Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah
- Gnolaum ∞
- Posts: 15561
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah
The number of background checks since Obama took office is over 100,000,000 since they are required with every gun purchase, right? not counting private sales.
Americans Have Bought Over 100 Million Guns During Obama's Presidency
All I can say is....WOW!
Nothing like Obama pushing the envelop, right? His gun registration plan is not good, because he'll know who to go to first...unless people prepare for home invasion by Nazi style law enforcement, or renegade military personnel that don't give a rat about their oath to protect the Constitution and to protect US "We The People" from foreign or domestic threats by a tyrannical government.
Whatever happened to the Declaration of Independence, anyway? Had Americans done their duty as prescribed therein we would not be in this mess today. Or at least a smaller mess.
Americans Have Bought Over 100 Million Guns During Obama's Presidency
All I can say is....WOW!
Nothing like Obama pushing the envelop, right? His gun registration plan is not good, because he'll know who to go to first...unless people prepare for home invasion by Nazi style law enforcement, or renegade military personnel that don't give a rat about their oath to protect the Constitution and to protect US "We The People" from foreign or domestic threats by a tyrannical government.
Whatever happened to the Declaration of Independence, anyway? Had Americans done their duty as prescribed therein we would not be in this mess today. Or at least a smaller mess.
- Elizabeth
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- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah ... N2UzIn0%3D" onclick=";return false;
“If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticize.” -Tacitus
Barack Hussein Obama and his controllers appoint 225 radical lesbians, homosexuals, and transgender to governmental positions only to be used as a political battering ram to upend American sovereignty.
On October 28, 2009, Barrack Hussein Obama signed into law (It is not law) the Matthew Shepard hate crime legislation, which was based on a lie. America was told that Shepard was a victim of a hate crime (All crime is motivated by hate). The bill was named after Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Through fabrication and omitted facts, the sodomites took advantage of the situation and attempted to equate their sin to the color of the black man’s skin.
On May 10, 2010, Barrack Hussein Obama further assaults the American people by adding Elena Kagan, a woman who never judged a case a day in her life, to the Supreme Court. Elena is responsible for attempting to radicalize Harvard by “queerifying” the institution.
Then, on September 20, 2011, the administration removes “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” so that the United States military will have to accept sodomites to serve openly in the military. Of course, this is only to weaken defences.
Throughout the current administration’s incumbency, the narrative, with the help of the CIA controlled media which now has a 6% approval rating, is to attack anyone and everyone that would speak out against the abominable and illegal acts of sodomites (Lev. 18:22; Rom. 1:24). Tearing away at the Defense of Marriage Act by declaring Section 3 of DOMA unconstitutional in 2013.
ICE investigation at the Pentagon, which exposed over 5,000 employees downloading child pornography? Instead of the guilty being prosecuted for their felony offenses, the DOJ, under Eric Holder, conveniently stated they didn’t have enough manpower to bring prosecutions.
Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland, a Green Beret, who learned from a 12-year-old Afghan boy’s mother that an Afghan police commander had chained her son to his bed to repeatedly abuse him. Martland intervened and because he protected the child and his mother against an admitted rapist, Sgt. Martland was ordered involuntarily discharged from the military.
Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert molested 4 boys while he was a high school wrestling coach, but he won’t be charged.
Obama appointed Kevin Jennings as his safe school czar. Kevin wrote a forward to a book called “Queering the Elementary.” Kevin’s icon was none other than Harry Hay from the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBALA), where the motto is “Sex before eight before it is too late.”
Now, we see that this criminal in the people’s house threatens the state of North Carolina to withhold billions over a bathroom privacy act. Where are those billions come from America? This is not American government friends, this is criminal! This is opening up the innocent to the abominable in every way.
It was reported that Bruce Springsteen was going to cancel concerts in North Carolina along with Bryan Adams and Pearl Jam.
Apparently, there was a black out when these immoral agents made their decision to cancel. Chad Severance is leading the charge. Chad Sevearance is a convicted sex offender.
In 1998, Sevearance worked as a youth minister and in that capacity allegedly lured younger men to his apartment to spend the night where Severance showed them pornography and tried to talk them into sex. One boy testified that he woke up to find Severance “fondling him.” Severance was convicted on one charge of sexual molestation of a minor. As a result of his 2000 conviction, Sevearance must register with the police on a regular basis for a minimum of ten years.
Barney Frank, former member of Congress and known homosexual pedophile, said concerning the sodomite communities “For those that are worried about the radical homosexual agenda, let me put them on notice, 2 down, two to go!” (Jude 1:12-13)
“If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticize.” -Tacitus
Barack Hussein Obama and his controllers appoint 225 radical lesbians, homosexuals, and transgender to governmental positions only to be used as a political battering ram to upend American sovereignty.
On October 28, 2009, Barrack Hussein Obama signed into law (It is not law) the Matthew Shepard hate crime legislation, which was based on a lie. America was told that Shepard was a victim of a hate crime (All crime is motivated by hate). The bill was named after Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Through fabrication and omitted facts, the sodomites took advantage of the situation and attempted to equate their sin to the color of the black man’s skin.
On May 10, 2010, Barrack Hussein Obama further assaults the American people by adding Elena Kagan, a woman who never judged a case a day in her life, to the Supreme Court. Elena is responsible for attempting to radicalize Harvard by “queerifying” the institution.
Then, on September 20, 2011, the administration removes “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” so that the United States military will have to accept sodomites to serve openly in the military. Of course, this is only to weaken defences.
Throughout the current administration’s incumbency, the narrative, with the help of the CIA controlled media which now has a 6% approval rating, is to attack anyone and everyone that would speak out against the abominable and illegal acts of sodomites (Lev. 18:22; Rom. 1:24). Tearing away at the Defense of Marriage Act by declaring Section 3 of DOMA unconstitutional in 2013.
ICE investigation at the Pentagon, which exposed over 5,000 employees downloading child pornography? Instead of the guilty being prosecuted for their felony offenses, the DOJ, under Eric Holder, conveniently stated they didn’t have enough manpower to bring prosecutions.
Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland, a Green Beret, who learned from a 12-year-old Afghan boy’s mother that an Afghan police commander had chained her son to his bed to repeatedly abuse him. Martland intervened and because he protected the child and his mother against an admitted rapist, Sgt. Martland was ordered involuntarily discharged from the military.
Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert molested 4 boys while he was a high school wrestling coach, but he won’t be charged.
Obama appointed Kevin Jennings as his safe school czar. Kevin wrote a forward to a book called “Queering the Elementary.” Kevin’s icon was none other than Harry Hay from the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBALA), where the motto is “Sex before eight before it is too late.”
Now, we see that this criminal in the people’s house threatens the state of North Carolina to withhold billions over a bathroom privacy act. Where are those billions come from America? This is not American government friends, this is criminal! This is opening up the innocent to the abominable in every way.
It was reported that Bruce Springsteen was going to cancel concerts in North Carolina along with Bryan Adams and Pearl Jam.
Apparently, there was a black out when these immoral agents made their decision to cancel. Chad Severance is leading the charge. Chad Sevearance is a convicted sex offender.
In 1998, Sevearance worked as a youth minister and in that capacity allegedly lured younger men to his apartment to spend the night where Severance showed them pornography and tried to talk them into sex. One boy testified that he woke up to find Severance “fondling him.” Severance was convicted on one charge of sexual molestation of a minor. As a result of his 2000 conviction, Sevearance must register with the police on a regular basis for a minimum of ten years.
Barney Frank, former member of Congress and known homosexual pedophile, said concerning the sodomite communities “For those that are worried about the radical homosexual agenda, let me put them on notice, 2 down, two to go!” (Jude 1:12-13)
- Elizabeth
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- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah ... m-privacy/" onclick=";return false;
"President Barack Obama’s deputies have told the North Carolina Governor that all single-sex public bathrooms — including those in K-12 schools — must be opened to people of both sexes by Monday to prevent “discrimination” against the roughly 1-in-2,400 American adults who say they’re transgender.
If the state doesn’t give up Americans’ right to decide who gets to use single-sex bathrooms and school locker rooms by Monday, then the federal government could start blocking the routine federal spending and tax transfers to the state — unless federal courts block the administration’s threat of sex-related harassment.
“The Department of Justice has determined that … you and the state of NC are in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 0f 1964,” says the May 4 threat from Obama’s justice department to the Governor.
The state’s new HB2 sex-definition law “is facially discriminatory against transgender employees on the basis of sex because it treats transgender employees, whose gender identity does not match their biological sex, as defined by HB2, differently from similarly situated non transgender employees,” says the letter. The legal claims in the letter are based on a decision by Attorney General Eric Holder — not by Congress — in December 2014.
Republican Gov. Pat McCrory released a cautious press statement:
A claim by the Obama administration charges that one part of House Bill 2, which requires state employees in public government buildings and students in our universities to use a restroom, locker room and shower facility that match their biological sex, is now in violation of federal law. The Obama administration has not only staked out its position for North Carolina, but for all states, universities and most employers in the U.S.
The right and expectation of privacy in one of the most private areas of our personal lives is now in jeopardy. We will be reviewing to determine the next steps.
According to progressives, “transgender” people suffer illegal discrimination when their efforts to dress and live as people of the other sex face criticism and stigma from Americans, or when they face legal restrictions, such as single-sex bathrooms. A study of the 201o census concluded that roughly 1-in-2,400 adults have changed their names to the other sex.
The issue of transgender status has spiked since last year, when the Supreme Court granted progressives a huge win by declaring that all state marriage laws must be redefined to allow single-sex couples to get marriage licenses.
The North Carolina dispute began in Charlottesville when the city changed their local privacy laws to allow people to enter male or female bathrooms by simply declaring that their feelings, or their “gender expression” or “gender identity,” makes them male or female.
In March, the state’s legislature cleaned up the privacy problem by passing a law, dubbed HB2, which defines “gender” as the sex described on a person’s birth certificate. This established a compromise rule because it allows people to use bathrooms intended for the opposite sex once they have legally modified their state birth certificate. In North Carolina, people can change the sex marked on their birth certificate after undergoing medical treatment, even though the surgery and hormone treatment cannot actually change the sex of a person, which is determined by their molecular DNA coding.
The new HB2 law is broadly popular in the state. A mid-April poll asked a skewed question — “How do you feel about HB2 [House Bill 2] requiring people to follow their birth certificate in using a restroom?” Despite the hard-to-understand question, 46 percent of North Carolina voters strongly supported the state law affirming people’s right to single-sex bathrooms, while 25 percent strongly opposed the protections.
But progressive gay, feminist, and transgender groups fiercely oppose the state’s decision to demarcate any distinctions between the sexes, male and female, or girls and boys.
In part, that’s because these lobbies ideologically oppose any legal or social recognition of the two sexes, which they deride as the “gender binary.” These progressives instead wish to create laws and social norms that allow people — including children — to declare themselves “gender fluid,” or to freely mix-and-match common features of male and female without suffering any criticism from Americans or any disincentives from communities and governments that want to preserve single-sex sports, bathrooms, changing rooms, or school locker rooms. In part, single-sex facilities help teenagers postpone and manage sexual competition until they’re 18.
To push their anti-sexes ideology, progressives have rallied many major companies, plus stars from the commercial-culture sector, to trash North Carolina’s compromise legislation as “extreme” and “discrimination.”
That’s the post-sex ideology now being pushed by Obama’s Department of Justice via its new threat to the state.
Title VII prohibits an employer from discriminating against an individual on the basis of sex and from otherwise resisting the full enjoyment of Title VII rights … Federal courts and administrative agencies have applied Title VII to discrimination against transgender individuals based on sex, including gender identity … Access to sex-segregated restrooms and other workplace facilities consistent with gender identity is a term, condition or privilege of employment. Denying such access to transgender individuals, whose gender identity is different from the gender assigned at birth, while affording it to similarly situated non-transgender employees, violates Title VII … Please advise the department, therefore, no later than the close of business on May 9, 2016, whether you will remedy these violations of Title VII including by confirming that the state will not comply with or implement HB2.
State politicians slammed the federal government’s threat, according to the Charlotte Observer newspaper:
House Speaker Tim Moore called the letter “a huge over-reach (by) the federal government.”
“It looks an awful lot like politics to me,” Moore, a Kings Mountain Republican, told reporters. “I guess President Obama, in his final months in office, has decided to take up this ultra-liberal agenda.”
Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger called the ruling “a gross overreach … that deserves to be struck down in federal court.” And Lt. Gov. Dan Forest blasted the Obama administration.
“To use our children and their educational futures as pawns to advance an agenda that will ultimately open those same children up to exploitation at the hands of sexual predators is by far, the sickest example of the depths the … administration will stoop to ‘fundamentally transform our nation’,” he said.
In neighboring Virginia, Obama’s education department has used the same agency-invented claim — that the 1964 law bars “gender discrimination” — to win a lawsuit in April that requires a school to allow a girl to use the boys’ bathrooms in a Virginia school."
"President Barack Obama’s deputies have told the North Carolina Governor that all single-sex public bathrooms — including those in K-12 schools — must be opened to people of both sexes by Monday to prevent “discrimination” against the roughly 1-in-2,400 American adults who say they’re transgender.
If the state doesn’t give up Americans’ right to decide who gets to use single-sex bathrooms and school locker rooms by Monday, then the federal government could start blocking the routine federal spending and tax transfers to the state — unless federal courts block the administration’s threat of sex-related harassment.
“The Department of Justice has determined that … you and the state of NC are in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 0f 1964,” says the May 4 threat from Obama’s justice department to the Governor.
The state’s new HB2 sex-definition law “is facially discriminatory against transgender employees on the basis of sex because it treats transgender employees, whose gender identity does not match their biological sex, as defined by HB2, differently from similarly situated non transgender employees,” says the letter. The legal claims in the letter are based on a decision by Attorney General Eric Holder — not by Congress — in December 2014.
Republican Gov. Pat McCrory released a cautious press statement:
A claim by the Obama administration charges that one part of House Bill 2, which requires state employees in public government buildings and students in our universities to use a restroom, locker room and shower facility that match their biological sex, is now in violation of federal law. The Obama administration has not only staked out its position for North Carolina, but for all states, universities and most employers in the U.S.
The right and expectation of privacy in one of the most private areas of our personal lives is now in jeopardy. We will be reviewing to determine the next steps.
According to progressives, “transgender” people suffer illegal discrimination when their efforts to dress and live as people of the other sex face criticism and stigma from Americans, or when they face legal restrictions, such as single-sex bathrooms. A study of the 201o census concluded that roughly 1-in-2,400 adults have changed their names to the other sex.
The issue of transgender status has spiked since last year, when the Supreme Court granted progressives a huge win by declaring that all state marriage laws must be redefined to allow single-sex couples to get marriage licenses.
The North Carolina dispute began in Charlottesville when the city changed their local privacy laws to allow people to enter male or female bathrooms by simply declaring that their feelings, or their “gender expression” or “gender identity,” makes them male or female.
In March, the state’s legislature cleaned up the privacy problem by passing a law, dubbed HB2, which defines “gender” as the sex described on a person’s birth certificate. This established a compromise rule because it allows people to use bathrooms intended for the opposite sex once they have legally modified their state birth certificate. In North Carolina, people can change the sex marked on their birth certificate after undergoing medical treatment, even though the surgery and hormone treatment cannot actually change the sex of a person, which is determined by their molecular DNA coding.
The new HB2 law is broadly popular in the state. A mid-April poll asked a skewed question — “How do you feel about HB2 [House Bill 2] requiring people to follow their birth certificate in using a restroom?” Despite the hard-to-understand question, 46 percent of North Carolina voters strongly supported the state law affirming people’s right to single-sex bathrooms, while 25 percent strongly opposed the protections.
But progressive gay, feminist, and transgender groups fiercely oppose the state’s decision to demarcate any distinctions between the sexes, male and female, or girls and boys.
In part, that’s because these lobbies ideologically oppose any legal or social recognition of the two sexes, which they deride as the “gender binary.” These progressives instead wish to create laws and social norms that allow people — including children — to declare themselves “gender fluid,” or to freely mix-and-match common features of male and female without suffering any criticism from Americans or any disincentives from communities and governments that want to preserve single-sex sports, bathrooms, changing rooms, or school locker rooms. In part, single-sex facilities help teenagers postpone and manage sexual competition until they’re 18.
To push their anti-sexes ideology, progressives have rallied many major companies, plus stars from the commercial-culture sector, to trash North Carolina’s compromise legislation as “extreme” and “discrimination.”
That’s the post-sex ideology now being pushed by Obama’s Department of Justice via its new threat to the state.
Title VII prohibits an employer from discriminating against an individual on the basis of sex and from otherwise resisting the full enjoyment of Title VII rights … Federal courts and administrative agencies have applied Title VII to discrimination against transgender individuals based on sex, including gender identity … Access to sex-segregated restrooms and other workplace facilities consistent with gender identity is a term, condition or privilege of employment. Denying such access to transgender individuals, whose gender identity is different from the gender assigned at birth, while affording it to similarly situated non-transgender employees, violates Title VII … Please advise the department, therefore, no later than the close of business on May 9, 2016, whether you will remedy these violations of Title VII including by confirming that the state will not comply with or implement HB2.
State politicians slammed the federal government’s threat, according to the Charlotte Observer newspaper:
House Speaker Tim Moore called the letter “a huge over-reach (by) the federal government.”
“It looks an awful lot like politics to me,” Moore, a Kings Mountain Republican, told reporters. “I guess President Obama, in his final months in office, has decided to take up this ultra-liberal agenda.”
Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger called the ruling “a gross overreach … that deserves to be struck down in federal court.” And Lt. Gov. Dan Forest blasted the Obama administration.
“To use our children and their educational futures as pawns to advance an agenda that will ultimately open those same children up to exploitation at the hands of sexual predators is by far, the sickest example of the depths the … administration will stoop to ‘fundamentally transform our nation’,” he said.
In neighboring Virginia, Obama’s education department has used the same agency-invented claim — that the 1964 law bars “gender discrimination” — to win a lawsuit in April that requires a school to allow a girl to use the boys’ bathrooms in a Virginia school."
- Elizabeth
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- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah" onclick=";return false;
"President Barack Obama is preparing to designate the Stonewall Inn in New York the first national monument dedicated to gay rights.
That’s according to two individuals familiar with the Obama administration’s plans. The individuals weren’t authorised to discuss the plans publicly and requested anonymity. The tavern in Greenwich Village was the site of a 1969 uprising widely viewed as the start of the gay rights movement. Proposals being considered would cover a small park on the street where the bar is located and the surrounding area. The Interior Department says Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and the head of the National Park Service will travel to New York for a public meeting on the proposals Monday."
"President Barack Obama is preparing to designate the Stonewall Inn in New York the first national monument dedicated to gay rights.
That’s according to two individuals familiar with the Obama administration’s plans. The individuals weren’t authorised to discuss the plans publicly and requested anonymity. The tavern in Greenwich Village was the site of a 1969 uprising widely viewed as the start of the gay rights movement. Proposals being considered would cover a small park on the street where the bar is located and the surrounding area. The Interior Department says Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and the head of the National Park Service will travel to New York for a public meeting on the proposals Monday."
- Elizabeth
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- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah ... important/" onclick=";return false;
"One of the most important rights, according toAttorney General Janet Lynch, is an individual’s right to choose his “gender identity,” regardless of DNA or physical characteristics. It’s so important that men be able to put on a dress and lipstick and call themselves women, in fact, that real women and girls can just forget about sexual privacy in bathrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms and anywhere else that a real female might get partially or fully naked.
“This action is about a great deal more than just bathrooms,” Lynch said Monday, in announcing the Obama Department of Justice’s filing of a civil rights lawsuit against North Carolina for passing a law that requires men to use the men’s bathroom and women to use the women’s bathroom in public facilities.
“This is about the dignity and respect we accord our fellow citizens,” she dared say, “and the laws that we, as a people and as a country, have enacted to protect them – indeed, to protect all of us. And it’s about the founding ideals that have led this country – haltingly but inexorably – in the direction of fairness, inclusion and equality for all Americans.” Hold on, hold on, hold on. Did the words “dignity,” “respect” and “protect” pass over Lynch’s flapping gums? Because by forcing the bathroom issue so people who want to use the opposite gender’s bathrooms, showers, etc., she ain’t protecting or respecting anyone’s dignity. Did Lynch actually just suggest that the Founding Fathers (not mothers nor bi-gendered cis-curious thingamajiggers) built a country whose laws were designed for the benefit of men who wax their legs?
Forgive my vulgarity, but I call B.S.
Lynch is full of it.
And so is President Obama, because that’s where Lynch’s marching orders are coming from.
The only reason the Obama Administration is pushing the issue is to work up the radical Left, including the LGBTQ fools who run Hollywood’s show business and music industries, to increase voter turnout for Hillary Clinton in November.
In promoting this latest permutation of the LGBTQ agenda, as is typical of the Left, they don’t care about what kind of social wreckage they leave behind or actual damage to individuals they might cause. Allowing men into women’s restrooms, and vice versa, under the pretense of “transgender equality” is immoral, perverted and irresponsible, exposing women and girls to depraved men, sexual abuse and even the risk of rape. There have already been several cases in which creepy males proclaimed themselves women in order to watch or take pictures of women and girls before police broke up the perverts’ party. The DOJ is actually defending the notion that the whims of one mentally ill deviant in a skirt outweighs the needs of the many. It is willing to risk letting children and women be abused and humiliated in order to protect that absurd and evil notion.
Lynch even compared North Carolina’s common sense approach to racism: “This is not the first time that we have seen discriminatory responses to historic moments of progress for our nation. We saw it in the Jim Crow laws that followed the Emancipation Proclamation.”
It’s long past time that Americans draw a line on this kind of garbage. Mental illness should not be treated as a civil right."
"One of the most important rights, according toAttorney General Janet Lynch, is an individual’s right to choose his “gender identity,” regardless of DNA or physical characteristics. It’s so important that men be able to put on a dress and lipstick and call themselves women, in fact, that real women and girls can just forget about sexual privacy in bathrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms and anywhere else that a real female might get partially or fully naked.
“This action is about a great deal more than just bathrooms,” Lynch said Monday, in announcing the Obama Department of Justice’s filing of a civil rights lawsuit against North Carolina for passing a law that requires men to use the men’s bathroom and women to use the women’s bathroom in public facilities.
“This is about the dignity and respect we accord our fellow citizens,” she dared say, “and the laws that we, as a people and as a country, have enacted to protect them – indeed, to protect all of us. And it’s about the founding ideals that have led this country – haltingly but inexorably – in the direction of fairness, inclusion and equality for all Americans.” Hold on, hold on, hold on. Did the words “dignity,” “respect” and “protect” pass over Lynch’s flapping gums? Because by forcing the bathroom issue so people who want to use the opposite gender’s bathrooms, showers, etc., she ain’t protecting or respecting anyone’s dignity. Did Lynch actually just suggest that the Founding Fathers (not mothers nor bi-gendered cis-curious thingamajiggers) built a country whose laws were designed for the benefit of men who wax their legs?
Forgive my vulgarity, but I call B.S.
Lynch is full of it.
And so is President Obama, because that’s where Lynch’s marching orders are coming from.
The only reason the Obama Administration is pushing the issue is to work up the radical Left, including the LGBTQ fools who run Hollywood’s show business and music industries, to increase voter turnout for Hillary Clinton in November.
In promoting this latest permutation of the LGBTQ agenda, as is typical of the Left, they don’t care about what kind of social wreckage they leave behind or actual damage to individuals they might cause. Allowing men into women’s restrooms, and vice versa, under the pretense of “transgender equality” is immoral, perverted and irresponsible, exposing women and girls to depraved men, sexual abuse and even the risk of rape. There have already been several cases in which creepy males proclaimed themselves women in order to watch or take pictures of women and girls before police broke up the perverts’ party. The DOJ is actually defending the notion that the whims of one mentally ill deviant in a skirt outweighs the needs of the many. It is willing to risk letting children and women be abused and humiliated in order to protect that absurd and evil notion.
Lynch even compared North Carolina’s common sense approach to racism: “This is not the first time that we have seen discriminatory responses to historic moments of progress for our nation. We saw it in the Jim Crow laws that followed the Emancipation Proclamation.”
It’s long past time that Americans draw a line on this kind of garbage. Mental illness should not be treated as a civil right."
- Elizabeth
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- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah ... -illegals/" onclick=";return false; ... find-jobs/" onclick=";return false;
"Dictator-in-Chief can’t get enough of slapping American citizens in the face. If it’s not issuing dictatorial commands for public schools to allow boys to use girls facilities and girls to use boys facilities, it’s declaring immigration laws null and void and making declarations on Obama[no]care. Bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees (read illegal alien invaders) is not enough of a slap to citizens and citizens who immigrated and naturalized legally. Now, Hussein Soetoro has established a new program to help hundreds of “refugee” students to find summer jobs and beyond.
As Breitbart News reports, the weight of the federal government is being used by the usurper in the White House to provide a program to help hundreds of “refugee” students find summer jobs to the tune of $2 million called the Summer Opportunity Project. According to His Dictatorness, “Access to a job in the summer and beyond can make all the difference to a young person – especially those who don’t have access to many resources and opportunities.” In total, the program provides $21 million in tax dollars to select cities and communities to help American youth find work for the summer. However, two million of those funds are being slotted to Utica, New York, for 400 students of its “refugee” community to receive summer work experience and part-time jobs the remainder of the year. Additionally, these students will receive tutoring in Math and English as part of the “New Americans Career Pathways Project.”
First of all, these are illegal alien invaders imported to the united States by Hussein Soetoro, not “new Americans.” Secondly, the Constitution does not provide any authority to spend any funds whatsoever for any type of youth or illegal alien invader assistance of any kind. Thirdly, there are 400 or more disadvantaged American youth that could be helped with these funds instead of handing it out to illegal alien invaders, if it were constitutional to do so. Thirdly, these are tax dollars paid by working American citizens and should be under the apportionment of the House, not Hussein Soetoro." ... find-jobs/" onclick=";return false;
"Dictator-in-Chief can’t get enough of slapping American citizens in the face. If it’s not issuing dictatorial commands for public schools to allow boys to use girls facilities and girls to use boys facilities, it’s declaring immigration laws null and void and making declarations on Obama[no]care. Bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees (read illegal alien invaders) is not enough of a slap to citizens and citizens who immigrated and naturalized legally. Now, Hussein Soetoro has established a new program to help hundreds of “refugee” students to find summer jobs and beyond.
As Breitbart News reports, the weight of the federal government is being used by the usurper in the White House to provide a program to help hundreds of “refugee” students find summer jobs to the tune of $2 million called the Summer Opportunity Project. According to His Dictatorness, “Access to a job in the summer and beyond can make all the difference to a young person – especially those who don’t have access to many resources and opportunities.” In total, the program provides $21 million in tax dollars to select cities and communities to help American youth find work for the summer. However, two million of those funds are being slotted to Utica, New York, for 400 students of its “refugee” community to receive summer work experience and part-time jobs the remainder of the year. Additionally, these students will receive tutoring in Math and English as part of the “New Americans Career Pathways Project.”
First of all, these are illegal alien invaders imported to the united States by Hussein Soetoro, not “new Americans.” Secondly, the Constitution does not provide any authority to spend any funds whatsoever for any type of youth or illegal alien invader assistance of any kind. Thirdly, there are 400 or more disadvantaged American youth that could be helped with these funds instead of handing it out to illegal alien invaders, if it were constitutional to do so. Thirdly, these are tax dollars paid by working American citizens and should be under the apportionment of the House, not Hussein Soetoro."
- Elizabeth
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- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah" onclick=";return false;
"A recent appointee of President Barack Obama could reflect his administration’s desire to promote its agenda in the faith community.
Obama has appointed a 54-year-old man who lives as a woman to serve on the Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships — a body that influences grants to religious organizations and churches that operate social programs. He identifies as Barbara Satin.
Peter LaBarbera, the head of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, says that Obama’s promotion of the LGBT agenda reflects much more than just a push for so-called “tolerance.” Obama is obsessed with promoting homosexualism and now transsexuality,” LaBarbera told OneNewsNow. “He’s engaged in a war on normal for the last eight years, and it looks like he’s trying to do as much as he can to promote sexual and gender perversions as he can before he leaves office.
Many critics have speculated that the president is wanting to use the position on the Advisory Council to influence the church, which LaBarbera says fits with Obama’s agenda.
“He takes something that was actually designed to promote religious freedom and respect for religion and he subverts it by putting in a transgender activist from a liberal church who is at odds with the God of the universe,” the conservative leader explained. “God made male and female. He didn’t make males to become females so the idea of transgender Christianity is absurd.”
LaBarbera then gave a very simple message that he contends need to be sent to the White House. “The reality is men make bad women and women make bad men, but that’s a little too complicated, apparently, for Barack Obama to understand,” LaBarbera asserted.
Taking ‘transgenderism’ to the schools. Another conservative leader contends that schools are only the first stop for transgenders who want to use facilities opposite their born gender — stressing that this is not enough to satisfy LGBT activists. The Obama administration notified all schools on an advisory basis that boys who think of themselves as girls must be allowed to visit and use the girls’ rooms, or suffer possible lawsuits and loss of federal funding. Proponents call this a civil right.
Emery McClendon of Project 21 argues that so-called “LGBT rights” are a misnomer. “Activists are using civil rights as a crutch in order to get it passed through and to get a mindset in people’s ideology and thinking that it’s something that discriminates against a certain group of people,” McClendon explained to OneNewsNow. “However, it does not equate one iota with the civil rights issue because this is a chosen and learned behavior, and it doesn’t equate with skin color or gender or anything like that.”
President Obama argues that the policy will protect the dignity of transgender children, but McClendon hopes the president will rethink his statement — because it does not grant the troubled children a civil right: “It is not an issue that grants kids any kind of a stature that’s going to elevate them, but it’ll degrade them because it’s going to cause fear and havoc in our school restrooms but on our sports teams, our field trips and any other means that they do use this as an excuse in order to have their way, this small minority or group of people,” he expressed.
McClendon also says that if Congress or the courts do not reverse the policy, it will then spread to businesses — and after that, perhaps churches are next."
"A recent appointee of President Barack Obama could reflect his administration’s desire to promote its agenda in the faith community.
Obama has appointed a 54-year-old man who lives as a woman to serve on the Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships — a body that influences grants to religious organizations and churches that operate social programs. He identifies as Barbara Satin.
Peter LaBarbera, the head of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, says that Obama’s promotion of the LGBT agenda reflects much more than just a push for so-called “tolerance.” Obama is obsessed with promoting homosexualism and now transsexuality,” LaBarbera told OneNewsNow. “He’s engaged in a war on normal for the last eight years, and it looks like he’s trying to do as much as he can to promote sexual and gender perversions as he can before he leaves office.
Many critics have speculated that the president is wanting to use the position on the Advisory Council to influence the church, which LaBarbera says fits with Obama’s agenda.
“He takes something that was actually designed to promote religious freedom and respect for religion and he subverts it by putting in a transgender activist from a liberal church who is at odds with the God of the universe,” the conservative leader explained. “God made male and female. He didn’t make males to become females so the idea of transgender Christianity is absurd.”
LaBarbera then gave a very simple message that he contends need to be sent to the White House. “The reality is men make bad women and women make bad men, but that’s a little too complicated, apparently, for Barack Obama to understand,” LaBarbera asserted.
Taking ‘transgenderism’ to the schools. Another conservative leader contends that schools are only the first stop for transgenders who want to use facilities opposite their born gender — stressing that this is not enough to satisfy LGBT activists. The Obama administration notified all schools on an advisory basis that boys who think of themselves as girls must be allowed to visit and use the girls’ rooms, or suffer possible lawsuits and loss of federal funding. Proponents call this a civil right.
Emery McClendon of Project 21 argues that so-called “LGBT rights” are a misnomer. “Activists are using civil rights as a crutch in order to get it passed through and to get a mindset in people’s ideology and thinking that it’s something that discriminates against a certain group of people,” McClendon explained to OneNewsNow. “However, it does not equate one iota with the civil rights issue because this is a chosen and learned behavior, and it doesn’t equate with skin color or gender or anything like that.”
President Obama argues that the policy will protect the dignity of transgender children, but McClendon hopes the president will rethink his statement — because it does not grant the troubled children a civil right: “It is not an issue that grants kids any kind of a stature that’s going to elevate them, but it’ll degrade them because it’s going to cause fear and havoc in our school restrooms but on our sports teams, our field trips and any other means that they do use this as an excuse in order to have their way, this small minority or group of people,” he expressed.
McClendon also says that if Congress or the courts do not reverse the policy, it will then spread to businesses — and after that, perhaps churches are next."
- Elizabeth
- △
- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah ... ng-insane/" onclick=";return false;
"While progressives love to shout about fairness, the way they dish out welfare is anything but fair. Perhaps the most addictive and socially destructive welfare policy is section 8 housing. Thanks to Julian Castro, the current HUD secretary who is on the short list to be Hillary’s VP, things are about to get crazier.
The section 8 program is basically a free rent for life welfare lottery. Once accepted into the program recipients are entitled to have the government pay their rent as long as they don’t dare to improve their lives by getting a high paying job or getting married to someone with a decent job. Since demand for free housing is virtually unlimited many states only accept new applicants every few years, sometimes applicants pay bribes to government officials to get in the program.
Some states literally hold lotteries to see who gets benefits! Now Obama wants to move his lottery winners to greener pastures.
Hillary’s rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is cooking up a scheme to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs for being too white and too wealthy.
The scheme involves super-sizing vouchers to help urban poor afford higher rents in pricey areas, such as Westchester County, while assigning them government real estate agents called “mobility counselors” to secure housing in the exurbs.
Castro plans to launch the Section 8 reboot this fall, even though a similar program tested a few years ago in Dallas has been blamed for shifting violent crime to affluent neighborhoods.
It’s all part of a grand scheme to forcibly desegregate inner cities and integrate the outer suburbs.
Anticipating NIMBY resistance, Castro last month threatened to sue suburban landlords for discrimination if they refuse even Section 8 tenants with criminal records.
The “poor” can get vouchers exceeding $1000 per month to pay for their housing in upscale suburban zip codes. Free food, free health care, and now free housing in a great neighborhood. Why should anyone work? Only suckers do that!” ... ng-insane/" onclick=";return false;
"While progressives love to shout about fairness, the way they dish out welfare is anything but fair. Perhaps the most addictive and socially destructive welfare policy is section 8 housing. Thanks to Julian Castro, the current HUD secretary who is on the short list to be Hillary’s VP, things are about to get crazier.
The section 8 program is basically a free rent for life welfare lottery. Once accepted into the program recipients are entitled to have the government pay their rent as long as they don’t dare to improve their lives by getting a high paying job or getting married to someone with a decent job. Since demand for free housing is virtually unlimited many states only accept new applicants every few years, sometimes applicants pay bribes to government officials to get in the program.
Some states literally hold lotteries to see who gets benefits! Now Obama wants to move his lottery winners to greener pastures.
Hillary’s rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is cooking up a scheme to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs for being too white and too wealthy.
The scheme involves super-sizing vouchers to help urban poor afford higher rents in pricey areas, such as Westchester County, while assigning them government real estate agents called “mobility counselors” to secure housing in the exurbs.
Castro plans to launch the Section 8 reboot this fall, even though a similar program tested a few years ago in Dallas has been blamed for shifting violent crime to affluent neighborhoods.
It’s all part of a grand scheme to forcibly desegregate inner cities and integrate the outer suburbs.
Anticipating NIMBY resistance, Castro last month threatened to sue suburban landlords for discrimination if they refuse even Section 8 tenants with criminal records.
The “poor” can get vouchers exceeding $1000 per month to pay for their housing in upscale suburban zip codes. Free food, free health care, and now free housing in a great neighborhood. Why should anyone work? Only suckers do that!” ... ng-insane/" onclick=";return false;
- Elizabeth
- △
- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah
"Obama used his position to send a letter to every public school urging them to allow any transgendered student to use the bathroom or locker room of their choice.
In the letter, he suggested that any school that refuses to allow teenage boys to share a locker room with girls or visa versa would be at risk of losing federal funding from the Department of Education. Obama even took it one step further and suggested the Department of Justice could enforce his decree with lawsuits.
After the federal appeals court sided with a Virginia transgendered student seeking to use the boys’ bathroom, North Carolina, West Virginia, Arizona, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Utah and Maine all signed on to a brief by North Carolina asking it to rehear the case. Texas Governor, Greg Abbott said, “Obama is turning bathrooms into courtroom issues. I want you to know, I am working with the governor of North Carolina, and we are going to fight back.”
Governor Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas told schools to ignore Obama’s threat on Twitter.
Gov. Asa Hutchinson @AsaHutchinson
As Gov., I recommend that school districts disregard @POTUS's “guidance” on gender identification in schools.
Alabama’s Attorney General Luther Strange blasted Obama by saying, “The Obama Administration’s new guidance document is just one more example of the kind of federal overreach that we have come to expect from this White House.”
He even added a legal argument against Obama’s order by explaining, “The DOJ guidance document is also wrong on the law.”
“Title IX allows schools to have separate facilities for separate sexes. The law says ‘sex,’ not gender identity. If the Obama Administration tries to enforce this absurd edict, I will work with other Attorneys General to challenge it,” Strange added.
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin took to Facebook to declare his opposition.
Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder of Missouri also lashed out at Obama on Facebook.
In total, 12 states have elected statewide officials to oppose Obama and promised to fight back." ... e-of-them/" onclick=";return false;
In the letter, he suggested that any school that refuses to allow teenage boys to share a locker room with girls or visa versa would be at risk of losing federal funding from the Department of Education. Obama even took it one step further and suggested the Department of Justice could enforce his decree with lawsuits.
After the federal appeals court sided with a Virginia transgendered student seeking to use the boys’ bathroom, North Carolina, West Virginia, Arizona, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Utah and Maine all signed on to a brief by North Carolina asking it to rehear the case. Texas Governor, Greg Abbott said, “Obama is turning bathrooms into courtroom issues. I want you to know, I am working with the governor of North Carolina, and we are going to fight back.”
Governor Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas told schools to ignore Obama’s threat on Twitter.
Gov. Asa Hutchinson @AsaHutchinson
As Gov., I recommend that school districts disregard @POTUS's “guidance” on gender identification in schools.
Alabama’s Attorney General Luther Strange blasted Obama by saying, “The Obama Administration’s new guidance document is just one more example of the kind of federal overreach that we have come to expect from this White House.”
He even added a legal argument against Obama’s order by explaining, “The DOJ guidance document is also wrong on the law.”
“Title IX allows schools to have separate facilities for separate sexes. The law says ‘sex,’ not gender identity. If the Obama Administration tries to enforce this absurd edict, I will work with other Attorneys General to challenge it,” Strange added.
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin took to Facebook to declare his opposition.
Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder of Missouri also lashed out at Obama on Facebook.
In total, 12 states have elected statewide officials to oppose Obama and promised to fight back." ... e-of-them/" onclick=";return false;
- Elizabeth
- △
- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah" onclick=";return false;
A list of some of the most egregious lies and broken promises by this President. Produced by The East County Underground at MY 1079 FM.
A list of some of the most egregious lies and broken promises by this President. Produced by The East County Underground at MY 1079 FM.
- Elizabeth
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- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah
"The $5.3 million home that the Obamas have settled on, in an affluent neighborhood of the nation’s capitol, also just happens to be about 1,000 feet away from a prominent Islamic center.
“The mammoth, multi-million-dollar mansion where President Barack Obama and his family will reportedly live after the first family exits the White House is located 1,096 feet from the Islamic Center of Washington — one of the largest mosques in the Western Hemisphere.
“Both Obama’s new digs and the Islamic Center are located in the fancypants northwest Washington, D.C. neighborhood of Kalorama.
“The Islamic Center is a tremendous resource for the District’s Muslim community. ‘It provides Qur’an and Islamic Literature and distribution of such publications that would create awareness and knowledge of Islamic Truth,’ according to the center’s website.”
While this development will surely be ignored by the mainstream media, it comes to no surprise to those of us who have been paying attention for the last eight years." ... N2UzIn0%3D" onclick=";return false; ... ium=Social" onclick=";return false;
“The mammoth, multi-million-dollar mansion where President Barack Obama and his family will reportedly live after the first family exits the White House is located 1,096 feet from the Islamic Center of Washington — one of the largest mosques in the Western Hemisphere.
“Both Obama’s new digs and the Islamic Center are located in the fancypants northwest Washington, D.C. neighborhood of Kalorama.
“The Islamic Center is a tremendous resource for the District’s Muslim community. ‘It provides Qur’an and Islamic Literature and distribution of such publications that would create awareness and knowledge of Islamic Truth,’ according to the center’s website.”
While this development will surely be ignored by the mainstream media, it comes to no surprise to those of us who have been paying attention for the last eight years." ... N2UzIn0%3D" onclick=";return false; ... ium=Social" onclick=";return false;
- Elizabeth
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- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah

Last edited by Elizabeth on June 2nd, 2016, 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- captainfearnot
- ☼
- Posts: 2102
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah
Never mind, the content to which this post referred has been deleted.
Last edited by captainfearnot on June 2nd, 2016, 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Elizabeth
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- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah
"U.S. intelligence officials have learned that ISIS terrorists are using President Barack Obama's effort to welcome thousands of Syrian refugees into the United States as a way to enter the country themselves, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul says. ... z3tk3XeW33" onclick=";return false; ... z3tk3XeW33" onclick=";return false;
Last edited by Elizabeth on June 2nd, 2016, 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Gnolaum ∞
- Posts: 15561
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah
Oh No! Another Obamacare Exchange Goes Down In Socialist Flames
Of the 23 state exchanges created under Obamacare in 2010, 12 have already gone bankrupt.
Eight of those remaining 11 are on track to go out of business this year.
The co-ops were created with $2.5 billion in taxpayer-funded loans.
Obama promised the money would be paid back, but so far, $1.2 billion of that amount has been written off as losses and will likely never be paid back.
The start-up funding was supposed to be enough to last 20 years.
But socialism always fails, and Obamacare is no exception.
Of the 23 state exchanges created under Obamacare in 2010, 12 have already gone bankrupt.
Eight of those remaining 11 are on track to go out of business this year.
The co-ops were created with $2.5 billion in taxpayer-funded loans.
Obama promised the money would be paid back, but so far, $1.2 billion of that amount has been written off as losses and will likely never be paid back.
The start-up funding was supposed to be enough to last 20 years.
But socialism always fails, and Obamacare is no exception.
- Gnolaum ∞
- Posts: 15561
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah
Trump Just Did What Barack Obama Said Was Impossible
While the polls show a tight race that could go either way, what is apparent this election cycle is Trump has defied all predictions of the professional political class and media.
He wrapped up the nomination in convincing fashion after the so-called experts said it couldn’t be done.
Will Trump take the win in the general election – the feat these same pundits and politicians believe he will lose?
While the polls show a tight race that could go either way, what is apparent this election cycle is Trump has defied all predictions of the professional political class and media.
He wrapped up the nomination in convincing fashion after the so-called experts said it couldn’t be done.
Will Trump take the win in the general election – the feat these same pundits and politicians believe he will lose?
- Elizabeth
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- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah ... nal-parks/" onclick=";return false;
"Progressives are now insisting that each person’s feelings about “gender identity” is more important in law than the anatomical sex of Americans’ bodies. So they’re pushing government to undermine public support for the “gender binary” — the reality of distinct and complementary male and female sexes – and to promote the idea of fluid “gender identity,” even though cross-dressers comprise only about 1 in every 2,400 Americans.
National Park Service spokesman Jeremy K. Barnum insisted the Interior Department won’t discriminate against people who want to use bathrooms reserved for the other sex.
We welcome all visitors regardless of their race, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity to visit public lands and waters in their back yard and beyond. … We remain committed to appropriately representing our nation’s diversity on our public lands, and continue to work alongside local communities and leaders to find meaningful ways to preserve and tell the stories that reflect the narrative of all Americans.
Barnum also said that the policy “is not new” and that visitors to America’s federally-operated parks and museums could always choose whatever bathroom they feel like using.
The administration’s gender-over-sex, binary-hating, anti-sex policy mean that the national parks’ focus on nature, evolution and science must now also embrace the newly created political idea of “gender identity.”
The rule matches Obama’s decree in May which declares that all of the nation’s public schools must implement transgender-friendly policies, so that boys pretending to be girls, or girls pretending to be boys, must be made welcome in the other sex’s bathrooms and showers, regardless of science or the wishes of normal kids and teenagers or their parents.
In his May decree, Obama banned single-sex bathrooms and single-sex locker rooms, so takin sexual privacy from almost 55 million American school kids in some 100,000 K-12 public schools.
As soon as Obama’s Departments of Justice and Education issued the decree, though, several lawsuits were filed. One was filed by a group of Illinois parents who opposed plans of a local school to enforce Obama’s policies. Another was filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton who announced on May 25 that the Lone Star State was suing the Obama administration to put an end to the administration’s plans to force every school in the country to implement a pro-transgender policy. Ten other states joined Texas in its suit.
The state of Kansas also began to look for ways to sue the Obama administration over the school bathroom policy.
A recent poll showed that roughly two out of three Americans prefer that bathroom policies be set by state or local officials, not by the central government. Other polls show the public strongly opposes the removal of single-sex bathrooms for K-12 schools. A study of the 2010 census showed that only one out of every 2,400 adults have changed their names to the opposite sex.
In general, the transgender ideology says government should push every American to validate every person’s choice of created “gender identity,” even though a man who wants to be a woman is still a man by every known scientific measure of evolutionary life. For example, an Oregon law recently allowed a jury to award $60,00 t0 a transgender teacher because other teachers declined to use the teacher’s preferred pronoun, which is “they” rather than “him” or “her.” New York City has also establish similar forced-speech rules.
The ideology’s claim that the government must enforce a new right to “gender identity” also means that the governments must ignore and often dismantle many civic rules that evolved to help the two distinct sexes — men and boys, women and girls — meet their legally equal, but different and complementary, needs. For example, the transgender ideological demand means that single-sex bathrooms and locker rooms must opened up to people of the opposite sex, regardless of age, and without any verification of created “gender identity.”
As a result, it is now an offense in Washington State to ask a man in a woman’s bathroom if he thinks he is male or female. Similarly, Obama and gay advocacy groups have slammed a popular North Carolina law, dubbed HB2, because it requires people to undergo medical procedures before they can use a bathroom reserved for the opposite sex. Teenage boys who say they are girls are also allowed to compete against girl athletes — and bump them off the winner’s podium. Also, the White House now demands that soldiers salute, trust and fight alongside people who think they are the other sex."
"Progressives are now insisting that each person’s feelings about “gender identity” is more important in law than the anatomical sex of Americans’ bodies. So they’re pushing government to undermine public support for the “gender binary” — the reality of distinct and complementary male and female sexes – and to promote the idea of fluid “gender identity,” even though cross-dressers comprise only about 1 in every 2,400 Americans.
National Park Service spokesman Jeremy K. Barnum insisted the Interior Department won’t discriminate against people who want to use bathrooms reserved for the other sex.
We welcome all visitors regardless of their race, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity to visit public lands and waters in their back yard and beyond. … We remain committed to appropriately representing our nation’s diversity on our public lands, and continue to work alongside local communities and leaders to find meaningful ways to preserve and tell the stories that reflect the narrative of all Americans.
Barnum also said that the policy “is not new” and that visitors to America’s federally-operated parks and museums could always choose whatever bathroom they feel like using.
The administration’s gender-over-sex, binary-hating, anti-sex policy mean that the national parks’ focus on nature, evolution and science must now also embrace the newly created political idea of “gender identity.”
The rule matches Obama’s decree in May which declares that all of the nation’s public schools must implement transgender-friendly policies, so that boys pretending to be girls, or girls pretending to be boys, must be made welcome in the other sex’s bathrooms and showers, regardless of science or the wishes of normal kids and teenagers or their parents.
In his May decree, Obama banned single-sex bathrooms and single-sex locker rooms, so takin sexual privacy from almost 55 million American school kids in some 100,000 K-12 public schools.
As soon as Obama’s Departments of Justice and Education issued the decree, though, several lawsuits were filed. One was filed by a group of Illinois parents who opposed plans of a local school to enforce Obama’s policies. Another was filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton who announced on May 25 that the Lone Star State was suing the Obama administration to put an end to the administration’s plans to force every school in the country to implement a pro-transgender policy. Ten other states joined Texas in its suit.
The state of Kansas also began to look for ways to sue the Obama administration over the school bathroom policy.
A recent poll showed that roughly two out of three Americans prefer that bathroom policies be set by state or local officials, not by the central government. Other polls show the public strongly opposes the removal of single-sex bathrooms for K-12 schools. A study of the 2010 census showed that only one out of every 2,400 adults have changed their names to the opposite sex.
In general, the transgender ideology says government should push every American to validate every person’s choice of created “gender identity,” even though a man who wants to be a woman is still a man by every known scientific measure of evolutionary life. For example, an Oregon law recently allowed a jury to award $60,00 t0 a transgender teacher because other teachers declined to use the teacher’s preferred pronoun, which is “they” rather than “him” or “her.” New York City has also establish similar forced-speech rules.
The ideology’s claim that the government must enforce a new right to “gender identity” also means that the governments must ignore and often dismantle many civic rules that evolved to help the two distinct sexes — men and boys, women and girls — meet their legally equal, but different and complementary, needs. For example, the transgender ideological demand means that single-sex bathrooms and locker rooms must opened up to people of the opposite sex, regardless of age, and without any verification of created “gender identity.”
As a result, it is now an offense in Washington State to ask a man in a woman’s bathroom if he thinks he is male or female. Similarly, Obama and gay advocacy groups have slammed a popular North Carolina law, dubbed HB2, because it requires people to undergo medical procedures before they can use a bathroom reserved for the opposite sex. Teenage boys who say they are girls are also allowed to compete against girl athletes — and bump them off the winner’s podium. Also, the White House now demands that soldiers salute, trust and fight alongside people who think they are the other sex."
- Gnolaum ∞
- Posts: 15561
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah
Many cans of worms have now been opened. What's next, out in the open sex acts and pedophilia by anyone claiming to be anything other than straight across America? Is being straight now a sin to be reckoned with in a harsh way?
2 Nephi 15:20
20 Wo unto them that call evil good, and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20
20 ¶Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
2 Nephi 15:20
20 Wo unto them that call evil good, and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20
20 ¶Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
- Elizabeth
- △
- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah" onclick=";return false;
What 1 British Politician Just Said Has the World LAUGHING @ Barack Obama, George Obama and Kenya #2
What 1 British Politician Just Said Has the World LAUGHING @ Barack Obama, George Obama and Kenya #2
- Elizabeth
- △
- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
- Gnolaum ∞
- Posts: 15561
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah
Obama Mentions Staying In Office For 3rd Term Yet Again!
- Elizabeth
- △
- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah
"Thank you Barack Hussein Obama for setting race relations back over fifty years. The country has never been in more dire need of real leadership than it is at this very moment. Watch as they call for blood and black domination in the video below. Warning the language can get a little foul.
A Milwaukee protester tells police, “We want blood…We cannot co-habitate with white people, one of us have to go, black or white.”
“We do not want justice or peace anymore,” the protester says. “We done with that s**t. We want blood. We want blood. We want the same s**t ya’ll want. Eye for an eye. No more peace. F–k all that. Ain’t no more peace. Ain’t no more peace. We done. We cannot co-habitate with white people, one of us have to go, black or white. All ya’ll have to go!” ... ant-blood/" onclick=";return false; ... e-anymore/" onclick=";return false;
A Milwaukee protester tells police, “We want blood…We cannot co-habitate with white people, one of us have to go, black or white.”
“We do not want justice or peace anymore,” the protester says. “We done with that s**t. We want blood. We want blood. We want the same s**t ya’ll want. Eye for an eye. No more peace. F–k all that. Ain’t no more peace. Ain’t no more peace. We done. We cannot co-habitate with white people, one of us have to go, black or white. All ya’ll have to go!” ... ant-blood/" onclick=";return false; ... e-anymore/" onclick=";return false;
- Elizabeth
- △
- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah
"As Europeans continue to be inundated by wildly rising crime, increased incidents of rape, and one terror attack after another at the hands of the Muslim “refugees” flowing like water across their borders, President Barack Obama is proud to be celebrating the arrival of his ten thousandth Syrian refugee into the U.S.
One of the first mentions of the Obama Administration reaching its goal of importing 10,000 Syrian “refugees” into the country comes from U.S. ambassador to Jordan Alice Wells who announced that the United States will be importing its ten thousandth Syrian refugee into the U.S.A. this month." ... fugee-u-s/" onclick=";return false;
One of the first mentions of the Obama Administration reaching its goal of importing 10,000 Syrian “refugees” into the country comes from U.S. ambassador to Jordan Alice Wells who announced that the United States will be importing its ten thousandth Syrian refugee into the U.S.A. this month." ... fugee-u-s/" onclick=";return false;
- Elizabeth
- △
- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah" onclick=";return false;
"Amid an illegal plot to “ratify” a United Nations treaty on “climate change” without the constitutionally required advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, Obama is behaving more and more like a tinpot dictator looting what remains of a collapsing banana republic. As part of the effort to defend the unconstitutional scheme to bypass Congress and “ratify” the UN climate regime, however, the White House and its globalist allies are twisting themselves into legalistic and rhetorical pretzels — and setting up the UN scheme for failure. The formal announcement ahead of the upcoming Communist Chinese-led G20 confirms what The New American first reported over two years ago."
"Amid an illegal plot to “ratify” a United Nations treaty on “climate change” without the constitutionally required advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, Obama is behaving more and more like a tinpot dictator looting what remains of a collapsing banana republic. As part of the effort to defend the unconstitutional scheme to bypass Congress and “ratify” the UN climate regime, however, the White House and its globalist allies are twisting themselves into legalistic and rhetorical pretzels — and setting up the UN scheme for failure. The formal announcement ahead of the upcoming Communist Chinese-led G20 confirms what The New American first reported over two years ago."
- Elizabeth
- △
- Posts: 11699
- Location: East Coast Australia
Re: Barack Hussein Obama II / Barry Soetoro /Sobarkah ... l-citizens" onclick=";return false;
"Flying completely under the radar of the vast majority of Americans, federal Indian policies of the Obama administration are subverting our constitutional order and successfully transferring vast land holdings and natural resources to corrupt, federally controlled tribal governments. This stealth agenda is replacing the authority and obligations of the various state governments to protect the lives, rights, property, and natural resources of their citizens by illegally and immorally transferring that authority to select tribal governments. This is being done with the full support of state governors, attorneys general, and state legislators, in blatant violation of their oaths of office. Many of these officials are going along with this agenda either because they are receiving sizable donations from tribe-related entities (“bribes from the tribes”), or because they fear being labeled “racist” or “anti-Indian” by the Indian activists and their “progressive” allies in the controlled major media.
The Obama administration is intentionally reversing history and unsettling the West, using Indian reservations and tribal governments as launch pads. It is doing this with the full support of a majority of state executive and legislative representatives, regardless of their political party affiliations. The horrendous consequences of this political path are alarming, to say the least, not only for Americans living in the 39 states directly affected, but for our entire country. While farmers, ranchers, and other rural citizens and small towns are the frontline targets of this stealth agenda, it will dramatically impact all Americans. Urban Americans should also be alarmed by this agenda because it confronts us all with a steadily escalating tax burden, and most particularly because it threatens our nation’s water and food supplies, by placing them in a stranglehold held by dozens of federal agencies (EPA, BLM, USFS, etc.) and tribal governments that have already demonstrated their hostility to liberty and constitutionally limited government. "
"Flying completely under the radar of the vast majority of Americans, federal Indian policies of the Obama administration are subverting our constitutional order and successfully transferring vast land holdings and natural resources to corrupt, federally controlled tribal governments. This stealth agenda is replacing the authority and obligations of the various state governments to protect the lives, rights, property, and natural resources of their citizens by illegally and immorally transferring that authority to select tribal governments. This is being done with the full support of state governors, attorneys general, and state legislators, in blatant violation of their oaths of office. Many of these officials are going along with this agenda either because they are receiving sizable donations from tribe-related entities (“bribes from the tribes”), or because they fear being labeled “racist” or “anti-Indian” by the Indian activists and their “progressive” allies in the controlled major media.
The Obama administration is intentionally reversing history and unsettling the West, using Indian reservations and tribal governments as launch pads. It is doing this with the full support of a majority of state executive and legislative representatives, regardless of their political party affiliations. The horrendous consequences of this political path are alarming, to say the least, not only for Americans living in the 39 states directly affected, but for our entire country. While farmers, ranchers, and other rural citizens and small towns are the frontline targets of this stealth agenda, it will dramatically impact all Americans. Urban Americans should also be alarmed by this agenda because it confronts us all with a steadily escalating tax burden, and most particularly because it threatens our nation’s water and food supplies, by placing them in a stranglehold held by dozens of federal agencies (EPA, BLM, USFS, etc.) and tribal governments that have already demonstrated their hostility to liberty and constitutionally limited government. "