Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by TwochurchesOnly »

Being There wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 9:18 am
randyps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 9:08 pm
thaabit wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 7:40 pm

I don't know anyone that died of coronavirus. I know personally ppl that have been injured by the vax. Therefore, there was never any pandemic. CASE CLOSED!
You can thank the vaccine for no one dying but that comes at the expense of a few side effects you get from any vaccine.

Much better then no vaccine and the entire human population perish.
you've been duped my friend -

IT'S NOT A VACCINE ! they only disguised it as one.
(my comment right below this)

as I said in another comment -

For over 3 years now, I've posted more posts and videos on this whole Scamdemic and it's kill shot
than anyone in this forum - literally 100's.
And normally, that's what I'd say - and it is partly true.
But "COVID" was very real.
Now whether or not it was actually the corona virus is another thing.
I believe it was maybe a variant of the flu, that seemed to be not so bad.
So yes, they were selling fear big time. Saying it was killing everyone,
so you need to get their killshot.
Like I had posted before (but of course google has taken it down)
something like -
" the vaccine wasn't brought in for Covid - Covid was brought in for the vaccine.
Once you realize that, everything else makes sense"

So like I was saying,
they started COVID so they could get everyone to take their fake vax.
But COVID was a little bit more than most of us thought it was.
I believe it was also meant to hurt and weaken people.
I myself haven't felt the same since I got COVID a few years ago.
I feel much more weak and tired now than before.
I've heard many people say the same thing.

So while the whole thing is a scam, I can assure you COVID and the killshot
are very real and part of the depop plan of the NWO.

Recently In many places and here in Mexico, a variant has sprung up
and many people (not myself) but many are starting to where their mask again;
which is absolutely ridiculous, because it doesn't help at all anyway.
But these gads won't stop putting out their Plandemics until they get what they want. -
depop and total control of everyone - and I mean the whole World. -
forced Vax - lockdowns - etc.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by TwochurchesOnly »

Reluctant Watchman wrote: October 1st, 2023, 9:02 pm Somebody online posted this quote from one of Nelson’s talk. While I’d like to say I’m not surprised, I honestly think this man is hellbent on dividing families and hurting relationships:

The apostle Paul prophesied that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. There is no end to the adversary’s deceptions. Please be prepared. Never take counsel from those who do not believe.”

Did this son of a gun actually say this?
rmn's "faith" = the ldscorp
vs true FAITH in Jesus Christ
I BELIEVE in the Savior, I believe HIM

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by Chip »

Telavian wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 10:26 am
larsenb wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 9:47 pm And she comes across as extremely joyful in her presentation.
She seems to be to be very excited and mostly superficial.
I understand what she is saying and I understand her excitement. However her style is certainly not for me.

Some people can't take her seriously, but I suspect her approach is a deflector God is using to keep people OUT who are really not inclined to hear simple truth. Meanwhile, God's kids (are you a kid, childlike?) find it completely conducive and inviting.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by David13 »

randyps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 9:34 pm
Bonhoeffer wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 9:10 pm
randyps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 5:53 pm

Your ONE friend? is that all you personally know of? i know of zero injured so there is no dismissive attitude I have because I know of no one injured/dead personally.

My conversation was with Altrasaso who claims millions are injured and dead and millions more to come. I laugh at his "Millions" because it is not true, he is a conspiracy theorists who only listens to fake news and exagerated reports from anti-government journalists.
My sister had a miscarriage and then her next pregnancy resulted in a placenta that didn’t work, effectively starving the baby resulting in its death. My SIL had 2 miscarriages. My son’s 17 yo friend had a heart attack in his sleep. That young man was a state ranked baseball player. 3 of my friends who were in menopause for a number of yrs started getting periods again. 1 friend bled for 2 mos straight. A YW in our ward had to hold off on going on a mission bc she developed “heart issues” out of the blue. I could go on.
Count yourself extremely fortunate you don’t have first hand knowledge of people who’ve either died or experienced life altering negative side effects from these bioweapons. Don’t be so pious as to completely dismiss those that have. Some of us have been trying to sound the alarm and hold those pushing the vax to account to save people like you who are still proudly ignorant.
I am not pro vax, im just stating that some comedians in here want to call RMN a false prophet by saying the vax was a "God-send, safe and effective"
Well, in my community the vax was exactly as RMN describes "safe and effective" and I have no problem recognizing and sustaining him as a prophet, seer and revelator.

I have a ton of (non-mormon) friends that are firemen, police, and nurses and they all recognized the importance of the vaccine in ending the pandemic and saving millions of lives in America.

You mean they were all duped into believing it was "safe and effective" when in fact it wasn't.

Even the sheep are now beginning to see this.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by David13 »

randyps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 10:12 pm
Bonhoeffer wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 9:55 pm
randyps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 9:34 pm
I am not pro vax, im just stating that some comedians in here want to call RMN a false prophet by saying the vax was a "God-send, safe and effective"
Well, in my community the vax was exactly as RMN describes "safe and effective" and I have no problem recognizing and sustaining him as a prophet, seer and revelator.

I have a ton of (non-mormon) friends that are firemen, police, and nurses and they all recognized the importance of the vaccine in ending the pandemic and saving millions of lives in America.
While you may think that’s true I’d bet there are many in your community who are currently suffering from adverse side-effects that you are unaware of. Most do not talk about it and sadly most Drs don’t educate their patients on vaccine injuries. RMN quoting the pro-vax rhetoric, even holding church wide fasts for a vaccine, opened many of our eyes to examining whether he really is who he says he is, a PSR. He had insider knowledge of a vax being made by a Pfizer exec who’s also a 70 well before the release of the jabs. He’s also been aligning with the UN agenda, even sending Bednar to a conference where they pledged their allegiance to “climate healing.” While these shocking revelations may mean nothing to you, for many on this forum it effectively broke our shelf and set us down a long road of critical thinking and searching out many truths that have been hidden. Good luck to you in your journey, wherever it leads you but for many of us the journey is leading us to a place where we are concerned about the direction of this church & its leaders.
This is my perspective after being inactive for 7 yrs due to the same issues you speak of.
1. Stop thinking about the church, its not my church and its not my problems, Its Gods church and its Gods problem.
2. I didnt call RMN or the 70s to their positions, God did. Do I not trust God?
3. God is only interested in my faith and obedience. Put my self in Nephis position holding a sword to Labans head, do I act in logic or faith?

What makes you think God called rmn? I know the great corporation in Salt Lake called him, as he was the next in line as to seniority, but there is no evidence that God was involved in that, but much evidence to the contrary.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by David13 »

randyps wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 12:08 am
thaabit wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 11:06 pm
randyps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 9:08 pm
You can thank the vaccine for no one dying but that comes at the expense of a few side effects you get from any vaccine.
Much better then no vaccine and the entire human population perish.
What would they perish from? I already established there was no pandemic.
So, these excess deaths must be from something else since I established it's not coronavirus and you established it's not the so-called "vaccine".
It's probably genetics giving this unnatural rise to sudden deaths and myocarditis.
Yes, definitely genetics.
So by you saying "there is no pandemic" does not magically erase the FACT that there was a Pandemic with many thousands dying in each city from the corona virus. My nurse and doctor friends that work in hospitals were overwhelmed with patients suffering from the corona. If not for the vaccine the world would have been in trouble. Like RMN said, it is a God-send.

I agree that myocarditis and other side effects from the "Emergency passed" mrna vax is a reality, just like most other vaccines created over the past 100 years has had side effects.
You are crying over thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands of vax injuries when it could have been much worse without a vaxine, Billions dead.
Ah, what pure nonsense. I know, you saw it on TV.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by Telavian »

Chip wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 11:45 am Some people can't take her seriously, but I suspect her approach is a deflector God is using to keep people OUT who are really not inclined to hear simple truth. Meanwhile, God's kids (are you a kid, childlike?) find it completely conducive and inviting.
Does she honestly teach anything at all?
Her message seems to be that God loves you and there is an amazing plan ahead for you.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by Chip »

Telavian wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 11:54 am
Chip wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 11:45 am Some people can't take her seriously, but I suspect her approach is a deflector God is using to keep people OUT who are really not inclined to hear simple truth. Meanwhile, God's kids (are you a kid, childlike?) find it completely conducive and inviting.
Does she honestly teach anything at all?
Her message seems to be that God loves you and there is an amazing plan ahead for you.

Most people I share her with have the same reaction as you. It all sounds like a bunch of meandering mumbo jumbo to them. I suppose this might have to do with people's expectation framework. Could it be that the church has programmed people to only receive information that comes in the form of an LDS church talk or church magazine article? And they then receive that as "doctrine"? I don't know. It's puzzling to me. What she says makes 100% sense, to me, while my friends dismiss it as amateurish rambling. Certainly, most people register little from her, other than she's happy.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by Telavian »

Chip wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 12:22 pm Most people I share her with have the same reaction as you. It all sounds like a bunch of meandering mumbo jumbo to them. I suppose this might have to do with people's expectation framework. Could it be that the church has programmed people to only receive information that comes in the form of an LDS church talk or church magazine article? And they then receive that as "doctrine"? I don't know. It's puzzling to me. What she says makes 100% sense, to me, while my friends dismiss it as amateurish rambling. Certainly, most people register little from her, other than she's happy.
I don't think this is indicative of a fault in normal people. I think just everyone learns differently.
I am deeply analytical and deal with highly technical things daily. Certainly my expectations are different than everyone else.

I do think though that Christianity is very superficial on average with is part of the problem. Many prophets like Isaiah complained about this repeatedly.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by Teancum1 »

cyclOps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 7:07 pm
Shawn Henry wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 12:05 pm
cyclOps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 7:43 am It clearly was not CGI.
Do you really think they rebuilt the conference center at his house where the talk was recorded.
You said they CGI’d his head to his body, even saying someone else was possibly wearing the suit his head was CGI’d too.

That is his head and his body. No CGI.

Now you’re saying the talk was recorded at his home. I have seen no evidence of that and you’ve presented no evidence of that, only assumptions.

Your claims are:

1) His head was CGI’d into something that was not his buddy to make it look like his body.

2) The talk was recorded at his home and made to look like he was in the conference center.

People who didn’t watch the conference believe you. Some asked for a screenshot or link.

I provided the link and l I’ll provide it here again. People can see for themselves.
Looks like the same red beady eyes as last time.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by Mamabear »

David13 wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 11:51 am
randyps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 10:12 pm
Bonhoeffer wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 9:55 pm

While you may think that’s true I’d bet there are many in your community who are currently suffering from adverse side-effects that you are unaware of. Most do not talk about it and sadly most Drs don’t educate their patients on vaccine injuries. RMN quoting the pro-vax rhetoric, even holding church wide fasts for a vaccine, opened many of our eyes to examining whether he really is who he says he is, a PSR. He had insider knowledge of a vax being made by a Pfizer exec who’s also a 70 well before the release of the jabs. He’s also been aligning with the UN agenda, even sending Bednar to a conference where they pledged their allegiance to “climate healing.” While these shocking revelations may mean nothing to you, for many on this forum it effectively broke our shelf and set us down a long road of critical thinking and searching out many truths that have been hidden. Good luck to you in your journey, wherever it leads you but for many of us the journey is leading us to a place where we are concerned about the direction of this church & its leaders.
This is my perspective after being inactive for 7 yrs due to the same issues you speak of.
1. Stop thinking about the church, its not my church and its not my problems, Its Gods church and its Gods problem.
2. I didnt call RMN or the 70s to their positions, God did. Do I not trust God?
3. God is only interested in my faith and obedience. Put my self in Nephis position holding a sword to Labans head, do I act in logic or faith?

What makes you think God called rmn? I know the great corporation in Salt Lake called him, as he was the next in line as to seniority, but there is no evidence that God was involved in that, but much evidence to the contrary.
Lol. These days God doesn’t appear to men and they are “called” by seniority. They’re incapable of prophesying as in days of old. *Gasp* are they the false prophets foretold by Jesus?

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by thaabit »

I agree that putting things in ALL CAPS makes them more true. At least we can agree on THAT!

You keep saying there was a PANDEMIC, but I already proved beyond reasonable doubt that no such event happened. There's really no need to discuss that further.

I did recently learn that former MLB pitcher Tim Wakefield died at 57 from an aggressive turbo brain cancer and that his wife also has aggressive turbo pancreatic cancer. I think if we were to trace their genealogy back to Adam, the only conclusion would be it was GENETICS at the root of both of those.
randyps wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 12:08 am So by you saying "there is no pandemic" does not magically erase the FACT that there was a Pandemic with many thousands dying in each city from the corona virus. My nurse and doctor friends that work in hospitals were overwhelmed with patients suffering from the corona. If not for the vaccine the world would have been in trouble. Like RMN said, it is a God-send.

I agree that myocarditis and other side effects from the "Emergency passed" mrna vax is a reality, just like most other vaccines created over the past 100 years has had side effects.
You are crying over thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands of vax injuries when it could have been much worse without a vaxine, Billions dead.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

Evil and conspiring men created BOTH (there, got in my all caps) the problem AND the solution!! (Sorry for overdoing the all caps)
Last edited by Reluctant Watchman on October 3rd, 2023, 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by Shawn Henry »

cyclOps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 7:14 pm I don’t see it.
My apologies if you truly don't see it. My wife and I and her TBM mother each noticed it right away. Others have said they noticed it too.

I suppose it could be like those paintings that people look at with an image embedded within another and some just can't see the other image.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by InfoWarrior82 »

Shawn Henry wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 2:36 pm
cyclOps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 7:14 pm I don’t see it.
My apologies if you truly don't see it. My wife and I and her TBM mother each noticed it right away. Others have said they noticed it too.

I suppose it could be like those paintings that people look at with an image embedded within another and some just can't see the other image.

Eyes to see...

They come from heeding the commandments and warnings in the Book of Mormon. If you laugh at the idea of conspiring men in the last days, then.... are you truly understanding your scriptures after all?

Last edited by InfoWarrior82 on October 3rd, 2023, 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by ransomme »

randyps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 9:08 pm
thaabit wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 7:40 pm

I don't know anyone that died of coronavirus. I know personally ppl that have been injured by the vax. Therefore, there was never any pandemic. CASE CLOSED!
You can thank the vaccine for no one dying but that comes at the expense of a few side effects you get from any vaccine.

Much better then no vaccine and the entire human population perish.
What rock have you been hiding under?

You have to be willfully ignorant to still believe that line.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by Mindfields »

Just finished listening to his talk. I was honestly creeped out.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by ransomme »

Shawn Henry wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 2:36 pm
cyclOps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 7:14 pm I don’t see it.
My apologies if you truly don't see it. My wife and I and her TBM mother each noticed it right away. Others have said they noticed it too.

I suppose it could be like those paintings that people look at with an image embedded within another and some just can't see the other image.
I heard from a friend who works for the Church that it was pre-recorded a few days earlier in the Conference center when it was empty.

It could just be Nelson's cartoonish appearance.
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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by cyclOps »

ransomme wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 3:14 pm
Shawn Henry wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 2:36 pm
cyclOps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 7:14 pm I don’t see it.
My apologies if you truly don't see it. My wife and I and her TBM mother each noticed it right away. Others have said they noticed it too.

I suppose it could be like those paintings that people look at with an image embedded within another and some just can't see the other image.
I heard from a friend who works for the Church that it was pre-recorded a few days earlier in the Conference center when it was empty.

It could just be Nelson's cartoonish appearance.
Are you suggesting no CGI? 🤯 🤯

And that it was recorded at his home? 🤯🤯
Last edited by cyclOps on October 3rd, 2023, 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by cyclOps »

Shawn Henry wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 2:36 pm
cyclOps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 7:14 pm I don’t see it.
My apologies if you truly don't see it. My wife and I and her TBM mother each noticed it right away. Others have said they noticed it too.

I suppose it could be like those paintings that people look at with an image embedded within another and some just can't see the other image.
If I’m not seeing something you are, I would sure like some help seeing it.

Can you please screenshot and point out what you’re seeing?

Or point to a time segment of the recording where it’s most obvious?

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by Teancum1 »

ransomme wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 3:02 pm
randyps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 9:08 pm
thaabit wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 7:40 pm

I don't know anyone that died of coronavirus. I know personally ppl that have been injured by the vax. Therefore, there was never any pandemic. CASE CLOSED!
You can thank the vaccine for no one dying but that comes at the expense of a few side effects you get from any vaccine.

Much better then no vaccine and the entire human population perish.
What rock have you been hiding under?

You have to be willfully ignorant to still believe that line.
Ignorance is bliss. Apparently.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by Atrasado »

David13 wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 11:51 am
randyps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 10:12 pm
Bonhoeffer wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 9:55 pm

While you may think that’s true I’d bet there are many in your community who are currently suffering from adverse side-effects that you are unaware of. Most do not talk about it and sadly most Drs don’t educate their patients on vaccine injuries. RMN quoting the pro-vax rhetoric, even holding church wide fasts for a vaccine, opened many of our eyes to examining whether he really is who he says he is, a PSR. He had insider knowledge of a vax being made by a Pfizer exec who’s also a 70 well before the release of the jabs. He’s also been aligning with the UN agenda, even sending Bednar to a conference where they pledged their allegiance to “climate healing.” While these shocking revelations may mean nothing to you, for many on this forum it effectively broke our shelf and set us down a long road of critical thinking and searching out many truths that have been hidden. Good luck to you in your journey, wherever it leads you but for many of us the journey is leading us to a place where we are concerned about the direction of this church & its leaders.
This is my perspective after being inactive for 7 yrs due to the same issues you speak of.
1. Stop thinking about the church, its not my church and its not my problems, Its Gods church and its Gods problem.
2. I didnt call RMN or the 70s to their positions, God did. Do I not trust God?
3. God is only interested in my faith and obedience. Put my self in Nephis position holding a sword to Labans head, do I act in logic or faith?

What makes you think God called rmn? I know the great corporation in Salt Lake called him, as he was the next in line as to seniority, but there is no evidence that God was involved in that, but much evidence to the contrary.
That evening many years ago when President Kimball miraculously regained lucidity enough to tell Gordon Hinckley to call "Nelson and Oaks, in that order" is getting very, very suspicious. I suspect that Hinckley committed fraud when that happened.

If it could be proven that Nelson and Oaks' callings were fraudulent, what a circus that would cause! That would throw into question all the calls of all the other Q15 except for Holland. That's because Ballard was also called via the senile President Kimball, and everyone else (except Holland who was called by Hunter) was called by Hinckley or Nelson. The Church could be left without any senior leadership, at all, if Holland died before reconstituting the quorums. The Seventy would have to take over.

I know that back in the real world, very clear evidence would be needed to prove that and that is very unlikely to happen. Something akin to a video of Hinckley confessing plus a couple of eyewitnesses would be needed. I should probably stop dreaming, but wouldn't that be grand!

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by randyps »

madvin wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 7:56 am
randyps wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 12:08 am
So by you saying "there is no pandemic" does not magically erase the FACT that there was a Pandemic with many thousands dying in each city from the corona virus. My nurse and doctor friends that work in hospitals were overwhelmed with patients suffering from the corona. If not for the vaccine the world would have been in trouble. Like RMN said, it is a God-send.

I agree that myocarditis and other side effects from the "Emergency passed" mrna vax is a reality, just like most other vaccines created over the past 100 years has had side effects.
You are crying over thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands of vax injuries when it could have been much worse without a vaxine, Billions dead.
FACTS? because we get information from faulty sources (the alphabet networks), the facts are rarely known. How to Lie Using Statistics by our friend Bill describes it. Most sources have agendas; some truth mingled with lies to make it sound reasonable in order to push an agenda forward. This they did with the scamdemic.

We may know the truth of all things by His power, not the arm of flesh which is corrupt.
Im 2 steps ahead of all of you. In a perfect world the corona virus that got leaked/released from the wuhan lab could have easily been treated with ivermectin/hydrocloriquin etc...and we would have had nothing more then another busy flu season.


The powers in charge wanted a pandemic so they suppressed any known treatments causing hospitals to be over filled and patients dying. This pandemic was absolutely a scamdemic but it was still a pandemic. All the hospitals in my area were overloaded with sick patients, I witnessed this with my own eyes, and my nurse friends (some who are traveling nurses) acknowldege it is a pandemic. My coworker who was in New York in 2020 had nothing but absolute horror stories about dead bodies (mostly of old people) being bagged and taken down to dump trucks in the streets. The same scenario was happening in all major cities not because I saw it on the fake news TV, I witnessed it in my own city and heard stories from friends in other citys.

The powers in charge wanted their MRNA vaxine passed and pushed to the masses, a) to make money and b) other evil reasons. It was clear that the powers in charge of this planned pandemic wanted their vaccine solution to be the only one. I dont care if batman or ironman was alive, they would not have been able to force any other solution than what the powers in charge wanted. Yeah, vitC, zinc, ivermectin were all better remedies but the powers in charge only wanted us to use the vaccine, we had no other choice but to use the vaccine.

God is creator of the world but he is not going to violate our free agency so he allows men to be in charge of the world.
Big Government, Big Pharma are in charge of the world. God is in charge of Eternity.

Prophet RMN said the vax was "God-send, safe/effective" because it was the only option that was going to be allowed. It makes no sense for God to tell his prophet to endorse ivermectin and then Big Government put the LDS church on a black list, revoke their 501c3 charity status and jeopardize the churchs eternal abilities to save billions of souls through the gospel.

Governments and Big corps run the world but the LDS church run the eternities, until this world perish the LDS still have to play by the world rules.

People that die from the vaccine were going to die eventually anyway, just like car accidents, cancer patients etc...the point is that human life is expendable, our spirits are what inherit glory. Its why LDS funerals are more upbeat and positive rather then gloomy and tragic.

These evil corporations and governments might enjoy their powers on earth but they will be the fools in the afterlife begging and pleading at our feets for mercy and help. I might even go so far to say that these evil powerful men will be sent to outer darkness with satan.

If this MRNA vaccine that the LDS church endorsed was able to get them in better relations with the world powers, which in turn allow the church to expand its temples and chapels, which in turn bring billions more to eternal glory, then yes it may very well have been a God-Send. What did we have to sacrifice, Injuries from a vaxine? Injuries to a body that is expendable but whose spirit will receive great glory for eternity?


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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by Teancum1 »

“Governments and Big corps run the world but the LDS church run the eternities, until this world perish the LDS still have to play by the world rules.”

Seriously? That is a ridiculous statement. The LDS church will not exist in the eternities. There are two churches only- the church of the Lamb of God (church of the Firstborn) or the church of the devil.

The remainder of your rambling statement deserves no response.

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Re: Nelson's Fall 2023 Talk

Post by FrankOne »

Shawn Henry wrote: October 3rd, 2023, 2:36 pm
cyclOps wrote: October 2nd, 2023, 7:14 pm I don’t see it.
My apologies if you truly don't see it. My wife and I and her TBM mother each noticed it right away. Others have said they noticed it too.

I suppose it could be like those paintings that people look at with an image embedded within another and some just can't see the other image.
for fans of westworld
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Hard to accept, but it really is just like this now, in this world. They cannot see it. Not able.

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