random thoughts and musings

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Melon Head Ex Nihilo
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Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by FrankOne »

abijah wrote: December 13th, 2024, 12:12 am
FrankOne wrote: December 9th, 2024, 12:52 pm she's kinda funny
Yeah Daisy Riddley seems a funny enough person, and charismatic. Too bad she was kinda wasted on the Disney Star Wars slop trilogy. I mean, it was obviously a big break for her and everything, just a shame the character (and everything in general) was so poorly written.
I just find people pointing their finger at others as funny. One points out and 3 point back.

the pointing of a finger is used to project fear/insecurity into others while the person pointing is always the most fearful/insecure of all.

I'm not sure if that meme/photo was originally created by her or someone just added the words in?

pleb in zion
Posts: 3192

Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by abijah »

FrankOne wrote: December 13th, 2024, 12:32 am
abijah wrote: December 13th, 2024, 12:12 amYeah Daisy Riddley seems a funny enough person, and charismatic. Too bad she was kinda wasted on the Disney Star Wars slop trilogy. I mean, it was obviously a big break for her and everything, just a shame the character (and everything in general) was so poorly written.
I just find people pointing their finger at others as funny. One points out and 3 point back.

the pointing of a finger is used to project fear/insecurity into others while the person pointing is always the most fearful/insecure of all.

I'm not sure if that meme/photo was originally created by her or someone just added the words in?
The words were added in, presumably by "@DarwintoJesus". Not sure what the context of the original template was. I just checked KnowYourMeme, but the entry's almost empty; just says that it originated in 2018 by Jakub Roflík in a "Star Wars sithposting group" (which sounds kinda funny 😂).

pleb in zion
Posts: 3192

Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by abijah »

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_hazard wrote:Information Hazard
An information hazard, or infohazard, is "a risk that arises from the dissemination of (true) information that may cause harm or enable some agent to cause harm," as defined by philosopher Nick Bostrom in 2011, or as defined in the concept of information sensitivity. It is an idea that contradicts the idea of freedom of information as it states that some types of information are too dangerous for every single person to have access to, as they could either be harmed by it or harm others. This is sometimes why information is classified based on its sensitivity. One example would be instructions for creating a thermonuclear weapon. Following these instructions could cause massive amounts of harm to others, therefore limiting who has access to this information is important in preventing harm to others.

According to Bostrom, there are two defined major categories of information hazard. The first is the "adversarial hazard" which is where some information can be purposefully used by a bad actor to hurt others. The other category is where the harm is not purposeful, but is merely an unintended consequence that harms the person who learns it.

Bostrom also proposes several subsets of these major categories, including the following types:

Data hazards: A piece of data that can be used to harm others, such as the DNA sequence of a lethal pathogen.
Idea hazards: General ideas that can harm others if fulfilled. One example is the idea of "using a fission reaction to create a bomb". Knowing this idea alone can be enough for a well-resourced team to develop a nuclear bomb.
Knowing-too-much hazards: Information that if known, can cause danger to the person who knows it. For example, in the 1600s, women who allegedly possessed knowledge of the occult or of birth control methods were at a higher risk of being accused of witchcraft.
Genesis 3
22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil...

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Melon Head Ex Nihilo
Posts: 4345

Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by FrankOne »

abijah wrote: December 19th, 2024, 3:42 pm Image
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_hazard wrote:Information Hazard
An information hazard, or infohazard, is "a risk that arises from the dissemination of (true) information that may cause harm or enable some agent to cause harm," as defined by philosopher Nick Bostrom in 2011, or as defined in the concept of information sensitivity. It is an idea that contradicts the idea of freedom of information as it states that some types of information are too dangerous for every single person to have access to, as they could either be harmed by it or harm others. This is sometimes why information is classified based on its sensitivity. One example would be instructions for creating a thermonuclear weapon. Following these instructions could cause massive amounts of harm to others, therefore limiting who has access to this information is important in preventing harm to others.

According to Bostrom, there are two defined major categories of information hazard. The first is the "adversarial hazard" which is where some information can be purposefully used by a bad actor to hurt others. The other category is where the harm is not purposeful, but is merely an unintended consequence that harms the person who learns it.

Bostrom also proposes several subsets of these major categories, including the following types:

Data hazards: A piece of data that can be used to harm others, such as the DNA sequence of a lethal pathogen.
Idea hazards: General ideas that can harm others if fulfilled. One example is the idea of "using a fission reaction to create a bomb". Knowing this idea alone can be enough for a well-resourced team to develop a nuclear bomb.
Knowing-too-much hazards: Information that if known, can cause danger to the person who knows it. For example, in the 1600s, women who allegedly possessed knowledge of the occult or of birth control methods were at a higher risk of being accused of witchcraft.
Genesis 3
22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil...

I'll give my heretical viewpoint which I perceive as the truth and I do not expect anyone to partake in my heresy.

"And their eyes became polarized unto the misperception which the fruit of the tree of knowledge creates and they judged their bodies as sinful instead of pure and were given the gift of false guilt. The creation of the division of the truth into a wholly unreal and deleterious illusion of pain and pleasure."

Below is a quote without any additions excepting the capitalization and bolding.

"22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of US to know good and evil."

The Gods in time disseminated their mindset into the minds of the pure children of the Father of All, Adam and Eve. This was a fall from reality.

Naked means pure. Naked is pure. Their screwed up perceptions turned what was pure into something to be ashamed of.

and ...here we are!

pleb in zion
Posts: 3192

Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by abijah »

FrankOne wrote: December 19th, 2024, 6:30 pm I'll give my heretical viewpoint which I perceive as the truth and I do not expect anyone to partake in my heresy.

"And their eyes became polarized unto the misperception which the fruit of the tree of knowledge creates and they judged their bodies as sinful instead of pure and were given the gift of false guilt. The creation of the division of the truth into a wholly unreal and deleterious illusion of pain and pleasure."

Below is a quote without any additions excepting the capitalization and bolding.

"22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of US to know good and evil."

The Gods in time disseminated their mindset into the minds of the pure children of the Father of All, Adam and Eve. This was a fall from reality.

Naked means pure. Naked is pure. Their screwed up perceptions turned what was pure into something to be ashamed of.

and ...here we are!
Thanks, I agree with your insight. ~Division~ is a major aspect of what's going on with the Fall (which is why the Tower of Babel is set on symbolic parallel to it, where all the nations/languages were split...), culminating in the divergent enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the snake.

I like how you put it "their eyes became polarized"; something like a cross between that and being "spiritually cross-eyed" 😂 Though I do think there are different types/levels of these divisions that come as a result of eating the fruit. As in, obviously the dichotomy between moral good (being kind) versus moral evil (being mean) is not the same dichotomy between feeling wakeful versus feeling sleepy, though they are in fact both dichotomies which follow the same basic pattern/template from the Fall. Likewise the polarity between Winter and Summer is not the same as the polarity between chastity and debauchery, though they are both polarities. It must have been insanely traumatizing for Adam & Eve getting all that metaphysically dumped on them at once.

Quick question though, could you elaborate what you mean by "The Gods in time disseminated their mindset into the minds of the pure children of the Father of All, Adam and Eve. This was a fall from reality."

I agree that nakedness in this context indicates the purity and innocence of Adam and Eve. More specifically, they're portrayed as children. A lot of the same terminology used in the Adam & Eve narratives gets used and referred-back to later on in the Wisdom literature to describe little kids, particularly in the sense that they haven't reached the age of moral accountability yet:
https://bibleproject.com/podcast/tree-knowing-good-bad/ wrote:Adam and Eve are depicted as being in their moral infancy in the garden. They don’t know what is right and wrong. They need God to teach them how to be wise and how to choose what is right from wrong. Here are some other passages that use the Hebrew phrase “tov and ra’” or “good and bad” to illustrate this moral infancy in the Bible. “Knowing tov and ra’” is a sign of maturity. The phrase appears elsewhere to describe children. Deuteronomy 1:39 “...your little ones... and your sons, who today do not know good or evil, shall enter there, and I will give it to them and they shall possess it. 1 Kings 3:7-9 “Now, O Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David, yet I am but a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in. So give your servant a heart that listens, to judge your people, to discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of yours?” Isaiah 7:15-16 “[Immanuel] will eat curds and honey at the time he knows to refuse evil and choose good. For before the boy will know to refuse evil and choose good, the land whose two kings you dread will be forsaken. The narrative in Genesis 1-2 has shown that God knows what is “pleasant/beneficial,” and he will provide tov (the woman) when something is not tov (man being alone), that is, ra’. So the tree represents a choice: Will they live with God, allowing him to know/define tov and ra’? Presumably they need this knowledge as they mature, but the question is who will teach it to them? Will they learn from watching God’s knowledge at work? Adam and Eve are portrayed as “children." The tree of knowing tov and ra’ represents two options or modes for how to know and experience tov and ra’: Will they “take” this knowledge for themselves, so that they “become like elohim,” knowing what is tov and ra’? Or instead, will they allow God to teach them wisdom?
I kind of don't want to bring it up, but since its immediately relevant to the subject, I also reckon one of the major aspects of the Eden episode is that the snake is basically a groomer, and sexual abuse is likely part of what's going on. Especially once you get a basic understanding of serpent symbolism, how it has to do with cyclic looping, and the passing-on of knowledge, as well as abuse. I'm strongly suspicious that when you sometimes see how an abused child may have grow up to face some level of propensity to repeat that abuse, that that's very closely related to how how the devil operates and what he did/caused leading up to the Fall. The seed of the woman is able to reproduce by natural means, in the intimate union between a husband and wife, which then produces literal offspring. The seed of the serpent on the other hand was struck a blow to its fertility (there's good reasons to think this imo), and was cursed from propagating itself naturally, which is why abuse breeds its own abuse, and abusers reproduce their own through preying on the children.

The crazy thing about the early Genesis chapters is how infinitely and directly relevant it is to literally everything in life, lol. It might sound weird but to the extent that I've gained a better understanding of these things on a deeper level, I find it helps contribute a very real sense of context for the various happenings of daily life, big and small. And I find that by applying myself to things often opens the door for further revelation, so it can lend itself to a helpful feedback loop in a way.

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Melon Head Ex Nihilo
Posts: 4345

Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by FrankOne »

abijah wrote: December 19th, 2024, 9:35 pm
FrankOne wrote: December 19th, 2024, 6:30 pm I'll give my heretical viewpoint which I perceive as the truth and I do not expect anyone to partake in my heresy.

"And their eyes became polarized unto the misperception which the fruit of the tree of knowledge creates and they judged their bodies as sinful instead of pure and were given the gift of false guilt. The creation of the division of the truth into a wholly unreal and deleterious illusion of pain and pleasure."

Below is a quote without any additions excepting the capitalization and bolding.

"22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of US to know good and evil."

The Gods in time disseminated their mindset into the minds of the pure children of the Father of All, Adam and Eve. This was a fall from reality.

Naked means pure. Naked is pure. Their screwed up perceptions turned what was pure into something to be ashamed of.

and ...here we are!
Thanks, I agree with your insight. ~Division~ is a major aspect of what's going on with the Fall (which is why the Tower of Babel is set on symbolic parallel to it, where all the nations/languages were split...), culminating in the divergent enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the snake.

Quick question though, could you elaborate what you mean by "The Gods in time disseminated their mindset into the minds of the pure children of the Father of All, Adam and Eve. This was a fall from reality."

I agree that nakedness in this context indicates the purity and innocence of Adam and Eve. More specifically, they're portrayed as children. A lot of the same terminology used in the Adam & Eve narratives gets used and referred-back to later on in the Wisdom literature to describe little kids, particularly in the sense that they haven't reached the age of moral accountability yet:
https://bibleproject.com/podcast/tree-knowing-good-bad/ wrote:Adam and Eve are depicted as being in their moral infancy in the garden. They don’t know what is right and wrong. They need God to teach them how to be wise and how to choose what is right from wrong. Here are some other passages that use the Hebrew phrase “tov and ra’” or “good and bad” to illustrate this moral infancy in the Bible. “Knowing tov and ra’” is a sign of maturity.
On the question of the Gods and their mindset. it is my understanding that everything under the sun is vanity. This includes all that exists in time. .... ie..."The Gods".

My use of the term vanity: Vanity is all which is separate from the Father of All.
and "Father of All" = That which gives life, consciousness, and energy to all men and all Gods.

Time itself and everything in it only exists as a training ground for children of the Father. The training ground is a sphere of existence in which men and Gods can exercise self-will , apart from the will of the Father. It's a bubble....a private Idaho.

Have you ever seen the movie "men in black" where there is an entire civilization living in a gym locker?

For all we know this universe is within a gym locker in the House of the Father. 8-) We.don't.know. The average religious person reads from one book and calls it "all the truth", yet there are billions disagreeing with them as they read from their "one book". We live in darkness as far as knowledge is concerned.

So... back to the point: The word that I prefer to use for Gods is "Lords"...which is interchangeable in religion. A Lord is a manager. We need managers during our growth experience. During the growth of an entire planet, a specific Lord officiates over each phase.

In the early periods of Earth, Jehovah was that Lord and likely still is at this moment up until the return of Jesus. The millennium will be officiated by Jesus. Each phase under a different teacher to instruct a very different curriculum. From savagery to sainthood, the curriculum changes on a planetary scale.

"The Gods" live in a constant battle of Good vs Evil. The world (not based in time) of The Father is only peace because there is no good nor is there evil. There is just perfection. Adam and Eve became adulterated in the Fall with the maya or illusion of conflict. The fallen mind lives in perpetual conflict because it.does.not.make.sense.

It appears to me that the next step , which is the tree of life is the introduction of a third variable to balance good and evil. Now, we live in yin/yang but will likely go to something like the triquetra below:
triquetra.jpg (28.41 KiB) Viewed 2944 times
We are in a procession of spiritual evolution toward our return to the Father. I perceive that the ancient eastern teachings are a more direct route back to the Father, but in absolute truth, there is no "better" way. All of the children of the Father return because he is perfect and what he created is perfect, which is that which is within us.

Sorry for the lengthy response. It is difficult to describe such things.

pleb in zion
Posts: 3192

Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by abijah »


pleb in zion
Posts: 3192

Re: random thoughts and musings | Stay home, jeets

Post by abijah »

abijah wrote: December 28th, 2024, 11:52 am Image


Excellent take from Sam here, it's on the long side but worthwhile; 9:20, 30:35 are a couple good parts I noted. (language warning)

EDIT (found some timestamps):
Why This Video: 01:58
Not About Hate for Indians: 05:48
It's Not About Exceptional Indians: 07:36
Human Beings Are Interchangeable Economic Units: 09:56
Same Argument for Hispanics: 13:50
Competing with China: 15:29
"Winning": 22:06
What is a Nation: 30:31
Americans Aren't Good Enough: 33:24
People Will Forgive You: 37:02
Ultimately: 38:22

pleb in zion
Posts: 3192

Re: random thoughts and musings 🌟

Post by abijah »


Jesus the Messiah in Matthew's Nativity
by Seraphim Hamilton

Jesus’ Nativity signifies Him as the King of All Israel, the Messiah Son of David and Son of Joseph, the Branch in whom the Sticks of Judah and Ephraim become one.

The coronation of David takes place in two phases: first, he is crowned as king in Judah, after returning from his sojourn with the Philistines. Then, he is crowned as king over “all Israel” after the death of Ishbosheth, the son of Saul. This suggests that the schism wrought by Jeroboam between the ten northern tribes of Israel and the kingdom of Judah was not the first time that Israel and Judah had considered themselves as distinct, but related peoples. The sense of Judah’s special mission can likely be traced to the prophetic oracle of Jacob in Genesis 49:8-12, where the lineage of Judah is identified as the royal lineage through whom the obeisance of the nations will be brought to God. The song of Hannah in 1 Samuel 2 makes extensive allusion to this and other messianic poetry in the Pentateuch. Judah is the messianic tribe of the south- but Joseph also receives messianic honors. Jacob’s blessing of his twelve sons focuses detailed attention on both Judah and Joseph, and the privileges of the firstborn appear to be divided between them. Judah becomes the principal heir of the royal throne in Israel, but Joseph receives the double portion allotted by custom to the firstborn: this is why there is no distinct “tribe of Joseph” in Israel- rather, there are the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, Joseph’s sons. While Jacob’s other eleven sons each receive a single tribe, Joseph receives two tribes.

This distinction in Israel led to the development of parallel messianic hopes, which came into postbiblical Judaism as “Messiah ben Judah” and “Messiah ben Joseph.” The blessings of the restored kingdom are associated in the prophetic literature with the reintegration of the complete, twelve-tribe kingdom of Israel under the reign of the Son of David (Ezekiel 37:19-24), which will occur at the point of Israel’s gathering in from their exile. The regathering from exile is set in the “latter days” (Deuteronomy 4:30) which is the prophetic referent both of Jacob’s vision of the messianic prince (Genesis 49:1) and Balaam’s vision of the rising star from Jacob (Numbers 24:14-17). These interlocking realities all frame the story of Jesus’ Nativity in Matthew’s Gospel. Matthew begins his Gospel by tracing the lineage of Jesus’ adoptive father Joseph back to David and Abraham, structuring the genealogy so that it leads from Abraham to David and from David to the exile to Babylon- and then from the exile to Jesus. This suggests that Jesus’ messianic task serves to bring about the true regathering from exile. Significantly, the role of Matthew’s genealogy links the introduction to the New Testament to Chronicles, which is the last book of the Hebrew Bible- itself beginning with ten long chapters of genealogies and ending with Cyrus’ call of the Jewish people to return from exile and build the House of the Lord, saying “the LORD his God be with Him.” (2 Chronicles 36:23) This, in turn, frames Jesus’ arrival as Immanuel, meaning “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). Jesus is the heir who fulfills the biblical promise to build the world into a House for God.

We see in Matthew’s Nativity the integration of the destinies of Judah and Joseph. The first detail pointing in this direction is so well known that its significance is often missed: Jesus is the Son of Joseph. By being taken into the family of Joseph, Jesus acquires the throne-rights that belong to the lineage of David. There is some evidence from Scripture that Shealtiel was actually adopted into the lineage of Jeconiah in Babylon- attention is called to Shealtiel in 1 Chronicles 3:17-18, where he is designated as “the son of Jeconiah” in a special way. This would also explain why Matthew places the begetting of Shealtiel after the deportation to Babylon- and it would also help explain the curious interrelation of the genealogies of Matthew and Luke. Luke traces the lineage of Joseph back through Zerubbabel and Shealtiel, but identifies the father of Shealtiel as Neri rather than Jeconiah. The adoption of Shealtiel into the family line thus creates precedent for the adoption of Jesus into the royal family at this ultimate hinge of Israel’s story. The special significance of Joseph is clear in Matthew’s account of the Nativity when he is identified as “Joseph, thou Son of David” (Matthew 1:20). St. Joseph’s “yes” thus brings Jesus into the family to whom was promised dominion over the nations. Just as Jesus preexists the Incarnation but is “adopted” into the human family so that we might be adopted into God’s family, so also is this dynamic miniaturized into the adoption of Jesus’ body into the lineage of David.

Yet Joseph is not only the Son of David, he is also Joseph! Joseph’s similarity with the patriarch Joseph does not end at his name. Just as the Patriarch Joseph is associated in Genesis with the interpretation of dreams, so also does St. Joseph the Betrothed protect the Holy Family by means of dreams. He receives the instruction to take the Holy Theotokos as wife and Jesus as son in a dream (Matthew 1:20) and similarly leads the Holy Family into Egypt after receiving instruction in a dream (Matthew 2:13). The association between Joseph and Egypt is another link between the two men. The Patriarch Joseph was carried down into Egypt and there prepared a place where his family would join him, thus saving them- including Judah- from doom in the famine. St. Joseph the Betrothed likewise saves the Holy Family by carrying them into Egypt. The identity of Jesus’ adoptive father as “Joseph, Son of David” itself presages the integration of the Stick of Ephraim and the Stick of Judah. The geography of Jesus’ youth similarly draws together the two branches of the nation. Bethlehem was in the territory of Judah and is the quintessentially Judahite town. Joseph almost certainly had family property in Bethlehem (explaining why he went to Bethlehem to be registered in the census- the idea that you had to be registered in your ancestral territory has no basis in scripture or Roman law) and intended to live there. Yet when the Holy Family returns from Egypt, Joseph finds that “Archelaus did reign in Judah in the room of his father Herod” so that Joseph “being warned of God in a dream, he turned aside into the parts of Galilee” (Matthew 2:22). Jesus’ youth is thus doubly linked both with northern and southern Israel: the son of David is born under the fatherly eye of a man named Joseph in the city of David but is reared in the territory of northern Israel, which is Joseph’s kingdom.

Thus, in Matthew 1-2, we have a series of narratives which anticipate the whole vision of messianic redemption. The generations of the exile come to their culmination in the person of Jesus the Messiah- both the Son of Joseph and the Son of David, Messiah ben Judah and Messiah ben Ephraim. He is born in the city of David but is raised in the territory of Joseph.

pleb in zion
Posts: 3192

Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by abijah »

A good video about Israel, but frankly I'm convinced Elon isn't on our side...

The book he's referencing looks interesting though 🤔

Anyway 👇more creepy Elon stuff. Looks like he may have a alt account that openly hails the antichrist and endorses the "discordian illuminati" (cringe ). Between stuff like this, using an image of him sporting a baphomet and upsidedown cross as his profile picture, his recent spergout about H-1B visas, and a host of other red flags, I think Elon's made it plenty clear he is no true ally of righteousness. The timeline for the account is pretty morbid and unsettling. The pepe effigy pfp is also heinous blasphemy and I hate it.

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Momma J
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Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by Momma J »

Elon has always set off too many red flags for me to ever be comfortable associating or supporting.

(Do just enough good. Tell just enough truths. And they will overlook the evil)

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Melon Head Ex Nihilo
Posts: 4345

Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by FrankOne »

Momma J wrote: January 16th, 2025, 10:11 am Elon has always set off too many red flags for me to ever be comfortable associating or supporting.

(Do just enough good. Tell just enough truths. And they will overlook the evil)
he's a pure politician.

One has to listen to ALL of what they say and watch ALL that they do to see the reality of their duplicity. Most people find a man that says amazing things and then it turns to trust and worship. In that trust , they ignore the obvious other things which would sully their hero.

pleb in zion
Posts: 3192

Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by abijah »

🔥 🔥

pleb in zion
Posts: 3192

Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by abijah »

A list of Trump's Day 1 Executive Orders:

pleb in zion
Posts: 3192

Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by abijah »

I posted this in another thread, but I want to repost it here for future reference and because I think it's particularly salient:

I'm 100% certain that the New Jerusalem will not *only* be a geographical location that takes up three-dimensional, physical space — but that it will also be supraphysical, it will go beyond mere 3-dimensional space. Take the Internet for example, or even more specifically LDSFreedomForum. LDSFF is not a geographical location you can physically travel to, yet, I'm sure we'd all agree it's unquestionably a legitimate *place*, where various people congregate. It's a place that is beyond space; rather, it exists in a purely digital realm. Image

I think this 'digital realm' of the internet may well simply be a inferior simulacrum of the spiritual realm, the immaterial plane wherein spiritual agents act, move and speak. I think God, in due course (perhaps even soon!), will establish (or perhaps more aptly, re-establish) something like a "Christ-net", for lack of better term, a "sacred Internet", a "consecrated cyberspace", or even a "holy matrix". Immaterial space, while intangible, is still very much real, and we inhabit and operate in it everyday, even right now. Mark my words — just as God carves out sacred *physical* space (in order to interface with fallen humanity to the greatest/safest degree possible), so also God will certainly consecrate His own *virtual*, *non-corporeal* space. Just as God sections-off distinct geographical areas as uniquely "holy", so also will he section-off a distinct virtual locale that is likewise holy.

Believe me when I say God has His own social media platform that would put Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to utter shame, and that this is the future of Christianity; the new era cometh, a new day is on the cusp of dawning, and it's incumbent upon all followers of Christ to be freshly prepared for the daystar to arise in our hearts. Image

Are you spiritually ready and virtuous enough to interface with others thought-to-thought, heart-to-heart? Are you confident enough in your thoughts, actions, and the inner recesses of your heart to 'upload' them to the sacred 'Cloud' and 'share' them for others to then 'download'? 🤔 who knows how it'll work exactly, but however it is, it's gonna be intense, and virtue will be necessary in order to handle it I'm sure. I also wonder if there will be a "calling-out" where the Lord's gonna require us to completely withdraw from the gentile internet and profane social medias in lieu of His sacred alternative. Maybe that's part of what leaving Babylon and forsaking slavery in Egypt means for our generation.

Anyway, main point being, that Christians and LDS who think that mere physical buildings are something to be super concerned about in the last days — whether it be the construction of a third temple in Israel (which would likely be a work of the devil or the antichrist), or in the case of LDS the construction of a New Jerusalem in Missouri — are misguided, both in terms of what scripture/prophecy actually says, as well as what's actually important/relevant.

Posts: 372

Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by DogTrainer »

pleb in zion
Posts: 3192

Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by abijah »

DogTrainer wrote: February 2nd, 2025, 3:12 am
Yeah, I think it will be somewhat akin to a sacred/holy/righteous version of the "Borg" in Star Trek. Mind you, I'm largely unfamiliar with Star Trek, but I'm aware enough of the Borg via cultural reference that it's basically like a beehive wherein you have the "Borg Queen" (the Queen`Bee, very reminiscent of Ishtar/Ashtoreth/Whore of Babylon/"Queen of heaven") with all her mindless little worker bees that do her bidding. The Borg functions as a supraorganism wherein the worker bees are stripped of their individual agency and identity in order to be subsumed into the Collective, like how we see with the man possessed by the "Legion" of disembodied nephilim spirits (who function like the agency-stripped worker bees).

The Christly version of this is that we all take upon ourselves His Name, thus being incorporated into His identity/supraidentity, however the key difference is that when we become joint-heirs with Jesus, our individual agency and identity is not only fully retained, but augmented. We become our true selves — who we actually are and were meant to be.

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Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by Cruiserdude »

abijah wrote: February 2nd, 2025, 3:03 am I posted this in another thread, but I want to repost it here for future reference and because I think it's particularly salient:

I'm 100% certain that the New Jerusalem will not *only* be a geographical location that takes up three-dimensional, physical space — but that it will also be supraphysical, it will go beyond mere 3-dimensional space. Take the Internet for example, or even more specifically LDSFreedomForum. LDSFF is not a geographical location you can physically travel to, yet, I'm sure we'd all agree it's unquestionably a legitimate *place*, where various people congregate. It's a place that is beyond space; rather, it exists in a purely digital realm. Image

I think this 'digital realm' of the internet may well simply be a inferior simulacrum of the spiritual realm, the immaterial plane wherein spiritual agents act, move and speak. I think God, in due course (perhaps even soon!), will establish (or perhaps more aptly, re-establish) something like a "Christ-net", for lack of better term, a "sacred Internet", a "consecrated cyberspace", or even a "holy matrix". Immaterial space, while intangible, is still very much real, and we inhabit and operate in it everyday, even right now. Mark my words — just as God carves out sacred *physical* space (in order to interface with fallen humanity to the greatest/safest degree possible), so also God will certainly consecrate His own *virtual*, *non-corporeal* space. Just as God sections-off distinct geographical areas as uniquely "holy", so also will he section-off a distinct virtual locale that is likewise holy.

Believe me when I say God has His own social media platform that would put Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to utter shame, and that this is the future of Christianity; the new era cometh, a new day is on the cusp of dawning, and it's incumbent upon all followers of Christ to be freshly prepared for the daystar to arise in our hearts. Image

Are you spiritually ready and virtuous enough to interface with others thought-to-thought, heart-to-heart? Are you confident enough in your thoughts, actions, and the inner recesses of your heart to 'upload' them to the sacred 'Cloud' and 'share' them for others to then 'download'? 🤔 who knows how it'll work exactly, but however it is, it's gonna be intense, and virtue will be necessary in order to handle it I'm sure. I also wonder if there will be a "calling-out" where the Lord's gonna require us to completely withdraw from the gentile internet and profane social medias in lieu of His sacred alternative. Maybe that's part of what leaving Babylon and forsaking slavery in Egypt means for our generation.

Anyway, main point being, that Christians and LDS who think that mere physical buildings are something to be super concerned about in the last days — whether it be the construction of a third temple in Israel (which would likely be a work of the devil or the antichrist), or in the case of LDS the construction of a New Jerusalem in Missouri — are misguided, both in terms of what scripture/prophecy actually says, as well as what's actually important/relevant.
That's pretty awesome and wild to think about, I appreciate you sharing that. 👍👍

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Melon Head Ex Nihilo
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Re: random thoughts and musings

Post by FrankOne »

After reading @abijah` 's post above, a scene from the Matrix came to mind.

Morpheus is talking to Neo about his visit with "The Source" where Neo met with the Architect and the architect told him that he was part of a cycle that occurs periodically in time and that the cycles of "Neos" appearing, although anomalous, were variables that the Matrix controlled enough to maintain it's integrity as a functioning simulacrum. Morpheus thought that Neo's meeting with "the source" would solve everything and end the Matrix but Neo responded with:

"It was all just another system of control".

An interesting Note is that even in the real world, Neo's powers were effective to control the attack of the Sentinels and entering the Machine headquarters.

We do live in a layered existence with all the known and even theoretical dimensions being a part of the "Matrix". The Matrix is comprehensible science of extremely high technology.

When we come to the realization and remembrance of our true nature, we return home to somewhere completely incomprehensible. Our current minds and instruments cannot begin to even detect reality. Until then, we grow, as is the purpose of all of "this". That growth involves many di-mensions or di-mansions or di-mentia of "glory" as is depicted by the upper levels of the tree of Sephirah. Ain, Soph, and Aur which are non-physical as we now understand.

We always have the choice to go to Daath and jump in but it's a terribly frightening prospect yet.... what is it that can fear? Is it us? What would it be that we lose in this jump into the unknown? The original diagram of the tree has all paths going around Daath to the "Ascension" of this world. I expect that our choices of destinations will become much more clear in the millennium as those that choose are mentally freed from idea of matrices (as in what happened at the end of the movie, The Matrix)

There are no wrong choices because each individuals experience serves for their growth.

It appears that all of time itself is merely a click of the fingers of our true Father. The further we are from him in distant rings, the slower our experience "feels" as in the movie "Inception".

we all go home in time. Thanks to the Christ.

Home is where the thought of adversity is understood to be nothing at all.

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