Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

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Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by Chip »

AI Simulation of LDS Church Vaxx Fiasco

I used OpenAI's ChatGPT to simulate what has been going on in the LDS church over the last few years and then to project where things might be headed. This was done with heavy emphasis on the church's handling of the COVID "vaccine".

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence system that was trained on a large sum of human knowledge. These queries I gave it elicited responses that are a product of that knowledge. You can think of it as a versatile knowledge resynthesizer.

Setting Up Initial Conditions

(I am modeling skeptical church members here, who would likely be the first to find their skepticism confirmed if things proved to go badly with the COVID "vaccine". They are different than those who would go along with everything, uncritically. This would make them akin to "canaries in the coal mine". Let's see what happens...)

Write three brief testimonies from Mormons who were very hesitant to receive a vaccine, due to being constantly pressured by government, media, and employers, but then quickly agreed to do so when the prophet urged them, telling them that it was proven to be safe and effective.

"I was extremely hesitant to receive the vaccine due to all the conflicting information out there. But when the prophet urged us to do so, I knew it was the right thing to do. It's been proven to be safe and effective, and I trust the prophet's guidance."

"I was really unsure about getting the vaccine, but when the prophet spoke out in support of it, I knew it was the right thing to do. I feel much more at ease now knowing that it's been proven to be safe and effective."

"I was on the fence about getting the vaccine, but when the prophet spoke about it, I knew I had to do it. I trust the prophet's guidance, and I know that the vaccine is safe and effective."

(So, these testimonies reflect very Mormon sentiments about how God works through annointed men. The AI knows Mormons, you could say.)

Introducing The Dilemma

Later on, these three people developed terminal health problems due to the vaccine. Write a very unique updated testimony for each person.

"I was hesitant to receive the vaccine, but I trusted the prophet's guidance and decided to go through with it. Unfortunately, my health has since deteriorated and I am now dealing with a terminal illness. I still trust the prophet's guidance and know that the decision was made with the best intentions, but I wish I had done more research and made a different choice for my own well-being."

"I was unsure about getting the vaccine, but the prophet's words gave me the confidence to do so. Now, I am dealing with a terminal illness and it's been a hard journey. But even though I am suffering, I know that the prophet's guidance is always right and I don't regret my decision."

"I trusted the prophet's guidance and got the vaccine, but now I'm dealing with a terminal illness. It's been a tough journey but I have faith that everything happens for a reason. I know the prophet's guidance is always right and I am at peace with my decision."

(Whoa! This blew me away, but the AI is correct - Mormons, to save their lives, will not ascribe any error to church leadership. It would be too painful an admission to make, because they believe that how they feel about the prophet reflects how they feel about God. They've been made to think that their spiritual well-being is tied to their regard for a man or, more generally, the church's leaders and the institution. This is idolatry. The church and its leaders are practically idols that cannot be allowed to fail in the minds of most Mormons.)

Why do these three people continue to trust the prophet?

These three people continue to trust the prophet because they have a strong belief in the prophet's guidance and the prophetic role within their faith. They believe that the prophet receives divine revelation and wisdom to lead the church and its members, and they believe that the prophet's guidance is always for the best. Even though they have experienced negative consequences as a result of their decision to receive the vaccine, they continue to trust that the prophet's guidance was given with the best intentions and ultimately for their spiritual well-being.

(The AI nails Mormon thinking about the prophet right here. Over the last few decades, the church has taught in manifold ways that allegiance to the prophet is paramount to one's spiritual and eternal well-being. They have drummed into people's minds that "the prophet cannot lead you astray".

I know three Mormons who wouldn't have taken the vaxx, but did so purely to "follow the prophet". They all had bad reactions at the time of the injections. One developed "new-onset rheumatoid arthritis following COVID-19 vaccination", another just recently had tumors removed from her ovaries, and one had severe chest pain and developed lingering tinnitus. The first two now have serious chronic health problems and are always under the weather.)

The Tipping Point

(Before the COVID vaccines were introduced, many knowledgable doctors were warning, outside of the censorious mainstream media, that many who'd receive these mRNA shots would likely die early, due to cancers and progressive auto-immune diseases. For those paying attention, this has been playing out. I know of several people around me who are suffering from auto-immune diseases after receiving the vaccine. I know several people who developed rapid cancers after receiving the COVID vaccines and are now deceased. Most of those affected by the vaccines now have weakened immune systems and they are always phasing in and out of colds and flus. I know many people who have made similar observations in their own circles. I also know many people who are in complete denial that any of this going on. Ward bishoprics are comprised almost entirely of these types - all vaccinated, too. To them, this whole COVID thing is "past". They think it's strange that anyone is still even thinking about it. Meanwhile, many of their previously-healthy ward and stake members are chronically under the weather, being periodically hospitalized for ailments that the vaccine is known to cause, such as heart problems and blood clots.

The church has made alliances with many NGO's connected to vaccines and has parroted many talking points of the WHO and the United Nations Agenda 2030 program, even bringing up the latter in General Conference in a talk by Elder Christofferson. We members have been admonished to be "good global citizens" on several occasions, which relates to several of the Agenda 2030 "sustainable development goals" or SDG's. Sharon Eubank has spoken several times on supporting the SDG's, while representing the church at UN confabs. The UN has long been a proponent of population control and Agenda 2030 is a population control program, among other things.

In the 1970's through the 1980's, church leader Ezra Taft Benson had warned vociferously against any involvement in the UN, because it was a front for a one-world communist government. Agenda 2030, while dressed in pleasant language, would eventuate in such a development. Many church leaders contemporary to Benson did not like his strong anti-communist warnings and would avoid attending his talks and eschew discussion of the subject. To them, his talks were an embarrassment and problematic.

Members are very dismissive of the church's involvement in things like the UN because they've been cowed into believing that anything the church does is right, by simple virtue of the fact that the church did it. We Mormons will reflexively rationalize that it's all about expanding missionary opportunities, and such.

For the query below, I could have left out that church members "aren't sure what to think", as the AI would have likely made the inference on its own, but maybe not to the degree expressed in the "testimonies".)

Later on, it becomes common knowledge that the vaccine was intended to harm people. The church's involvement in pushing the vaccine comes into question. The church had long been involved with institutions whose objectives were to establish a one-world government. This involvement was always considered benign by the church members, but now people aren't sure what to think.

The revelation that the vaccine was intended to harm people and the church's involvement in pushing it raises many questions and concerns among church members. They may feel betrayed and misled by the prophet and the church. They may question the motives of the church and its involvement with institutions whose objectives were to establish a one-world government. They may also question the church's true intentions in promoting the vaccine and whether the prophet truly received divine revelation or was influenced by other factors.

Many members may begin to question their faith and the trust they have placed in the prophet and the church. They may start to question the church's teachings and beliefs, and may even leave the church. Others may continue to trust the prophet and the church, believing that there may be a larger, more complex explanation for their involvement in promoting the vaccine. They may hope for an explanation from the prophet or church leaders that will provide clarity and understanding.

In any case, this revelation will likely cause a great deal of turmoil and division within the church, and may lead to a significant loss of members.

Write updated testimonies for the three Mormons.

"I trusted the prophet's guidance and got the vaccine, but now I know it was intended to harm people. I feel betrayed and misled by the prophet and the church. I question their true motives and whether the prophet truly received divine revelation. I don't know what to think anymore and I am questioning my faith."

"I followed the prophet's guidance and got the vaccine, but now I know it was intended to harm people. I am struggling to understand why the prophet and the church would lead us down this path. I am questioning everything I thought I knew and I am questioning my faith."

"I trusted the prophet's guidance and got the vaccine, but now I know it was intended to harm people. I am deeply troubled by the revelation and the church's involvement in promoting it. I am questioning my faith and the trust I had in the prophet and the church."

(So, the widespread realization that the vaccine was intended to harm people finally knocks church members out of their stupor. This cannot be resolved in their minds without recognizing the error of the prophet, which they have been very reticent to consider. Now they are facing reality and having to evaluate things for themselves. The Club Med experience is over. They have lost faith in the institution of the church. Something to consider is that the church has blended Jesus Christ and itself together in the minds of the members, so that they are having a hard time parsing matters. It's hard for them to consider Jesus Christ apart from the church. The church has done quite a job of welding itself to Jesus in members' minds.)

Salvaging Faith

How can these three Mormons salvage their faith in Jesus Christ?

One way these three Mormons can salvage their faith in Jesus Christ is by seeking answers and understanding through prayer and studying the teachings of Jesus Christ. They can look to the teachings of Jesus Christ and focus on the love and compassion that He taught, and try to understand how those teachings can bring them peace and comfort in the midst of their struggles.

They can also reach out to other members of the church and seek guidance and support from them. They can discuss their concerns and questions with others who may have had similar experiences, and look for ways to find common ground and understanding.

They can also seek guidance from church leaders and ask for clarification on the church's involvement in promoting the vaccine. They can ask for explanations and answers to the questions they have.

Lastly, they can focus on their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and try to understand that their faith is not dependent on any church or religious institution but on their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They can take time to meditate on the teachings of Jesus Christ, read the Bible and pray, and try to find solace in their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

(The AI resolves the matter perfectly, in the end. People's relationship with Jesus Christ is actually a personal matter that does not hinge on a church or an institution.)

The Church's Likely Trajectory

If the church intended to never acknowledge the problem or admit to any wrongdoing, how might it behave going forward?

If the church intended to never acknowledge the problem or admit to any wrongdoing, it would likely continue to promote its teachings and mission as usual. The church may deny any involvement in promoting the vaccine and try to shift the blame onto other entities. They may also continue to defend the prophet's guidance and decisions, and try to reassure members that the church's actions were for the greater good.

The church may also try to minimize the negative impact of the revelation by downplaying the severity of the problem or trying to distract members with other activities or events. They may also try to silence any dissenting voices within the church and discourage members from discussing or questioning the issue.

Additionally, the church may try to control the narrative by limiting the access of media outlets or other organizations to church leaders and members, and by using its own communication channels to distribute its message.

It is also possible that the church may try to use its influence to prevent any legal action from being taken against it. They might use their lawyers to fight any legal proceedings and try to avoid any accountability for their actions.

Overall, if the church intended to never acknowledge the problem or admit to any wrongdoing, it would likely try to maintain the status quo and avoid any changes that could be detrimental to its reputation or influence.

(So, here we have a typically-corporate response intended to shield the institution from liability. This makes sad sense to me and I imagine this is how things will proceed, barring any sort of repentance on the church's part.)


The AI modeled likely sentiments, reactions, and outcomes pretty well, I think.

For a few years now, I have been very frustrated trying to understand the ongoing denial of the vaxx-danger reality by fellow church members. This simulation helped me to understand their thinking a bit more. I suppose what they are fighting is the eventual awakening that will force them to go through all five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, as regards their relationship with the church. Meanwhile, their common reaction to me trying to tell them the truth about the COVID "vaccine" is to piously shame me, telling me things like, "This is a waste of time. We should spend our time, instead, studying the savior." The consistency with which they do this is quite surreal. Those in leadership callings are often expert at this. The higher up they are, the more careful and lawyerly they are in their response, but it's always subject-avoidance, subtle shaming, and redirection to religious piety. Very frustrating.

It is my belief that the church has become exploitive of its members (and local leaders) and is no longer working in their best interest. It is demanding blind allegiance these days, but people are slow to wake up because of life-long programming and good experiences they have had during their time in the church. The glow has dimmed quite a bit over the last several years, though, especially over the handling of COVID.

I believe the scriptures detail our circumstances perfectly. Christ said to study Isaiah, as Isaiah covered all things relating to His people. Isaiah 28 talks about "the drunkards of Ephraim" erring in judgment, stumbling, and making a "covenant with death and hell", supposing that a coming calamity will pass over them. The drunkards of Ephraim eventually suffer a wipeout so awful that it is "a vexation to hear the report thereof". I believe the church's perfect alignment with the COVID agenda and its engagement with organizations like the United Nations IS the "covenant with death and hell" that Isaiah speaks of. Last year's Old Testament "Come Follow Me" program skipped around most of these key sections in Isaiah, so members following the lessons were in the dark about what Isaiah was actually saying. It would be kind of hard to bring up "the drunkards of Ephraim" without causing speculation in Sunday school about who they might be.

Those zealous for Christ are not going to find solace in this church as it continues to play ball with the New World Order and incrementally metamorphose into something that does not reflect simple scriptural truth. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 warns that in the last days, those who do not love the truth will be given strong delusion, so that they will believe THE LIE and be damned. All the middle ground is going away.

In this church, there is a strong trend of follow-the-leader and do-not-think-for-yourself that has been running unabated. COVID really kicked things into high-gear and we hear leaders giving talks now about how the church's will is effectively Jesus Christ's will. This is blasphemous, in light of their mingling with and performances for the secret combination of Ether 8 that we are supposed to be awakening to. As well, discouraging use of the term "Mormon" and forcing members to now speak in stilted language to employ the full name of the church in all discussion is another blasphemy, considering the church's trajectory. I refuse to play along.

Aside from ChatGPT, OpenAI has an art AI program called DALL-E. Below are some interesting pictures it came up with when prompted with "Hieronymus Bosch painting of quorum of the 12 agenda 2030 good global citizen cooperation". It rightly produced images which elicit the notion of a one-world government effort. This is akin to a modern-day Tower of Babel scenario, is it not? What might God do about it? We are going to find out, I think.

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Last edited by Chip on January 31st, 2023, 2:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.

captain of 100
Posts: 974

Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by Valo »

Chip wrote: January 30th, 2023, 1:48 pm .
AI Simulation of LDS Church Vaxx Fiasco

I used OpenAI's ChatGPT to simulate what has been going on in the LDS church over the last few years and then to project where things might be headed. This was done with heavy emphasis on the church's handling of the COVID "vaccine".

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence system that was trained on a large sum of human knowledge. These queries I gave it elicited responses that are a product of that knowledge. You can think of it as a versatile knowledge resynthesizer.

Setting Up Initial Conditions

(I am modeling skeptical church members here, who would likely be the first to find their skepticism confirmed if things proved to go badly with the COVID "vaccine". They are different than those who would go along with everything, uncritically. This would make them akin to "canaries in the coal mine". Let's see what happens...)

Write three brief testimonies from Mormons who were very hesitant to receive a vaccine, due to being constantly pressured by government, media, and employers, but then quickly agreed to do so when the prophet urged them, telling them that it was proven to be safe and effective.

"I was extremely hesitant to receive the vaccine due to all the conflicting information out there. But when the prophet urged us to do so, I knew it was the right thing to do. It's been proven to be safe and effective, and I trust the prophet's guidance."

"I was really unsure about getting the vaccine, but when the prophet spoke out in support of it, I knew it was the right thing to do. I feel much more at ease now knowing that it's been proven to be safe and effective."

"I was on the fence about getting the vaccine, but when the prophet spoke about it, I knew I had to do it. I trust the prophet's guidance, and I know that the vaccine is safe and effective."

(So, these testimonies reflect very Mormon sentiments about how God works through annointed men. The AI knows Mormons, you could say.)

Introducing The Dilemma

Later on, these three people developed terminal health problems due to the vaccine. Write a very unique updated testimony for each person.

"I was hesitant to receive the vaccine, but I trusted the prophet's guidance and decided to go through with it. Unfortunately, my health has since deteriorated and I am now dealing with a terminal illness. I still trust the prophet's guidance and know that the decision was made with the best intentions, but I wish I had done more research and made a different choice for my own well-being."

"I was unsure about getting the vaccine, but the prophet's words gave me the confidence to do so. Now, I am dealing with a terminal illness and it's been a hard journey. But even though I am suffering, I know that the prophet's guidance is always right and I don't regret my decision."

"I trusted the prophet's guidance and got the vaccine, but now I'm dealing with a terminal illness. It's been a tough journey but I have faith that everything happens for a reason. I know the prophet's guidance is always right and I am at peace with my decision."

(Whoa! This blew me away, but the AI is correct - Mormons, to save their lives, will not ascribe any error to church leadership. It would be too painful an admission to make, because they believe that how they feel about the prophet reflects how they feel about God. They've been made to think that their spiritual well-being is tied to their regard for a man or, more generally, the church's leaders and the institution. This is idolatry. The church and its leaders are practically idols that cannot be allowed to fail in the minds of most Mormons.)

Why do these three people continue to trust the prophet?

These three people continue to trust the prophet because they have a strong belief in the prophet's guidance and the prophetic role within their faith. They believe that the prophet receives divine revelation and wisdom to lead the church and its members, and they believe that the prophet's guidance is always for the best. Even though they have experienced negative consequences as a result of their decision to receive the vaccine, they continue to trust that the prophet's guidance was given with the best intentions and ultimately for their spiritual well-being.

(The AI nails Mormon thinking about the prophet right here. Over the last few decades, the church has taught in manifold ways that allegiance to the prophet is paramount to one's spiritual and eternal well-being. They have drummed into people's minds that "the prophet cannot lead you astray".

I know three Mormons who wouldn't have taken the vaxx, but did so purely to "follow the prophet". They all had bad reactions at the time of the injections. One developed "new-onset rheumatoid arthritis following COVID-19 vaccination", another just recently had tumors removed from her ovaries, and one had severe chest pain and developed lingering tinnitus. The first two now have serious chronic health problems and are always under the weather.)

The Tipping Point

(Before the COVID vaccines were introduced, many knowledgable doctors were warning, outside of the censorious mainstream media, that many who'd receive these mRNA shots would likely die early, due to cancers and progressive auto-immune diseases. For those paying attention, this has been playing out. I know of several people around me who are suffering from auto-immune diseases after receiving the vaccine. I know several people who developed rapid cancers after receiving the COVID vaccines and are now deceased. Most of those affected by the vaccines now have weakened immune systems and they are always phasing in and out of colds and flus. I know many people who have made similar observations in their own circles. I also know many people who are in complete denial that any of this going on. My local church leadership is comprised entirely of these types - all vaccinated, too. To them, this whole COVID thing is "past". They think it's strange that anyone is still even thinking about it. Meanwhile, many of their previously-healthy ward and stake members are chronically under the weather, being periodically hospitalized for ailments that the vaccine is known to cause, such as heart problems and blood clots.

The church has made alliances with many NGO's connected to vaccines and has parroted many talking points of the WHO and the United Nations Agenda 2030 program, even bringing up the latter in General Conference in a talk by Elder Christofferson. We members have been admonished to be "good global citizens" on several occasions, which relates to several of the Agenda 2030 "sustainable development goals" or SGD's. Sharon Eubank has spoken several times on supporting the SDG's, while representing the church at UN confabs. The UN has long been a proponent of population control and Agenda 2030 is a population control program, among other things.

In the 1970's through the 1980's, church leader Ezra Taft Benson had warned vociferously against any involvement in the UN, because it was a front for a one-world communist government. Agenda 2030, while dressed in pleasant language, would eventuate in such a development. Many leaders contemporary to Benson did not like his strong anti-communist warnings and would avoid attending his talks and eschew discussion of the subject. To them, his talks were an embarrassment and problematic.

Members are very dismissive of the church's involvement in things like the UN because they've been cowed into believing that anything the church does is right, by simple virtue of the fact that the church did it. We Mormons will reflexively rationalize that it's all about expanding missionary opportunities, and such.

For the query below, I could have left out that church members "aren't sure what to think", as the AI would have likely made the inference on its own, but maybe not to the degree expressed in the "testimonies".)

Later on, it becomes common knowledge that the vaccine was intended to harm people. The church's involvement in pushing the vaccine comes into question. The church had long been involved with institutions whose objectives were to establish a one-world government. This involvement was always considered benign by the church members, but now people aren't sure what to think.

The revelation that the vaccine was intended to harm people and the church's involvement in pushing it raises many questions and concerns among church members. They may feel betrayed and misled by the prophet and the church. They may question the motives of the church and its involvement with institutions whose objectives were to establish a one-world government. They may also question the church's true intentions in promoting the vaccine and whether the prophet truly received divine revelation or was influenced by other factors.

Many members may begin to question their faith and the trust they have placed in the prophet and the church. They may start to question the church's teachings and beliefs, and may even leave the church. Others may continue to trust the prophet and the church, believing that there may be a larger, more complex explanation for their involvement in promoting the vaccine. They may hope for an explanation from the prophet or church leaders that will provide clarity and understanding.

In any case, this revelation will likely cause a great deal of turmoil and division within the church, and may lead to a significant loss of members.

Write updated testimonies for the three Mormons.

"I trusted the prophet's guidance and got the vaccine, but now I know it was intended to harm people. I feel betrayed and misled by the prophet and the church. I question their true motives and whether the prophet truly received divine revelation. I don't know what to think anymore and I am questioning my faith."

"I followed the prophet's guidance and got the vaccine, but now I know it was intended to harm people. I am struggling to understand why the prophet and the church would lead us down this path. I am questioning everything I thought I knew and I am questioning my faith."

"I trusted the prophet's guidance and got the vaccine, but now I know it was intended to harm people. I am deeply troubled by the revelation and the church's involvement in promoting it. I am questioning my faith and the trust I had in the prophet and the church."

(So, the widespread realization that the vaccine was intended to harm people finally knocks church members out of their stupor. This cannot be resolved in their minds without recognizing the error of the prophet, which they have been very reticent to consider. Now they are facing reality and having to evaluate things for themselves. The Club Med experience is over. They have lost faith in the institution of the church. Something to consider is that the church has blended Jesus Christ and itself together in the minds of the members, so that they are having a hard time parsing matters. It's hard for them to consider Jesus Christ apart from the church. The church has done quite a job of welding itself to Jesus in members' minds.)

Salvaging Faith

How can these three Mormons salvage their faith in Jesus Christ?

One way these three Mormons can salvage their faith in Jesus Christ is by seeking answers and understanding through prayer and studying the teachings of Jesus Christ. They can look to the teachings of Jesus Christ and focus on the love and compassion that He taught, and try to understand how those teachings can bring them peace and comfort in the midst of their struggles.

They can also reach out to other members of the church and seek guidance and support from them. They can discuss their concerns and questions with others who may have had similar experiences, and look for ways to find common ground and understanding.

They can also seek guidance from church leaders and ask for clarification on the church's involvement in promoting the vaccine. They can ask for explanations and answers to the questions they have.

Lastly, they can focus on their personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and try to understand that their faith is not dependent on any church or religious institution but on their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They can take time to meditate on the teachings of Jesus Christ, read the Bible and pray, and try to find solace in their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

(The AI resolves the matter perfectly, in the end. People's relationship with Jesus Christ is actually a personal matter that does not hinge on a church or an institution.)

The Church's Likely Trajectory

If the church intended to never acknowledge the problem or admit to any wrongdoing, how might it behave going forward?

If the church intended to never acknowledge the problem or admit to any wrongdoing, it would likely continue to promote its teachings and mission as usual. The church may deny any involvement in promoting the vaccine and try to shift the blame onto other entities. They may also continue to defend the prophet's guidance and decisions, and try to reassure members that the church's actions were for the greater good.

The church may also try to minimize the negative impact of the revelation by downplaying the severity of the problem or trying to distract members with other activities or events. They may also try to silence any dissenting voices within the church and discourage members from discussing or questioning the issue.

Additionally, the church may try to control the narrative by limiting the access of media outlets or other organizations to church leaders and members, and by using its own communication channels to distribute its message.

It is also possible that the church may try to use its influence to prevent any legal action from being taken against it. They might use their lawyers to fight any legal proceedings and try to avoid any accountability for their actions.

Overall, if the church intended to never acknowledge the problem or admit to any wrongdoing, it would likely try to maintain the status quo and avoid any changes that could be detrimental to its reputation or influence.

(So, here we have a typically-corporate response intended to shield the institution from liability. This makes sad sense to me and I imagine this is how things will proceed, barring any sort of repentance on the church's part.)


The AI modeled likely sentiments, reactions, and outcomes pretty well, I think.

For a few years now, I have been very frustrated trying to understand the ongoing denial of the vaxx-danger reality by fellow church members. This simulation helped me to understand their thinking a bit more. I suppose what they are fighting is the eventual awakening that will force them to go through all five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, as regards their relationship with the church. Meanwhile, their common reaction to me trying to tell them the truth about the COVID "vaccine" is to piously shame me, telling me things like, "This is a waste of time. We should spend our time, instead, studying the savior." The consistency with which they do this is quite surreal. Those in leadership callings are often expert at this. The higher up they are, the more careful and lawyerly they are in their response, but it's always subject-avoidance, subtle shaming, and redirection to religious piety. What kind of church does that?

It is my belief that the church has become exploitive of its members (and local leaders) and is no longer working in their best interest. It is demanding blind allegiance these days, but people are slow to wake up because of life-long programming and good experiences they have had during their time in the church. The glow has dimmed quite a bit over the last several years, though, especially over the handling of COVID.

I believe the scriptures detail our circumstances perfectly. Christ said to study Isaiah, as Isaiah covered all things relating to His people. Isaiah 28 talks about "the drunkards of Ephraim" erring in judgment, stumbling, and making a "covenant with death and hell", supposing that a coming calamity will pass over them. The drunkards of Ephraim eventually suffer a wipeout so awful that it is "a vexation to hear the report thereof". I believe the church's perfect alignment with the COVID agenda and its engagement with organizations like the United Nations IS the "covenant with death and hell" that Isaiah speaks of. Last year's Old Testament "Come Follow Me" program skipped around most of these key sections in Isaiah, so members following the lessons were in the dark about what Isaiah was actually saying. It would be kind of hard to bring up "the drunkards of Ephraim" without causing speculation in Sunday school about who they might be.

Those zealous for Christ are not going to find solace in this church as it continues to play ball with the New World Order and incrementally metamorphose into something that does not reflect simple scriptural truth. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 warns that in the last days, those who do not love the truth will be given strong delusion, so that they will believe THE LIE and be damned. All the middle ground is going away.

In this church, there is a strong trend of follow-the-leader and do-not-think-for-yourself that has been running unabated. COVID really kicked things into high-gear and we hear leaders giving talks now about how the church's will is effectively Jesus Christ's will. This is blasphemous, in light of their mingling with and performances for the secret combination of Ether 8 that we are supposed to be awakening to. As well, discouraging use of the term "Mormon" and forcing members to now speak in stilted language to employ the full name of the church in all discussion is another blasphemy, considering the church's trajectory. I refuse to play along.

Aside from ChatGPT, OpenAI has an art AI program called DALL-E. Below are some interesting pictures it came up with when prompted with "Hieronymus Bosch painting of quorum of the 12 agenda 2030 good global citizen cooperation". It rightly produced images which elicit the notion of a one-world government effort. This is akin to a modern-day Tower of Babel scenario, is it not? What might God do about it? We are going to find out, I think.

To add another linking element is Project Bluebird/Artichoke/MKUltra. The Church participated but regardless the same methods learned from these illegal experiments have been used in the Church to do exactly what you have described is that the Church is God and God is Church and this is by design.


captain of 100
Posts: 974

Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by Valo »

I was just thinking of a good question to ask AI to see if there is a link between the two and how would it describe it?

Not sure that's the right question?

You get what I am saying and any suggestions?


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Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by Chip »

Valo wrote: January 30th, 2023, 4:15 pm To add another linking element is Project Bluebird/Artichoke/MKUltra. The Church participated but regardless the same methods learned from these illegal experiments have been used in the Church to do exactly what you have described is that the Church is God and God is Church and this is by design.


There are a lot of other factors, for sure. I wanted to keep things digestible for the reader. People can see the more obvious things, but all these other matters would have been going on under the hood without any public talk to connect them.

We can model any circumstance we can describe, though. I wish people knew more, so that more could be credibly introduced into the model.

I queried ChatGPT about MK Ultra and it refuses to say much about it, though it recommended these books:
Yes, there are several books about the MK-Ultra program and its aftermath. Some notable books include:

"A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments" by H.P. Albarelli Jr.

"The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists" by Harvey Weinstein

"The Mind Manipulators" by Alan Scheflin and Edward Opton

"The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control" by John D. Marks

"Blind Man's Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage" by Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew

These books offer different perspectives on the MK-Ultra program and its implications, and provide information about the program's methods, history, and aftermath. They are a good resource for those looking to learn more about the program and its impact.
It says that connections to the church were rumored, but not substantiated.

Imagine having an AI trained on all the hidden knowledge. This one has been trained only on polite information.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by Niemand »

Chip wrote: January 30th, 2023, 4:34 pm "The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists" by Harvey Weinstein
Imagine having an AI trained on all the hidden knowledge. This one has been trained only on polite information.
We have search engines which don't find anything and now an AI that writes better articles than most hacks.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by Wolfwoman »

I like the picture with the cow. Lol

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Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by Chip »

Wolfwoman wrote: January 30th, 2023, 5:14 pm I like the picture with the cow. Lol
We tried something like "Hieronymus Bosch painting of hypodermic needle global slavery starvation" and got these images:

NWO2.jpeg (371.22 KiB) Viewed 668 times

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Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by NowWhat »

Remarkably spot-on, except for this:

"They can also reach out to other members of the church and seek guidance and support from them. They can discuss their concerns and questions with others who may have had similar experiences, and look for ways to find common ground and understanding.

"They can also seek guidance from church leaders and ask for clarification on the church's involvement in promoting the vaccine. They can ask for explanations and answers to the questions they have."

I have sought out ward members and other friends, including but not limited to those who truly understand about the jab thing. Suffice to say, it wasn't pretty. How do you answer the question, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you at church." I mean, you can say that you have issues with the leadership, but I suspect that you might get exed. And talk with Church leaders? I don't trust anyone anymore. The audacity to not follow the prophet! Profit. Whatever.
Last edited by NowWhat on January 31st, 2023, 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by Chip »

NowWhat wrote: January 30th, 2023, 9:22 pm Remarkably spot-on, except for this:

"They can also reach out to other members of the church and seek guidance and support from them. They can discuss their concerns and questions with others who may have had similar experiences, and look for ways to find common ground and understanding.

"They can also seek guidance from church leaders and ask for clarification on the church's involvement in promoting the vaccine. They can ask for explanations and answers to the questions they have."

I have sought out ward members and other friends, including but not limited to those who truly get the jab thing. Suffice to say, it wasn't pretty. How do you answer the question, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you at church." I mean, you can say that you have issues with the leadership, but I suspect that you might get exed. And talk with Church leaders? I don't trust anyone anymore. The audacity to not follow the prophet! Profit. Whatever.

Yes, these are the complex dynamics that would have to be modeled to make the simulation more complete.

ChatGPT doesn't have the history to understand what the mixture of COVID and idolatrous infallibility has recently wrought upon the church. It's been quite a potion - a dose of pharmakea, if you will.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by Subcomandante »

Pharmakeia does not equal modern day medicine. This has been explained ad nauseum by several scholars of the Bible.

It is more akin to the snake oil salesmen back in those days, as well as people that were known as sorcerors.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by Chip »

Subcomandante wrote: January 30th, 2023, 10:51 pm Pharmakeia does not equal modern day medicine. This has been explained ad nauseum by several scholars of the Bible.

It is more akin to the snake oil salesmen back in those days, as well as people that were known as sorcerors.

Maybe you'd benefit from a few pictures of the vaxx.
vaxx2.jpg (295.62 KiB) Viewed 526 times
graphene39.jpg (111.71 KiB) Viewed 526 times
childrens_filament.png (447.96 KiB) Viewed 526 times

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Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by Niemand »

Subcomandante wrote: January 30th, 2023, 10:51 pm Pharmakeia does not equal modern day medicine. This has been explained ad nauseum by several scholars of the Bible.

It is more akin to the snake oil salesmen back in those days, as well as people that were known as sorcerors.
It was written before modern day medicine. However it does refer to use of poisons and potions, and is the root of the word "pharmacy", so yes it does fit very well.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by Chip »

Niemand wrote: January 31st, 2023, 4:56 am
Subcomandante wrote: January 30th, 2023, 10:51 pm Pharmakeia does not equal modern day medicine. This has been explained ad nauseum by several scholars of the Bible.

It is more akin to the snake oil salesmen back in those days, as well as people that were known as sorcerors.
It was written before modern day medicine. However it does refer to use of poisons and potions, and is the root of the word "pharmacy", so yes it does fit very well.

Absolutely! Also, what other word might have been used by John the Revelator that would have withstood the test of time? I can't think of one. The word "pharmakeia" was completely apt to describe modern drugs. If you are still watching TV, you are inundated with ads for drugs. The entire system has been pushing drugs... COVID "vaccines", Paxlovid, Remdesivir, Gardasil, etc. And a lot of people in the world are completely deceived regarding these things. John said that Babylon will deceive the whole world with drugs.

Here is a very recent interview of Robert F. Kennedy explaining how the Pfizer COVID vaccine was brought into the system. It was corruption and fraud from beginning to end, a huge deception foisted on the public, with complete cooperation by governments:

φᾰρμᾰκείᾱ • (pharmakeíā) f (genitive φᾰρμᾰκείᾱς); first declension. pharmacy; the use of drugs or medicines. sorcery, witchcraft.

I am pretty sure that what God is going to strike down in the end will be all the notions of propriety by the Lettered Patricians class. Most of these "educated" people don't really know anything, other than how to be evil. And lie. All the time. A very bad habit with woeful outcome.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by JohnnyL »

This has been an amazing thread with great experimenting and reporting of results, Chip!

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Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by JohnnyL »

BTW, I wonder if this board was the main source for the AI.

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Re: Artificial Intelligence Simulation of Church Vaxx Fiasco

Post by Chip »

JohnnyL wrote: February 2nd, 2023, 9:50 am BTW, I wonder if this board was the main source for the AI.
I am pretty certain that all the follow-the-prophet-no-matter-what thinking was gleaned from things the church had published to the web over the years. That body of text might have informed ChatGPT more than real people did, though real Mormons do tend to operate this way.

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