstitutional encroachments that are happening, and where they are leading us.

As an Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson also wrote in private correspondence to a Brother and Sister Curtis in Manti, UT: “You will be interested to know that President McKay encouraged my son, Reed, to stay with the John Birch Society indicating that it would be vindicated and become a powerful organization in the preservation of our freedom.”, and in another private letter to a Brother Olsen in Spokane, WA: “The John Birch Society has been smeared and misrepresented by the communist and liberal press in this country. I consider the Birch Society the most effective secular organization in America in the fight against socialism and godless communism.”
( ... birch.html)

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by Robert »

lundbaek wrote:I am a relatively new member of The John Birch Society, although I have taken The New American magazine for about 10 years, have had a few letters to the editor printed in the magazine, and even hosted a chapter meeting in our home a couple years ago.

The JBS promotes the principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence and codified by the U.S. Constitution. Its goal includes persuading Americans to find and support candidates for public office who will promote the return of government to its proper constitutional levels.

LDS Church leaders have urged members to get involved in restoring and preserving freedom under the United States Constitution by embracing the principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence and codified by the U.S. Constitution. And Church teachings do square with the JBS goals.

I appreciate the JBS for its relatively large membership and its resources and investigative abilities. Its goals are, as far as I can see, the same as the goals of LDSs should be, to promote the principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence and codified by the U.S. Constitution. Its goal, as should be ours, includes persuading Americans to find and support candidates for public office who will promote the return of government to its proper constitutional levels. In decades past, LDS Church leaders have urged members to get involved in restoring and preserving freedom under the United States Constitution. But they can no longer openly do that, I believe, because of a legitimate and warranted fear that to do so would bring the wrath of the modern Gadiantons down upon the Church with devastating effect on its missionary and temple building programs. Also, as Ezra Taft Benson stated, “ Maybe the Lord will never set up a specific Church program for the purpose of saving the Constitution. Perhaps if he did it would split the church asunder, and perhaps He does not want this to happen yet, for not all the wheat and tares are fully ripe.” So I think it remains with us to individually or in groups seek opportunities to enlighten other LDSs to the dangers of the unconstitutional encroachments that are happening, and where they are leading us.

As an Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson also wrote in private correspondence to a Brother and Sister Curtis in Manti, UT: “You will be interested to know that President McKay encouraged my son, Reed, to stay with the John Birch Society indicating that it would be vindicated and become a powerful organization in the preservation of our freedom.”, and in another private letter to a Brother Olsen in Spokane, WA: “The John Birch Society has been smeared and misrepresented by the communist and liberal press in this country. I consider the Birch Society the most effective secular organization in America in the fight against socialism and godless communism.”
( ... birch.html)
Cool. I think I will go then. Thanks

Your link doesnt work though.

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by Proud 2b Peculiar »

The only complaint I have ever heard about the JBS other then the misinfo junk, is that they only educate and do not take action. That said I like to get education from them, and I use it in groups that do take action.

They are one of the big sponsors for the Rally for the Republic

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by jnjnelson »

LoveChrist wrote:.. they only educate and do not take action. ...
Sounds, to me, a lot like "I teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves." Not so bad, is it? If this is the only complaint, it isn't much of a complaint - more of a compliment in my view.

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by lundbaek »

Don't take action my foot! I spent most of yesterday bringing DVDs of "Overview of America" to a host of history and social studies high school and Jr. high school teachers. And that was just yesterday. Other members of the chapter have or are doing the same, and others participate in various activities where they can promote the message of the JBS.

I agree that much effort is spent on education. But that is not done only in chapter meetings over cookies and whatever. Until more people get educated, ain't nothin gonna happen.

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by Proud 2b Peculiar »


I think educating is taking action. Those are not my words. By taking action I think they meant resolutions, endorsing candidates and helping people understand who to support and all that.

I think that JBS and NCCS are GREAT resources and great for educating, I am definitely using all that I can get from them to further educate myself and my children, and my neighbors. It is true, we must be educated, and an educated public will make the right decisions. Some are just to used to being told what to do and letting others think for them. I have nothing against the JBS.

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by Shabako »

Making of America and the Majesty of God's Law are both great books. Another really well-written book that I have enjoyed is Skousen's the 5000 Year Leap.

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by lundbaek »

Last evening I gave a presentation (talk) to a group of recent college grads, most I'm sure flaming liberals, about the Constitution Party. My closing remarks actually brought some cheers.

"I have concluded that these and certain other national maladies have come about largely if not exclusively by departures of our government from the limitations imposed on it by the U.S. Constitution. I personally know of no president and of only two congressmen who have faithfully honoured their oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

"Folks, we are engaged is a battle royale, not between liberals and conservatives, not between Republicans and Democrats; but a battle between Americans who consider the US Constitution to be the supreme law of our land, and Globalists, who have for decades been slowly maneuvering America into a position of subservience to first a regional government AKA the North American Union, and then to a world socialist dictatorship. And men like David Rockefeller and former Secretary General of the U.N. Kofi Annan, among others in the enemy camp, have said so.

"At issue is whether we can preserve, and in some cases take back, the freedoms bequeathed to us by our country’s Founding Fathers. It is the intent of the Constitution Party, its candidates for elected office, and its supporters nation wide to put a stop to this slide toward a global government and reverse those maladies that are greasing the skids for it."

Proud 2b Peculiar
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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by Proud 2b Peculiar »


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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by naturelovertoo »

Great job, you do have it in you!

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by Chip »

Go, Lundbaek!!! I'm with you in spirit, and I plan to be with you in deed, too.

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by Bircher »

Good job Lundbaek. What was the response?

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by lundbaek »

The response was mixed, but still more positive than I expected. Fortunately, I had copies of the statements by David Rockefeller and former Secretary General of the U.N. Kofi Annan which proved their awareness and support of world government. That went over well. But while a few wanted to talk about what I had said, there were others who kept clear of me afterwards.

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The Law
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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by ChelC »

Awesome! Good job. I wish we could clone you until more men rise up and stop this lunacy.

Proud 2b Peculiar
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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by Proud 2b Peculiar »

lundbaek wrote:The response was mixed, but still more positive than I expected. Fortunately, I had copies of the statements by David Rockefeller and former Secretary General of the U.N. Kofi Annan which proved their awareness and support of world government. That went over well. But while a few wanted to talk about what I had said, there were others who kept clear of me afterwards.
Only because they fear you LOL

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Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by lundbaek »

I've got a similar presentation ahead of me in Flagstaff next week.

It is increasingly apparent to me that the people I am focusing on, LDSs, are generally unaware of the danger McCain poses to America, and/or determined to vote for him because they believe he is the lesser of two evils and will give us more time to "prepare". Most seem to think that because Romney and Huntsman both support McCain he must be deserving of our support. I consider him every bit as dangerous as Obama. He supports the globalist agenda. I don't see how Romney and Huntsman could be oblivious to that. These two should be trying to rally the Elders of Israel in the defense of the Constitution and basic Gospel principles, not supporting a candidate who would maneuver us into global governance under a world socialist dictatorship. But our fine, loyal LDS brethren and sisters do not see that. They are so enamoured with Romney's and Huntsman's success as businessmen and church service that they cannot believe they would support a globalist for president. Globalist? What's that? Just some conspiracy theory.

Anyway, I have decided to continue to promote Chuck Baldwin for president, but say no more about them other two. It's a sorry state we are in that we have to choose between two evil intentioned puppets of the PTB.

Level 34 Illuminated
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Location: Mesa, Arizona

Re: US Constitution a Gospel Principle

Post by lundbaek »

I think it is noteworthy that in a 1982 publication by the LDS Church “Principles Of The Gospel”, on Page 146-147, in section IV, entitled "Gospel Principles", is written, “The Constitution was established through the inspiration of God to preserve the liberty of the people and to maintain his promise.” I point this our because of some flak I've taken for stating that the US Constitution is a gospel principle.

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