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Being There
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Post by Being There »

I have always been interested in the Spirit World.
Everything about it - especially experiences people have had - with it - including NDE

If you have read anything, know anything, or had any experiences yourself,
please share.

Any comments appreciated.

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Being There
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Post by Being There »

I thought some of the things this guy said about spiritual warfare,
and fallen angels and demons were interesting.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Ephesians 6

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Being There
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Post by Being There »

years ago I listened to some of his discs on the spirit world.

What Is This Thing That Men Call Death? Latter-day Saint Teachings About the Spirit World

Brent L. Top ... rit-world/


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Being There
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Post by Being There »

After Death 2023

After Death is a 2023 American documentary film written and directed by Stephen Gray and Chris Radtke. The film chronicles the stories of various near-death experience survivors, and features analysis of these events by authors and scientists as they try to determine what happens after people die.

"After Death (2023)" is a gripping supernatural thriller that delves into the mysteries of the afterlife and the enduring power of love. Set in a world where the boundary between life and death is blurred, the film follows protagonist Emma as she navigates the ethereal realm after tragically passing away. ... ommend.all

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Post by MikeMaillet »

There is much about the spirit world in Enoch and The Ascension of Isaiah that I think you would find interesting.


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Post by Niemand »

Please don't laugh at this, but during the depths of lockdown, I felt like one of my old dogs came back to visit me. He was one I was very fond of. It was a positive experience but not one I would have particularly sought. Some people would have said this was demonic but nothing bad came of it and it was a comfort to me.

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Being There
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Post by Being There »

Being There wrote: August 10th, 2024, 5:53 pm movie
After Death 2023

After Death is a 2023 American documentary film written and directed by Stephen Gray and Chris Radtke. The film chronicles the stories of various near-death experience survivors, and features analysis of these events by authors and scientists as they try to determine what happens after people die.

"After Death (2023)" is a gripping supernatural thriller that delves into the mysteries of the afterlife and the enduring power of love. Set in a world where the boundary between life and death is blurred, the film follows protagonist Emma as she navigates the ethereal realm after tragically passing away. ... ommend.all
if the bilibili link to watch the movie doesn't work,
try dailymotion

After Death Movie Documentary Drama in English 2023

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I Dont Know...
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Post by I Dont Know... »

When I was 9 or 10 years of age I remember an experience where I almost drowned. I was caught in a river current and was being dragged under. I tried fighting to reach the surface but lack of oxygen soon caused me to start relaxing. I just let go. There was no more fight left in me, only a realisation that I was slowly drifting away. I felt like I was floating on air. There was no more panic. I felt at peace.

I had never felt such calm.

I don't remember if I had any thoughts of death at the time.

I remember losing consciousness. The next thing I remember is being pulled out of the water. I don't remember taking a breath, but I could hear my aunty talking to me, but I don't remember what she was saying. I remember reflecting on my near demise and thinking to myself, almost drowning was one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had. Which, seems more than a little strange, even to me.

Since that time I have had more experiences in the spiritual realm than I can remember. A lot, would be an understatement.

I don't, however, put it down to my near death experience. I believe the Lord has always had my back. I look back and I can see where the Lord has preserved my life on numerous occasions.

While I have not experienced the place where tormented souls go, I have had numerous run ins with demons and even Satan on occasion.

For me, I have found that after I have been in deep prayer, satans demons come calling. Satan and his demons absolutely hate it, with a passion, when anyone tries to draw themselves closer to Christ.

I have often wondered why the Lord would allow demons to harass anyone who was clearly trying to grow closer to the Lord.

But from my own experience with demons, it has strengthened me. Now, I fear no demon or even Satan himself.

There was a time I did. But, because Satan has been pursuing me relentlessly, I no longer fear him. However, regardless of whether or not I fear him, he will not stop. Its not in his nature to give up fighting.

Satan and his demons are incredibly deceptive. On the one hand, they are capable of scaring the living daylights out of people. And on the other hand, they can imitate the holy ghost. Very sneaky.

But, by far and away the most powerful experiences are those where Christ has answered my deepest and most heartfelt pleas.

In pain, suffering, grief, sorrow and depth of humility, Christ has shown me, where my own family are. In paradise. I saw each of my family and my wifes family walking and talking with one another. These are all passed on. The sights, sounds were so hyper stimulated. I could virtually taste the peace that was present. Everyone was experiencing the exact, same peace. It was beyond words.

It was like, oh yeah, that's right, now I remember. It felt like home, without any worries, or concerns. In fact, there was no taste left of the mortal world. It was as if it never existed.

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Post by FrankOne »

My experience is that the spirit world (after death place we go to) is mostly a rehab center. All those that I've seen are people I knew here. I don't know why I go there, it's not by my choice. Some experience tremendous guilt etc. and need alot of help . I've never seen anyone on the other side that didn't need some therapy or reorientation except one. He was the most spiritual man that I've ever known.That one was very busy on assignment but I don't know what he was doing. They basically set people up in situations and environments for therapy. situations that work for them.

It really is all about love. We can just forget about everything else. Love and Forgiveness is all that matters ,period. The hardest part is that some think they don't deserve forgiveness.

I decided to post this because perfect hope awaits all of us.

edit for post script clarification. - all of the times that I have experienced this was within a few days after their passing. One was maybe 6 months later and the change in my father was amazing. He had such a light in him and the sparkle of Christ in his eyes.

also, I died and was gone for some minutes as a baby and that may be why i have these experiences?

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Being There
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Post by Being There »

Please pay more attention to what's around you right now,
because this time of year - the veil grows thin,
and those that believe, and are more in tune with the Spirit World - can feel, and sometimes even see it.

Everything is connected - and we're part of it.


and that's what I meant when i said that "Everything is connected - and we're part of it."
and that everything effects everything - simply because - EVERYTHING is energy.



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I Dont Know...
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Post by I Dont Know... »

Thats incredibly profound Frank. Grief and pain force us to let go of the world... prepares us to receive Christ and helps us cross the threshold between this world and the place where righteous spirits are at peace...remember righteousness is not perfection...but is part of the journey we are all on...

...those who commit sin, but in their hearts are kind and loving, are those close to Christ...these are they who Christ encourages to turn from their sins and repent...

John 8:

...Let he who is without sin first cast a stone at her...

...woman, where are those thine accusers?...

...I agree, paradise is a place of refuge...somewhere, we continue to learn and grow without compromise...satan is not there, demons are not there, the dead who remain rebellious are not there...

Luke 16: are they which justify yourselves among men: but God knows your hearts...

...if we are sufficiently humbled and cry out to the Lord...He will speak, and give us keys to part the veil...Love is the key, and humility and trusting the Lord is the way...

...near death may be one way, also depth of personal relationship with Christ is another...

...there are many reasons the Lord allows men to see paradise...when men cry out to the Lord, he will send help, angels will come...

...for me I knew God before I learned of him...before I had multiple near death experiences...

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Post by Zathura »

Being There wrote: August 10th, 2024, 4:27 pm I have always been interested in the Spirit World.
Everything about it - especially experiences people have had - with it - including NDE

If you have read anything, know anything, or had any experiences yourself,
please share.

Any comments appreciated.
I have come to find that Catholics and Orthodox Christians both basically believe the same thing we do. For this reason they both pray for those who have died (we get baptized for them instead).

I imagine if you used a combination of search engines, LLMs, YouTube, and some books, you’d find a LOT of content that appeals to you on this topic. And lot of it, you’ll find goes back hundreds of years.

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Post by creator »

Being There wrote: August 10th, 2024, 4:27 pm I have always been interested in the Spirit World. ... If you have read anything, know anything, or had any experiences yourself,
please share.
You might like Emmanuel Swedenborg's "Heaven & Hell". It's full of fascinating descriptions of the spirit world. You can find a free PDF and Audiobook of it online.

Another recommendation would be many of the books and lectures by Rudolf Steiner. Also fascinating. I gave some recommendations in a post here. Out of those, the ones that have detailed descriptions of the spirit world are: "Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment"; "The Outline of Occult Science"; "An Esoteric Cosmology".

Also, wanted to add that I consider Swedenborg and Steiner to be additional witnesses to things described about the spirit world by Joseph Smith and also many of the NDE videos I've seen on YouTube.

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Being There
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Post by Being There »

not that I believe all this - but there IS some interesting stories that are being told here.

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