The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

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The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by Leland41-2 »

I keep trying to come up with a plausible action plan to get the LDS church back on track, and here is my latest suggestion. I hope everybody will take a look at this idea and give me their opinion, including ways to change or improve it. Is there any hope that this sort of thing could work?

The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto

Restore The Restoration and Build Up Zion


Having studied church doctrine and history carefully as a group, we have made numerous tentative conclusions about what the Church should be teaching and doing today. Unfortunately, the Church today has moved far away from the basic set of rules that a true Christian Church should be teaching and doing today. The hope here is that the Church today can be gradually changed for the better until it actually conforms to the rules which Christ set forth in his original church and which Joseph Smith restored. If that goal cannot be achieved through internal action, then it may be necessary to create a separate organization in which these new principles and goals can be embedded, leaving the old behind.

Since the Church has been drifting away from original Christianity for more than 100 years, it will probably be impractical to list here all of the necessary changes to get the LDS Church back on the correct path. However, there is a limited number of very large changes which can be listed and easily monitored.

The major changes proposed:

1. Reinstitute the Cause of Freedom
2. End the Current Tithing Regime and decentralize
3. Reinstitute New Testament Charity
4. Reinstitute the Gathering
5. Reinstitute the goal of Building Up Zion

1. Reinstitute the Cause of Freedom
We declare the most basic principle of the Gospel to be the principle of individual freedom, without which even the original war in heaven and counsel in heaven would have no meaning. That was the issue of the day. In this sense, this principle precedes all the other principles of the Gospel.

Historically, for political purposes, the Church has attempted to completely ignore or reinterpret the Book of Mormon on this issue of freedom. Where the entire Book of Mormon constantly shows the importance of individual freedom in being able to live the Gospel correctly -- a foreshadowing of the nature of heaven and the activities and duties of exalted beings there -- the LDS Church today has declared that defending freedom for itself or for its members or for anyone else is simply not part of its mission. That simply cannot be true and must be corrected.

We should note that the Church which Christ established had such convincing doctrinal power concerning the importance of the individual that it became the social force which gave us Western civilization with its focus on the importance of individual freedom.

A new book entitled "The War on the West" describes many of the pressures which the Western civilization must now deal with. Unfortunately, the LDS Church, as constituted today, is part of that war against the West instead of presenting a vigorous defense to the principles of Western civilization, as it ought to, especially including the principle of individual freedom.

During World War II, the LDS Church declared itself to be neutral, nonpolitical, and pacifist as a central church unit, although it grudgingly allowed its members in different countries to join or be conscripted into national militaries without being condemned religiously for their actions.

In the World War II timeframe and thereafter, the central church even tried to present itself to the world as a new supra-national body which imagined itself to be above the fray so that it could negotiate with all governments, including fascists and communists, in hopes of receiving favorable treatment as a religious organization before, during, and after the war. This idea of being an uninvolved religious "Switzerland," while also seeking to build a worldwide religious/temporal empire, is inconsistent with its scripture-assigned duties to defend freedom wherever possible. One can do an enormous amount to defend freedom without having to declare war on anyone. The fact that one may choose not resort to direct military conflict is not the same as sitting idly by and passively hoping for a beneficial outcome provided by the efforts and sacrifices of others.

2. End the Current Tithing Regime and decentralize
The so-called doctrine of tithing which is taught and practiced today by the LDS Church is an Old Testament concept and should not be part of a New Testament church. As one of the consequences of enforcing this improper doctrine and practice, and as presumably one of the goals, as well, the Church has amassed a very large amount of liquid assets, speculative real estate, etc. The LDS Church has followed the typical Marxist ideology of centralizing everything. This has the predictable effect of minimizing the political and religious freedom of the members while maximizing the power and control of the central church organization. This all needs to be reversed, hopefully without causing unnecessary losses and waste.

Where the original church of Christ had all priesthood power available locally so that all the saving ordinances could be administered locally and for free, making completely optional the very existence of a central paid bureaucracy, the central church has taken advantage of historical circumstances to centralize and control all of the saving ordinances so that it could maximize the income from dispensing those ordinances in places and under procedures of its choosing.

It is obvious that the LDS central offices could continue on indefinitely by simply making use of the typical returns on invested assets, making it perfectly pointless and even strongly counterproductive for the church members to continue to send tithing monies to the central offices. Since those central offices refuse to use that money in normal charitable ways to improve the lives of individuals and to improve the society in general, there is no obvious reason to continue to send any of that money to the central offices.

To the extent that the central offices chose to offer and manage charitable programs and to receive free-will offerings to support those programs which are popular enough to invite and receive funding, then they are welcome to do so. Otherwise, they have no religion-based "taxing authority" to require church members to send their monies to the central offices. The very idea that church members must buy their salvation by sending money to Salt Lake City is repugnant to the Gospel of Christ and needs to be terminated immediately. Not the least of the problems is the attitude of irresponsibility and corruption all this excess free money encourages among central church officers and employees.

3. Reinstitute New Testament Charity
The original Christian religion is centered on the principle of charity, assuming that volunteer effort and free-will contributions and offerings are the best way to help individuals and to improve the society in general, gradually leading to an improved Zion society. The first consequence of imposing a tithing tax on people is to counteract and even destroy that charitable impulse and deny the church members the valuable experience of learning how to best use their time and money to help individuals and whole societal groups.

10% of one's income is typically the most that people can consistently commit to free-will charitable activities, and if that 10% is taken by a tithing tax or a salvation tax, really a kind of Catholic-style "indulgence" payment, then that essentially ends Christian charity and enacts the backward, wasteful, and self-centered support of professional priests under a new regime of class society and priestcraft where the basic doctrines of the Church are changed on a regular basis to fit the desires and preferences of the new ruling class. Instead of the Christian religion, we now have nothing but a religious business scam run by clever self-interested priestcraft theologians playing a theatrical role.

4. Reinstitute the Gathering
The doctrine of the Gathering is a necessary component of building up Zion. In simple terms, Zion consists of a worldwide gathering of all the best people, those who are willing to live the gospel of Christ. It would be pointless and cruel to require those people to stay in Babylon while still trying to live the gospel completely, hoping to enjoy the promised benefits, something which it is essentially impossible to do.

5. Reinstitute the goal of Building Up Zion
The building up of Zion consists essentially of rooting out the foolish ideologies and corruption of men so that a pure society can be built. Basically, that is simply a matter of abiding by the principles of the U.S. Constitution to build up a country which maximizes freedom and allows people to use the principles and laws of a republic to govern themselves.

With the church potentially having so much influence in Utah, one might expect Utah to be the perfect example of a Zion Society. However, the bad ideologies, corrupt government bureaucrats, corrupt judges, and corrupt city administrators found in Utah are often as bad as that found in other places where the church has no opportunity for any great influence. Keeping Utah basically on the same low level as every other government of man is actually a goal of the LDS church leaders since they benefit from not being held to any duties as social activists to improve the human condition. For example, if they were to strongly foster freedom, honesty, and good government in the state of Utah, then they might be less welcome as a church governing body in some communist country halfway around the globe where freedom and fair government are a great deal less welcome than they would be in Utah.

This conscious effort by the current church to make sure that the church, the state, and the country are NOT lights on a hill, needs to be changed. The church and the society in which it operates need to become examples of the ideal, and not simply remain at common levels like everyone else. The actions must equal the words proposing improvements. Simply allowing everyone to practice charity and use their resources as they wish to help individuals and build up the society should mostly take care of this problem which is now being blocked by the government-style tax-and-spend tithing logic which now controls the LDS church and which therefore controls and limits the membership.

Further studies and projects
1. A separate section will be provided to explore the scriptures concerning the Church's mission during the latter days.

2. We need an action project to illustrate our intentions to reinvigorate Christian charity.
I favor funding programs to help children and families such as by working to lower the need for abortions, increasing adoptions, increasing foster care, and operating schools and orphanages. There are many other programs that might be researched and implemented, but saving and educating children seems the most basic and pressing and most beneficial to all concerned. I have spent a lot of time studying such possibilities.
Background research
A trail through about 500 pages of related research information begins on my blog website at There are about five blog posts on that website which are all relevant, plus a link to the full text of 5 books on church history topics. One in particular, the latest, Is the Church As True As the Gospel? A Constitutional Approach, is directly relevant to this post. Paper copies of the books can be purchased on Amazon.


Implementation ideas
The people who agree with this manifesto, and the many others who will surely agree later, can change their attitudes and their behaviors just a little bit and it will have the good effect of gradually moving the church back to where it should have always been. With today's nearly infinite kinds of social media and communication mechanisms, it should be possible for people to feel like they are part of a larger group and be encouraged by the efforts and achievements of each other, while still remaining anonymous, at least to begin with. An "anonymous Zion" may sound like a contradiction in terms, but it may be the best way to get started. This might be viewed as building a new kind of "silent majority."

If someone wants to raise the issue of being divisive or of "not being of one heart and one mind" concerning this manifesto, we might notice that there are other elements within the church which are divergent from current central church preferences and yet are still being encouraged to stay within the fold. The so-called LGBT people, which I prefer to call DNA Mormon ideological pagans, are being treated very solicitously, with kid gloves, so to speak, by the church leaders, apparently hoping they will stay within the church. Perhaps as long as they are paying tithing the church will welcome them in regardless of their anti-Christian beliefs and behavior, that seeming to church leaders like a clever and profitable business decision to make. Perhaps we could eventually end up with the extreme situation where those pagans are the only ones who are paying tithing to the central church, perhaps feeling a greater need for religious organizational absolution than real Christians. But since the central church doesn't need any income from its members, pagan or otherwise, these payments should not be a factor.

The greater concern is whether true gospel believers who live the New Testament teaching of charity, etc., can live and worship on a long-term basis alongside the pagans who have absorbed most of their beliefs and behaviors from a corrupt world. At that point, if there is a need for a choice, the most likely outcome is a separation into two completely independent religious organizations. If that religious separation seems inevitable, we might consider using the term New Testament LDS Church or NTLDS for the new group, and Old Testament LDS Church or OTLDS for the left-behind group.

One of the major inefficiencies of the current church, with its extreme centralization of everything, including the ownership and control of all church meeting places, is that those meeting places are poorly utilized, in many cases. For example, to counteract the evils that now riddle the government school system, the early grades of school might be taught using local chapel space as local school space.

Today, the central church goes to extreme lengths to stay on good terms with civil governments. It does this by avoiding competing with them in any way, such as in providing major welfare services or in assisting in the provision of religion-based educational services. The basic problem is, of course, that unless the church is willing to fight for its principles, especially in the way it trains up its youth, then the Church has no future. It will simply be swallowed up in the overwhelming Marxist flood of ideology being imposed upon the populace by leftist federal and state governments. It is now no longer a church, but only a business. It may soon not even be able to operate as a business, having let society deteriorate into oblivion.

A year of change
Rather than immediately announce this initiative to the world and to the church, it might be wise to let people practice supporting these ideas for a year. If a supporting groundswell can be generated, then it might make sense to go the next step and become more visible, encouraging a large second-tier of people to join in.

We might create a Facebook page which provides a way to inform all concerned about the content of the manifesto, and any statistics or progress reports that might be of interest to everyone, nearly all accomplished anonymously.

As an auxiliary social media mechanism, we might have a special Gmail account which allows everyone to report on what they are doing, and make any suggestions. They may remain anonymous or not, as they choose. Those e-mail reports and suggestions would be kept separate from the Facebook page, and then summarized as necessary and placed on Facebook, on a Google doc, etc. – a kind of ongoing survey of progress. I'm sure there are hundreds or thousands of people more expert in the use of social media than I am, so any suggestions would be appreciated.

People might report on charitable actions they have executed, particularly those that involve a fairly large amount of effort or money. If there is a general feeling that specific real-world projects ought to be started, then that same e-mail address might be used to accumulate all comments. The actual accumulation of money to take action could be done through that process or perhaps a "go fund me"-style online mechanism might be used to accept both pledges and actual monies. (I just read that a Texas rancher is willing to give Elon Musk 100 acres on which to establish a new Twitter data center. That seems like a great idea. Perhaps some similar ideas might be offered to enhance the more general cause of Zion.)

Greater visibility
This manifesto might later be presented to the church and to the world by one person or small group supported by at least 1000 individual church members. We might explicitly agree that this manifesto would not be made public until at least 1000 people were willing to support it. The names and locations of those church members would not be provided at that time, or perhaps not at any time. This is a new situation and there is no predicting what the LDS central offices might decide to do. At least until the outcome is known, those names would remain undisclosed.

The LDS Church today does not appear to have any inclination to abide by the U.S. Constitution for all purposes. Of course, it does take advantage of the Constitution when it is convenient for the church's purposes, as in its legal cases, but ignores it when it's not convenient, especially internally. With the future behavior of the Church central offices unpredictable, that is part of the reason why we would wait a time before becoming more visible as a group.
Last edited by Leland41-2 on May 1st, 2022, 2:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by Fred »

Wow! That took some time to write. All Christians know that if one had to use only one word to describe the difference between Jesus and satan, the word would be freedom. That is one way that we can know for certain that the current leadership are not Christians. Mandates are not conducive to freedom.

John the Baptist was willing to get his head cut off, rather than allow government to be wicked without warning. The Q15 have never issued a warning to government. When asked to jump, thy ask how high on the way up. It has never occurred to any of the Q15 that many so called laws are not laws at all. Anything that disagrees with the constitution is illegal. That would include mask mandates. The lying pricks that say the church's hands are tied and they absolutely MUST follow satan, Fauci, Klaus, etc. because the church is legally subservient to governments and has no direct representation of God whatsoever, do not care for truth. A true follower of Christ knows that NO government is higher than God. A true follower of Christ would totally disregard the law and cut Laban's head clean off and praise God in the process. Nephi was never taught that you have to ask satan if it is ok.

Avraham Gileadi was excommunicated for telling the truth. They later repented, but facts are facts. I suspect that explaining truth to the Q15 is a lot like telling satan that he is a dictator.

At this late stage in the game it is safe to say that any and all promoters of the jab, without exception, are dedicated disciples of satan. Particularly those with medical degrees. RMN knows damn well that getting the clot shot has a drastic effect on women's menstruation and ability to conceive and carry to term a child. Maybe they will change the sign at churches that says Visitors Welcome to "Kill your baby, get the shot."

What did the guy do that Jesus told to give his wealth away? He didn't sell his mall and help homeless women with children. So when he got to Heaven, the gate was closed. They had no need for his money, which he left behind anyway.

It is hard enough to even get a Bishop to follow Christ. Much harder for the profit.

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The Red Pill
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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by The Red Pill »

Fred wrote: April 29th, 2022, 9:31 pm Wow! That took some time to write. All Christians know that if one had to use only one word to describe the difference between Jesus and satan, the word would be freedom. That is one way that we can know for certain that the current leadership are not Christians. Mandates are not conducive to freedom.

John the Baptist was willing to get his head cut off, rather than allow government to be wicked without warning. The Q15 have never issued a warning to government. When asked to jump, thy ask how high on the way up. It has never occurred to any of the Q15 that many so called laws are not laws at all. Anything that disagrees with the constitution is illegal. That would include mask mandates. The lying pricks that say the church's hands are tied and they absolutely MUST follow satan, Fauci, Klaus, etc. because the church is legally subservient to governments and has no direct representation of God whatsoever, do not care for truth. A true follower of Christ knows that NO government is higher than God. A true follower of Christ would totally disregard the law and cut Laban's head clean off and praise God in the process. Nephi was never taught that you have to ask satan if it is ok.

Avraham Gileadi was excommunicated for telling the truth. They later repented, but facts are facts. I suspect that explaining truth to the Q15 is a lot like telling satan that he is a dictator.

At this late stage in the game it is safe to say that any and all promoters of the jab, without exception, are dedicated disciples of satan. Particularly those with medical degrees. RMN knows damn well that getting the clot shot has a drastic effect on women's menstruation and ability to conceive and carry to term a child. Maybe they will change the sign at churches that says Visitors Welcome to "Kill your baby, get the shot."

What did the guy do that Jesus told to give his wealth away? He didn't sell his mall and help homeless women with children. So when he got to Heaven, the gate was closed. They had no need for his money, which he left behind anyway.

It is hard enough to even get a Bishop to follow Christ. Much harder for the profit.
Archbishop Vigano went against the Vatican and the pope...for truth and freedom. I admire him.

Not one general authority has broken ranks with spite of overwhelming evidence that the jab is DEADLY.

In my opinion, to restore any semblance of credibility to the church, EVERY single leader over the rank of stake president, should resign.

Many people have died because of their urging the all you apologists on this forum...let that sink in.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by SmilingPatriot »

Leland41-2 wrote: April 29th, 2022, 9:00 pm I keep trying to come up with a plausible action plan to get the LDS church back on track, and here is my latest suggestion. I hope everybody will take a look at this idea and give me their opinion, including ways to change or improve it. Is there any hope that this sort of thing could work?

The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto

Restore The Restoration and Build Up Zion


Having studied church doctrine and history carefully as a group, we have made numerous tentative conclusions about what the Church should be teaching and doing today. Unfortunately, the Church today has moved far away from the basic set of rules that a true Christian Church should be teaching and doing today. The hope here is that the Church today can be gradually changed for the better until it actually conforms to the rules which Christ set forth in his original church and which Joseph Smith restored. If that goal cannot be achieved through internal action, then it may be necessary to create a separate organization in which these new principles and goals can be embedded, leaving the old behind.

Since the Church has been drifting away from original Christianity for more than 100 years, it will probably be impractical to list here all of the necessary changes to get the LDS Church back on the correct path. However, there is a limited number of very large changes which can be listed and easily monitored.

The major changes proposed:

1. Reinstitute the Cause of Freedom
2. End the Current Tithing Regime and decentralize
3. Reinstitute New Testament Charity
4. Reinstitute the Gathering
5. Reinstitute the goal of Building Up Zion

1. Reinstitute the Cause of Freedom
We declare the most basic principle of the Gospel to be the principle of individual freedom, without which even the original war in heaven and counsel in heaven would have no meaning. That was the issue of the day. In this sense, this principle precedes all the other principles of the Gospel.

Historically, for political purposes, the Church has attempted to completely ignore or reinterpret the Book of Mormon on this issue of freedom. Where the entire Book of Mormon constantly shows the importance of individual freedom in being able to live the Gospel correctly -- a foreshadowing of the nature of heaven and the activities and duties of exalted beings there -- the LDS Church today has declared that defending freedom for itself or for its members or for anyone else is simply not part of its mission. That simply cannot be true and must be corrected.

We should note that the Church which Christ established had such convincing doctrinal power concerning the importance of the individual that it became the social force which gave us Western civilization with its focus on the importance of individual freedom.

A new book entitled "The War on the West" describes many of the pressures which the Western civilization must now deal with. Unfortunately, the LDS Church, as constituted today, is part of that war against the West instead of presenting a vigorous defense to the principles of Western civilization, as it ought to, especially including the principle of individual freedom.

During World War II, the LDS Church declared itself to be neutral, nonpolitical, and pacifist as a central church unit, although it grudgingly allowed its members in different countries to join or be conscripted into national militaries without being condemned religiously for their actions.

In the World War II timeframe and thereafter, the central church even tried to present itself to the world as a new supra-national body which imagined itself to be above the fray so that it could negotiate with all governments, including fascists and communists, in hopes of receiving favorable treatment as a religious organization before, during, and after the war. This idea of being an uninvolved religious "Switzerland," while also seeking to build a worldwide religious/temporal empire, is inconsistent with its scripture-assigned duties to defend freedom wherever possible. One can do an enormous amount to defend freedom without having to declare war on anyone. The fact that one may choose not resort to direct military conflict is not the same as sitting idly by and passively hoping for a beneficial outcome provided by the efforts and sacrifices of others.

2. End the Current Tithing Regime and decentralize
The so-called doctrine of tithing which is taught and practiced today by the LDS Church is an Old Testament concept and should not be part of a New Testament church. As one of the consequences of enforcing this improper doctrine and practice, and as presumably one of the goals, as well, the Church has amassed a very large amount of liquid assets, speculative real estate, etc. The LDS Church has followed the typical Marxist ideology of centralizing everything. This has the predictable effect of minimizing the political and religious freedom of the members while maximizing the power and control of the central church organization. This all needs to be reversed, hopefully without causing unnecessary losses and waste.

Where the original church of Christ had all priesthood power available locally so that all the saving ordinances could be administered locally and for free, making completely optional the very existence of a central paid bureaucracy, the central church has taken advantage of historical circumstances to centralize and control all of the saving ordinances so that it could maximize the income from dispensing those ordinances in places and under procedures of its choosing.

It is obvious that the LDS central offices could continue on indefinitely by simply making use of the typical returns on invested assets, making it perfectly pointless and even strongly counterproductive for the church members to continue to send tithing monies to the central offices. Since those central offices refuse to use that money in normal charitable ways to improve the lives of individuals and to improve the society in general, there is no obvious reason to continue to send any of that money to the central offices.

To the extent that the central offices chose to offer and manage charitable programs and to receive free-will offerings to support those programs which are popular enough to invite and receive funding, then they are welcome to do so. Otherwise, they have no religion-based "taxing authority" to require church members to send their monies to the central offices. The very idea that church members must buy their salvation by sending money to Salt Lake City is repugnant to the Gospel of Christ and needs to be terminated immediately. Not the least of the problems is the attitude of irresponsibility and corruption all this excess free money encourages among central church officers and employees.

3. Reinstitute New Testament Charity
The original Christian religion is centered on the principle of charity, assuming that volunteer effort and free-will contributions and offerings are the best way to help individuals and to improve the society in general, gradually leading to an improved Zion society. The first consequence of imposing a tithing tax on people is to counteract and even destroy that charitable impulse and deny the church members the valuable experience of learning how to best use their time and money to help individuals and whole societal groups.

10% of one's income is typically the most that people can consistently commit to free-will charitable activities, and if that 10% is taken by a tithing tax or a salvation tax, really a kind of Catholic-style "indulgence" payment, then that essentially ends Christian charity and enacts the backward, wasteful, and self-centered support of professional priests under a new regime of class society and priestcraft where the basic doctrines of the Church are changed on a regular basis to fit the desires and preferences of the new ruling class. Instead of the Christian religion, we now have nothing but a religious business scam run by clever self-interested priestcraft theologians playing a theatrical role.

4. Reinstitute the Gathering
The doctrine of the Gathering is a necessary component of building up Zion. In simple terms, Zion consists of a worldwide gathering of all the best people, those who are willing to live the gospel of Christ. It would be pointless and cruel to require those people to stay in Babylon while still trying to live the gospel completely, hoping to enjoy the promised benefits, something which it is essentially impossible to do.

5. Reinstitute the goal of Building Up Zion
The building up of Zion consists essentially of rooting out the foolish ideologies and corruption of men so that a pure society can be built. Basically, that is simply a matter of abiding by the principles of the U.S. Constitution to build up a country which maximizes freedom and allows people to use the principles and laws of a republic to govern themselves.

With the church potentially having so much influence in Utah, one might expect Utah to be the perfect example of a Zion Society. However, the bad ideologies, corrupt government bureaucrats, corrupt judges, and corrupt city administrators found in Utah are often as bad as that found in other places where the church has no opportunity for any great influence. Keeping Utah basically on the same low level as every other government of man is actually a goal of the LDS church leaders since they benefit from not being held to any duties as social activists to improve the human condition. For example, if they were to strongly foster freedom, honesty, and good government in the state of Utah, then they might be less welcome as a church governing body in some communist country halfway around the globe where freedom and fair government are a great deal less welcome than they would be in Utah.

This conscious effort by the current church to make sure that the church, the state, and the country are NOT lights on a hill, needs to be changed. The church and the society in which it operates need to become examples of the ideal, and not simply remain at common levels like everyone else. The actions must equal the words proposing improvements. Simply allowing everyone to practice charity and use their resources as they wish to help individuals and build up the society should mostly take care of this problem which is now being blocked by the government-style tax-and-spend tithing logic which now controls the LDS church and which therefore controls and limits the membership.

Further studies and projects
1. A separate section will be provided to explore the scriptures concerning the Church's mission during the latter days.

2. We need an action project to illustrate our intentions to reinvigorate Christian charity.
I favor funding programs to help children and families such as by working to lower the need for abortions, increasing adoptions, increasing foster care, and operating schools and orphanages. There are many other programs that might be researched and implemented, but saving and educating children seems the most basic and pressing and most beneficial to all concerned. I have spent a lot of time studying such possibilities.

Implementation ideas
The people who agree with this manifesto, and the many others who will surely agree later, can change their attitudes and their behaviors just a little bit and it will have the good effect of gradually moving the church back to where it should have always been. With today's nearly infinite kinds of social media and communication mechanisms, it should be possible for people to feel like they are part of a larger group and be encouraged by the efforts and achievements of each other, while still remaining anonymous, at least to begin with. An "anonymous Zion" may sound like a contradiction in terms, but it may be the best way to get started. This might be viewed as building a new kind of "silent majority."

If someone wants to raise the issue of being divisive or of "not being of one heart and one mind" concerning this manifesto, we might notice that there are other elements within the church which are divergent from current central church preferences and yet are still being encouraged to stay within the fold. The so-called LGBT people, which I prefer to call DNA Mormon ideological pagans, are being treated very solicitously, with kid gloves, so to speak, by the church leaders, apparently hoping they will stay within the church. Perhaps as long as they are paying tithing the church will welcome them in regardless of their anti-Christian beliefs and behavior, that seeming to church leaders like a clever and profitable business decision to make. Perhaps we could eventually end up with the extreme situation where those pagans are the only ones who are paying tithing to the central church, perhaps feeling a greater need for religious organizational absolution than real Christians. But since the central church doesn't need any income from its members, pagan or otherwise, these payments should not be a factor.

The greater concern is whether true gospel believers who live the New Testament teaching of charity, etc., can live and worship on a long-term basis alongside the pagans who have absorbed most of their beliefs and behaviors from a corrupt world. At that point, if there is a need for a choice, the most likely outcome is a separation into two completely independent religious organizations. If that religious separation seems inevitable, we might consider using the term New Testament LDS Church or NTLDS for the new group, and Old Testament LDS Church or OTLDS for the left-behind group.

One of the major inefficiencies of the current church, with its extreme centralization of everything, including the ownership and control of all church meeting places, is that those meeting places are poorly utilized, in many cases. For example, to counteract the evils that now riddle the government school system, the early grades of school might be taught using local chapel space as local school space.

Today, the central church goes to extreme lengths to stay on good terms with civil governments. It does this by avoiding competing with them in any way, such as in providing major welfare services or in assisting in the provision of religion-based educational services. The basic problem is, of course, that unless the church is willing to fight for its principles, especially in the way it trains up its youth, then the Church has no future. It will simply be swallowed up in the overwhelming Marxist flood of ideology being imposed upon the populace by leftist federal and state governments. It is now no longer a church, but only a business. It may soon not even be able to operate as a business, having let society deteriorate into oblivion.

A year of change
Rather than immediately announce this initiative to the world and to the church, it might be wise to let people practice supporting these ideas for a year. If a supporting groundswell can be generated, then it might make sense to go the next step and become more visible, encouraging a large second-tier of people to join in.

We might create a Facebook page which provides a way to inform all concerned about the content of the manifesto, and any statistics or progress reports that might be of interest to everyone, nearly all accomplished anonymously.

As an auxiliary social media mechanism, we might have a special Gmail account which allows everyone to report on what they are doing, and make any suggestions. They may remain anonymous or not, as they choose. Those e-mail reports and suggestions would be kept separate from the Facebook page, and then summarized as necessary and placed on Facebook, on a Google doc, etc. – a kind of ongoing survey of progress. I'm sure there are hundreds or thousands of people more expert in the use of social media than I am, so any suggestions would be appreciated.

People might report on charitable actions they have executed, particularly those that involve a fairly large amount of effort or money. If there is a general feeling that specific real-world projects ought to be started, then that same e-mail address might be used to accumulate all comments. The actual accumulation of money to take action could be done through that process or perhaps a "go fund me"-style online mechanism might be used to accept both pledges and actual monies. (I just read that a Texas rancher is willing to give Elon Musk 100 acres on which to establish a new Twitter data center. That seems like a great idea. Perhaps some similar ideas might be offered to enhance the more general cause of Zion.)

Greater visibility
This manifesto might later be presented to the church and to the world by one person or small group supported by at least 1000 individual church members. We might explicitly agree that this manifesto would not be made public until at least 1000 people were willing to support it. The names and locations of those church members would not be provided at that time, or perhaps not at any time. This is a new situation and there is no predicting what the LDS central offices might decide to do. At least until the outcome is known, those names would remain undisclosed.

The LDS Church today does not appear to have any inclination to abide by the U.S. Constitution for all purposes. Of course, it does take advantage of the Constitution when it is convenient for the church's purposes, as in its legal cases, but ignores it when it's not convenient, especially internally. With the future behavior of the Church central offices unpredictable, that is part of the reason why we would wait a time before becoming more visible as a group.
This is so well thought out and written. Thanks for taking the time to draft this. I’d sign my name to this

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by InfoWarrior82 »

"bUt wE aRe bUiLdiNg ZiOn!!!"

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by lundbaek »

Many people have died because of President Nelson & Co. urging the deadly-jab.

But how many people are alive today because they took the vaccines, who would e dead if they had not?

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by InfoWarrior82 »

lundbaek wrote: April 30th, 2022, 11:11 am Many people have died because of President Nelson & Co. urging the deadly-jab.

But how many people are alive today because they took the vaccines, who would e dead if they had not?

The risk of getting complications from the shot is higher than dying from covid.

Don't you remember that they changed the narrative from: "They prevent you from getting covid!!!" To "We never said that! We always said that it helps a little bit when you get covid!!!"

But it doesn't help at all. You have a better chance of getting covid and recovering than you do getting the shot and not being damaged by it.
Last edited by InfoWarrior82 on April 30th, 2022, 11:23 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by Gadianton Slayer »

lundbaek wrote: April 30th, 2022, 11:11 am But how many people are alive today because they took the vaccines, who would e dead if they had not?
I’d bet next to none. Many (if not most) people who died of “covid” were likely victims of hospital protocol, not the actual sickness.

Remdesivir… ventilators… etc.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by silverado »

lundbaek wrote: April 30th, 2022, 11:11 am Many people have died because of President Nelson & Co. urging the deadly-jab.

But how many people are alive today because they took the vaccines, who would e dead if they had not?
No one knows the answer to that. Some of each probably. Every body is different. That is why they should never have urged-one way or the other- and just reminded us to get our own revelation.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by Fred »

lundbaek wrote: April 30th, 2022, 11:11 am Many people have died because of President Nelson & Co. urging the deadly-jab.

But how many people are alive today because they took the vaccines, who would e dead if they had not?
That question is not possible to answer. Anyone that says it is, is a liar. It simply is not possible to know whether or not a person that lived after getting satan's elixir would have lived anyway. My personal guess is that not a single person on planet earth has benefitted in any way whatsoever from getting jabbed. We do know for certain that millions have been maimed.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by Allison »

Fred wrote: April 30th, 2022, 12:50 pm
lundbaek wrote: April 30th, 2022, 11:11 am Many people have died because of President Nelson & Co. urging the deadly-jab.

But how many people are alive today because they took the vaccines, who would e dead if they had not?
That question is not possible to answer. Anyone that says it is, is a liar. It simply is not possible to know whether or not a person that lived after getting satan's elixir would have lived anyway. My personal guess is that not a single person on planet earth has benefitted in any way whatsoever from getting jabbed. We do know for certain that millions have been maimed.
There is a good way of knowing, though. The Church probably has statistics on over all mortality from year to year, and they might even know within various age ranges. The question is what year did the over all death rate shoot up? I’m betting they are pretty shocked by the death rate in 2021 and this year. Also betting there was no sharp increase in 2020.

Does the general public have access to these figures? Would be fascinating to know.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by lundbaek »

It seems to me that President Nelson & Co. went to some lengths to promote the vaccines and persuade members to take the shots. What with all the hullabaloo about people being killed or otherwise adversely affected by the vaccines, I think the responsible Church authorities owe the membership some sort of explanation of its position in all of this.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by Gadianton Slayer »

lundbaek wrote: April 30th, 2022, 2:18 pm It seems to me that President Nelson & Co. went to some lengths to promote the vaccines and persuade members to take the shots. What with all the hullabaloo about people being killed or otherwise adversely affected by the vaccines, I think the responsible Church authorities owe the membership some sort of explanation of its position in all of this.
You’ll get nothing.

They can’t lead you astray, remember? And if coaxing members to their deaths isn’t leading astray, I don’t know what is.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by The Red Pill »

The deadly-jab benefited NO-ONE...NOT ONE...because it was not designed to benefit anyone. It was designed to kill people.

An IQ over 70 and common sense should tell you that already. Every single day, triple and quadruple jabbed people are getting covid. While formerly healthy athletes who got the jab, are dropping dead...gee-wiz.

Three stages of death...all with plausible deniability built in...

Short term through the micro blood clots and the other 1290 adverse side effects the FDA and Pfizer knew about. Mid term via ADE...that's what we are starting to see now by the 40% increase in mortality rates among 18 to 64 year old as reported by numerous insurance companies and mortuary businesses.

But wait...since the evil thing was designed to weaken your immune system, we ain't seen nothing yet. The cancer rates are already skyrocketing among the jabed...wait a couple years and even the most dyed in the wool apologist will know just how deadly the jab really is.

Some though, still might not admit it...but they will know. I see Q15 in this category.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by simpleton »

lundbaek wrote: April 30th, 2022, 11:11 am Many people have died because of President Nelson & Co. urging the deadly-jab.

But how many people are alive today because they took the vaccines, who would e dead if they had not?
Not one single person.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by Fred »

The Red Pill wrote: April 30th, 2022, 3:45 pm The deadly-jab benefited NO-ONE...NOT ONE...because it was not designed to benefit anyone. It was designed to kill people.

An IQ over 70 and common sense should tell you that already. Every single day, triple and quadruple jabbed people are getting covid. While formerly healthy athletes who got the jab, are dropping dead...gee-wiz.

Three stages of death...all with plausible deniability built in...

Short term through the micro blood clots and the other 1290 adverse side effects the FDA and Pfizer knew about. Mid term via ADE...that's what we are starting to see now by the 40% increase in mortality rates among 18 to 64 year old as reported by numerous insurance companies and mortuary businesses.

But wait...since the evil thing was designed to weaken your immune system, we ain't seen nothing yet. The cancer rates are already skyrocketing among the jabed...wait a couple years and even the most dyed in the wool apologist will know just how deadly the jab really is.

Some though, still might not admit it...but they will know. I see Q15 in this category.
I know that there are a lot of people stupid enough to fit in that category. I don't know how many of those own multi million dollar law firms, a medical degree, personal friends with doctors that specialize in such, or the very best advisors that money can buy. RMN has all of this. So for him to be that incredibly stupid is a stretch in my mind. The alternative is that he was turned evil the day he became a democrat. Once it is alright to kill the unborn and tax the productive to pay the lazy, the rest of it is automatic. Labor unions with guns to the heads of business. Guns at the heads of taxpayers. Illegal laws to prohibit people from protecting themselves. Any church headed by democrats is evil. Hoping that RMN actually is that stupid is not admitting that he is actually an evil prick. Mask mandates, joining the UN, WEF, Secret Clergy Response Team, etc. Just voting for Biden means he is not a follower of Christ. No follower of Christ on earth supports Mutt Romney.

It is hard to use such harsh words for a man that many believe to be good, but the truth is that he is not. His fruit is rotten. His actions are despicable. I am sure you already know this. I just find it not believable that a man with his vast resources, and claiming to converse with the Almighty God, could do the things he has done without being a devout satanist.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by Chip »

The members can't do anything about the leadership, but they can repent of their idolatrous relationship towards them.

If the leaders aren't the PSR's that they claim to be, yet their supposed station is the primary feature of the church, what is there to salvage? Probably best to just leave and find Jesus, yourself.

"Good global citizens"? "Safe and effective"? What further sign does anyone need? If your love is not for the Lord and the truth, but this church, you might be doomed.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by sandman45 »

lundbaek wrote: April 30th, 2022, 11:11 am Many people have died because of President Nelson & Co. urging the deadly-jab.

But how many people are alive today because they took the vaccines, who would e dead if they had not?
My family and I are still alive. Never once tested or took the godsend. 🤷‍♂️

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by Chip »

sandman45 wrote: April 30th, 2022, 7:56 pm
lundbaek wrote: April 30th, 2022, 11:11 am Many people have died because of President Nelson & Co. urging the deadly-jab.

But how many people are alive today because they took the vaccines, who would e dead if they had not?
My family and I are still alive. Never once tested or took the godsend. 🤷‍♂️

I know many people who had the common sense not to take the shot, but they did it, anyway, because they thought it was most important to follow the prophet.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by simpleton »

Chip wrote: April 30th, 2022, 8:34 pm
sandman45 wrote: April 30th, 2022, 7:56 pm
lundbaek wrote: April 30th, 2022, 11:11 am Many people have died because of President Nelson & Co. urging the deadly-jab.

But how many people are alive today because they took the vaccines, who would e dead if they had not?
My family and I are still alive. Never once tested or took the godsend. 🤷‍♂️

I know many people who had the common sense not to take the shot, but they did it, anyway, because they thought it was most important to follow the prophet.
Therefore will the Lord cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush in one day . The ancient, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail . For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed . Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows; for every one of them is a hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

We must be quite wicked for God to even have no mercy on the fatherless and the widow....
We are in bad shape.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by Original_Intent »

I like the OP, and don't disagree with the principles outlined. It is well thought out. And yes, the first principle, that of agency is foundational.

But ultimately, we overcomplicate things. I repeat I don't disagree with anything in the manifesto.
But it really boils down to two commandments and one choice.

The two commandments are love the Lord thy God with all thy heart. The second is like unto it, Love thy neighbor as thyself.

The single choice is service to self, or service to others. This is the polarity that we are here to choose between.

The secret combination begun with Cain and currently spread thru the earth is ultimately service to self. Cain killed Abel believing that Abel's flocks would fall to him.
All of the child sacrifice and Satanic Ritual Abise, virtually all of the corporations and governments are based on this principle. America was once a city on a hill to be a standard for other nations to follow. It is no longer the case,

Meanwhile, even those of us on the "good" side are both weak and, in some cases, we also serve the negative polarity. There are few among us who can live selflessly, and none that worships God with all their heart. I have been thinking about the members of the early restored gospel. There were so many who were not general authorities that really were all in, or at least much moreso than most members now. There were many that were anxiously engaged, and the prophet Joseph Smith understood that it was OK for people to have incorrect ideas. The important thing was the passion with which they sought God. Of course, they failed and were under condemnation for it. How much more must we be under condemnation as a people?

In order to love God, we must know Him. I'm guilty of failing to seek Him constantly.

And I hate service - I really do and have my whole life. I hated "service projects", but I think I only hated them because of the peer pressure to participate, It did not feel freely given, and of course the church excels at guilt. This is an abuse of agency,

Find ways to serve others that you can do so joyfully. It's a process, start with those close to you who you already desire to serve. As you get practice the circle of people you wish to serve will grow.. This is crucial, accomplish this and everything else will fall into place. Fail to do so, and no number of manifestos, plans, theories, or inspirations will accomplish the desired goal. Zion is one heart and one mind and that simply isn't going to happen without a mighty change.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by Cruiserdude »

Original_Intent wrote: May 1st, 2022, 1:13 am I like the OP, and don't disagree with the principles outlined. It is well thought out. And yes, the first principle, that of agency is foundational.

But ultimately, we overcomplicate things. I repeat I don't disagree with anything in the manifesto.
But it really boils down to two commandments and one choice.

The two commandments are love the Lord thy God with all thy heart. The second is like unto it, Love thy neighbor as thyself.

The single choice is service to self, or service to others. This is the polarity that we are here to choose between.

The secret combination begun with Cain and currently spread thru the earth is ultimately service to self. Cain killed Abel believing that Abel's flocks would fall to him.
All of the child sacrifice and Satanic Ritual Abise, virtually all of the corporations and governments are based on this principle. America was once a city on a hill to be a standard for other nations to follow. It is no longer the case,

Meanwhile, even those of us on the "good" side are both weak and, in some cases, we also serve the negative polarity. There are few among us who can live selflessly, and none that worships God with all their heart. I have been thinking about the members of the early restored gospel. There were so many who were not general authorities that really were all in, or at least much moreso than most members now. There were many that were anxiously engaged, and the prophet Joseph Smith understood that it was OK for people to have incorrect ideas. The important thing was the passion with which they sought God. Of course, they failed and were under condemnation for it. How much more must we be under condemnation as a people?

In order to love God, we must know Him. I'm guilty of failing to seek Him constantly.

And I hate service - I really do and have my whole life. I hated "service projects", but I think I only hated them because of the peer pressure to participate, It did not feel freely given, and of course the church excels at guilt. This is an abuse of agency,

Find ways to serve others that you can do so joyfully. It's a process, start with those close to you who you already desire to serve. As you get practice the circle of people you wish to serve will grow.. This is crucial, accomplish this and everything else will fall into place. Fail to do so, and no number of manifestos, plans, theories, or inspirations will accomplish the desired goal. Zion is one heart and one mind and that simply isn't going to happen without a mighty change.
Excellent stuff hermano. Spiritually motivating 👍

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by silverado »

Allison wrote: April 30th, 2022, 1:33 pm
Fred wrote: April 30th, 2022, 12:50 pm
lundbaek wrote: April 30th, 2022, 11:11 am Many people have died because of President Nelson & Co. urging the deadly-jab.

But how many people are alive today because they took the vaccines, who would e dead if they had not?
That question is not possible to answer. Anyone that says it is, is a liar. It simply is not possible to know whether or not a person that lived after getting satan's elixir would have lived anyway. My personal guess is that not a single person on planet earth has benefitted in any way whatsoever from getting jabbed. We do know for certain that millions have been maimed.
There is a good way of knowing, though. The Church probably has statistics on over all mortality from year to year, and they might even know within various age ranges. The question is what year did the over all death rate shoot up? I’m betting they are pretty shocked by the death rate in 2021 and this year. Also betting there was no sharp increase in 2020.

Does the general public have access to these figures? Would be fascinating to know.
I think, even if the Church has statistics, if they don't want to see or admit the cause, they will just attribute it to something else.

"How many people are alive today because they took the vaccines, who would be dead if they had not?" The answer can only be a guess, because you cant know something that didn't happen.

People believe what they want to believe.

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by GeeR »

sandman45 wrote: April 30th, 2022, 7:56 pm
lundbaek wrote: April 30th, 2022, 11:11 am Many people have died because of President Nelson & Co. urging the deadly-jab.

But how many people are alive today because they took the vaccines, who would e dead if they had not?
My family and I are still alive. Never once tested or took the godsend. 🤷‍♂️
Same here for me and my family. I'm in a business where I come into contact with the public and for the past two years I never did come down with COVID 19 and never had the clot-shot. I'm fine and healthy!

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Re: The 2022 Internal Mormon Manifesto -- out for comment

Post by GeeR »

Gadianton Slayer wrote: April 30th, 2022, 2:31 pm
lundbaek wrote: April 30th, 2022, 2:18 pm It seems to me that President Nelson & Co. went to some lengths to promote the vaccines and persuade members to take the shots. What with all the hullabaloo about people being killed or otherwise adversely affected by the vaccines, I think the responsible Church authorities owe the membership some sort of explanation of its position in all of this.
You’ll get nothing.

They can’t lead you astray, remember? And if coaxing members to their deaths isn’t leading astray, I don’t know what is.
The practical thing to do for this underhandedness is to remains silent. Why dig the hole deeper for themselves by responding!?

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