Corn belt at risk from Missouri River flooding/nuke plant

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Col. Flagg
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Corn belt at risk from Missouri River flooding/nuke plant

Post by Col. Flagg »" onclick=";return false;
The REAL problem is the danger they are in. No one seems to be able to look past the end of their nose...but if the nuclear plant in your neighborhood is flooding NOW...and the river still has about seven feet to go until it crests, what OUGHT you to be doing?

Finding out what is upstream of case it comes DOWNSTREAM. Like this: ... re=feedlik" onclick=";return false;

Missouri River Flood Information Websites

"River Watch" for daily information on reservoir levels, inflows, releases, inundation maps, weather forecast and much more: ... rwatch.xml" onclick=";return false;

U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Omaha District, flood information:" onclick=";return false;

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, has established a Joint Information Center to ensure timely and coordinated release of accurate information to the public by providing a single release point of information.

E-mail questions to the Joint Information Center at [email protected] or call (402) 996-3877.

U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Kansas City District, flood information:" onclick=";return false;

U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Northwestern Division, Missouri River Water Management, Reservoir Control Center:" onclick=";return false;

Does the below story reflect the same symptoms as radiation poisoning?

Kansas Health Officials - Don't Use Missouri River For ANYTHING
The Associated Press


TOPEKA - The Kansas Department of Health and Environment is advising people to avoid contact with the Missouri River.

The health department issued a health advisory Tuesday for all portions of the Missouri River that flow through the state. It advises that the flooding could sweep pathogens from surface water and partially treated sewage into the river.

The department is advising people to avoid contact with the river and to restrict pets and livestock from the river until flooding eases, which might not be for weeks. Pathogens can cause skin, ear, respiratory, eye and wound infections and diarrhea.

The KDHE says it's working to evaluate the risk of flooded wastewater treatment systems and has notified downstream water suppliers of the threat." onclick=";return false;
Ft. Calhoun is the designated spent fuel storage facility for the entire state of Nebraska...and maybe for more than one state.*

Calhoun stores its spent fuel in ground-level pools which are underwater anyway - but they are open at the top. When the Missouri river pours in there, it's going to make Fukushima look like an x-ray. But that's not all. There are a LOT of nuclear plants on both the Missouri and Mississippi and they can all go to hell fast.

BTW, US plants hold about four times OVER capacity in their spent fuel pools PLUS all the new and recently removed fuel from Calhoun...the plant was officially being refueled.

Be aware that Ft Calhoun isn't a BWR like Fukushima - it's a PWR. But that doesn't matter, because the fuel is all sitting OUTSIDE the reactor waiting to wash away or explode - which will destroy about 15,000 square miles of what used to be the corn belt. That's all being washed away by the flood waters anyway.

Calhoun may already be spewing radiation into the flooding Missouri...the public will be the last to be told. Therefore, everything the river water touches on its way downstream will or could become contaminated.

This could be nothing...or, it could wipe out the middle of America. Note the following:

The Fort Calhoun Nuclear Generating Station is a nuclear power plant located on 660 acres (270 ha) between Fort Calhoun, Nebraska, and Blair, Nebraska adjacent to the Missouri River. This plant has one Combustion Engineering pressurized water reactor generating 500 megawatts of electricity. In 2003, the plant had its operating license renewed for an additional twenty years, expiring in 2033.

The report states,

"During identification and evaluation of flood barriers, unsealed through wall penetrations in the outside wall of the intake, auxiliary and chemistry and radiation protection buildings were identified that are below the licensing basis flood elevation. A summary of the root causes included: a weak procedure revision process; insufficient oversight of work activities associated with external flood matters; ineffective identification, evaluation and resolution of performance deficiencies related to external flooding; and "safe as is" mindsets relative to external flooding events."

As a result of a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) inspection conducted from January 1 to June 21, 2010, the NRC determined that Fort Calhoun Station (FCS) did not have adequate procedures to protect the intake structure and auxiliary building against external flooding events. Specifically, contrary to Technical Specification 5.8.1.a, the station failed to maintain procedures for combating a significant flood as recommended by Regulatory Guide 1.33, Appendix A, section 6.w, "Acts of Nature."

Samuel the Lamanite
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Re: Corn belt at risk from Missouri River flooding/nuke plan

Post by Samuel the Lamanite »

Why aren't seeing list as front page news? I learn much more from this forum than anywhere else.

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Re: Corn belt at risk from Missouri River flooding/nuke plan

Post by sbsion »

could it be that this might be the "killing of the yellow dog" :( :-$

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Re: Corn belt at risk from Missouri River flooding/nuke plan

Post by Songbird »

This is not good...I am guessing it will affect people with in hundreds of miles radius. I am 3 hours away, and at this news I am trying to remember where I saw the guy (you tube) who gave you advice on what to do if you are in a nuclear fall out....

It's not front page news because of the panic it would cause.

And this will kill a lot more than a yellow dog....

Oh dear... oh dear... oh dear

Samuel the Lamanite
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Re: Corn belt at risk from Missouri River flooding/nuke plan

Post by Samuel the Lamanite »

Songbird: Curious. Is it right to withold important information needed to prepare for the worse so people "won't panic?" If the info comes just before there will be more than panic.

Samuel the Lamanite
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Posts: 2736

Re: Corn belt at risk from Missouri River flooding/nuke plan

Post by Samuel the Lamanite »

FWIW, many of my investment advisros are recommending buying Corn ETFs. They expect corn to double within next two years. Think about all the products that use caorn.

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Re: Corn belt at risk from Missouri River flooding/nuke plan

Post by Songbird »

Samuel the Lamanite wrote:Songbird: Curious. Is it right to withold important information needed to prepare for the worse so people "won't panic?" If the info comes just before there will be more than panic.
I shortened my sentence. What I meant was that they (tptb) deliberately withhold information because the of the panic it would cause.

Samuel the Lamanite
captain of 1,000
Posts: 2736

Re: Corn belt at risk from Missouri River flooding/nuke plan

Post by Samuel the Lamanite »

Songbird: Thanks for clarifying. Would you prefer to know or simply hope it won't occur?

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