NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

tmac wrote: December 27th, 2024, 8:59 pm She is interesting, and thought-provoking. But it seems like inevitably there are some head-scratchers with this stuff. But if Trump turns out to be a Trojan Horse, and goes whole hog with AI, Crypto, and CBDC -- among other things -- it's not beyond the realm of possibility. I am definitely not one who believes that with Trump in office all the mounting problems in this world will somehow be magically and miraculously resolved. I suspect there is more to the equation than meets the eye -- possibly much more. There usually is.
From what I recall, the scriptures paint a faint picture of who the AC is and where they come from, and Trump is the furthest thing from it.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Niemand »

Reluctant Watchman wrote: December 28th, 2024, 4:18 am
tmac wrote: December 27th, 2024, 8:59 pm She is interesting, and thought-provoking. But it seems like inevitably there are some head-scratchers with this stuff. But if Trump turns out to be a Trojan Horse, and goes whole hog with AI, Crypto, and CBDC -- among other things -- it's not beyond the realm of possibility. I am definitely not one who believes that with Trump in office all the mounting problems in this world will somehow be magically and miraculously resolved. I suspect there is more to the equation than meets the eye -- possibly much more. There usually is.
From what I recall, the scriptures paint a faint picture of who the AC is and where they come from, and Trump is the furthest thing from it.
I've stated elsewhere that I suspect he will not be an American, at least by origin. My hunch would be someone from eastern Europe, or the Middle East in origin.

This is because while the USA is powerful and influential, there is also a lot of bad blood against it. Trump is ultra-American in some senses.

Trump has shown an ability in one or two cases to get people to the table. North Korea is a good example. But I would be surprised if he is the man to bring peace to Jerusalem and set his idol up in the temple.

However, we do know temple has a double meaning and can refer to the body, so it would be possible to violate the temple through the body and also he/it may be a system or some kind of other entity. I have strong doubts that the Whore of Babylon is an individual so the same could be applied to the False Prophet and to the Man of Sin perhaps.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Chip wrote: November 26th, 2024, 9:58 pm You can jump in at about the 2-minute point:
A quick note about all of the videos that look like this. There's a substantial amount of youtube channels out right now that are using AI to generate NDE stories. That includes the storyline (details), thumbnails, as well as the voices. I found this out because of other NDE videos from these same people had the exact same phrases, intros, but just changed the names and a few small details.

Kind of sucks that people will put stuff out there like this so they can generate ad revenue.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by tmac »

In this world, almost everything gets corrupted.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Original_Intent »

Arm Chair Quarterback wrote: November 28th, 2024, 10:06 pm
Reluctant Watchman wrote: November 27th, 2024, 4:00 am Brandon Biggs recently did a video on the mark, it is this same digital chip in the hand or forehead. This is a shorter outtake:
Here's the longer video:
I get the chip in the hand but are people really going to chip their forehead? That seems weird. Could it be a chip in the hand or a scan of the forehead?
I believe the mark in the hand will be something probably for ID purposes and access to CBDC.

Possibly the mark in the forehead is more advanced and leaning more into transhumanism. Possibly a brain/technology interface that will have you connected to the internet or even a next generation of the internet. Due to the location, perhaps it will even activate the pineal gland thru either drugs or nanotech of some kind or something else. This is the third eye location, and perhaps this tech represents a "shortcut" to spiritual awakening, similar to drugs but perhaps caused merely by electrical impulse or something else.

That's just me spit balling on a possibility that makes sense.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Niemand »

Original_Intent wrote: January 6th, 2025, 7:08 amPossibly the mark in the forehead is more advanced and leaning more into transhumanism. Possibly a brain/technology interface that will have you connected to the internet or even a next generation of the internet. Due to the location, perhaps it will even activate the pineal gland thru either drugs or nanotech of some kind or something else. This is the third eye location, and perhaps this tech represents a "shortcut" to spiritual awakening, similar to drugs but perhaps caused merely by electrical impulse or something else.
There are plenty of possibilities but facial recognition and finger prints also fit the bill.

We know of a very prominent figure who is pushing the tech you're talking about. A man some people on this board refer to by his first name for some reason.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Silver Pie »

Niemand wrote: January 6th, 2025, 4:43 pm There are plenty of possibilities but facial recognition and finger prints also fit the bill.

We know of a very prominent figure who is pushing the tech you're talking about. A man some people on this board refer to by his first name for some reason.

There's also the thing where your eye can be scanned to see who you are.
Iris recognition is an automated method of biometric identification, taking unique patterns within a ring-shaped region surrounding the pupil of each eye. It is an extremely reliable and accurate identification method with very low false match rates.
From here: https://www.innovatrics.com/iris-recogn ... echnology/

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Niemand »

Silver Pie wrote: January 6th, 2025, 8:06 pm There's also the thing where your eye can be scanned to see who you are.
Iris recognition is an automated method of biometric identification, taking unique patterns within a ring-shaped region surrounding the pupil of each eye. It is an extremely reliable and accurate identification method with very low false match rates.
From here: https://www.innovatrics.com/iris-recogn ... echnology/
Opticians scan retinas all the time but I can rarely get a straight answer about what they do with the data, who it is available to and how securely it is stored.

Some of them sound bewildered when I even ask them about this.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by BKColt »

In years past, the then Falcon Air Force Station in Colorado used ocular scans to admit workers into a classified environment.

That was done away with when a woman's eye scan revealed changes, and she was informed she was probably pregnant, which was the first she heard about it.

The ocular scan system was removed due to privacy info concerns, and replaced with a more conventional access entry system

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Silver Pie »

BKColt wrote: January 7th, 2025, 11:27 pm That was done away with when a woman's eye scan revealed changes, and she was informed she was probably pregnant, which was the first she heard about it.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by clarkjk »

Chip wrote: November 26th, 2024, 9:58 pm You can jump in at about the 2-minute point:

The mark of the beast will come as a friendly convenience, at first, and eventually be mandated for all kinds of good-sounding reasons. Those who resist the mark will be regarded as selfish and rebellious, but they will be protected by God, with no need to fear. Those who accept the mark will signify that they will trust in man, not God, and it will cut them off from God in a way that they will not be able to return to Him.

We must develop ways of living outside of the system, as communities of believers, and know how to grow food and perform basic medical care. We need to develop alternate means of trade and communication. Those who stay away from the mark will be able to ask God for help and they will be greatly helped. There will be huge revival among those who resist the mark and turn to God, and this will include many young people.

It has been my conviction (as you all know, UGH!!!) that the COVID vaxx was already something akin to this and those who took it unrepentantly have already lost their connection to God and His influence. This is why the church has become such a hopeless spiritual desert and the people left are just going along with it, anymore, not getting much out of it. They are out of touch, already. You can bet that as the mark comes on the scene, the church leaders are going to support it and, as usual, 100% of church leadership is going to inhale deeply. They will be damned for this.

So, keep your heads up and be ready to stand with the righteous, avoiding the giant pit that is on the horizon. Find a good church and read the Bible. Liberate yourself from men and stand with God.
I have a tough time agreeing that the Covid VAX was anything aklin to the mark of the beast, lest Theprophet would not have encouraged many to be vaccinated:
https://www.thechurchnews.com/2021/8/12 ... -vaccines/

"“We find ourselves fighting a war against the ravages of COVID-19 and its variants, an unrelenting pandemic,” wrote President Russell M. Nelson and his counselors, President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring, in the message Thursday, Aug. 12, and sent to Latter-day Saints around the world. “We want to do all we can to limit the spread of these viruses. We know that protection from the diseases they cause can only be achieved by immunizing a very high percentage of the population.

“To limit exposure to these viruses, we urge the use of face masks in public meetings whenever social distancing is not possible. To provide personal protection from such severe infections, we urge individuals to be vaccinated. Available vaccines have proven to be both safe and effective.”

You wither have to say he was a false prophet because he encouraged the mark of the beast, or that you err in your thesis.

I so testify that the leadership receive council from God, and wat your post is is that of an apostate. Repent soon, for it will come a time soon after you have followed your own ways, that the time for repentance will be far past.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Niemand »

clarkjk wrote: January 13th, 2025, 3:40 pm I have a tough time agreeing that the Covid VAX was anything aklin to the mark of the beast, lest Theprophet would not have encouraged many to be vaccinated:
I do not. I prayed about this matter intently and was told that it was not the mark itself but a precursor of it.

The QR codes accompanying it were suspicious, as were the people who got implants as vaccine passports. There were also restrictions on social and economic activity put in.

When President Nelson described the shots as a "Godsend", he neglected to mention that they were developed from cell lines from aborted foetuses. The manufacturers were reticent on this point as well. They were also not traditional vaccines at all, but mRNA injections. Given the high rate of reactions — including deaths — from these shots, it is clear they were neither safe nor effective.

The reasons President Nelson had for promoting the shots were probably his medical background and the fact that the world told him so.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Chip »

clarkjk wrote: January 13th, 2025, 3:40 pm
Chip wrote: November 26th, 2024, 9:58 pm You can jump in at about the 2-minute point:

The mark of the beast will come as a friendly convenience, at first, and eventually be mandated for all kinds of good-sounding reasons. Those who resist the mark will be regarded as selfish and rebellious, but they will be protected by God, with no need to fear. Those who accept the mark will signify that they will trust in man, not God, and it will cut them off from God in a way that they will not be able to return to Him.

We must develop ways of living outside of the system, as communities of believers, and know how to grow food and perform basic medical care. We need to develop alternate means of trade and communication. Those who stay away from the mark will be able to ask God for help and they will be greatly helped. There will be huge revival among those who resist the mark and turn to God, and this will include many young people.

It has been my conviction (as you all know, UGH!!!) that the COVID vaxx was already something akin to this and those who took it unrepentantly have already lost their connection to God and His influence. This is why the church has become such a hopeless spiritual desert and the people left are just going along with it, anymore, not getting much out of it. They are out of touch, already. You can bet that as the mark comes on the scene, the church leaders are going to support it and, as usual, 100% of church leadership is going to inhale deeply. They will be damned for this.

So, keep your heads up and be ready to stand with the righteous, avoiding the giant pit that is on the horizon. Find a good church and read the Bible. Liberate yourself from men and stand with God.
I have a tough time agreeing that the Covid VAX was anything aklin to the mark of the beast, lest Theprophet would not have encouraged many to be vaccinated:
https://www.thechurchnews.com/2021/8/12 ... -vaccines/

"“We find ourselves fighting a war against the ravages of COVID-19 and its variants, an unrelenting pandemic,” wrote President Russell M. Nelson and his counselors, President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring, in the message Thursday, Aug. 12, and sent to Latter-day Saints around the world. “We want to do all we can to limit the spread of these viruses. We know that protection from the diseases they cause can only be achieved by immunizing a very high percentage of the population.

“To limit exposure to these viruses, we urge the use of face masks in public meetings whenever social distancing is not possible. To provide personal protection from such severe infections, we urge individuals to be vaccinated. Available vaccines have proven to be both safe and effective.”

You wither have to say he was a false prophet because he encouraged the mark of the beast, or that you err in your thesis.

I so testify that the leadership receive council from God, and wat your post is is that of an apostate. Repent soon, for it will come a time soon after you have followed your own ways, that the time for repentance will be far past.

Have you ever thought that God wants you to hold truth in higher regard than mere men claiming to be prophets - men who have made such extreme mistakes without even any acknowledgment of error? Why don't you fear God more than men? Of course, you think these men are speaking to us on God's behalf, don't you? And you think God would never permit these men to seriously err as his "annointed mouthpieces", right? Well, go read Isaiah, as Christ commanded. Real prophets warned of all this deception a long time ago. Isaiah 28 would be a good intro, along with Ether 8.

Frankly, I don't believe your post is even honest, because I can't imagine that, at this late stage, you just crawled out from underneath a rock with these notions that were current maybe six years ago. It's like you've noticed nothing, with all that has gone on. What gives?

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by clarkjk »

Chip wrote: January 13th, 2025, 4:54 pm
clarkjk wrote: January 13th, 2025, 3:40 pm
Chip wrote: November 26th, 2024, 9:58 pm You can jump in at about the 2-minute point:

The mark of the beast will come as a friendly convenience, at first, and eventually be mandated for all kinds of good-sounding reasons. Those who resist the mark will be regarded as selfish and rebellious, but they will be protected by God, with no need to fear. Those who accept the mark will signify that they will trust in man, not God, and it will cut them off from God in a way that they will not be able to return to Him.

We must develop ways of living outside of the system, as communities of believers, and know how to grow food and perform basic medical care. We need to develop alternate means of trade and communication. Those who stay away from the mark will be able to ask God for help and they will be greatly helped. There will be huge revival among those who resist the mark and turn to God, and this will include many young people.

It has been my conviction (as you all know, UGH!!!) that the COVID vaxx was already something akin to this and those who took it unrepentantly have already lost their connection to God and His influence. This is why the church has become such a hopeless spiritual desert and the people left are just going along with it, anymore, not getting much out of it. They are out of touch, already. You can bet that as the mark comes on the scene, the church leaders are going to support it and, as usual, 100% of church leadership is going to inhale deeply. They will be damned for this.

So, keep your heads up and be ready to stand with the righteous, avoiding the giant pit that is on the horizon. Find a good church and read the Bible. Liberate yourself from men and stand with God.
I have a tough time agreeing that the Covid VAX was anything aklin to the mark of the beast, lest Theprophet would not have encouraged many to be vaccinated:
https://www.thechurchnews.com/2021/8/12 ... -vaccines/

"“We find ourselves fighting a war against the ravages of COVID-19 and its variants, an unrelenting pandemic,” wrote President Russell M. Nelson and his counselors, President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring, in the message Thursday, Aug. 12, and sent to Latter-day Saints around the world. “We want to do all we can to limit the spread of these viruses. We know that protection from the diseases they cause can only be achieved by immunizing a very high percentage of the population.

“To limit exposure to these viruses, we urge the use of face masks in public meetings whenever social distancing is not possible. To provide personal protection from such severe infections, we urge individuals to be vaccinated. Available vaccines have proven to be both safe and effective.”

You wither have to say he was a false prophet because he encouraged the mark of the beast, or that you err in your thesis.

I so testify that the leadership receive council from God, and wat your post is is that of an apostate. Repent soon, for it will come a time soon after you have followed your own ways, that the time for repentance will be far past.

Have you ever thought that God wants you to hold truth in higher regard than mere men claiming to be prophets - men who have made such extreme mistakes without even any acknowledgment of error? Why don't you fear God more than men? Of course, you think these men are speaking to us on God's behalf, don't you? And you think God would never permit these men to seriously err as his "annointed mouthpieces", right? Well, go read Isaiah, as Christ commanded. Real prophets warned of all this deception a long time ago. Isaiah 28 would be a good intro, along with Ether 8.

Frankly, I don't believe your post is even honest, because I can't imagine that, at this late stage, you just crawled out from underneath a rock with these notions that were current maybe six years ago. It's like you've noticed nothing, with all that has gone on. What gives?
It appears to me you are using justification to warrant your deceit. You have made yourself into a prophet of your own making. What gives

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Reluctant Watchman
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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Moses wished that all men were prophets.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Chip »

clarkjk wrote: January 15th, 2025, 6:49 pm
Chip wrote: January 13th, 2025, 4:54 pm
clarkjk wrote: January 13th, 2025, 3:40 pm

I have a tough time agreeing that the Covid VAX was anything aklin to the mark of the beast, lest Theprophet would not have encouraged many to be vaccinated:
https://www.thechurchnews.com/2021/8/12 ... -vaccines/

"“We find ourselves fighting a war against the ravages of COVID-19 and its variants, an unrelenting pandemic,” wrote President Russell M. Nelson and his counselors, President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring, in the message Thursday, Aug. 12, and sent to Latter-day Saints around the world. “We want to do all we can to limit the spread of these viruses. We know that protection from the diseases they cause can only be achieved by immunizing a very high percentage of the population.

“To limit exposure to these viruses, we urge the use of face masks in public meetings whenever social distancing is not possible. To provide personal protection from such severe infections, we urge individuals to be vaccinated. Available vaccines have proven to be both safe and effective.”

You wither have to say he was a false prophet because he encouraged the mark of the beast, or that you err in your thesis.

I so testify that the leadership receive council from God, and wat your post is is that of an apostate. Repent soon, for it will come a time soon after you have followed your own ways, that the time for repentance will be far past.

Have you ever thought that God wants you to hold truth in higher regard than mere men claiming to be prophets - men who have made such extreme mistakes without even any acknowledgment of error? Why don't you fear God more than men? Of course, you think these men are speaking to us on God's behalf, don't you? And you think God would never permit these men to seriously err as his "annointed mouthpieces", right? Well, go read Isaiah, as Christ commanded. Real prophets warned of all this deception a long time ago. Isaiah 28 would be a good intro, along with Ether 8.

Frankly, I don't believe your post is even honest, because I can't imagine that, at this late stage, you just crawled out from underneath a rock with these notions that were current maybe six years ago. It's like you've noticed nothing, with all that has gone on. What gives?
It appears to me you are using justification to warrant your deceit. You have made yourself into a prophet of your own making. What gives

You have taken their training well and have become an idolator of them and their church. You even dress up your talk in KJV language to make it sound wise and authoritative.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by tmac »

clarkjk wrote: January 13th, 2025, 3:40 pm
I so testify that the leadership receive council from God . . . .
On what basis do you so testify?

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Luke »

Why on earth do people say “I so testify”?

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by tmac »

Luke wrote: January 16th, 2025, 3:52 am Why on earth do people say “I so testify”?
There are several LDS idiosyncratic affectations that have evolved, that seem to make certain types of people feel extra special about what they are saying or writing. One is the word "even," and to say, "our beloved prophet, even RMN." That is a popular, essentially, fad affectation in certain circles. Another is the use of the word "so" as in this context -- I so testify that xyz. . . . It apparently gives the speaker/writer a feeling of extra emphasis, that they really mean it, and that in this case, they really, truly are calling down fire and brimstone on anyone who might even have the most legitimate questions as to exactly what counsel (as opposed to council) the brethren actually do receive from God.

I have yet to figure out what Brother/Sister Clark, even clarkjk's use of the word "wither" is all about. I would be interested to know if use of the word wither (which heretofore has been fairly uncommon) is another new fad.

There is actually one phraseology where this "So" affectation might technically be grammatically correct (although typically used for the same affected purpose), as in: "Our beloved leadership do in fact receive direct daily and continuous counsel from God, to the point that every single thing they do is the actual mind and will of God . . . I so testify . . . and furthermore, on behalf of God Himself, I do hereby so clunk the dust off of my shoes regarding th, the, this . . . lousy, apostate forum, that is just so, so lousy (as in lice-infested) with the spirit of apostasy . . . ."

In this "So" category, it appears that our dear brother/sister Clark, even clarkjk, is all show with respect to affected emphasis, but no go with respect to grammatical correctness.
Last edited by tmac on January 16th, 2025, 9:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Chip »

Luke wrote: January 16th, 2025, 3:52 am Why on earth do people say “I so testify”?
Because it sounds BAD-A$$ and authoritative. It's sheer wizardry. Signify your subjection to the idol, while casting a spell on your cretinous foes who won't bow down to it, themselves.

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Niemand »

Luke wrote: January 16th, 2025, 3:52 am Why on earth do people say “I so testify”?
Because it is formal archaic English.

I think "I hereby testify" may be better English. (Anyone else who wants to wade in on that one can.)

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Re: NDE about the coming mark of the beast - VERY GOOD!!!

Post by Lineman1012 »

tmac wrote: January 16th, 2025, 7:21 am
Luke wrote: January 16th, 2025, 3:52 am Why on earth do people say “I so testify”?
There are several LDS idiosyncratic affectations that have evolved, that seem to make certain types of people feel extra special about what they are saying or writing. One is the word "even," and to say, "our beloved prophet, even RMN." That is a popular, essentially, fad affectation in certain circles. Another is the use of the word "so" as in this context -- I so testify that xyz. . . . It apparently gives the speaker/writer a feeling of extra emphasis, that they really mean it, and that in this case, they really, truly are calling down fire and brimstone on anyone who might even have the most legitimate questions as to exactly what counsel (as opposed to council) the brethren actually do receive from God.

I have yet to figure out what Brother/Sister Clark, even clarkjk's use of the word "wither" is all about. I would be interested to know if use of the word wither (which heretofore has been fairly uncommon) is another new fad.

There is actually one phraseology where this "So" affectation might technically be grammatically correct (although typically used for the same affected purpose), as in: "Our beloved leadership do in fact receive direct daily and continuous counsel from God, to the point that every single thing they do is the actual mind and will of God . . . I so testify . . . and furthermore, on behalf of God Himself, I do hereby so clunk the dust off of my shoes regarding th, the, this . . . lousy, apostate forum, that is just so, so lousy (as in lice-infested) with the spirit of apostasy . . . ."

In this "So" category, it appears that our dear brother/sister Clark, even clarkjk, is all show with respect to affected emphasis, but no go with respect to grammatical correctness.
I would like to “SO” testify that our “BELOVED” forum fellow “EVEN” tmac has a way with words. I couldn’t resist.

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