FASTING -- a Frank Discussion
- captain of 1,000
- Posts: 1318
Re: FASTING -- a Frank Discussion
Luke asked:
What is the NAME/WORD?
It is referenced as IHVH or the terms YaHWeH, YaHVeH, and JeHoVaH, also referred to as the Tetragrammaton (4 Lettered Name of God).
In actuality, it is described in the Gnostic angle as the Mystery of the Seven Vowels, or as John references it in the Book of Revelation- the 7 Thunders.
In the NT, you may know it as Logos. In the Joseph Smith's version of John chapter 1- the Logos (Divine WORD) doctrine, Joseph inserts the words Gospel. Interestingly, the word Gospel is derived from what is called a compound word, derived from "God Spell" to which is reference to "Divine NAME".
The Hebrew alphabet is basically consonantal, as vowels are considered sacred. In essence, the 4 letters represent certain things, but in actuality the second "H" is included in the 3rd letter (and called the "Double Delights"). With that understanding. The 4 letter Name of God is now truncated to IHV. I might also note that of I-HVH the portion of HVH or HWH is the original name of Eve (Havah or Hawah), "mother of all living".
The Gnostic 7 vowels are reference to the 7 Greek vowels, two of which have short & long pronunciations. For this reason, sometimes it is shortened to 5 vowels. It looks like this- Iaeuo. And sometimes it is found like this. Take note- I-ae-uo and when it is truncated, it looks like this- Ieu or Iao.
In Hebrew, these letters are interchangeable when converting to English letters- I/J/Y & U/V/W. If you realize it, Ieu can also be Jeu (a Gnostic name for Jesus), and can also be Jew (those called by the name). The term Hebrew comes from the compound- Heber or Eber- "one who wanders" or "is in search of", and the last portion is from Jew, which is reference to the NAME. So a Hebrew is one who wanders, searches, or follows the NAME.
Several other twists involve Yao (another form of Iao), which is Coptic for donkey, of which Jesus rode into Jerusalem. Yao is also one who governs one level of the heavens. I forget which one.
Narrowing it down, IHV (Hebrew) is equivalent to IEU (Gnostic). Herein is the Mystery of the Trinity. Each of the 3 letters represent certain sounds.
The Welsh version of John Chapter 1 (Logos Doctrine of John the Baptist, also referred to as the record of John in the D&C, section 90 of C0C-RLDS/ LDS 93) refers to LOGOS as 'The Triple Shouts". In other words, one word/name, but in 3 syllables. Or in 3 essences (Trinity).
In AG 48:1-5 Jesus is called Logos-Circle-Seven. Logos is explained as "the perfect word; that which creates, that which destroys (transforms/transmutes), and that which saves."
Now, many claim Jesus never had to utilze the WORD/NAME. One example in the NT confirms that he did. See Luke 4:36. Now, there are some cases, in which it was not needed. But in certain instances, it was employed.
Has anybody stopped to think about it? As Jesus healed, they said he did it "by the Name oF Beezlebub" (or the devil). They never questioned that the miracle did not occur, but only criticised the method. Why is that? Because the utterance of the NAME/WORD is akin to a shriek, wail, or screech.
The way I describe it, is this. Let us say a practitioner of Kung Fu or Karate came to your town. And nobody was familiar in this art. The practitioner stated he would return & do certain feats, such as breaking boards & blocks. So he arrived & the townspeople showed up. He used the art to break boards & blocks which normally a person could not do. In other words, he had success. All were in agreement concerning that aspect. HOWEVER, the only thing several questioned, was the manner in which he did it. He would utter a strange noise or sound. They associated that with being in league with some bad spirit, because of its strange sound. Of course, nowadays, most are familiar with practioners of Kung Fu & Karate & now know of this "cry" when one is in the act of this feat, so it is now accepted. But if one was unfamiliar, they might refer to the practioner as a wild or crazy man. Hmm, here & there, some scriptures seem to refer to certain prophets as being a wild or crazy man.
In summation, there are some sources that reveal the first syllable is pronounced (sounded) as "EE". This is the syllable that is associated with creation, or Father of the Christian Trinity or Brahman the Creator of the original Brahmic/Hindu faith, of which Abraham was derived from. However, the intonation of the 2nd & 3rd syllable (the 2nd & 3rd of "The Triple Shouts") are not an exact, but a blend of the final 5 vowels, in two syllables. The 2nd is related to the Holy Spirit of the Christian Trinity and Shiva the Destroyer in the Brahmic faith, in that destroys is literally transforming, a sort of regenesis or conversion. And the 3rd is related to the Son, Christ (represented by Jesus), the Savior/Redeemer, or Healer of the Christian Trinity & Vishnu the Preserver in the Brahmic faith. It is also of high worth noting that in the Hindu/Brahmic faith, they too have "In the Beginning, was the Vac/Vach/Vak ...". Vac/Vach/Vak is used to reference the WORD or the Logos, in the same sense as it is noted in the Christian angle.
Matter of fact, there are these two sayings I found back in the 1980s:
"Father, Son, and Spirit, Three in One ... as it was the earliest expression of what the Sacred Name of God means in the Christian religion."
*p.206 of my TEACHING book [Feb. 1989 H. Lynn Herrmann private unpublished manuscript- 253pp.-->> 'The Teaching of the Lost Sacred Word or the 7th Power* (: even the Logos or Christ-consciousness that lies dormant and unfulfilled within you.)] with Citing/Bibliographjy, and Index.
**p.269 in Vol.6 of 'Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics' edited by James Hastings (1961 HB- 13 volume set). NY, NY. Charles Scribner's Sons. NOTE: Access by way of TAMU's (Texas A&M University's) Sterling C. Evans Library in College Station, Texas & also BPL (Bryan Public Library) of Bryan, Texas in the late 1980s.
"God Himself is, in Rabbinic and later Jewish literature, often referred to as 'The Name'."
*p.206 of my TEACHING book
*p.177 in Vol.9 of 'Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics' edited by James Hastings (1961 HB- 13 volume set). NY, NY. Charles Scribner's Sons. NOTE: Access by way of TAMU's (Texas A&M University's) Sterling C. Evans Library in College Station, Texas & also BPL (Bryan Public Library) of Bryan, Texas in the late 1980s.
I might end that just by prounouncing it correctly, still does not activate it. IT must be vibrated properly while being connected with the Holy Spirit. Hebrew understandings are that there are certain sacred words or sounds. This is also noted of Sanskrit. Ancient Egyptians referred to this as Hekau (sacred words of power). The Atlanteans referred to it as Sonics.
This NAME/WORD is where the Restoration's anticipated "Endowment" comes from.
There is another variant of the Gnostic versions Iao/Ieu which might clue you in slightly more. It is Eio or EIO. Isn't it interesting that in the mouths of babes, wisdom is hidden. How so? In nursery rhymes. "Old MacDonald had a farm, ... ".
--you might know the rest of this one initially.
For this reason, because the blend & pitch (tone) are composed of a mix of the remaining vowels, Alma proposes in the Book of Mormon, and experiment utilizing the very sound of creation, transformation, and redemption.
HOWEVER, I make or stress, one must have set their house in order, seeking not selfish manner, but in humble & sincere spirit.
Jesus attests to this as well in AG 96:17-22 in that you may not speak IT with carnal lips, but only with the Holy Breath. And that, "If men did know the Sacred Name and spoke it with unholy lips, they would not live to speak it once again."
This rings true, as it is also noted from another source compiled in one of my three primer unpublished booklets- #1 of 3 SFT ("Search For Truth" p. 37 of 54pp. 6-7-1988):
Towards the end of the Sepher/Sefer Raziel (Book of the angel Raziel), this is included:
A caution is added however: "... But whoever pronounces this name while he/she is in a state of uncleanlessness and impurity will surely be struck dead."
Another excerpt from Sepher/Sefer Hasidim (Book of the Pious):
"One MAY NOT say that the invocation of God's Name obliges Him to do the will of the invoker, that God Himself is coerced by the recital of His Name; BUT that the Name is invested with the power to fulfill the desire of the man or woman who utters it."
If you still think that this is not true (as to what I have shared so far), then I ask you, why did Moses persist in asking at the Burning Bush, "What is your NAME?". A little later after that experience, it is revealed it was the Name that make up Yahweh, Yahveh, or Jehovah- the IHVH. See Exodus 6:3.
And why then, did they persist in claiming Jesus was doing some of his greater miracles by the Name of Beelzebub or the devil? Obviously, Jesus was using some name, word, or sound, which they were in question of.
Why then did the person note in Luke 4:36 that Jesus uttered a specific word?
In the Hebrew version of The Book of Jasher (Upright), Judah seems to have been utilizing the NAME. Read the way it references the words it uses to describe his utterances.
Simply put, your future depends on the NAME/WORD. Without IT, you have no future. Without it, you will not survive the fire of transformation coming.
What is the NAME/WORD?
It is referenced as IHVH or the terms YaHWeH, YaHVeH, and JeHoVaH, also referred to as the Tetragrammaton (4 Lettered Name of God).
In actuality, it is described in the Gnostic angle as the Mystery of the Seven Vowels, or as John references it in the Book of Revelation- the 7 Thunders.
In the NT, you may know it as Logos. In the Joseph Smith's version of John chapter 1- the Logos (Divine WORD) doctrine, Joseph inserts the words Gospel. Interestingly, the word Gospel is derived from what is called a compound word, derived from "God Spell" to which is reference to "Divine NAME".
The Hebrew alphabet is basically consonantal, as vowels are considered sacred. In essence, the 4 letters represent certain things, but in actuality the second "H" is included in the 3rd letter (and called the "Double Delights"). With that understanding. The 4 letter Name of God is now truncated to IHV. I might also note that of I-HVH the portion of HVH or HWH is the original name of Eve (Havah or Hawah), "mother of all living".
The Gnostic 7 vowels are reference to the 7 Greek vowels, two of which have short & long pronunciations. For this reason, sometimes it is shortened to 5 vowels. It looks like this- Iaeuo. And sometimes it is found like this. Take note- I-ae-uo and when it is truncated, it looks like this- Ieu or Iao.
In Hebrew, these letters are interchangeable when converting to English letters- I/J/Y & U/V/W. If you realize it, Ieu can also be Jeu (a Gnostic name for Jesus), and can also be Jew (those called by the name). The term Hebrew comes from the compound- Heber or Eber- "one who wanders" or "is in search of", and the last portion is from Jew, which is reference to the NAME. So a Hebrew is one who wanders, searches, or follows the NAME.
Several other twists involve Yao (another form of Iao), which is Coptic for donkey, of which Jesus rode into Jerusalem. Yao is also one who governs one level of the heavens. I forget which one.
Narrowing it down, IHV (Hebrew) is equivalent to IEU (Gnostic). Herein is the Mystery of the Trinity. Each of the 3 letters represent certain sounds.
The Welsh version of John Chapter 1 (Logos Doctrine of John the Baptist, also referred to as the record of John in the D&C, section 90 of C0C-RLDS/ LDS 93) refers to LOGOS as 'The Triple Shouts". In other words, one word/name, but in 3 syllables. Or in 3 essences (Trinity).
In AG 48:1-5 Jesus is called Logos-Circle-Seven. Logos is explained as "the perfect word; that which creates, that which destroys (transforms/transmutes), and that which saves."
Now, many claim Jesus never had to utilze the WORD/NAME. One example in the NT confirms that he did. See Luke 4:36. Now, there are some cases, in which it was not needed. But in certain instances, it was employed.
Has anybody stopped to think about it? As Jesus healed, they said he did it "by the Name oF Beezlebub" (or the devil). They never questioned that the miracle did not occur, but only criticised the method. Why is that? Because the utterance of the NAME/WORD is akin to a shriek, wail, or screech.
The way I describe it, is this. Let us say a practitioner of Kung Fu or Karate came to your town. And nobody was familiar in this art. The practitioner stated he would return & do certain feats, such as breaking boards & blocks. So he arrived & the townspeople showed up. He used the art to break boards & blocks which normally a person could not do. In other words, he had success. All were in agreement concerning that aspect. HOWEVER, the only thing several questioned, was the manner in which he did it. He would utter a strange noise or sound. They associated that with being in league with some bad spirit, because of its strange sound. Of course, nowadays, most are familiar with practioners of Kung Fu & Karate & now know of this "cry" when one is in the act of this feat, so it is now accepted. But if one was unfamiliar, they might refer to the practioner as a wild or crazy man. Hmm, here & there, some scriptures seem to refer to certain prophets as being a wild or crazy man.
In summation, there are some sources that reveal the first syllable is pronounced (sounded) as "EE". This is the syllable that is associated with creation, or Father of the Christian Trinity or Brahman the Creator of the original Brahmic/Hindu faith, of which Abraham was derived from. However, the intonation of the 2nd & 3rd syllable (the 2nd & 3rd of "The Triple Shouts") are not an exact, but a blend of the final 5 vowels, in two syllables. The 2nd is related to the Holy Spirit of the Christian Trinity and Shiva the Destroyer in the Brahmic faith, in that destroys is literally transforming, a sort of regenesis or conversion. And the 3rd is related to the Son, Christ (represented by Jesus), the Savior/Redeemer, or Healer of the Christian Trinity & Vishnu the Preserver in the Brahmic faith. It is also of high worth noting that in the Hindu/Brahmic faith, they too have "In the Beginning, was the Vac/Vach/Vak ...". Vac/Vach/Vak is used to reference the WORD or the Logos, in the same sense as it is noted in the Christian angle.
Matter of fact, there are these two sayings I found back in the 1980s:
"Father, Son, and Spirit, Three in One ... as it was the earliest expression of what the Sacred Name of God means in the Christian religion."
*p.206 of my TEACHING book [Feb. 1989 H. Lynn Herrmann private unpublished manuscript- 253pp.-->> 'The Teaching of the Lost Sacred Word or the 7th Power* (: even the Logos or Christ-consciousness that lies dormant and unfulfilled within you.)] with Citing/Bibliographjy, and Index.
**p.269 in Vol.6 of 'Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics' edited by James Hastings (1961 HB- 13 volume set). NY, NY. Charles Scribner's Sons. NOTE: Access by way of TAMU's (Texas A&M University's) Sterling C. Evans Library in College Station, Texas & also BPL (Bryan Public Library) of Bryan, Texas in the late 1980s.
"God Himself is, in Rabbinic and later Jewish literature, often referred to as 'The Name'."
*p.206 of my TEACHING book
*p.177 in Vol.9 of 'Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics' edited by James Hastings (1961 HB- 13 volume set). NY, NY. Charles Scribner's Sons. NOTE: Access by way of TAMU's (Texas A&M University's) Sterling C. Evans Library in College Station, Texas & also BPL (Bryan Public Library) of Bryan, Texas in the late 1980s.
I might end that just by prounouncing it correctly, still does not activate it. IT must be vibrated properly while being connected with the Holy Spirit. Hebrew understandings are that there are certain sacred words or sounds. This is also noted of Sanskrit. Ancient Egyptians referred to this as Hekau (sacred words of power). The Atlanteans referred to it as Sonics.
This NAME/WORD is where the Restoration's anticipated "Endowment" comes from.
There is another variant of the Gnostic versions Iao/Ieu which might clue you in slightly more. It is Eio or EIO. Isn't it interesting that in the mouths of babes, wisdom is hidden. How so? In nursery rhymes. "Old MacDonald had a farm, ... ".
--you might know the rest of this one initially.
For this reason, because the blend & pitch (tone) are composed of a mix of the remaining vowels, Alma proposes in the Book of Mormon, and experiment utilizing the very sound of creation, transformation, and redemption.
HOWEVER, I make or stress, one must have set their house in order, seeking not selfish manner, but in humble & sincere spirit.
Jesus attests to this as well in AG 96:17-22 in that you may not speak IT with carnal lips, but only with the Holy Breath. And that, "If men did know the Sacred Name and spoke it with unholy lips, they would not live to speak it once again."
This rings true, as it is also noted from another source compiled in one of my three primer unpublished booklets- #1 of 3 SFT ("Search For Truth" p. 37 of 54pp. 6-7-1988):
Towards the end of the Sepher/Sefer Raziel (Book of the angel Raziel), this is included:
A caution is added however: "... But whoever pronounces this name while he/she is in a state of uncleanlessness and impurity will surely be struck dead."
Another excerpt from Sepher/Sefer Hasidim (Book of the Pious):
"One MAY NOT say that the invocation of God's Name obliges Him to do the will of the invoker, that God Himself is coerced by the recital of His Name; BUT that the Name is invested with the power to fulfill the desire of the man or woman who utters it."
If you still think that this is not true (as to what I have shared so far), then I ask you, why did Moses persist in asking at the Burning Bush, "What is your NAME?". A little later after that experience, it is revealed it was the Name that make up Yahweh, Yahveh, or Jehovah- the IHVH. See Exodus 6:3.
And why then, did they persist in claiming Jesus was doing some of his greater miracles by the Name of Beelzebub or the devil? Obviously, Jesus was using some name, word, or sound, which they were in question of.
Why then did the person note in Luke 4:36 that Jesus uttered a specific word?
In the Hebrew version of The Book of Jasher (Upright), Judah seems to have been utilizing the NAME. Read the way it references the words it uses to describe his utterances.
Simply put, your future depends on the NAME/WORD. Without IT, you have no future. Without it, you will not survive the fire of transformation coming.
- nightlight
- Level 34 Illuminated
- Posts: 8963
Re: FASTING -- a Frank Discussion
No, I was actually trying to recall your theology.... You are the one who does not worship the Lord, yes?FrankOne wrote: ↑October 31st, 2024, 4:36 pmYou want me to step into your theology in order to start a debate. From what you have repeated, It appears that your God and mine are different. I have eternal life, it was given me when I was created by my Father. Your God apparently makes futuristic promises but mine does not. Mine simply waits for me. It's all done and now all I have to do is walk home.nightlight wrote: ↑October 31st, 2024, 2:19 pmDo you believe in God's promise of the eternal life that comes from the resurrection by way of Jesus Christ?
- FrankOne
- captain of 1,000
- Posts: 4136
Re: FASTING -- a Frank Discussion
I worship the Father of all Gods. That which gives life to all Gods and Men.nightlight wrote: ↑November 1st, 2024, 7:12 amNo, I was actually trying to recall your theology.... You are the one who does not worship the Lord, yes?FrankOne wrote: ↑October 31st, 2024, 4:36 pmYou want me to step into your theology in order to start a debate. From what you have repeated, It appears that your God and mine are different. I have eternal life, it was given me when I was created by my Father. Your God apparently makes futuristic promises but mine does not. Mine simply waits for me. It's all done and now all I have to do is walk home.nightlight wrote: ↑October 31st, 2024, 2:19 pm
Do you believe in God's promise of the eternal life that comes from the resurrection by way of Jesus Christ?
If it helps, this scripture describes the Father that I worship within:
moses 6
61 Therefore it is given to abide in you; the record of heaven; the Comforter; the peaceable things of immortal glory; the truth of all things; that which quickeneth all things, which maketh alive all things; that which knoweth all things, and hath all power according to wisdom, mercy, truth, justice, and judgment.
My Father doesn't make the promise that he is there waiting for me. He IS waiting for me.
- FrankOne
- captain of 1,000
- Posts: 4136
Re: FASTING -- a Frank Discussion
brilliant post, thanks Lynn.Lynn wrote: ↑November 1st, 2024, 7:00 am Luke asked:
What is the NAME/WORD?
Has anybody stopped to think about it? As Jesus healed, they said he did it "by the Name oF Beezlebub" (or the devil). They never questioned that the miracle did not occur, but only criticised the method. Why is that? Because the utterance of the NAME/WORD is akin to a shriek, wail, or screech.
The way I describe it, is this. Let us say a practitioner of Kung Fu or Karate came to your town. And nobody was familiar in this art. The practitioner stated he would return & do certain feats, such as breaking boards & blocks. So he arrived & the townspeople showed up. He used the art to break boards & blocks which normally a person could not do. In other words, he had success. All were in agreement concerning that aspect. HOWEVER, the only thing several questioned, was the manner in which he did it. He would utter a strange noise or sound. They associated that with being in league with some bad spirit, because of its strange sound. Of course, nowadays, most are familiar with practioners of Kung Fu & Karate & now know of this "cry" when one is in the act of this feat, so it is now accepted. But if one was unfamiliar, they might refer to the practioner as a wild or crazy man. Hmm, here & there, some scriptures seem to refer to certain prophets as being a wild or crazy man.
For this reason, because the blend & pitch (tone) are composed of a mix of the remaining vowels, Alma proposes in the Book of Mormon, and experiment utilizing the very sound of creation, transformation, and redemption.
HOWEVER, I make or stress, one must have set their house in order, seeking not selfish manner, but in humble & sincere spirit.
Jesus attests to this as well in AG 96:17-22 in that you may not speak IT with carnal lips, but only with the Holy Breath. And that, "If men did know the Sacred Name and spoke it with unholy lips, they would not live to speak it once again."
If you still think that this is not true (as to what I have shared so far), then I ask you, why did Moses persist in asking at the Burning Bush, "What is your NAME?". A little later after that experience, it is revealed it was the Name that make up Yahweh, Yahveh, or Jehovah- the IHVH. See Exodus 6:3.
And why then, did they persist in claiming Jesus was doing some of his greater miracles by the Name of Beelzebub or the devil? Obviously, Jesus was using some name, word, or sound, which they were in question of.
Why then did the person note in Luke 4:36 that Jesus uttered a specific word?
In the Hebrew version of The Book of Jasher (Upright), Judah seems to have been utilizing the NAME. Read the way it references the words it uses to describe his utterances.
Simply put, your future depends on the NAME/WORD. Without IT, you have no future. Without it, you will not survive the fire of transformation coming.
although I'm not sure if I can write this without stepping into vanity simply by mentioning it but, I will say this much:
In recent months, I have, at times, been in a very unusual state of what I call "certainty" or "sincerity" , it's a deep place beyond 'me'. I have said things aloud in regards to normal every day living, and when i said them, there was a resonance that was deep and shattering. So much so that my body was made afraid from it. (obviously impurity within me being afflicted by the word). I have marveled when that has happened because it has happened when I didn't expect it at all. The power is astounding and one occasion another person felt it and it scared them as well even though I was not talking loudly at all. Again, these have occurred not in any judging or angry response at all, it was in normal conversation in regards to philosophical/theological topics.
From these and other personal experiences, it is my position that there are no specific "sacred words" that can be spelled nor spoken to be used for miracles excepting those used by magicians.
It is my understanding that THE LOGOS is a carrier wave/resonance for the words, irrespective of the words chosen.
- FrankOne
- captain of 1,000
- Posts: 4136
Re: FASTING -- a Frank Discussion
I cropped down your post to say that we all do this to one extent or another but when the result is as you have described above, there is so much more meaning to the fast than we most take the time to observe.... although I am certain that you do.tmac wrote: ↑November 1st, 2024, 6:28 am For whatever it may be worth to anyone else, at this point, I am going to come full circle, and make a confession. In my recent Fast I was fasting for something. Although greater humility and spiritual connection to God, etc., and concrete life direction, were all corresponding objectives, the reality is, I had a bigger, overarching temporal purpose and objective.
But when it came to the mediation, despite my earnest desire for a positive outcome, my ultimate prayer was "Thy will be done."
. And, whether right or wrong, I give most of the credit (and all of the thanks) to God, and to possible effects of our fasting and prayers.
The fast clears obstacles for clarity and spirituality for many reasons as I've described in previous posts.
The adversary is curtailed and the spirit of truth, and lucidity in general, emerges. Getting to the "thy will be done" ,when experienced, IS the actual peace of God. I have to say that in the times that I can actually live in that, I am keenly aware that I am where the Father dwells in me. In that humanly termed "broken state" or "contrite condition" we are getting very close to the presence of our Creator. Fasting is a tool for this.
- captain of 1,000
- Posts: 1318
Re: FASTING -- a Frank Discussion
I simply shared the basics, or the mechanics of the NAME/WORD/SOUND.
Then I share a basic analogy to some, to look at it this way. In each cell or atom, from the smallest to the largest is this "lock" (control center within it). Certain keys may be found to unlock individual ones. However, a Master Key unlocks each and every lock. Once unlocked, it can be altered, be it via the Master Key via any of the 3 principles (attributes)-- creates, destroys (transforms/revivifies), or saves (redeems, heals, preserves).
I am reminded of what the "Law of ONE" series states:
"These 'sound-vibration-complexes' have power before time and space and represent configurations of Light which built All that there is."
Further, "the linkage is mathematical or that of a ratio you may consider musical. ... which cannot be accurately measured."
And noted to "... consider the concept of sympathetic resonance. When certain sounds are correctly vibrated, the creation sings."
When asked the question of "Then would the adept use this resonant quality to become more one with the creation, and therefore, attain his/her objective in that way?"
The response was "It would be perhaps more accurate to state that in this circumstance the creation becomes more and more contained within the practitioner."
These excerpts were from page 128 (Session #74) and page 132 (Session #75) in 'The Law of ONE", Book 3 of 4 L/L Research Edition- Bklt. format. The page numbers are different in the PB edition. My PB copy is out in the Library.
Another source that connects the 7 Vowels & its musical nature is 'The Mystery of the 7 Vowels' by Joscelyn Godwin (PB) who was a Professor of Music at Colgate University. I think out of print, but it can be found as to a used copy on &
Alma shares his treatise in the Book of Mormon on comparing the NAME/WORD as a seed. You must nurture it in order for the fruit to be fully formed. This is how Joseph Smith succeeded in the grove & had his grand vision (First Vision of the 2 personages).
It must resonate from the practitioner vocally (out loud), so by being in the grove, he was away from others. So he was allowed privacy to vocalize the 3 syllables until he finally hit the Key-Note (the Grand Key of the Temple Endowment as he called it, in his final days).
Then I share a basic analogy to some, to look at it this way. In each cell or atom, from the smallest to the largest is this "lock" (control center within it). Certain keys may be found to unlock individual ones. However, a Master Key unlocks each and every lock. Once unlocked, it can be altered, be it via the Master Key via any of the 3 principles (attributes)-- creates, destroys (transforms/revivifies), or saves (redeems, heals, preserves).
I am reminded of what the "Law of ONE" series states:
"These 'sound-vibration-complexes' have power before time and space and represent configurations of Light which built All that there is."
Further, "the linkage is mathematical or that of a ratio you may consider musical. ... which cannot be accurately measured."
And noted to "... consider the concept of sympathetic resonance. When certain sounds are correctly vibrated, the creation sings."
When asked the question of "Then would the adept use this resonant quality to become more one with the creation, and therefore, attain his/her objective in that way?"
The response was "It would be perhaps more accurate to state that in this circumstance the creation becomes more and more contained within the practitioner."
These excerpts were from page 128 (Session #74) and page 132 (Session #75) in 'The Law of ONE", Book 3 of 4 L/L Research Edition- Bklt. format. The page numbers are different in the PB edition. My PB copy is out in the Library.
Another source that connects the 7 Vowels & its musical nature is 'The Mystery of the 7 Vowels' by Joscelyn Godwin (PB) who was a Professor of Music at Colgate University. I think out of print, but it can be found as to a used copy on &
Alma shares his treatise in the Book of Mormon on comparing the NAME/WORD as a seed. You must nurture it in order for the fruit to be fully formed. This is how Joseph Smith succeeded in the grove & had his grand vision (First Vision of the 2 personages).
It must resonate from the practitioner vocally (out loud), so by being in the grove, he was away from others. So he was allowed privacy to vocalize the 3 syllables until he finally hit the Key-Note (the Grand Key of the Temple Endowment as he called it, in his final days).
- FrankOne
- captain of 1,000
- Posts: 4136
Re: FASTING -- a Frank Discussion
thanks very much for the references. I've found them on pdf and will read them....slowly. Now looking thru them, I see mentions of terms which cause me a bit of skepticism but I also see truth in it. Looking in book 3 pages 128-130, I'm not finding the quotes that you provided. I'm not sure if the copies I am viewing have the same page numbers. I'm going off the page numbers on the pages themselves.
Ok, I found the sessions mentioned, thanks for enumerating those. I found the quotes above on page 175 of my copy.
These are a bit reminiscent of the Ramtha material , which I found to be misleading in certain ways due to the orientation toward self-willed , vain creation. This material, so far, appears to be focused on service to others and the letting go of the self-willed Ego.
This material looks like it will have diamonds in it mixed with some unrefined carbon.
- FrankOne
- captain of 1,000
- Posts: 4136
Re: FASTING -- a Frank Discussion
from the books mentioned above, I found this one to be salient:
-bold and underline added-
"The adept then begins to do less of the preliminary or outer work, having to
do with function, and begins to effect the inner work which has to do with
being. As the adept becomes a more and more consciously crystallized entity
it gradually manifests more and more of that which it always has been since
before time; that is, the one infinite Creator."
Very few wish to contemplate what we were before time began. It's where we return to. To be one with the Creator to the extent that our thoughts and ways are identical in nature. We as the vessel, and the Creator as the doer, as Christ said.
-bold and underline added-
"The adept then begins to do less of the preliminary or outer work, having to
do with function, and begins to effect the inner work which has to do with
being. As the adept becomes a more and more consciously crystallized entity
it gradually manifests more and more of that which it always has been since
before time; that is, the one infinite Creator."
Very few wish to contemplate what we were before time began. It's where we return to. To be one with the Creator to the extent that our thoughts and ways are identical in nature. We as the vessel, and the Creator as the doer, as Christ said.
- captain of 1,000
- Posts: 1318
Re: FASTING -- a Frank Discussion
As I noted, I was using the page numbers from the original booklet by L/L Research (directly from Carla, Jim, and Don. I only have Book 1 in the PB version, which they went ahead & changed the title of 'The Law of ONE, Book 1 to 'The Ra Material'. I have the L/L Research Booklet formats of Books 2, 3 & 4.
But I did acquire the PB versions of Books 2, 3, and 4. Those are out in the Library. I am here in the Living Room. That is probably the PB's page numbers you mentioned. And if you did not know the pages of the others, you can find the session numbers & find the excerpts I shared. And they also put together Book 5 & published it in PB format. It is additional notes, but not added sessions. Don has passed on. Jim & Carla got married. It has been awhile since I touched base with Carla.
Carla likes to keep a positive attitude & does not like discussion of the greater earth changes, as she feels that would make them worse, if they should occur. As for me,. I call it as I see it.
Almost forgot, as to a mention you made in your second response, in Book 2, it touches on the OverSoul, Higher Self, or HGA and shares an analogy that it stands at the threshold just this side of Infinity & is a map of everything you did, do, or will do on this side of TIME.
Dolores Cannon in her special QHHT method of deep hypnosis with subjects, could contact a person's HGA & ask that afflictions be removed that were not necessary anymore. Most agreed & either instantly or within very short time, it was, shall we say "history". They were released from that affliction. Dolores also would ask a person's HGA (Higher Self) if there was anything needed to assist that person, so she could share that with them. That is the reason Dolores called her method- QHHT, as it stands for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. Even though Dolores mainly contacted a person's subconscious, she also could contact their "super-consciousness". Dolores passed on in 2014 after an auto accident about a month before. She decided it was time she investigated things from the other side & time to move on. Julia Cannon, a daughter of Dolores has taken over & still trains people in QHHT. One who has excelled in QHHT is Sarah Breskman Cosme and even had Dolores interrupt in one session to share a few things.
But I did acquire the PB versions of Books 2, 3, and 4. Those are out in the Library. I am here in the Living Room. That is probably the PB's page numbers you mentioned. And if you did not know the pages of the others, you can find the session numbers & find the excerpts I shared. And they also put together Book 5 & published it in PB format. It is additional notes, but not added sessions. Don has passed on. Jim & Carla got married. It has been awhile since I touched base with Carla.
Carla likes to keep a positive attitude & does not like discussion of the greater earth changes, as she feels that would make them worse, if they should occur. As for me,. I call it as I see it.
Almost forgot, as to a mention you made in your second response, in Book 2, it touches on the OverSoul, Higher Self, or HGA and shares an analogy that it stands at the threshold just this side of Infinity & is a map of everything you did, do, or will do on this side of TIME.
Dolores Cannon in her special QHHT method of deep hypnosis with subjects, could contact a person's HGA & ask that afflictions be removed that were not necessary anymore. Most agreed & either instantly or within very short time, it was, shall we say "history". They were released from that affliction. Dolores also would ask a person's HGA (Higher Self) if there was anything needed to assist that person, so she could share that with them. That is the reason Dolores called her method- QHHT, as it stands for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. Even though Dolores mainly contacted a person's subconscious, she also could contact their "super-consciousness". Dolores passed on in 2014 after an auto accident about a month before. She decided it was time she investigated things from the other side & time to move on. Julia Cannon, a daughter of Dolores has taken over & still trains people in QHHT. One who has excelled in QHHT is Sarah Breskman Cosme and even had Dolores interrupt in one session to share a few things.