What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

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What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by moonwhim »

Popular Media Personality: The U.S. Has the Moral Authority to Annihilate Iran Because They’re Evil
Washington’s Blog
February 26, 2012

Tucker Carlson: The U.S. Has the Moral Authority to Annihilate Iran Because They’re Evil

What makes Iran evil?

Quite a few evangelical Christians think that all Muslims are evil, and Islam is the work of the devil. * And the war on terror has largely been a religious crusade (as well as a campaign to liberate Middle Eastern oil.)

Moreover, there is a widespread myth repeated by American media and politicians that Iran’s President (Ahmadinejad) said that Israel should be “wiped off the map”.

As a New York Times translation notes, Ahmadinejad wasn’t referring to Israel at all, but to the “regime” – i.e. the current political administration - in Israel.

Moreover, it was not Ahmadinejad himself speaking. He was quoting Ayatollah Khomeini, who died in1989 (and who looked exactly like Sean Connery’s evil twin)

Arash Norouzi – who despises Iran’s current leadership as a “backward regime” – notes:

What did Ahmadinejad actually say? To quote his exact words in Farsi:

“Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad.”

That passage will mean nothing to most people, but one word might ring a bell: rezhim-e. It is the word “regime.” pronounced just like the English word with an extra “eh” sound at the end. Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the country or Israel the land mass, but the Israeli regime. This is a vastly significant distinction, as one cannot wipe a regimeoff the map. Ahmadinejad does not even refer to Israel by name, he instead uses the specific phrase “rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods” (regime occupying Jerusalem).

So this raises the question.. what exactly did he want “wiped from the map”? The answer is: nothing. That’s because the word “map” was never used. The Persian word for map, “nagsheh” is not contained anywhere in his original Farsi quote, or, for that matter, anywhere in his entire speech. Nor was the western phrase “wipe out” ever said.Yet we are led to believe that Iran’s president threatened to “wipe Israel off the map.” despite never having uttered the words “map.” “wipe out” or even “Israel.”


The full quote translated directly to English:

“The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.”

Word by word translation:

Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) ishghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from).

As the New York Times pointed out

R. Nicholas Burns, the under secretary of state for political affairs, recently: “Given the radical nature of Iran under Ahmadinejad and its stated wish to wipe Israel off the map of the world, it is entirely unconvincing that we could or should live with a nuclear Iran.” But is that what Mr. Ahmadinejad said? And if so, was it a threat of war?

For months, a debate among Iran specialists over both questions has been intensifying. It starts as a dispute over translating Persian but quickly turns on whether the United States (with help from Israel) is doing to Iran what some believe it did to Iraq building a case for military action predicated on a faulty premise. “Ahmadinejad did not say he was going to wipe Israel off the map because no such idiom exists in Persian,” remarked Juan Cole, a Middle East specialist at the University of Michigan and critic of American policy who has argued that the Iranian president was misquoted.

“He did say he hoped its regime, i.e., a Jewish-Zionist state occupying Jerusalem, would collapse.” Since Iran has not “attacked another country aggressively for over a century,” he said in an e-mail exchange, “I smell the whiff of war propaganda.”

Jonathan Steele, a columnist for the left-leaning Guardian newspaper in London, recently laid out the case this way:

The Iranian president was quoting an ancient statement by Iran’s first Islamist leader, the late Ayatollah Khomeini, that ‘this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time,’ just as the Shah’s regime in Iran had vanished. He was not making a military threat. He was calling for an end to the occupation of Jerusalem at some point in the future. The ‘page of time’ phrase suggests he did not expect it to happen soon.

In fact, many orthodox Jews are opposed to Zionism. Whether Zionism is a good or bad political movement is open to debate. But Iran’s dislike of the Zionist regime is not the same as calling for Israel to be wiped off the map … in the same way that disliking the Bush administration or the Obama administration is not the same as calling for the destruction of America.

In terms of the U.S. having “moral authority” to annihilate Iran, perhaps Mr. Carlson thinks thatAmerica’s overthrow of Iran’s democratically-elected government, backing of Iraq in the war against Iran, and support of terrorist groups trying to overthrow the Iranian government give us the moral authority to continue to attack Iran.

* I am from the Judeo-Christian tradition, and am accepting of both Jews and Christians. Please remember that Christian writer and Army psychiatrist M. Scott Peck explained that there are different stages of spiritual maturity. Fundamentalism – whether it be Muslim, Christian, Jewish or Hindu fundamentalism – is an immature stage of development. Indeed, a a Christian fundamentalist who kills others in the name of religion is much more similar to a Muslim fundamentalist who kills other in the name of his religion than to a Christian who peacefully fights for justice and truth, helps the poor, or serves to bring hope to the downtrodden.

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by Oldemandalton »

Moonwhim, you must go outside of your small world of InfoWars, “Washington’s” Blog, Russia Today and Press TV to find the whole truth.
Taking one sentence out of one speech does not tell you what Ahmadinejad, or anyone else for that matter, feels about Israel or their nation’s intent toward them. You must take what President Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Khomeini and other religious and political leaders have said and written to determine the intentions of Iran and her military toward Israel and America.

Below are excerpts from an excellent and well researched paper “WHAT IRANIAN LEADERS REALLY SAY ABOUT DOING AWAY WITH ISRAEL” which is much different than the embarrassingly shallow article you quote from “Washington’s” Blog. It takes a comment in jest by Tucker Carlson out of context then takes one statement out of hundreds that Ahmadinejad has said about what should happen to Israel. When you do true open minded research, Moonwhim, you will find the truth is much different than the propaganda being spread by “Washington’s” Blog, InfoWars, and Press TV. Below is the “WHAT IRANIAN LEADERS REALLY SAY ABOUT DOING AWAY WITH ISRAEL” article and Tucker Carlson’s remarks on his “Iran deserves to be annihilated” comment.



Joshua Teitelbaum

Over the past several years, Iranian leaders – most prominently, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – have made numerous statements calling for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. Some of these statements have been interpreted by certain journalists and experts on Iran to be simple expressions of dissatisfaction with the Israeli presence in the West Bank or eastern Jerusalem, or with the current Israeli government and its policies.

Juan Cole of the University of Michigan argues that Ahmadinejad was not calling for the destruction of Israel, saying, “Ahmadinejad did not say he was going to wipe Israel off the map because no such idiom exists in Persian.” The British Guardian’s Jonathan Steele argued that Ahmadinejad was simply remarking that “this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.” Steele continues: “He was not making a military threat. He was calling for an end to the occupation of Jerusalem at some point in the future. The ‘page of time’ phrase suggests he did not expect it to happen soon.”1

Scholars continue to soft-pedal the Iranian President’s words. Professor Stephen Walt, who previously served as academic dean of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and co-authored The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy along with Professor John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, told a Jerusalem audience during a joint appearance in early June 2008, “I don’t think he is inciting to genocide,” when asked about Ahmadinejad’s call to wipe Israel off the map.2

In reality, the intent behind Ahmadinejad’s language is clear. Those who seek to excuse Iranian leaders should not remain unchallenged when they use the tools of scholarship as a smokescreen to obfuscate these extreme and deliberate calls for the destruction of Israel. Language entails meaning. These statements have been interpreted by leading Iranian blogs and news outlets – some official – to mean the destruction of Israel.

Examining Ahmadinejad’s Language

What emerges from a comprehensive analysis of what Ahmadinejad actually said – and how it has been interpreted in Iran – is that the Iranian president was not just calling for “regime change” in Jerusalem, but rather the actual physical destruction of the State of Israel. After all, it is hard to wipe a country off the map without destroying its population as well.

The Iranian government itself reinforced this understanding with its own rendition of his slogans on posters and billboards during official parades. Those who try to make Ahmadinejad’s statements excusable by narrowing their meaning to a change of Israel’s ruling coalition are misleading their readers. The plain meaning of what Ahmadinejad has declared constitutes a call for genocide – the destruction of the Jewish state and its residents.

A contextual examination of these statements demonstrates beyond a doubt that when Iranian leaders use the euphemism “Zionist regime” or “the Jerusalem-occupying regime,” they are most definitely referring to the State of Israel and not to the present regime. Iranian leaders are simply following the time-worn practice in the Arab world of referring to the “Zionist regime” in an attempt to avoid dignifying Israel by recognizing its name.

Iranian leaders are also not talking about a non-directed, natural historical process that will end with Israel’s demise. Rather, they are actively advocating Israel’s destruction and have made it clear that they have the will and the means to effect it.

Ahmadinejad’s “Wipe Israel Off the Map” Speech
و امام عزيز ما فرمودند كه اين رژيم اشغالگر قدس بايد از صفحه روزگار محو شود. اين جمله بسيار حكيمانه است.

Va Imam-e aziz-e ma farmudand ke in rezhim-e eshghalgar-e Qods bayad az safhe-ye ruzegar mahv shaved. In jomle besyar hakimane ast.

Our dear Imam [Khomeini] ordered that this Jerusalem occupying regime [Israel] must be erased from the page of time. This was a very wise statement.

The New York Times translated the statement as Israel “must be wiped off the map,” a non-literal translation which nevertheless conveyed the meaning of the original – the destruction of Israel.5 Despite the international controversy that Ahmadinejad’s language generated, a report on his October 2005 speech was still available on his presidential website as of May 2008.

On December 15, 2000, he declared on Iranian TV: “Iran’s position, which was first expressed by the Imam [Khomeini] and stated several times by those responsible, is that the cancerous tumor called Israel must be uprooted from the region.”

In an address to the “World without Zionism” Conference held in Tehran on October 26, 2005, Iranian
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said:4

“Our dear Imam [Khomeini] ordered that this Jerusalem occupying regime [Israel] must be erased from the page of time. This was a very wise statement.”

In order to remove any doubt in the mind of the Persian reader that Ahmadinejad is referring to Israel, the Iranian president’s official site, http://www.president.ir" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;, interpolates the word “Esraiil” ( اسرائيل ) in its report on the speech to explain the expression “stain of disgrace.”9

A common motif of genocide incitement is the dehumanization of the target population. The Nazi weekly Der Stürmer portrayed Jews as parasites and locusts. In the early 1990s, Hutu propaganda in Rwanda against the Tutsis described them as “cockroaches.”10 Prior to Saddam Hussein’s operations against the Iraqi Shiite population in 1991, his Baath Party newspaper characterized them as “monkey-faced people.”11 Similarly, President Ahmadinejad has called Israeli Jews “cattle,” “blood thirsty barbarians,” and “criminals.”12 Dehumanization has also appeared in other forms, like demonization, by which the target population is described as “Satanic” – a theme specifically used by Ahmadinejad.13

The theme of the Israeli germ or microbe is also a common one with the Iranian president. In his speech before a crowd in Bandar Abbas on February 20, 2008, Ahmadinejad said:14
In the Middle East, they [the global powers] have created a black and filthy microbe called the Zionist regime, so they could use it to attack the peoples of the region, and by using this excuse, they want to advance their schemes for the Middle East.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Israel’s founding, the President of Iran stated that “global arrogance established the Zionist regime 60 years ago.” The Islamic Republic News Agency reported:
“President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday labeled the Zionist regime as a ‘stinking corpse’ and
said those who think they can revive the corpse of this fabricated and usurper regime are mistaken.”

The Destruction of Israel is Achievable and Imminent – Not a Long-Term Historical Process

According to President Ahmadinejad, ridding the world of the germ Israel is possible and imminent. On April 14, 2006, Ahmadinejad insisted that Israel was “heading towards annihilation.” He added that Israel was:16
“A dried, rotten tree that will collapse with a single storm.”

The President of Iran told a press conference on March 14, 2008, held during a meeting of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in Senegal:17
“The Zionist regime is on its way out [destructible].”

Referring to the U.S. (the “Great Satan”) and Israel (the “Little Satan”), Ahmadinejad said at a military parade on April 17, 2008:18

“The region and the world are prepared for great changes and for being cleansed of Satanic enemies.”

For Ahmadinejad, Iran’s support for the Palestinians will help them destroy the State of Israel. He told a press conference on May 13, 2008: “This terrorist and criminal state is backed by foreign powers, but this regime would soon be swept away by the Palestinians.”19 A day later, Ahmadinejad spoke in Gorgan, in northern Iran, declaring, “Israel’s days are numbered,” adding that “the peoples of the region would not miss the narrowest opportunity to annihilate this false regime.”20 In a public address shown on the Iranian news channel on June 2, 2008, Ahmadinejad again reiterated: “Thanks to God, your wish will soon be realized, and this germ of corruption will be wiped off the face of the world.”21 Clearly, Ahmadinejad’s call for the imminent destruction of Israel was not a one-time event in 2005, but rather publicly declared on multiple occasions.

Israelis as a “Falsified People”

Ahmadinejad was fully prepared to make his assertions about Jews and Israel in the Western press, as well. In an interview that appeared in the French daily Le Monde on February 5, 2008, he said the Jews of Israel are: “a people falsified, invented, [the people of Israel] will not last; they must leave the territory.”

From the interview it is clear he believes that Israelis will not endure and will not continue to stay on the territory on which they are living. This is not a call for a change of government or new policies alone, but rather for the removal of Israel’s Jewish population from the country, either by ethnic cleansing or physical destruction.

How the Statements Are Understood in Iran

Blogs and Forums

While certain Western commentators on Iran seek to whitewash Ahmadinejad’s statements on Israel, pro and anti-regime Iranians (and others in the region) have no doubt that the Iranian president is referring to the destruction of Israel, according to Iranian blogs and forums. There are close to 180,000 Persian-language blogs, and Iranians constitute 53 percent of Internet users in the Middle East.

Mr. Ahmadinejad, Isn’t that Enough?

“In every Internet site that I visit today (for example, BBC or Radio-Farda) or the satellite radio and television news stations that I listen to, the first news item is the pearls of wisdom issued by Mr. Ahmadinejad regarding the countdown to the destruction of Israel.”22

What Have We Done to Erase Israel?

“Didn’t Imam Khomeini decree that Israel should be erased from the scene of time? Well, I ask you – what have we done in order to erase this Israel from the scene of time?”23

Ahmadinejad’s Statements and the Qur’an

An Iranian blogger asks: Why did Ahmadinejad talk about the destruction of Israel? Are his statements supported by religious laws and decrees? The blogger then presents the research he did regarding the religious writings in the Qur’an that can be seen to support Ahmadinejad’s statements.24

First Fix Your Own Country – Then Destroy Israel

In the Ham-Mihan Forum, the question was raised about Ahmadinejad’s declaration that the countdown towards Israel’s destruction had begun. Among the 71 responses:

“My opinion is that first you [Ahmadinejad] should fix up your own country, and then you can say that Israel should be destroyed. The people in Iran don’t have bread and we are concerned with Palestine.”

“I wish that all of this energy that is devoted to the destruction of Israel would be directed towards the destruction of drug addiction, poverty, corruption and prostitution.”25

Take the First Steps towards Obliterating Israel

Bloggers at Imam Sadegh University called for boycotting Israeli products, with the following message:

“Dear bloggers: If you would like to do so, you can take the first steps towards obliterating Israel from the map of the world.”26

The Iranian blogs reflect a wide range of views regarding statements by Iranian leaders – primarily Ahmadinejad – on the destruction of Israel. His statement at the “World without Zionism” Conference is widely quoted in blogs – by those supporting the statement, those critical of the statement, and those who support the statement but question the wisdom of the timing. One fact cannot be disputed – hmadinejad’s statement that “the Jerusalem-occupying regime must be erased from the page of time” was interpreted by Persian-language bloggers – without exception – as meaning the physical destruction of the State of Israel.

Resalat Daily Reflects on an Ahmadinejad Speech: “The Great War Is Ahead of Us”

Resalat, a conservative Iranian daily, published an editorial on October 22, 2006, entitled “Preparations for the Great War,” in which it reflected on a speech given by Ahmadinejad two days earlier. It stated: “It must not be forgotten that the Great War is ahead of us, perhaps tomorrow, or in a few months, or even a few years.

The nation of Muslims must prepare for the Great War, so as to completely wipe out the Zionist regime, and remove this cancerous growth .27

Calls for the Destruction of Israel Are Echoed Throughout Iran at Military Parades, Billboards, and Demonstrations

“Israel must be uprooted and wiped off [the pages of] history” - the inscription on a Shahab 3 missile in a military parade in Tehran, September 22, 2003

Even before Ahmadinejad himself spoke about wiping Israel off the map, the Iranian regime used such expressions but did not leave any doubt about what stood behind this phraseology.

By juxtaposing its call for Israel’s elimination with a Shahab 3 missile during a military parade, the Iranian regime itself has clarified that these expressions about Israel’s future do not describe a long-term historical process, in which the Israeli state collapses by itself like the former Soviet Union, but rather the actual physical destruction of Israel as a result of a military strike. The Shahab 3 missile has a range of 1,300 kilometers and can reach Israel from launch points in Iranian territory. Once Iran has completed the production of sufficient quantities of highly enriched uranium – or weapons-grade plutonium – there is no reason why Iran cannot deploy a future Iranian nuclear weapon on a Shahab 3 missile in order to carry out Ahmadinejad’s threat to wipe Israel off the map.


This banner appears on the building which houses the Center for the Basij Resistance in the Judicial Branch, which is part of the Basij Resistance in Government Ministries and departments. 28 The Basij are “mobilization forces” used as reserves for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) or Pasdaran, which was created to defend the Iranian revolutionary regime in 1979. The English translation on the banner reflects how an official organ of the Iranian government understood Ahmadinejad’s words. It is noteworthy that variations on the expression “wipe out of the face of the world” have been used before in a specifically military context. In a Friday sermon, former Iranian President Rafsanjani made the statement: “If one day, a very important day of course, the Islamic world will also be equipped with the weapons available to Israel now, the imperialist strategy will reach an impasse, because the employment of even one atomic bomb inside Israel will wipe it off the face of the earth, but would only do damage to the Islamic world.”29

The banner appears as well on a bus at a military rally in Iran in November 2006. The banner reads in English, “Israel should be wiped out of the face of the world.”30

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lectures above a sign saying "Death to Israel" in Persian and Arabic, not "Down with Israel" as in the English translation below.

While the captions of the posters in English read “Down with Esrail [Israel]” and “Down with USA,” the captions in Arabic read “Death to Israel” and “Death to America.”

The Statements of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei


In the Iranian system, the highest ranking political authority is the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who succeeded Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1989. Khamenei has made statements about Israel similar to Ahmadinejad. In a Friday sermon on December 15, 2000 (shown on Iranian TV), he declared: “Iran’s position, which was first expressed by the Imam [Khomeini] and stated several times by those responsible, is that the cancerous tumor called Israel must be uprooted from the region.”31

A month later on January 15, 2001, at a meeting with organizers of the International Conference for Support of the Intifada, he stated: “The foundation of the Islamic regime is opposition to Israel and the perpetual subject of Iran is the elimination of Israel from the region.”32 Iranian journalist Kasra Naji translated this sentence from the original Farsi as follows: “It is the mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to erase Israel from the map of the region.”33 The difference between international reaction to Khamenei’s statements on Israel and those of Ahmadinejad in 2005 comes from the fact that Ahmadinejad’s declarations were made after the disclosure of Iran’s clandestine nuclear weapons program in 2002-3, and the breakdown of EU-Iranian talks on halting the Iranian uranium enrichment program. By 2005, Khamenei began a concerted effort to limit the damage done to Iran by Ahmadinejad’s rhetoric, by insisting that Iran did not seek the military destruction of Israel.34 Yet Hossein Shariatmadari, a close confidant of Khamenei who serves as one of his major mouthpieces, wrote an editorial in the Iranian daily Kayhan on October 30, 2005, in which he argued, “We declare explicitly that we will not be satisfied with anything less than the complete obliteration of the Zionist regime from the political map of the world.”35 It may be that Khamenei has toned down his own rhetoric, but nonetheless has allowed his handpicked editor-in-chief of Kayhan to maintain his original ideological position on destroying Israel to the Iranian public.

In a speech on October 4, 2007, Shariatmadari stated: “‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel’ are not only words written on paper but rather a symbolic approach that reflects the desire of all the Muslim nations.”36

Following Ahmadinejad’s Lead – Other Prominent Figures Call for the Destruction of Israel


Ayatollah Janati: The People Wish the Death of America and Israel

Ayatollah Ahmad Janati, 82, is a member of President Ahmadinejad’s inner circle, and is Chairman of the Guardian Council of the Constitution. According to the Fars News Agency, he told reporters during the 22 of Bahman parade (marking the anniversary of the Islamic revolution) that every year there is a bigger crowd, the slogans are more enthusiastic, and the Islamic regime’s situation is getting better and better. He added: “The blind enemies should see that the wish of these people is the death of America and Israel.”37

General Safavi: Death for the Zionist Regime


Yahya Rahim Safavi, 55, one of the “hard-core” founders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and its former commander, is now senior advisor to Supreme Leader Khamenei. In a speech in February 2008, he said: “With God’s help the time has come for the Zionist regime’s death sentence.”38

Safavi is also fond of referring to Israel as impure, unhygienic and contaminated. In remarks at a memorial ceremony for assassinated terrorist Imad Mughniyeh held in the city of Hamadan on February 23, 2008, he stated that the “death of this unclean regime ( مرگ این رژیم ناپاک ) [Israel] will arrive soon following the revolt of Muslims.”39

Mohammad-Ali Ramin:The Jews Are Very Filthy People


Mohammad-Ali Ramin refers to himself, as does the press, as an adviser to Ahmadinejad. He is a well-known Holocaust denier and is believed to be behind the president’s statements on this issue. He is secretary of the political committee of the Rayeheh Khosh-Khedmat party which supports the president. On June 9, 2006, according to the reformist Internet daily Rooz, Ramin told a group of students in Rasht: “Among the Jews there have always been those who killed God’s prophets and who opposed justice and righteousness. Historically, there are many accusations against the Jews. For example, it was said that they were the source for such deadly diseases as the plague and typhus. This is because the Jews are very filthy people. For a time people also said that they poisoned water wells belonging to Christians and thus killed them.”40 Ramin does not even bother to cover up his anti-Semitism by using “Zionists” instead of “Jews.”

Ayatollah Nuri Hamadani: Fight the Jews and Vanquish Them


Ayatollah Hussein Nuri Hamadani (b. 1925), a leading religious authority associated with the regime, told a meeting with the Mahdaviyat (messianic) Studies Institute in April 2005: “One should fight the Jews and vanquish them so that the conditions for the advent of the Hidden Imam will be met.” He has also stated that “at present the Jews’ policies threaten us. One should explain in the clearest terms the danger the Jews pose to the [Iranian] people and to the Muslims....Already from the beginning the Jews wanted to hoard the world’s goods in [their] greed and voracity. They always worked in important professions and now they have hoarded all of the wealth in one place. And all of the world, especially America and Europe, are their slaves.”41

General Mohammad-Ali Jafari: “Cancerous Microbe Israel”


In a February 2008 message to Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hizbullah, the Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, General Mohammad-Ali Jafari, wrote: “In the near future, we will witness the destruction of the cancerous microbe Israel ( جرثومه سرطاني اسرائيل ) by the strong and capable hands of the nation of Hizbullah.”42

Majles Speaker Adel: Destruction of the Zionist Regime


The speaker of Iran’s parliament, Gholam Ali Haddad-Adel, in a February 2008 speech at Tehran University’s mosque, said: “The countdown has begun for the destruction of the Zionist regime.”44

Hizbullah Statements

The positions of Hizbullah are also an indicator of Iranian intentions towards Israel. Hizbullah was founded in 1982 with the deployment of Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon’s Biqa’ Valley and the training of its first Shiite cadre. Hizbullah’s first governing council was established by the Iranian ambassador to Damascus, Ali Akbar Mohtashemi.45 In its founding political platform, Hizbullah makes it clear that it takes its orders from Tehran: “We abide by the orders of one single wise and just leadership, represented by “Wali al-Faqih” and personified by Khomeini.”46

In this context, it is important to take note of the statements of Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of Hizbullah. In 2002, he disclosed his own organization’s genocidal intent when he declared:

“Islamic prophecies and not only Jewish prophecies declare that this state [Israel] will come into being, and all the Jews of the world will gather from all corners of the world in occupied Palestine. But this will not be so their false messiah [al-Dajjal] can rule in the world, but so that God can save you the trouble of running them down all over the world. And then the battle will be decisive and crushing.”47

This theme also arose during the 2006 Second Lebanon War when Nasrallah called on the Arab residents of Haifa to leave the city, so that no Arab blood would be spilled during Hizbullah’s rocket attacks on Haifa, but only Jewish blood.48 It should come as no surprise that Nasrallah has echoed Ahmadinejad’s repeated theme of Israel’s termination as well.49 Hizbullah takes its lead from Iran.

Incitement to Genocide

Ahmadinejad’s statements have also been reviewed by experts on the Middle East and the Persian language. Michael Axworthy served as the Head of the Iran Section of Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1998-2000 and then subsequently as a lecturer at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter. He clearly rejects the notion that Ahmadinejad has been mistranslated and misinterpreted: “The formula had been used before by Khomeini and others, and had been translated by representatives of the Iranian regime as ‘wiped off the map.’ Some of the dispute that has arisen over what exactly Ahmadinejad meant by it has been rather bogus. When the slogan appeared draped over missiles in military parades, that meaning was pretty clear.”50

Viewed in context, the statements of Iran’s leaders and, in particular, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad constitute incitement to genocide of the people of Israel. They are alarmingly similar to the coded statements of incitement that preceded the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsis in 1994,51 and should therefore alarm all peace-loving peoples.

There is an ample legal basis for the prosecution of Ahmadinejad in the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court for direct and public incitement to commit genocide and crimes against humanity.52


Tucker Carlson Backpedals From His ‘Annihilate’ Iran Claim: ‘I Misrepresented My Own Views’
By Eli Clifton on Feb 23, 2012 at 10:37 am

The Daily Caller editor in chief Tucker Carlson faced an onslaught of criticism yesterday for telling Fox News “Red Eye” viewers that “Iran deserves to be annihilated.” Carlson’s comments, first reported on ThinkProgress, led The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg to observe, “This is the sort of rhetoric that leads to war. I have no doubt this clip will be played over and over again in Tehran by a regime eager to prove that America wants to — to borrow a phrase — wipe Iran off the map.” In emails to Glenn Greenwald, Carlson largely walked back his statement, saying, “I think attacking could be a disaster for the US and am worried that Obama will do it, for fear of seeming weak before an election.”

Appearing on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal this morning, Carlson tried to walk back his comments:

I was actually trying to make the opposite point but I was doing it in a very inarticulate way. [...] I was actually urging caution. I’m not particularly hawkish to be totally honest with you.

Later in the show, facing a question from a call-in guest about his statement calling for the annihilation of Iran, Carlson responded, “I misrepresented my own views,” and attempted to clarify his position:

The point I was actually making on that show on Tuesday night was, which I’m sure you didn’t see, while Iran’s government clearly is evil and I would like to see Iran’s government crushed, I think there probably are consequences to bombing Iran and going to war with Iran that might hurt us. Specifically, what would it do to the cost of energy?

The two C-Span segments in which Carlson addresses his “Red Eye” comments are combined below:

Indeed, gas prices would, no doubt, skyrocket if the U.S. began another war in the Middle East. But that’s just one of many consequences. The U.S. Navy’s fifth fleet based in Bahrain, U.S. troops in Afghanistan, and Iraq’s stability could all be put in danger and Hezbollah could stage terrorist attacks on Israeli and/or U.S. targets. All of that aside, the large number of U.S. and Iranian casualties that would result from any attempt to “annihilate” Iran or overthrow the government with outside military force is well worth considering before casually discussing launching a third U.S. war in the Middle East.

While the IAEA has said it has concerns about military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear program and U.S. officials have said that its unclear whether the Islamic Republic has decided on building a bomb, an attack would give reason for Iran to weaponize its program.

Tucker Carlson’s efforts to walk back his incendiary statements are appreciated but there are other reasons, apart from rising gas prices, to be reticent to “annihilate” a country of 74 million people.

http://thinkprogress.org/security/2012/ ... own-views/

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by InfoWarrior82 »

Israel has 200+ nukes.

Iran has 0 nukes.


I'm sorry but I'm not scared of Iran.

At the end of the day, rhetoric is just rhetoric. Hey, if Israel wants to go and do their own thing... that's their choice, a stupid choice but theirs to make. Let's not involve ourselves with entangling alliances--- found where? (The constitution). Let's not have pre-emptive wars--- found where? (Prophets and apostles and Book of Mormon).

Posts: 1261

Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by AGStacker »

OMD is just a Muslim hater.

Posts: 554

Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by liberty_belle »

I had a very interesting experience last week at the local Tea Party group, in which the main speaker was our local Ron Paul advocate.

It was mind-boggling how those who profess to be "tea party" members will fight to the death for our current foreign policies. No matter how many times we would ask them to show us in the Constitution where it was legal to do so, they just could not get around the idea that it was "our" moral obligation to do so....?????

After the fact, one of the guys who is Jewish and incredibly smart, came to me and told me that he felt strongly that Israel should not be dictated to, BUT that the US should send our money to them to help Israel defend themselves.

I asked him to tell me where it was authorized in the Constitution, he admitted that it wasn't, but that we should anyway because they are our allies. So when I asked them how it is that we can say as a tea party group that we should adhere to the Constitution, but then when we have our own agenda's, it should be ignored or what we want is justified? I asked him what he thinks the US should do to Iran. He said that we should go in and bomb their nuclear plants or "stand guard" while Israel does it. Of course I asked him, where are we supposed to pre-empt war? He could not give me any where it authorizes us to do so.

Later, he emailed me that I needed to read the Quran so that I could get to know my enemy. I emailed him back and told him that I was in the process of reading it that along with the Bible and the Torah. I also told him that in the US we should not be forced to give our funds to groups or countries that we may not support. Those that are Muslims in this country should not have to send their money to Israel as well as those who support Israel should not have to send their money to Israel's enemies. This is the crime of Foreign Aide and Nation Building, that someone is being forced to give their money to organizations or nations that they do not agree with. This is the reason we MUST obey the Constitution.........he has not written me back.

so, when push comes to shove, no matter the emotional argument in behalf of other nations needing our help, the Founders were wise and inspired enough to put the shakles on such things being heaped upon the shoulders of all.

Col. Flagg
Posts: 16895

Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by Col. Flagg »

InfoWarrior82 wrote:Israel has 200+ nukes.

Iran has 0 nukes.


I'm sorry but I'm not scared of Iran.

At the end of the day, rhetoric is just rhetoric. Hey, if Israel wants to go and do their own thing... that's their choice, a stupid choice but theirs to make. Let's not involve ourselves with entangling alliances--- found where? (The constitution). Let's not have pre-emptive wars--- found where? (Prophets and apostles and Book of Mormon).

http://www.ldsfreedomforum.com/viewtopi ... =1&t=21503" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by sbsion »

one thing about doing away with Israel, there would be no more propaganda about a NWO

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by Oldemandalton »

Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain 1938.

"This morning I had another talk with the German Chancellor, Herr Hitler, and here is the paper which bears his name upon it as well as mine (waves paper to the crowd - receiving loud cheers and "Hear Hears"). Some of you, perhaps, have already heard what it contains but I would just like to read it to you ...
"My good friends, for the second time in our history a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time."
Neville Chamberlain

We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analysing possible causes, by trying to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will. Neville Chamberlain

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by BroJones »

liberty_belle wrote:I had a very interesting experience last week at the local Tea Party group, in which the main speaker was our local Ron Paul advocate.

It was mind-boggling how those who profess to be "tea party" members will fight to the death for our current foreign policies. No matter how many times we would ask them to show us in the Constitution where it was legal to do so, they just could not get around the idea that it was "our" moral obligation to do so....?????

After the fact, one of the guys who is Jewish and incredibly smart, came to me and told me that he felt strongly that Israel should not be dictated to, BUT that the US should send our money to them to help Israel defend themselves.

I asked him to tell me where it was authorized in the Constitution, he admitted that it wasn't, but that we should anyway because they are our allies. So when I asked them how it is that we can say as a tea party group that we should adhere to the Constitution, but then when we have our own agenda's, it should be ignored or what we want is justified? I asked him what he thinks the US should do to Iran. He said that we should go in and bomb their nuclear plants or "stand guard" while Israel does it. Of course I asked him, where are we supposed to pre-empt war? He could not give me any where it authorizes us to do so.

Later, he emailed me that I needed to read the Quran so that I could get to know my enemy. I emailed him back and told him that I was in the process of reading it that along with the Bible and the Torah. I also told him that in the US we should not be forced to give our funds to groups or countries that we may not support. Those that are Muslims in this country should not have to send their money to Israel as well as those who support Israel should not have to send their money to Israel's enemies. This is the crime of Foreign Aide and Nation Building, that someone is being forced to give their money to organizations or nations that they do not agree with. This is the reason we MUST obey the Constitution.........he has not written me back.

so, when push comes to shove, no matter the emotional argument in behalf of other nations needing our help, the Founders were wise and inspired enough to put the shakles on such things being heaped upon the shoulders of all.
Thanks for taking the time to share with us. I agree -- the inspired Constitution is or should be our guide here. It speaks of DEFENSIVE war only; NEVER justifies pre-emptive war! nor does the Book of Mormon justify pre-emptive war; quite the contrary, the Bk of Mormon denounces attacking a people in their own lands (Alma, 3 Nephi, Mormon).

This Bush-Cheney Doctrine of pre-emptive war sets a very dangerous precedent and change away from our Constitution. Yet Obama continues in this path (see Libya for a concrete example).

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by uglypitbull »

We have a member in our ward who has a lot of family in Iran. He says they are scared of what is to happen if war breaks out. He also said that most Iranians (like us) don't like their leadership. This is the same answer I have gotten from other student exchange Iranians who came to ASU for engineering degrees. They get here, realize that most Americans are not frothing at the mouth to wage war on middle easterners, enjoy the American lifestyle while they are here, and wouldn't return home if it weren't for their families. How would we like it if the world thought we all were in lock-step with Bush or Barry?
If they mess with us, different story.

Posts: 554

Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by liberty_belle »

uglypitbull wrote:We have a member in our ward who has a lot of family in Iran. He says they are scared of what is to happen if war breaks out. He also said that most Iranians (like us) don't like their leadership. This is the same answer I have gotten from other student exchange Iranians who came to ASU for engineering degrees. They get here, realize that most Americans are not frothing at the mouth to wage war on middle easterners, enjoy the American lifestyle while they are here, and wouldn't return home if it weren't for their families. How would we like it if the world thought we all were in lock-step with Bush or Barry?
If they mess with us, different story.
I have gained a friend online who is from Iran, she says the same thing. They despise their leaders and the majority of people want peace, not war.

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by Oldemandalton »

Uglypitbull and Liberty Belle I am not surprised your Iranian friends are not happy with their government. In order for a candidate to run for office they must be approved by The Council of Guardians, 12 men six Islamic faqihs (experts in Islamic Law) and six jurists. In the 2000 parliamentary elections, the Council disqualified more than 3,600 reformist and independent candidates for the 2004 elections and in the run-up to the Iranian Assembly of Experts election, 2006, all women candidates were disqualified. This is how the mullahs keep their strangle hold on the good people of Iran and why there were demonstrations and riots last time around. Many were killed and thousands arrested many to never be seen again.

It’s interesting that while Obama praised the “Arab Spring” in Egypt our supposed ally, he had nothing to say in support for the “Green Revolution” in Iran. I guess the LDGs wanted Ahmadinejad to stay in power to finish stirring up the hornets’ nest in the Middle East. I don’t think we would have to worry about Iran nuking Israel if it had free elections to choose Muslims who could live in peace with a Jewish nation in Jerusalem and who would stop funding terrorism around the world.

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by AussieOi »

Oldemandalton wrote:Moonwhim, you must go outside of your small world of InfoWars, “Washington’s” Blog, Russia Today and Press TV to find the whole truth.
Taking one sentence out of one speech does not tell you what Ahmadinejad, or anyone else for that matter, feels about Israel or their nation’s intent toward them.

buuuuut, taking a sentence that he DIDN'T say, ascribing it to him, and then REPEATEDLY using it to justify another murderous occasion of imperial brutality is acceptable?

True Christians, one and all

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by Oldemandalton »

You didn't read the article "WHAT IRANIAN LEADERS REALLY SAY ABOUT DOING AWAY WITH ISRAEL" did you AussieOi? It’s not just one quote that is used but countless quotes, news articles, Iranian TV documentaries, speeches by Iranian political and religious leaders. The evidence is overwhelming.

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by sbsion »

same could be said about Israel

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by Oldemandalton »

your evidence is quite lacking

Col. Flagg
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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by Col. Flagg »

Dalton... 10 facts for you to consider:

1. Israel has 500+ nukes.
2. The U.S. has over 10,000 nukes.
3. Iran sits on the 3rd largest reservoir of oil in the world.
4. Iran is going to stop accepting dollars for oil transactions beginning tomorrow.
5. Iran is one of three countries with no international central bank controlling their monetary system.
6. There are 45 U.S. military bases surrounding Iran, yet, they are a threat to us.
7. PNAC's document back in 1997 called for the full control of oil in the middle east.
8. Iran has never attacked any other country.
9. The U.S. is the only nation to ever use nuclear weapons.
10. Our government is just as corrupt as Iran's which is just as corrupt as Israel's.

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by sbsion »

Oldemandalton wrote:your evidence is quite lacking

right, my facts are true

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by sbsion »

thanks Col., we may differ on the amount of wives, but, Israel is more corrupt than Iran, yet..........well, enough

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by Oldemandalton »

Col….10 facts for you to consider:

1.Israel has 500+ nukes and has never used a single one in three major wars against overwhelming odds with opponents who are intent on their extinction.
2.Iran has been at war with Israel for 30 years through their proxy army, Hezbollah.
3.Iran has promised to destroy Israel and to kill all the Jews. Soon they will have the means.
4.Iran is the greatest state sponsor of terrorism in the world today and has the blood of thousands on their hands.
5.Iran has killed hundreds of Americans and has promised to destroy our country.
6.American forces have been in Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia for ten years and have not taken a drop of oil or annexed land from any country except the land our bases are on whom these countries have invited us to help defend against the Jihadists and Iranian fanatics.
7.The American military is the only thing keeping North Korea from invading the South, China from taking Taiwan, Russia from occupying the former Soviet Union Satellite countries, keeping Syria, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Jihadists from “driving the Jews into the sea” as is their stated goal from the beginning.
8.Israel is the freest nation in the Middle East where Arabs enjoy more freedoms than their brothers in all the neighboring countries.
9.Israel and America are the only two nations in existence that God had a hand in establishing and will be the abodes of His two capitals during the Millennium.
10.Israel and America, Zion, are the only two places God has promised He will save in the Last Days after putting us through the “refiner’s fire”.

P.S. Where are you guys going for Scout Camp this summer? We are going to Scolfield. Great camp. :)

Posts: 2145

Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by natasha »

Oldemandalton wrote:Col….10 facts for you to consider:

1.Israel has 500+ nukes and has never used a single one in three major wars against overwhelming odds with opponents who are intent on their extinction.
2.Iran has been at war with Israel for 30 years through their proxy army, Hezbollah.
3.Iran has promised to destroy Israel and to kill all the Jews. Soon they will have the means.
4.Iran is the greatest state sponsor of terrorism in the world today and has the blood of thousands on their hands.
5.Iran has killed hundreds of Americans and has promised to destroy our country.
6.American forces have been in Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia for ten years and have not taken a drop of oil or annexed land from any country except the land our bases are on whom these countries have invited us to help defend against the Jihadists and Iranian fanatics.
7.The American military is the only thing keeping North Korea from invading the South, China from taking Taiwan, Russia from occupying the former Soviet Union Satellite countries, keeping Syria, Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Jihadists from “driving the Jews into the sea” as is their stated goal from the beginning.
8.Israel is the freest nation in the Middle East where Arabs enjoy more freedoms than their brothers in all the neighboring countries.
9.Israel and America are the only two nations in existence that God had a hand in establishing and will be the abodes of His two capitals during the Millennium.
10.Israel and America, Zion, are the only two places God has promised He will save in the Last Days after putting us through the “refiner’s fire”.

P.S. Where are you guys going for Scout Camp this summer? We are going to Scolfield. Great camp. :)

Hey oldeman...thought you might enjoy seeing that there's possibly another reason keeping the North from invading the South (Korea)....really quite a promise. Hope the Korean Saints are following through:

http://ce.byu.edu/cw/womensconference/a ... df/25f.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Posts: 2145

Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by natasha »

Also, in trying to verify the above...check out connor boyack's site where he says he contacted Steve Cale to verify:

http://www.connorboyack.com/blog/seoul- ... le-promise" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: What Did Ahmadinejad Really Say About Israel?

Post by Oldemandalton »

Thanks Natasha, now if we can hurry up and get one built in Iran then they will have nothing to fear from israel and the US. ;) :D

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