Any Rudolf Steiner readers here? (Anthroposophy and Mormonism)

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Any Rudolf Steiner readers here? (Anthroposophy and Mormonism)

Post by creator »

Has anyone here read/studied the writings/teachings of Rudolf Steiner?

I've mostly been reading via audio books (Audible & YouTube) and have so far read the following:
  • Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment
  • The Philosophy of Freedom
  • Christianity As Mystical Fact
  • The Outline of Occult Science
  • From Jesus to Christ
  • Atlantis and Lemuria
  • Road to Self Knowledge
  • An Esoteric Cosmology
  • The Education of Children from the Standpoint of Theosophy
  • On Epidemics: Spiritual Perspectives
Also, for those who might wonder, Steiner's connection to Theosophy is not to be confused with the teachings of Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky (whom you could say went down the anti-Christ new age path, also distinguished between Eastern and Western paths). Steiner called his western esoteric philosophy "Anthroposophy". The key differences between that and new age teachings are clear once you get familiar with his writings. Steiner is very much grounded in correct principles.

Rudolf Steiner Press Audio (on YouTube)

I'll probably start some individual threads about particular teachings I've been contemplating. I find it all so fascinating. He wrote about (and researched) the evolution of the earth and mankind, spiritual science, esoteric cosmology, higher worlds (i.e. the spiritual world, heaven, hell, etc) and much more.

And just to be clear, I'm not leaving Mormonism. :D As explained in my next post there are similarities between Anthroposophy and Mormonism. I'm looking for truth wherever it may be found..

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Re: Any Rudolf Steiner readers here? (Anthroposophy and Mormonism)

Post by creator »

I came across a paper titled "Anthroposophy and Mormonism: Two Tributaries of The Secret Stream", written by someone that considers herself an "esoteric Mormon". She highlights some similarities between Joseph Smith and Rudolf Steiner.

Here are some excerpts:
My understanding of esotericism as it relates to the spiritual heritage of mankind is that it is the invisible, underground complement and depth dimension that brings living forces into religious and spiritual institutions. It is the notion that there is an esoteric basis to Mormonism that is the rationale for the comparison I will make in this paper. ...

I am proposing that, at its core, Mormonism has a deeper, additional purpose to the outward good it does. It is that purpose that invites us to examine Mormonism’s similarities to Anthroposophy with its connection to the esoteric spiritual stream. The premises upon which I will build are as follows:

1. Throughout human history and on into modern times there is an esoteric spiritual stream that seeks to liberate humanity from all forms of hindrances to the evolution of the human soul towards an exalted and divinized state...

2. Anthroposophy and Mormonism exist, in part, to honor the Divine Feminine through the advancement of wisdom (Greek: sophia) consciousness, evidenced in Rudolf Steiner’s work by the very word “anthroposophia,” and, in the case of Mormonism, by the scripture which prompted Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, to ask God regarding the truthfulness of the sects of his day, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God . . . .” (James 1:5 King James version. Italics mine.) The resulting vision received by Joseph Smith is the very foundation of the formation of Mormonism and connected Smith to the wisdom stream.

3. Anthroposophy and Mormonism both embrace the Christ Being as central to the spiritual advancement of humanity. Both movements ascribe to the Christ Being the highest and most exalted spiritual status of which we are aware.

The Secret Stream - It is well known among Anthroposophists that Rudolf Steiner considered his work to be the outflow of a secret stream that in the seventeenth century was informed by the revelation of the Rosicrucian documents and was, in its essence, Christianity at its deepest. Rosicrucianism was a movement that sought nothing less than the transformation of the baser aspects of the human soul through a “divinization” process into a purified virtuous and exalted being, known in alchemical circles as turning lead into
gold. ...

Mormonism plants itself securely within the ideas of the transformation of baser inclinations into the exalted destiny of the human soul. To “become God” is part of Mormonism’s deepest purpose. An oft-quoted couplet given by the fifth president of the church Lorenzo Snow is, “As man now is, God once was; as God is now man may be.” ...

In presenting grand panoramas of the progression of the human soul, both Anthroposophy and Mormonism seek, in unique ways, to answer the primal existential questions: Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? Even though Steiner’s descriptions of the seven evolutionary stages of the earth and the history and future of mankind may not, at first glance, have much in common with Joseph Smith’s more limited descriptions, it needs to be borne in mind that Smith always likened his ability to convey what he knew to his followers as being “shut up in a nutshell.” He bemoaned the limitations to what he could present to his flock because they would “fly to pieces like glass” if the information challenged traditional Christianity, which, then and now, decries any notion of a preexistence and reviles as pure blasphemy the idea that mankind can progress to the level of God. Smith introduced these tradition shattering concepts to his followers after long preparation.

Three months prior to his death, Joseph Smith gave a stunning sermon to a rapt gathering of 15,000 (The King Follett Sermon/Discourse). To prepare his listeners for the deeper doctrine he wished to convey, Joseph Smith described a period long before the creation of the world and revealed the pre-mortal existence of human spirits and the divine destiny of mankind. ...

The differences between Rudolf Steiner and Joseph Smith on these subjects may be more apparent than real, more differences of delivery of the message rather than differences of conclusion. Smith was prone to present an overarching view of the whole; Steiner described the details.


Presently, Mormonism and Anthroposophy are experiencing turmoil as their adherents grapple with understanding the original intent of their founders. What if we looked to each other and to other systems of thought to fill in gaps present in our thinking? The thought processes I have applied in this paper led to discovering remarkable similarities between two, seemingly disparate movements.

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Re: Any Rudolf Steiner readers here? (Anthroposophy and Mormonism)

Post by Prana »

Many of the principles and overall concepts (without the rigid dogma) that drew me to Mormonism can be found in the teachings of Steiner, Walter Russell, Joseph Campbell, and even Ram Dass.

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Re: Any Rudolf Steiner readers here? (Anthroposophy and Mormonism)

Post by abijah` »

Prana wrote: September 2nd, 2021, 5:42 pmRam Dass.
Is that name real? Unfortunate.

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Re: Any Rudolf Steiner readers here? (Anthroposophy and Mormonism)

Post by Cruiserdude »

abijah` wrote: September 2nd, 2021, 5:49 pm
Prana wrote: September 2nd, 2021, 5:42 pmRam Dass.
Is that name real? Unfortunate.

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Re: Any Rudolf Steiner readers here? (Anthroposophy and Mormonism)

Post by Lynn »

Yes, I have read & respected some of Steiner's works. I have a few of his books around here running around in the library.

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Re: Any Rudolf Steiner readers here? (Anthroposophy and Mormonism)

Post by Peeps »

The first I heard about Mr. Steiner was when the covid vaccine came out. And then talk of a "Funvaxx" had already been developed came out, and that was precisely the type of inoculation Mr. Steiner was referring to, and the foundation for the covid vaccines. Presentation on the "Funvaxx": ... y_behavior

Mr. Steiner's quote (in case someone has not heard about it).

Steiner: I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people’s souls when they are very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinate against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life ‘foolish’ here, of course, in the eyes of materialists.


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Re: Any Rudolf Steiner readers here? (Anthroposophy and Mormonism)

Post by Lynn »

Most interesting statement by Steiner. For those who do not know of "J-Rod", a captured alien that linked with a microbiologist at Area 5, he (the Microbiologist) was shown creation from J-Rod's perspective. In a sense, for comparison, if you recall, in the Star Trek first reboot with Chris Pine as Kirk & two Spock's (Nimoy & the new younger one), Spock (Nimoy) instead of explaining verbally what has happened, mentally transfers the "brief" directly. In a sense, he has sent an imprint (compressed file of data).

"J-Rod" was from the future, in which something happens in our current era (soon to be), a spiritual evolution. It seems somehow, his future lost their contact with spirituality & they want to regain it. Their history (of our future) shows something extraordinary occurred in our soon to be timeline. They feel as if a portion of them is missing & want to relink with it.

I know exactly what they think they are missing. I feel that it is still there, but buried in the rubble. In a sense, it could be the way Steiner has stated. They have actually lost the NAME/WORD, and its connection to the ONE. They have no remembrance. The very "sound-vibration-complex" which brought about creation. Of which in our soon to be era, is about to be taught once again, as per the prophecies.

How many have seen the 5 year series titled "Fringe"? If not, you need to see it. In the 5th season, our era was invaded by those from the future. They had progressed to be much smarter & such. But in that path they lost something much more precious- Love & other things such as emotion. And sadly, they felt their path was superior. However, in order to reset that tragic future, an anomoly had to be found that could alter that pathway. Very similar, in analogy.

I doubt if the COVid vaccinations are the one Steiner is speaking of, but it could be steps on the ladder to that direction.

If you want me to post what "J-Rod" shared, just ask.

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Re: Any Rudolf Steiner readers here? (Anthroposophy and Mormonism)

Post by Niemand »

There is a Steiner School across the road fromyhe Scotland mission home

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Re: Any Rudolf Steiner readers here? (Anthroposophy and Mormonism)

Post by BringerOfJoy »

abijah` wrote: September 2nd, 2021, 5:49 pm
Prana wrote: September 2nd, 2021, 5:42 pmRam Dass.
Is that name real? Unfortunate.
His real name was Richard Alpert--so it really makes you wonder. Didn't the name Richard Alpert come up in the series, "Lost?" Probably my imagination.

Edited to add: Nope, not my imagination:

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Re: Any Rudolf Steiner readers here? (Anthroposophy and Mormonism)

Post by Ymarsakar »

I have not read much of Steiner's works, but I have heard people quote him and he seems to have been investigating some core truths of this reality. Which is fine.

His paradigm is a bit dated so he uses words and concepts that would perhaps be better found in Edgar Cayce's time era.

Mormonism or to be precise Young and Smith's version of LDS, had many esoteric and mystical qualities. Qualities which were stamped out amongst the Western Orthodox churches by the Inquisition and various other shenanigans.

Before 2020, it was not that important to investigate everything as most people were busy with their lives, their jobs, their schooling, and their families.

In 2020, God had enough apparently and decided to take away people's normal lives, their jobs, their schools, and made them sick of their families 24/7. It was like a super version of home church. Home everything 24/7.

Of course I already underwent that cocoon transformation into a butterfly but for people that thought God had "called" them to stuff like careers and church callings, it must have been a shock to have seen almost all of it go BYE BYE. This created a "space" or "gap" from which the esoteric could enter, now that the old normal is gone.

We have returned from lockdowns and those man made church buildings have re opened yes, but the mental and heart internal worlds have not returned to the old lifestyle. This is the beginning of the Hero's Journey Archetype. And AMerica is right around the time when Luke lost his hand to a villain...

Personally, I am quite amazed that as many saints as could be found here and elsewhere have begun their esoteric journey. I, obviously approve, but I had been expecting the entire church to move as one. Perhaps that was just a little too naive of me in 2020. It makes a lot more sense the way I see it now, that people will go to different tracks and paths in life.

Steiner is correct about the waxxine issue. The end result is a desire to disconnect us, put us into a meta matrix, and then use us as batteries and digital microprocessors. That plus Georgia Guidestones depopulation, makes humans easier to manage. However, why the need for all this? Because God has reserved the best and greatest souls for these times, and they are being born as children. Why do people think they were so hot about abortion and trans mutilations? It is because they fear the children, as well as farm the children for their own profit.

The MRNA is just the precusor, as one guessed it. It is to get us used to "monthly boosters" which slowly change our DNA. If the DNA is changed enough, it will disconnect the Spirit consciousness of the soul from the body. This was referred to as the Beast (AI) system mark.

Whether ye be saint, child, man, or woman, the qabal cannot control you once you begin your apotheosis cocooning. The qabal are limited, the dark ones, and they lack illumination, true light of god source. How can they control the children of god that are undergoing the metamorphosis into butterfliers? These are of the same soul substance as Godhead, how can mortals control the godhead or even lesser fractals of the source? They cannot and they know it. So they abort them and mutilate them. The qabal dark ones don't fear governments or militaries or even the banksters. They fear you, those like you are on the apotheosis path. From mankind to godkind. Mortals cannot rule over gods after all. Your anthill doesn't rule over your lawn right.

P.S. Much of this I learned by reading the Journal of Discourses, specifically Young's teachings. The LDS faith and books are somewhat "sanitized". I preferred the original deal and research. In terms of heresy, the modern LDS doctrines are somewhat... lacking in what would really upset the qabal.

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