Random thoughts...

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »

When you think about it, isn’t it a bit strange how Judaism doctrines are mixed with Christianity’s… especially when Jews killed Christianity’s founder? An outsider may think maybe the enemy - ie Saul/Pharisee - won after all in taking over that religion.

From another point of view, maybe one who truly worships the God of truth, will seek truth wherever found, meaning their “scripture set” would be quite big - though of course wise cherry picking is needed as in all corrupt religions. In my “scriptures” are not just the standard combo but maybe also:

Buddhist right ways etc
Tao te Ching
Hindu Vedas
Cicero (writings)
Aurelius “
The Spirit
(… many more…)


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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »

Religion, is one branch of several, of philosophy. Philosophy, as the study of reality, may be the closest we get to the totality of God, though most “philosophers” would probably call it something else. 😁


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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Original_Intent »

I've individuated to the point that I feel almost alone.

I don't think this is what I came here for. solve et coagula.

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by FrankOne »

Original_Intent wrote: October 20th, 2024, 5:50 am I've individuated to the point that I feel almost alone.

I don't think this is what I came here for. solve et coagula.
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magnum opus solum ambulamus

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by FrankOne »

cur lacrimae meae fluunt?

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Cruiserdude »

FrankOne wrote: October 20th, 2024, 11:41 am cur lacrimae meae fluunt?
That was AWESOME 😎😎👍👍

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Original_Intent »

FrankOne wrote: October 20th, 2024, 11:41 am cur lacrimae meae fluunt?
If nothing else, you make me want to give Assassin's Creed a try.

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Cruiserdude »

Original_Intent wrote: October 20th, 2024, 11:57 am
FrankOne wrote: October 20th, 2024, 11:41 am cur lacrimae meae fluunt?
If nothing else, you make me want to give Assassin's Creed a try.
I've never been much a gamer but I was able to watch my cousin play that game for Hours on end. It was like watching an incredible movie....
Another game like that, that was awesome fun to watch someone else play, was Uncharted. Absolutely incredible.

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »


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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »

I’ve noticed some people seem worse (meaner, less considerate) as they get older. It may be due to living alone - they become more self centered & more easily annoyed with others. It also may be those who didn’t succeed in going through Erickson’s stages of development so they are full of regret. It may also be increasing aches and pains make them more irritable. Another possibility is they take personally some notions that older people are deemed less attractive, less valuable etc. I think it’s important to not tie our looks too much to how we feel about ourselves. Of course, take care of our temple body, but remember it’s not the real, eternal us.

When I get older, I want to be better than I am now, I hope so anyway. Though I may be tempted to talk someone’s ear off, I want to use my long lifetime of experience, intelligently - to choose between everything I’ve learned & carefully choose what would be most loving/best to say to those I come across… or to be silent & listen, when that’s best.

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »

Reading about Dante’s Inferno, regarding hell… especially Canto 34, the deepest hell, involving betrayal.

“…he well is made the source of every woe for his ingratitude, that is.

3 faces: Satan is an anti-Trinity. The power, wisdom, & love of God are inverted here into impotence, ignorance & hate.”

I might disagree with hate since I see the opposite of love as apathy. But I can see how ignorance and impotence go hand in hand. When someone ignores truth so often so they become very ignor-ant, when they try to act, their attempts fail because they’re so out of touch with reality. On the other hand, love of truth (wisdom) and power correlate. When someone continually seeks truth, when they act, it’s as if the whole heavens back them up and it just flows.

Re: the 1st part about hell involving ingratitude. “Gratitude is the parent of all virtues” and the quickest way to be uplifted and feel the spirit.

My guess is Dante was especially pissed at the Catholic theocracy for threatening to kill him & for banishing him from his home area. And in turn, the Catholic Church censored Dante’s work during the Inquisition. I don’t think hell is exactly like this, and now the Catholic church promotes this book, probably to try to scare people. Still, I think there are nuggets of truth.

"The path to paradise begins in hell."

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »

To be spiritually born again & again throughout one’s life is what the nativity parable is about.

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Ears to hear…


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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »

When life, wrestling with wrong ideas of God & marriage get tough, think of it as a school to find meaning & motivation. Expect it to challenge & test you & at times be uncomfortable.


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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »

'No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.' - Mary Wollstonecraft

People doing evil see it as good in some way or else they wouldn’t do it. Their moral sight is screwed up.

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by FrankOne »

Thinker wrote: November 18th, 2024, 11:06 pm 'No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks.' - Mary Wollstonecraft

People doing evil see it as good in some way or else they wouldn’t do it. Their moral sight is screwed up.
every person feels "right" in what they are choosing or doing.

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »

I believe the spirit of motherhood is not limited to one’s own offspring - though they are the priority.

When I think of some horrors that children are faced with, I get angry & think how I’d like to be as a mother bear & rip any child-abusers to shreds & get the children to safety. But I know that wouldn’t be legal. 😆


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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »

Relationships are based on trust. When trust is seriously broken it’s like being told all you thought about this person is a lie. It’s heartbreaking & may feel like hopeless hell. But the silver lining is you have potential to become stronger with a clearer idea of people and how best to relate with them.

Most people (2/3 in a study) show to cave to peer pressure & will do what they know is wrong, just because others are doing it, or if they feel pressure to. The 1/3 are works in progress. Nobody is 100% trustworthy except God.

Some good Adam & Eve symbolic interpretations: remember there will always be a snake in your garden. You can deny it, ignore it, or contend with it.

“Contend with the chaos that disrupts order…

What do you do in the garden, given that there’s a snake in it?
You become the master of snakes.”- JP

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »

One of my favorite random acts of kindness was when someone left a note on my car, “You are stronger than you think.” That was years ago & I still appreciate it.

At the time, I was being bullied but didn’t realize it - I just thought I was bad, wrong, weak & deserving of the worst because some, who I looked up to, decided so about me.

What is strength?
Is it strength in numbers? Being part of the bullying rather than the “weak” one being bullied? On the surface it seems so. But as God sees, strength is not as observable with the human eye, but by the spirit.

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Original_Intent »

Thinker wrote: October 19th, 2024, 11:26 am When you think about it, isn’t it a bit strange how Judaism doctrines are mixed with Christianity’s… especially when Jews killed Christianity’s founder? An outsider may think maybe the enemy - ie Saul/Pharisee - won after all in taking over that religion.

From another point of view, maybe one who truly worships the God of truth, will seek truth wherever found, meaning their “scripture set” would be quite big - though of course wise cherry picking is needed as in all corrupt religions. In my “scriptures” are not just the standard combo but maybe also:

Buddhist right ways etc
Tao te Ching
Hindu Vedas
Cicero (writings)
Aurelius “
The Spirit
(… many more…)

You post stuff like this and then say things like you don't have any friends on LDSFF. Makes me sad, I consider you a friend. I definitely get your vibe.

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »

Original_Intent wrote: December 31st, 2024, 2:44 pm You post stuff like this and then say things like you don't have any friends on LDSFF. Makes me sad, I consider you a friend. I definitely get your vibe.
Thanks, OI. 😊 I often get your vibe too.
To be blunt, we met at lunches a few times, but are mostly online friends. But a real, good friend who has your back & you have theirs, I just haven’t found here. It may be because I share unpopular opinions. But thankfully I have found good friends elsewhere. I do appreciate the kindness and interaction with people here. I think I just expected too much. Ce la vie.

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »

Ralph Waldo Emerson: born 1803
Joseph Smith: born 1805
Weird that they were basically the same age!
I’ve been impressed with both but somehow never imagined them living during the same time & place. Emerson seems more modern.

Both were a bit fed up with religious nonsense. Emerson looked to break away & look within for God, whereas Smith began a new church/cult. I wonder what each thought of the other.

Some favorite quotes:

“ *The 1st wealth is health.
*Every day, conquer some fear.
*To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
*What lies behind you & what lies in front of you, pale in comparison to what lies inside of you.
*Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success.
*Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
*A great man is always willing to be little.
*Our strength grows out of our weakness.
*Lose yourself in nature and find peace.”🌲

* “No one can ever enter the celestial kingdom unless he is strictly honest.
*Knowledge does away with darkness, suspense, and doubt; for these cannot exist where knowledge is . . . In knowledge there is power.
*A man is saved no faster than he gains knowledge
*I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves.
*Whatever principle of intelligence we attain in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.
*Sometimes the Lord brings us low before he can lift us higher.
*How precious are the souls of men!
*…If thou endure thy trials well though shalt be exalted.” 🙏

Though I see good & imperfection in both, I generally trust Emerson more. He seemed more humble & less cultishly controlling & grandiose. Mostly, Emerson was like Fowler’s Stage 5, & Smith, Stages 3 & 4.
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bf/da/f3 ... 116a95.jpg

Edited to add,
I just found this lecture (:28-:55) & was surprised that Emerson also had a type of vision…
Last edited by Thinker on January 1st, 2025, 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Original_Intent »

Thinker wrote: January 1st, 2025, 6:12 pm
Original_Intent wrote: December 31st, 2024, 2:44 pm You post stuff like this and then say things like you don't have any friends on LDSFF. Makes me sad, I consider you a friend. I definitely get your vibe.
Thanks, OI. 😊 I often get your vibe too.
To be blunt, we met at lunches a few times, but are mostly online friends. But a real, good friend who has your back & you have theirs, I just haven’t found here. It may be because I share unpopular opinions. But thankfully I have found good friends elsewhere. I do appreciate the kindness and interaction with people here. I think I just expected too much. Ce la vie.
Agreed, it is hard to be a "have your back" friend from Missouri. I hear you.

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Re: Random thoughts...

Post by Thinker »

Some random thoughts:

God is not so much a noun (person, place or thing), but a verb or acted out value. Eg., A woman watches general conference and yells at anyone who interrupts her - is worshipping the church, not God. And the church is a significantly evil, false god. God is not about worshipping people or bending over backwards to serve them while they just take. But God is about valuing and loving ourselves as well as others - and that comes before everything else.

Personality type is separate from self-awareness, ability to empathize & take responsibility. 2 people may have the same personality type but differ in those significant ways.

All of the things of this life will not go with us after we die. Yes, we need to take care of responsibilities, but it’s good to consider what’s most important.

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” - Matthew 5

Most adult-children raised by dysfunctional parents will repeat the dysfunction. Wide is the gate of destruction - the path of least resistance is easier initially. The scapegoat, or those who are made to feel they don’t fit into the (dysfunctional) family, are generally the ones who have a chance to see the BS, overcome & rise above it… IF they can figure out how best to take healthy responsibility.

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