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Post by dconrad000 »

VACCINE INFOWAR IN ALBERTA. On 11-14-09 my Letter To The Editor was published: ...followed by a letter of refutation by University of Lethbridge Chemistry Professor, Dr Peter W Dibble: ...and my response:

Additional Info: to see an extremely hard hitting interview on the absolute fraud and danger of vaccines...

There you will also learn about a simple tool to viralize the truth about vaccines.

The more people that know the truth, the harder it will be to force these vaccines on those of us that would rather put our trust in God, eating right, our own immune systems, natural remedies, faith and prayer...and of course, the protective power of the Priesthood and of the Promise of the Word of Wisdom.

It is imperative that we fight to be able to exercise our moral agency to choose what may or may not be injected into our own bodies -- and that of our children. If you don't have the right to do even are indeed, a slave.


Note: the Lethbridge Herald Links are now out-dated and non-operational. You may see the body of the text that appeared a few posts further down the thread. (1-21-11 DC)

Important health and safety information for your loved ones, here:
Last edited by dconrad000 on March 14th, 2018, 12:26 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Post by Jason »

dconrad000 wrote:VACCINE INFOWAR IN ALBERTA. On 11-14-09 my Letter To The Editor was published: ... 14455/150/ ...followed by a letter of refutation by University of Lethbridge Chemistry Professor, Dr Peter W Dibble: ... 17609/150/ ...and my response: ... 20485/150/

Additional Info: to see an extremely hard hitting interview on the absolute fraud and danger of vaccines...
Their system is down....can't read the articles.

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Post by dconrad000 »

...Lethbridge Herald site working again, now.

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Post by SwissMrs&Pitchfire »

Great work! Our hats are off to you. Keep up the great work. Glad to have you on board here.

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Post by Jason »

dconrad000 wrote:...Lethbridge Herald site working again, now.
Thank you...enjoyed that!

Here's another little piece from Rolling Stone (off topic - sorry): ... as-economy

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Post by dconrad000 »

Thank you for your kind words, SwissMrs.

If anyone would like to, they may pm me their e-mail address, & I will e-mail them an extremely persuasive, forwardable e-mail they can use to quickly convince all their friends -- which also has attached, high quality print-ready versions of the poster & flyers we used to absolutely saturate our town of Manti, Utah with the truth about vaccines.

(See what took place in Manti at )

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Post by dconrad000 » too, Jason...thank you for your kind words.

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Post by dconrad000 »

The Lethbridge Herald's site is down again...seems to be having intermittent trouble the mean-time, until they have their site up again, here is the text for my initial letter & then my response to the University of Lethbridge Chemistry Professor's hit-piece:

Vaccine Infowar In Alberta, Canada
Hits Mainstream Press

The following Letter To The Editor by a resident of Manti, appeared in the Lethbridge Herald November 14th, 2009. The Lethbridge Herald is a daily newspaper that is distributed to all the towns in Southern Alberta, including Cardston -- as well as in the City of Lethbridge.

Parents Need To Be Informed About Vaccine Content

Recently, I was disturbed to read a report, written by Rene Leiva, MD, entitled, “A Brief History of Human Diploid Cell Strains”. The report was copywrited in 2006 by the The National Catholic Bioethics Center; and appeared in the journal, The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, autumn, 2006.

The paper is a seven-page-report that documents how for 35-plus years now, aborted, human fetal tissue has been an integral component in many of our current day vaccines.

In fact an examination of the CDC’s own website, under the vaccine ingredient section, discloses Human Diploid Cells (aborted human fetal tissue) as an ingredient…along with a host of substances known to be highly toxic to the human body, such as formaldehyde, formalin, ammonium, aluminum…and many others.

Recently, I was also disturbed to read a report, written by a very well known, respected investigative journalist…who also happens to have a law degree (“Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity”, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. …very carefully sourced…and published in both Rolling Stone and Salon). The report cited transcripts obtained through the Freedom of Information Act – about a secret meeting that took place in June of 2000, at an isolated location; a retreat center called the Simpsonwood Conference Center, in Norcross Georgia. The meeting was convened by government officials of the CDC (Center For Disease Control); and included representatives of every major manufacturer, within the multi-billion-dollar vaccine industry.

Those transcripts of the meeting, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act reveal something very disturbing: The topic of discussion was about how they knew the vaccines were harming millions of children…and steps they should take to keep that information from the public.

Sadly, it seems to me – information disclosed to the public about vaccinations is more often than not, information that has been carefully screened and sculpted by those who stand to profit, often to the tune of billions of dollars – by perpetuating certain public beliefs.

It is my belief that parents and grandparents should exercise their right to inform themselves through sources independent from those that stand to profit by their choices – so that they might truly make informed decisions.

For documentation of the above facts and to learn more, Google the phrase, Infowars: They Want To Inject My Kid With What?

Dave Conrad
Manti, Utah
(formerly of Warner, Alberta) ... 14455/150/

Subsequent to the appearance of that letter, a letter of refutation was printed in the Lethbridge Herald, which was authored by Dr. Peter W. Dibble, Professor of Chemistry, University of Lethbridge.

See the following link for Professor Dibble's letter: ... 17609/150/

Here follows, the Manti resident's response:

Ingesting Is Different Than Injecting

In his November 20th letter, Professor Dibble demonstrates that a PHD in chemistry does not necessarily translate to a sound understanding of neurophysiology.

His refutation of my November 14th letter makes the authoritative sounding statement that he would have to eat half a kilogram of aluminum phosphate, in order for it to kill him.

That statement is akin to the sound bite which Big Pharma has put out to quell concerns regarding mercury in vaccines – which is, “For heaven’s sake, you get more mercury from eating a tuna fish sandwich, than you do from a vaccine.”

In the real world of physiology, however – there is a profound difference between ingesting a substance, wherein most of it passes through the digestive tract and is eliminated from your system – and having that same substance injected directly into the body, bypassing the digestive system, having direct access into the blood stream via capillary uptake, and access to neurological tissue in the brain through penetration of the blood-brain barrier.

The professor attempts to minimize the other primary sources of documentation cited, which includes testimony from several credible medical doctors, scientists and others, by referring only to the Rolling Stone/Salon article – which I concur, certainly is not a scientific/medical publication.

In reality however, the significance of the Rolling Stone/Salon article authored by Robert F Kennedy Jr., is this: those are enormous publications read by millions of people around the globe; and they understand full well the implications of a potential multi-billion dollar slander/libel law suit. They also understand that no slander/libel can be found if the material is indeed true, and can be proven to be true in a court of law. With that in mind, they proceeded (in that article) with publishing material extremely damning to one of the most powerful industries in the world – the multi-billion-dollar vaccine industry. The article cites irrefutable proof (transcripts obtained through the Freedom of Information Act) that a secret meeting occurred between the CDC and the Vaccine Industry; and that the purpose of the meeting was that they KNEW that vaccines were causing irreparable harm to millions of children around the world…and what they could do to keep that information from the public.

Again for documentation of the above facts, and many others…Google the phrase, Infowars: They Want To Inject My Kid With What?

Dave Conrad
Manti, Utah
(Formerly of Warner, Alberta) ... 20485/150/
Last edited by dconrad000 on May 19th, 2010, 1:36 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by dconrad000 »

...Lethbridge Herald site back on line again...

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Post by dconrad000 »

I express my appreciation for all those that have requested and received the above mentioned, forwardable e-mail -- a great many through youtube, and now a few through this forum, as well. Thank you for your desire to take action within your respective circles of influence.

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Post by Lamoni'sBFF »

Sorry guys, but I think you are going too far to paint all vaccines with the same brush. Go ahead and think that we just need to trust in God and the Word of Wisdom to let our natural immunity to save us. Do that just like all the very faithful saints did before we had vaccines and DIE just like many of them and their children did.

It is possible to look beyond the mark on science as well as religion. Making statements that all vaccines should be avoided in my opinion is throwing the blessings of enlightenment that Heavenly Father periodically gives to mankind, in the mud.

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Post by SwissMrs&Pitchfire »

I haven't seen where anyone said that all vaccines were always bad. The entire context of the discussion was about the poisons in the vaccines, not the vaccines themselves.

But the Lord has spoken concerning things like this, and FAITH IS NOT THE INFERIOR OPTION if that's your argument!
D&C 42:43-44
"And whosoever among you are sick, and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness, with herbs and mild food, and that not by the hand of an enemy.
And the elders of the church, two or more, shall be called, and shall pray for and lay their hands upon them in my name; and if they die they shall die unto me, and if they live they shall live unto me."
D&C 1:19 "The weak things of the world shall come forth and break down the mighty and strong ones, that man should not counsel his fellow man, neither trust in the arm of flesh— "

Why be afraid of death? That's just silly talk, the Lord is clear about our burden (faith after all we can do) here and we either have that faith or not.

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Post by dconrad000 »

Lamoni'sBFF, I don’t blame you one bit for believing the way you do. Many years ago I held the belief that vaccination was a good idea…believed what I had learned from grade school on up, about Edward Jenner’s invention of vaccination and smallpox; eradication of the dreaded polio epidemic – by vaccination…in fact I grew up on a large ranch, where we faithfully, year after year vaccinated the calves for Foot Rot.

However, after 20-plus years of study and personal experience with the issue…my beliefs are quite different now.

Here is what I now believe…and I have the words and the works of many credible scientists, doctors, statisticians, epidemiologists, researchers…and others…that bear witness to the truth of these things:

The Vaccine Industry, in order to perpetuate the fraud that has transferred trillions of dollars from the public sector to them — over the past 200 years — would have the public believe that they have saved us from all the dread diseases.

There never has been a vaccine for bubonic plague, leprosy, scarlet fever, dysentery, cholera…and many others...

…and the statistics given to the public and to students at med school, and to the widely disseminated trade journal medical literature — for the diseases for which there are vaccines…show graphs of morbidity and mortality only from the time the vaccine was introduced — which is highly deceptive.

If you get the numbers from the government — for the several decades before the introduction of the vaccine — and plot your own graph…you see that the graph was in sharp decline for decades — long before the vaccine was ever introduced — and that the graph from the time of introduction of each vaccine simply continues its downward trend at the same, steep downward angle…just as graphs for countries that never used the vaccine in the first place. Statistically, the reduction in incidence of harm from each specific disease had nothing whatsoever to do with each respective vaccine — but, in each case was due to other factors — such as natural acquired resistance, over time. Newly introduced diseases to populations tend to be more serious at first –then naturally diminish in their ill effects, over time — as the population increases in its natural resistance to that specific disease. Our God-given immune systems are quite remarkable things, indeed.

…but keeping the public in the dark about those things — and about the various, documented, serious dangers of vaccines — makes billions of dollars for the vaccine industry. It also keeps all the forces that are for profound population reduction happy (i.e. the UN, WHO, UNICEF, National and International Policy makers…and Vaccine Industry Leaders, themselves)… because having the public be willing to line up, roll up their sleeves, and take a shot, upon their orders…is a very convenient delivery system to be able to deliver a variety of soft kill eugenic bioweapons…and additional billions can be harvested by big Pharma…treating the wide-spread auto-immune disorders, brain damage, cancer, etc., etc.; that results from those vaccines. This is all highly lucrative to Big Pharma — that manufactures the vaccines.

People would be wise to not be too quick to believe information disseminated by the Vaccine Industry — that has billions of dollars at stake…a vested interest in having the public continue to believe that they absolutely need those vaccines…and the government which is influenced by people that want to dramatically reduce the world population…but then out of the other side of their mouths, claim they are very concerned about your health, well being…and longevity…and so you MUST take the shot they have specially prepared for you.

The cause of death to many early Saints who succumbed to disease – was lack of adequate food, lack of shelter resulting in exposure to harsh elements with accompanying decreased body temperature, etc., etc.; all of which profoundly weakens ones resistance to disease.

For any who are concerned about present-day pathogenic organisms – and interested in a safe alternative to dangerous vaccines and harmful antibiotics; I refer you to the following website:" onclick=";return false; , where you can learn about something that has come to us through modern-day technology – which kills pathogenic viruses and bacteria, without harming your own cells or tissues. (I have no affiliation with those that sell the product.)

Last edited by dconrad000 on October 9th, 2012, 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by NoGreaterLove »

Here is what I now believe…and I have the words and the works of many credible scientists, doctors, statisticians, epidemiologists, researchers…and others…that bear witness to the truth of these things:
Here is what a prophet has to say about these things:

There is a disposition on the part of man to find out everything that is mysterious, and the result has been that intelligent men have had their minds operated on by the Spirit of our Heavenly Father, and many of the conveniences to which I have referred have been the result. In the science of medicine, newly discovered anaesthetics have been a boon to suffering humanity, and by their use the surgeon has been able to perform wonderful operations. [Vaccines] have been prepared that have a tendency to prevent disease, and to stop its spread. Opportunity is given us to know what happens in all parts of the world each day through the great newspapers and magazines that are published. Everything that you can think of in the way of comfort and information has been presented to this dispensation. Unfortunately, notwithstanding these blessings, there is a tendency to worship the gift and to forget the Giver.
(George Albert Smith, The Teachings of George Albert Smith, edited by Robert McIntosh and Susan McIntosh [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1996], 6.)

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Post by dconrad000 »

NoGreaterLove wrote:
...and the result has been that intelligent men have had their minds operated on by the Spirit of our Heavenly Father, and many of the conveniences to which I have referred have been the result.
Thank you for sharing that, NoGreaterLove...

...and we are fortunate, that by that very principle, knowledge of safe alternatives has been disseminated (as mentioned in my previous comment), eliminating any reason for man to think they need to rely on substances, many of which have been manufactured in our current time, upon a foundation of aborted human fetal tissue; and which contain many other questionable and dangerous ingredients.

...not merely bits of germs mixed with purified water -- which many have been given the impression to believe.

These are things that have been hidden from view...and the time for these things to begin to be disclosed and understood is now, I do firmly believe.

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Post by NoGreaterLove »

The Church has sponsored many vaccination programs in third world countries over the years. That means the Lord's money has went to pay for these vaccines. So it is not wrong to use the vaccines or to pay for someone else to have them.

That being said. It is wrong to use aborted fetus in the manufacturing of the products. I believe until we have alternative vaccines available to the public, we should not feel guilty about using the current ones.

An example from the Ensign:

Church Helps Tanzania with Measles Vaccinations
“Church Helps Tanzania with Measles Vaccinations,” Ensign, Feb. 2009, 80
Thousands of children in Tanzania were vaccinated against measles in 2008. The immunization effort was a collaboration between the Tanzania Red Cross and Ministry of Health, the United Nations, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Measles is a highly contagious disease that continues to claims lives around the world, but is easily prevented. For this reason, an international partnership for the eradication of measles has received significant Church support.
Elder Kirk and Sister Carol Waldron, missionaries serving in the Kenya Nairobi Mission, went to Tanzania to help local leaders. Under the direction of Dar es Salaam District president Laurian Ponsiano Balilemwa the immunization effort was organized in the district’s four branches. Some 150 Church members walked considerable distances to volunteer their time in the campaign.
There were more than 100 posts situated throughout the Dar es Salaam District where people could be vaccinated. Church members distributed brochures and notices and registered the children who would be vaccinated. Thousands of children received the measles vaccination as well as oral polio drops, deworming medication, and vitamin A. Volunteers contributed a total of 4,176 hours, saving thousands of dollars in operating costs.

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Post by dconrad000 »

Thank you for again sharing your thoughts on the matter, NoGreaterLove. Your points certainly do beg some thought and contemplation.

It is also true that in 2003 the Red Cross approached the Church to participate in a vaccination campaign in Africa. The Church donated 3 million dollars to that campaign on the recommendation of Harold Brown, Church Director of Welfare and Humanitarian Services. It was however, not disclosed to those responsible for setting policy; that aborted human fetal tissue is frequently a component of many of today's vaccines (see documentation referenced above)...nor were several other problems associated with vaccines disclosed. As those authorized to do so, become aware of these and other issues, they certainly have the right to adjust policy as they see fit.

In the mean-time, I certainly recognize your moral agency to either study the issue for yourself...or not study the issue for yourself...and to feel guilty or not feel guilty (regarding the use of aborted human fetal tissue)...whatever your decision. That is your personal prerogative.
Last edited by dconrad000 on December 5th, 2009, 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by buffalo_girl »

We have a few contributors on this forum who like to speak for the General Authorities.

It would indeed be interesting to hear what the General Authorities have to say when presented with the reality of what is found in vaccines.

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Post by NoGreaterLove »

We have a few contributors on this forum who like to speak for the General Authorities.
If you are referencing this towards me, that was uncalled for.

The article I posted is directly from the Ensign and is easy to read. The Church promoted the vaccinations. That directly implies that the Prophet sanctioned it. I apologize if you were not referencing my post, but if you were, shame on you.

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Post by buffalo_girl »

It would indeed be interesting to hear what the General Authorities have to say when presented with the reality of what is found in vaccines.

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Post by clarkkent14 »

buffalo_girl wrote:It would indeed be interesting to hear what the General Authorities have to say when presented with the reality of what is found in vaccines.
Since they are so out in the dark??? I don't understand what you are getting at.

President Hinckley
We recently were applauded in the public press for giving three million dollars to vaccinate children against measles in Africa. This money did not come from tithing. It came from contributions of the faithful to the humanitarian work of the Church. We have joined the American Red Cross, the United Nations Foundation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the World Health Organization, and the Pan American Health Organization in an effort to immunize 200 million children and prevent 1.2 million deaths from measles over the next five years. Our contribution alone will provide vaccine for three million children.

What a marvelous and wonderful thing that is. And so it is with each of our humanitarian programs.

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Post by NoGreaterLove »

I am not criticizing anyone who chooses not to get vaccinated for whatever reason. I have enjoyed dconrad000 comments and he has educated me. I too have a problem with what is in the vaccines. I posted these quotes from various Church related sources to educate anyone who may be feeling guilty after learning that the ingredients contain unborn fetus.
I keep in mind that we have highly educated people in top leadership positions in the church who are experts in the science and health fields. I am sure they know what the vaccines contain. But even if they do not, the Lord does and he directed them to encourage immunizations. That is good enough for me.
I have attached the following quotes from various church sources. The first being out of the Priesthood Manual.

Medical and Dental Care
We can protect ourselves and our families from some diseases by getting immunizations and having regular medical checkups. In most parts of the world, immunizations are given by health clinics or physicians. We should also have a dentist check our teeth regularly.
“Lesson 24: Keeping Physically Healthy,” Duties and Blessings of the Priesthood: Basic Manual for Priesthood Holders, Part A, 177

Support for programs to immunize children against preventable childhood diseases has been expressed by the First Presidency.
In a recent statement, the First Presidency said, “Reports that increasing numbers of children are not being immunized against preventable childhood diseases deeply concern us.
“In the United States alone approximately 20 million children, 40 percent of those 14 years old or younger, have not been adequately immunized against polio, measles, German measles (rubella), diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), mumps and tetanus.
“Every parent who has agonized when these diseases have maimed or brought premature death to their children would join us, we are certain, in a plea to mobilize against these deadly enemies.
“Immunize Children, Leaders Urge,” Tambuli, Jul 1978, 29
“We urge members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to protect their own children through immunization. Then they may wish to join other public-spirited citizens in efforts to eradicate ignorance and apathy that have caused the disturbingly low levels of childhood immunization.
“Failure to act could subject untold thousands to preventable lifelong physical or mental impairment, including paralysis, blindness, deafness, heart damage and mental retardation.
“Immunization campaigns in the United States and other nations, if successful, will end much needless suffering and erase the potential threat of epidemics. Such efforts are deserving of our full support.”

June 23, 2009

When the Ivory Coast set out to immunize 3.2 million children under five years of age, they hoped to achieve a 50 percent success rate. They were thrilled when 95 percent were vaccinated. Similar success was found in Benin, where all 1.2 million children were vaccinated.
Part of the success was due to LDS Humanitarian
email: [email protected]

We recently were applauded in the public press for giving three million dollars to vaccinate children against measles in Africa. This money did not come from tithing. It came from contributions of the faithful to the humanitarian work of the Church. We have joined the American Red Cross, the United Nations Foundation, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the World Health Organization, and the Pan American Health Organization in an effort to immunize 200 million children and prevent 1.2 million deaths from measles over the next five years. Our contribution alone will provide vaccine for three million children.
Gordon B. Hinckley, “The State of the Church,” Liahona, Nov 2003, 4–7

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Post by dconrad000 »

Thank you once for again sharing additional thoughts on the matter, NoGreaterLove...again, important points that need to be considered.

It is my experience that higher educational materials provided regarding safety, efficacy and content of vaccines, comes ultimately from those who produce and profit by the manufacture of those vaccines. Information put out to the public via mainstream media; and to acedemia via mainstream medical trade journals and publications is carefully screened and sculpted; again by those who produce and profit from the vaccines.

I do not believe that it was disclosed, to those responsible for setting policy; that aborted human fetal tissue is frequently a component of many of today's vaccines (see documentation referenced above)...nor were several other problems associated with vaccines disclosed.

As earlier stated, as those authorized to do so, become aware of these and other issues, they certainly have the right to adjust policy as they see fit.

In the mean-time; to anyone interested, for the safety and peace of mind of themselves and their families, I would encourage one in taking the opportunity to study this issue for oneself...and then exercise your moral agency to act in accordance with what you feel inspired to be best for yourself and your family.

...and for those fearful of any present-day, pathogenic micro-organisms; there are safe alternatives that work (as referenced above)...that do not rely upon aborted fetal tissue; and additionally do not place one at risk of harm to one's own cells or tissues.

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Post by gtoda »

I would like to see some proof of some kind regarding the claim that there are alternative preventative treatments for diseases which are normally treated with vaccines.

My wife and I have chosen not to have our children vaccinated after twice watching our oldest when she was younger lying on the floor convulsing with her eyes rolling back in her head, dry heaving. Though we could not prove it, I am absolutely certain our daughter is not the same after receiving the normal childhood vaccinations. Of course the medical profession asured us it had nothing to do with the vaccinations as we were standing in the emergency room (both times) holding her limp little body. She completely changed. She went from being abnormally bright and intelligent, which was noticeable to our doctors and often perfect strangers, to being way behind the average for her age. She constantly struggles in many aspects of her life and it breaks our hearts. I love the church and am an "active" member. Please keep in mind that the church is a huge bureaucracy like any other in many ways when considering church policy in any given area. It reminds me of the statement Joseph Smith made something to the effect that he was a man like any other except when he said thus saith the Lord. The church may be pro vaccine but I have not heard a prophet or anyone else utter the words "thus saith the Lord" when speaking of vaccines.

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Post by dconrad000 »

Thank you very much for sharing that very personal, and moving comment, GTSherman. My heart goes out to you for what you and your family have endured with your precious daughter. I can assure you that you are not alone. The statement that vaccine damage is extremely rare, is simply not true.

Anyone considering any vaccinations, may wish to go to my youtube channel, and see the 36 minute interview; and the accompanying documentation:
Last edited by dconrad000 on December 6th, 2009, 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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