help with picture

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help with picture

Post by JandD6572 »

How do I get a picture to upload on the forum? not sure how to make the file smaller.

I"m trying to post a picture of a book I found, well, the front page, I am trying to figure out what the book is, but its written old style german or something like that, and I can't make out the characters, so using google translation is helping. I could read a few, but not enough to let me know what the book is.

it's a pretty thick book, rough shape, the only thing I know for sure is the date at the bottom of the page "1759"

any suggestions?


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Reluctant Watchman
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Re: help with picture

Post by Reluctant Watchman »

First, it must be an image, not a word doc. Second, it has a max file size of 2MB.
CC5F29F8-66AE-4C45-B280-EEC76BDD7251.jpeg (779.65 KiB) Viewed 1624 times

captain of 100
Posts: 292

Re: help with picture

Post by JandD6572 »

Reluctant Watchman wrote: February 18th, 2023, 12:46 pm First, it must be an image, not a word doc. Second, it has a max file size of 2MB.
Now it told me it would not load, I was trying different things just to get the picture on here, but that is the picture, its the front page of a book I found, I can't make out the characters, and was curious as to what it is, it has a date of 1759, any ideas?

Plus how do I get it 2MB?

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Re: help with picture

Post by BigT »

You have to be in the Full Editor and Preview. Click or tap on Attachments below, then Add Files. On my iPad I typically attach a photo or upload something from Files.
8193912B-8E1B-4C21-A72A-F464A252E361.jpeg (449.24 KiB) Viewed 1569 times

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